Park Rangers Turn 'Gestapo'...

They were threatened by stupid Gestapo Henchmen. It's shameful. Shame on you for defending it.

You are a liar. No little old lady had her camera confiscated. You deflect from defending that lie by telling another one. They were not threatened. They were told to stay in a hotel until their bus could take them out of the Park. When the bus stopped and they got off to take pictures or whatever with a wild herd of buffalo they were told to get back on the bus.
They were locked up and prevented from enjoying their vacation. the Nazi Gestapo had many tricks of intimidation and abuse. Why do you lie and insist that the only way they can be called gestapo is if they shoot people, and then only by the side of the road? Are you a liar.

More important, why are you defending this? If anything, the government should not even be present during a shutdown, let alone illegally restricting the movement of citizens INSIDE THEIR PARKS!

The national parks belong to us, not to the government.

No, am not a liar, the liar is the one who posted that cameras were confiscatedand nor were they threatened. You guys are so use to dropping seeds of misinformation into your comments that it has just become normal communication to you. Look at how you start your comment. "They were locked up.....". Nobody was locked up. They were taken to a nice Hotel and told that the Park was officialy closed and they had to wait for the bus to be ready to take them out of the Park. I'm defending the Rangers because I have worked with them and understand the work they do. You people are bearing false witness against them. You are telling lies about them. I'm having fun pissing on your sick parade. I like it when I am able to make some of you anti American idiots prove yourselves to be idiots. It smells like.......Victory.
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They were threatened by stupid Gestapo Henchmen. It's shameful. Shame on you for defending it.

You are a liar. No little old lady had her camera confiscated. You deflect from defending that lie by telling another one. They were not threatened. They were told to stay in a hotel until their bus could take them out of the Park. When the bus stopped and they got off to take pictures or whatever with a wild herd of buffalo they were told to get back on the bus.
They were locked up and prevented from enjoying their vacation. the Nazi Gestapo had many tricks of intimidation and abuse. Why do you lie and insist that the only way they can be called gestapo is if they shoot people, and then only by the side of the road? Are you a liar.

More important, why are you defending this? If anything, the government should not even be present during a shutdown, let alone illegally restricting the movement of citizens INSIDE THEIR PARKS!

The national parks belong to us, not to the government.

he is an example of an ignorant leftard small brain.
he does not think, does not educate himself, he is just repeating what the talking points tell him.

To my great amazement even their pulpits at MSNBC are ignorant of the same way - they don't know anything outside their talking points.

The ignorance of the left is scaring.
I love it when the strict constitutionalist, federal government minimalists start screaming bloody murder when they get a taste of what they wish for in the first place.

Yes, lets confiscate little ole ladies' cameras in the name of 'Shutdown.' Yeah sure, we all want that. Uh huh. :cuckoo:

Welcome to the America Obama, Pelosi, and Reid created. Their utopia where you "stupid people" are under their "enlightened" control.... :eusa_whistle:
You are a liar. No little old lady had her camera confiscated. You deflect from defending that lie by telling another one. They were not threatened. They were told to stay in a hotel until their bus could take them out of the Park. When the bus stopped and they got off to take pictures or whatever with a wild herd of buffalo they were told to get back on the bus.
They were locked up and prevented from enjoying their vacation. the Nazi Gestapo had many tricks of intimidation and abuse. Why do you lie and insist that the only way they can be called gestapo is if they shoot people, and then only by the side of the road? Are you a liar.

More important, why are you defending this? If anything, the government should not even be present during a shutdown, let alone illegally restricting the movement of citizens INSIDE THEIR PARKS!

The national parks belong to us, not to the government.

No, am not a liar, the liar is the one who posted that cameras were confiscatedand nor were they threatened. You guys are so use to dropping seeds of misinformation into your comments that it has just become normal communication to you. Look at how you start your comment. "They were locked up.....". Nobody was locked up. They were taken to a nice Hotel and told that the Park was officialy closed and they had to wait for the bus to be ready to take them out of the Park. I'm defending the Rangers because I have worked with them and understand the work they do. You people are bearing false witness against them. You are telling lies about them. I'm having fun pissing on your sick parade. I like it when I am able to make some of you anti American idiots prove yourselves to be idiots. It smells like.......Victory.
You guys?

Let Me ask you something. If I put you in a room and do not allow you to leave it, but the room does not have bars, ARE YOU LOCKED UP OR NOT?

Don't be silly that they were not locked up. When you are prevented from moving about freely, particularly when you have not done anything wrong, that IS a Gestapo tactic. It was also a favored tactic of the KGB.

Your having fun by telling lies speaks volumes about the lack of character you enjoy in life. There is no sick parade going on here, other than the sickness of people given authority, abusing that authority.

