Park Rangers Turn 'Gestapo'...

absolutely true. Those people in Germany has not been any different than Americans - I can assure you.

shows how little Conservatives know about the rise of the Nazis.

they were facing massive inflation, civil war, political anarchy, massive humiliation, starvation, etc etc.

is that what's happening in the USA?

Ummm...yeah, as a matter-of-fact.
"Park Rangers Turn 'Gestapo'..."

They're arresting Jews?
The Gestapo's activities were not focused on Jews alone. Read a book called, The Theory And Practice Of Hell, by Eugen Kogen, and learn about the many German Lutherans and Catholics who were tortured, killed, or tossed into concentration camps for hiding or otherwise protecting Jews. We don't hear much about that.

The Gestapo also conducted diligent purges of homosexuals, communists, anti-Hitler dissenters, et al. Jews were by no means the only victims of the Third Reich.

Now you introduce shades of grey to a limited black and white world view.
Let Me ask you something. If I put you in a room and do not allow you to leave it, but the room does not have bars, ARE YOU LOCKED UP

No, I would not be locked up. Law enforcement officiers have lots of reasons for detaining a person without locking them up. They can detain you for matters of public saftey. They can detain you for other reasons, but these people weren't being detained. They could leave anytime if they had transportation. Their transportation was a bus. They had to wait for their bus to be ready. They were not allowed outside because the Park was closed. The guard at the door was preventing them from committing the crime of trespass. The Parks Dept. was giving them the oppurtunity to shop, eat, and use the restrooms while the bus was dropping off tourist who had reservations to stay at the Hotel. They could have made them all stay on the bus.

Funny, the courts disagree. If you can't leave you are officially locked the fuck up, arrest, even if they try to justify it as national security and/or public safety. The only people I have ever met who had a problem with this concept are authoritarian assholes that would defend the government if they threw people into a deep hole in the ground as long as it didn't involve a judge.

I wonder how long it will take for us to be rounded up and "secured" in selected locations, for our own safety, of course. We won't be under arrest, but we will certainly not be permitted to "trespass" on any property outside of our assigned locations. But these confinement facilities will in no way correlate with Hitler's "detainment" camps.
I wonder how long it will take for us to be rounded up and "secured" in selected locations, for our own safety, of course. We won't be under arrest, but we will certainly not be permitted to "trespass" on any property outside of our assigned locations. But these confinement facilities will in no way correlate with Hitler's "detainment" camps.

we've had such a situation since 1787, when the "Constitution" was ratified.
Ummm...yeah, as a matter-of-fact.

mass inflation, civil war, political anarchy, starvation, is happening in the USA?

you must live in one screwed up town, cause its not happening in the rest of the USA.

No, you are not paying attention because you keep drinking the master's koolaide and watching the shiny things on TV. But that's OK, because you are really so deluded you fail to see the very real possibility that you'll be picked out for "special treatment" before I will be.
I wonder how long it will take for us to be rounded up and "secured" in selected locations, for our own safety, of course. We won't be under arrest, but we will certainly not be permitted to "trespass" on any property outside of our assigned locations. But these confinement facilities will in no way correlate with Hitler's "detainment" camps.

we've had such a situation since 1787, when the "Constitution" was ratified.

You've piqued my interest, please explain how?
No, you are not paying attention because you keep drinking the master's koolaide and watching the shiny things on TV. But that's OK, because you are really so deluded you fail to see the very real possibility that you'll be picked out for "special treatment" before I will be.

yes, the FEMA camps are almost ready for their guests.

I hope to be one of the guards. That would be lots of fun. :)

now, what did the evil NPS do that was soo Nazi-like?
so, what exactly did these Rangers do that was reminiscent of the Nazi Gestapo?

They ordered the bus customers into a fancy Hotel to buy souvenirs, eat dinner and use the restrooms. The Nazi Gestapo did that all the time. They also wouldn't allow them to play with a herd of buffalo. The Nazi Gestapo were well known for doing that too.