If this has come about because of a government shut down, that means that there should not even be a government presence at the parks. They're shut down, aren't they?

If they have rangers providing security, then that means they are doing their jobs, which means that the park is open and the rangers have no authority to abuse citizens in this way. They need to be disciplined and I hope these people bring a civil rights lawsuit against the park, the government, and the rangers responsible.
"Park Rangers Turn 'Gestapo'..."

They're arresting Jews?
The Gestapo's activities were not focused on Jews alone. Read a book called, The Theory And Practice Of Hell, by Eugen Kogen, and learn about the many German Lutherans and Catholics who were tortured, killed, or tossed into concentration camps for hiding or otherwise protecting Jews. We don't hear much about that.

The Gestapo also conducted diligent purges of homosexuals, communists, anti-Hitler dissenters, et al. Jews were by no means the only victims of the Third Reich.
yes, they did.

and you defending them - is an approval of gestapo tactics.

which is not surprising.

if they acted like the Gestapo, they would have beaten these men to a pulp.

Yeah, it would be like if the Republicans were Nazis,

they'd try to use various threatening intimidation tactics to enable their minority to take over the federal government...

...oh, wait...
You are a liar. No little old lady had her camera confiscated. You deflect from defending that lie by telling another one. They were not threatened. They were told to stay in a hotel until their bus could take them out of the Park. When the bus stopped and they got off to take pictures or whatever with a wild herd of buffalo they were told to get back on the bus.
They were locked up and prevented from enjoying their vacation. the Nazi Gestapo had many tricks of intimidation and abuse. Why do you lie and insist that the only way they can be called gestapo is if they shoot people, and then only by the side of the road? Are you a liar.

More important, why are you defending this? If anything, the government should not even be present during a shutdown, let alone illegally restricting the movement of citizens INSIDE THEIR PARKS!

The national parks belong to us, not to the government.

he is an example of an ignorant leftard small brain.
he does not think, does not educate himself, he is just repeating what the talking points tell him.

To my great amazement even their pulpits at MSNBC are ignorant of the same way - they don't know anything outside their talking points.

The ignorance of the left is scaring.
It is not surprising, however. The lengths and depth of the depravity they will defend, and lies they will speak and how it has become so prevalent in their culture, they don't even know they do it.

The education department has done well by them..
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"Park Rangers Turn 'Gestapo'..."

They're arresting Jews?
The Gestapo's activities were not focused on Jews alone. Read a book called, The Theory And Practice Of Hell, by Eugen Kogen, and learn about the many German Lutherans and Catholics who were tortured, killed, or tossed into concentration camps for hiding or otherwise protecting Jews. We don't hear much about that.

The Gestapo also conducted diligent purges of homosexuals, communists, anti-Hitler dissenters, et al. Jews were by no means the only victims of the Third Reich.
It is rather telling that they have to continue to narrow down the scope of what the gestapo did in order to place their beliefs outside the criteria what they perceive as bad.

Soon, the only way these rangers could possibly have behaved like gestapo, is if they were wearing the uniform, and no other actions taken by them qualify.

It gets rather saddening that they will go to such lengths to defend a stupid policy.
Sounds like the NPS were acting like Law Enforcement Park Rangers, and nothing more.

its sad that right-wing extremists have to hyperbolize everything.
Let Me ask you something. If I put you in a room and do not allow you to leave it, but the room does not have bars, ARE YOU LOCKED UP

No, I would not be locked up. Law enforcement officiers have lots of reasons for detaining a person without locking them up. They can detain you for matters of public saftey. They can detain you for other reasons, but these people weren't being detained. They could leave anytime if they had transportation. Their transportation was a bus. They had to wait for their bus to be ready. They were not allowed outside because the Park was closed. The guard at the door was preventing them from committing the crime of trespass. The Parks Dept. was giving them the oppurtunity to shop, eat, and use the restrooms while the bus was dropping off tourist who had reservations to stay at the Hotel. They could have made them all stay on the bus.
A NYS Trooper gave me a speeding ticket months ago.

Its like he was a Nazi..or something.

In this case, Camp is right. Gestapo tactics is going too far. I would guess that some of the Rangers were just following orders and just told the people to get back on the bus because they had to. No cameras were taken and to our knowledge, no yelling was going on.

The Rangers may have been unhappy bearer of news. That still doesn't mean there isn't a pr*#@ in the White House.

I might have been tempted if I were a ranger to let the people go to the dude ranch to use the bathroom, but with my luck it would have cost me my job.
There undoubtedly are Park Rangers, and cops of all kinds, who are in the job strictly for the paycheck and who diligently avoid asserting themselves on any citizen category other than those who harm innocents. Unfortunately for them they rarely rise in rank because of their low activity ratings. And although they are non-authoritarian by nature they can't avoid being stigmatized by the conduct of those who enjoy asserting themselves in any and every way they can.
Sounds like the NPS were acting like Law Enforcement Park Rangers, and nothing more.

its sad that right-wing extremists have to hyperbolize everything.

Yeah, because this is what cops do.

The seniors were sent to the Old Faithful Inn, a ritzy hotel located next to the famous Old Faithful geyser. Immediately upon their arrival, armed rangers locked the inn’s doors and stood guard outside to prevent the group from visiting the geyser, which was already barricaded.

Yellowstone park rangers held tour group captive | The Daily Caller
Let Me ask you something. If I put you in a room and do not allow you to leave it, but the room does not have bars, ARE YOU LOCKED UP

No, I would not be locked up. Law enforcement officiers have lots of reasons for detaining a person without locking them up. They can detain you for matters of public saftey. They can detain you for other reasons, but these people weren't being detained. They could leave anytime if they had transportation. Their transportation was a bus. They had to wait for their bus to be ready. They were not allowed outside because the Park was closed. The guard at the door was preventing them from committing the crime of trespass. The Parks Dept. was giving them the oppurtunity to shop, eat, and use the restrooms while the bus was dropping off tourist who had reservations to stay at the Hotel. They could have made them all stay on the bus.

Funny, the courts disagree. If you can't leave you are officially locked the fuck up, arrest, even if they try to justify it as national security and/or public safety. The only people I have ever met who had a problem with this concept are authoritarian assholes that would defend the government if they threw people into a deep hole in the ground as long as it didn't involve a judge.
In this case, Camp is right. Gestapo tactics is going too far. I would guess that some of the Rangers were just following orders and just told the people to get back on the bus because they had to. No cameras were taken and to our knowledge, no yelling was going on.

The Rangers may have been unhappy bearer of news. That still doesn't mean there isn't a pr*#@ in the White House.

I might have been tempted if I were a ranger to let the people go to the dude ranch to use the bathroom, but with my luck it would have cost me my job.
There undoubtedly are Park Rangers, and cops of all kinds, who are in the job strictly for the paycheck and who diligently avoid asserting themselves on any citizen category other than those who harm innocents. Unfortunately for them they rarely rise in rank because of their low activity ratings. And although they are non-authoritarian by nature they can't avoid being stigmatized by the conduct of those who enjoy asserting themselves in any and every way they can.

My speculation is that the bus was allowed into the Park because it had a stop at the Hotel, which would be a privately run operation with a contract with the NPS. It was allowed in to drop off and pick up customers at the Hotel. I would also speculate that the bus company did this on a regular, basis. The driver would be expected to be a professional driver who knew the rules. When the driver stopped to allow passangers off the bus he was probably trying to pull a fast one and ignoring the agreement with the NPS that allowed the bus service access to the Park. Hence, pissed off Ranger. To ignore the violation could have caused big problems for the Ranger, including being fired.
Thread is nothing more than a government bashing conduit.
so, what exactly did these Rangers do that was reminiscent of the Nazi Gestapo?
so, what exactly did these Rangers do that was reminiscent of the Nazi Gestapo?

They ordered the bus customers into a fancy Hotel to buy souvenirs, eat dinner and use the restrooms. The Nazi Gestapo did that all the time. They also wouldn't allow them to play with a herd of buffalo. The Nazi Gestapo were well known for doing that too.
They ordered the bus customers into a fancy Hotel to buy souvenirs, eat dinner and use the restrooms. The Nazi Gestapo did that all the time. They also wouldn't allow them to play with a herd of buffalo. The Nazi Gestapo were well known for doing that too.

they ordered the people to stay on the bus or in the hotel, and not go to the geiser?

this is what they did that deserves the label of "Gestapo"??

wow, talk about thin skinned idiots.
I love it when the strict constitutionalist, federal government minimalists start screaming bloody murder when they get a taste of what they wish for in the first place.

How are armed guards in Yellowstone what constitutionalists want?
They ordered the bus customers into a fancy Hotel to buy souvenirs, eat dinner and use the restrooms. The Nazi Gestapo did that all the time. They also wouldn't allow them to play with a herd of buffalo. The Nazi Gestapo were well known for doing that too.

they ordered the people to stay on the bus or in the hotel, and not go to the geiser?

this is what they did that deserves the label of "Gestapo"??

wow, talk about thin skinned idiots.

You got a lot of balls flying that Israel flag and trivializing the fucking Nazi Gestapo.

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