They locked the doors of that "fancy hotel" and posted armed guards at the doors so no one could leave. That might not sound like the Gestapo to an uninformed idiot, but it is.
Having witnessed a resource violation in a national park and being drubbed by armed jackboots for hours handcuffed to a chair before they realized I was just in the vicinity, I can attest that the NPS can be stormtroopers. The interior of the blazer was adorned with battering rams, body armor, M-16's etc. Later I was a reluctant witness for the prosecution. They're not to be trifled with. I was using my 5.5 inch reflecting telescope to look at Mars during that close up back in 2003 or 4 only to be in the vicinity of a crime not 1/4 mile away on private land 20 feet from the boundary markers. They broke some of my gear and put a boot on my neck before no less than 2 rangers with bald heads and .45 ACP's pointed at my head showed up to join in the steroid fest...

you must have done something seriously wrong to get that kinda treatment, or totally refused to cooperate in a civil manner.

Never dealt with cops, have you? I don't mean getting a ticket, I mean dealing with cops.
Do we live on the same planet? I told you what I did. I was heavy into astronomy. I picked the area by the national park because there was no light pollution on private land that I had permission to be on. I parked on the side of the dirt road across the park on the owners land, took out my gear and did my thing. Then I see all kinds of NPS guys pulling vehicles over, every one on the state highway across the park. Someone with park watch said there was this tall guy over here in a black Mustang. They were on me in minutes and I went to see what was going on when I could see them shining flashlights in my car. I had nothing to hide, still don't. Arrested on suspicion, detained for many hours just sitting there in the chair while not being allowed to even get a drink of water or go to the can.

That's the way it happened, take it or leave it.

What I was I under suspicion for? Some guy dug up some civil war artifact early in the day then fled the scene. They thought I was the guy coming back. All that for a few pieces of led. The perp was eventually booked and charged with a felony, 2 years in prison, and a 20K fine. Hell, I'll even give you the newspaper article about if you like.

cute story, hoss.

now, what did these Rangers do that was soo Gestapo like?

made the geezers go to a nice hotel?

wow, just like the Nazis.

At Great Falls MD a guy was walking his black lab without a leash so the park cop tackled him, and slamed him to the ground, and would have shot the dog if it would have interviened. Cops are great until you have to deal with them.

I am surprised the cop didn't shoot him for going for a gun he didn't have.
Sounds like the NPS were acting like Law Enforcement Park Rangers, and nothing more.

its sad that right-wing extremists have to hyperbolize everything.

Yeah, because this is what cops do.

The seniors were sent to the Old Faithful Inn, a ritzy hotel located next to the famous Old Faithful geyser. Immediately upon their arrival, armed rangers locked the inn’s doors and stood guard outside to prevent the group from visiting the geyser, which was already barricaded.

Yellowstone park rangers held tour group captive | The Daily Caller

Wow that was a horrible read. i would have been embarrassed to even post that.
Sounds like the NPS were acting like Law Enforcement Park Rangers, and nothing more.

its sad that right-wing extremists have to hyperbolize everything.

Yeah, because this is what cops do.

The seniors were sent to the Old Faithful Inn, a ritzy hotel located next to the famous Old Faithful geyser. Immediately upon their arrival, armed rangers locked the inn’s doors and stood guard outside to prevent the group from visiting the geyser, which was already barricaded.
Yellowstone park rangers held tour group captive | The Daily Caller

Wow that was a horrible read. i would have been embarrassed to even post that.

We already know that criticizing the government embarrasses you.
Once armies commanded by former copier salesmen begin roving the countryside, those pesky rangers will not be an issue.
Wow that was a horrible read. i would have been embarrassed to even post that.

We already know that criticizing the government embarrasses you.

hardly, i do it all the time. But who am i to stop you from looking like a fool again.

Liar. Given how you defend the actions of your beloved Democrats, you do little to criticize the Government when your party is the one running it.

Quiet you hypocrite.

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