Park Rangers Turn 'Gestapo'...

All Woodward had was one source, and he took down a president. I guess he really doesn't deserve the Pulitzer he won.

You can stop trying to prove how stupid you are now.

Stop showing how misinformed you are. Woodward and Bernstein had to have two sources for every allegation they presented. It's an integrel part of their story. They followed strict journalist standards and ethics. They new the importance of the story they were investigating and knew they and their story would be examined by other journalist as well as professional law enforcement officiers and agents.

No it isn't. Reporters prefer multiple sources, but they run with 1 source all the time. For example, when the story about bin Laden first broke there was only one source, yet it made headlines all around the world.
You specifically named Woodward taking down a president, as in Woodward and Bernstein and their Watergate reporting and called someone stupid for suggesting the reporter in this story only had one source and hence, was not following standards of accceptable reporting. You called someone stupid and used a misrepresentation of fact to do it. Now instead of admitting a mistake and perhaps apologizing you are making an attempt to deflect by suggesting that because in todays world and by todays standards and because of a specific story you know of, your misrepresentation is somehow ok and you should not be held responsible for it.
Most of those that make the blanket statements like this one have no true concept of what it would be to really endure something like a Gestapo state. They would fold like little pansies if something like that was to happen to them in real life.
The other blanket statement is their freedoms are taken from them. They would not know what it would be like to live that way. Never.

if they act like one - they are gestapo. Or NKVD - you can choose.

so you have no idea who the Gestapo were or what they did, huh?
If the Park Rangers acted like the Gestapo, all those old men would be dead or on their way to a gas chamber.
Stop showing how misinformed you are. Woodward and Bernstein had to have two sources for every allegation they presented. It's an integrel part of their story. They followed strict journalist standards and ethics. They new the importance of the story they were investigating and knew they and their story would be examined by other journalist as well as professional law enforcement officiers and agents.

No it isn't. Reporters prefer multiple sources, but they run with 1 source all the time. For example, when the story about bin Laden first broke there was only one source, yet it made headlines all around the world.
You specifically named Woodward taking down a president, as in Woodward and Bernstein and their Watergate reporting and called someone stupid for suggesting the reporter in this story only had one source and hence, was not following standards of accceptable reporting. You called someone stupid and used a misrepresentation of fact to do it. Now instead of admitting a mistake and perhaps apologizing you are making an attempt to deflect by suggesting that because in todays world and by todays standards and because of a specific story you know of, your misrepresentation is somehow ok and you should not be held responsible for it.

The story came from a single source, and some details were not verified until after that source was identified publicly. some still haven't been verified. They confirmed as much could, and ran the story with everything Felt told them, even the unconfirmed parts. That means they used one source.

You can bloviate all you want, it won't change the facts. Reporters do not need multiple sources to run a story, they just need to confirm the details, and they will run a good story even if they can't. In fact, today they run bad stories without sources.
They are unable to use common sense; a bunch of overpaid robots - more foe than friend!
Put a uniform on people. Give them a badge and an authoritative title. Assign them to an assertive role and some will begin acting out the kind of fantasies which ultimately will evolve into gestapo behavior if not carefully monitored and controlled.

Behaviorists classify such individuals as authoritarian dominant personalities. They gravitate to occupations that involve asserting some form of authority. Some bureaucrats, nurses, and others in the medical field also manifest authoritarian behavior.
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Ain't Big Brother cool? What would we do without him?

'Gestapo' tactics meet senior citizens at Yellowstone

Pat Vaillancourt went on a trip last week that was intended to showcase some of America’s greatest treasures.

Instead, the Salisbury resident said she and others on her tour bus witnessed an ugly spectacle that made her embarrassed, angry and heartbroken for her country.

Vaillancourt was one of thousands of people who found themselves in a national park as the federal government shutdown went into effect on Oct. 1. For many hours her tour group, which included senior citizen visitors from Japan, Australia, Canada and the United States, were locked in a Yellowstone National Park hotel under armed guard.

The tourists were treated harshly by armed park employees, she said, so much so that some of the foreign tourists with limited English skills thought they were under arrest.

When finally allowed to leave, the bus was not allowed to halt at all along the 2.5-hour trip out of the park, not even to stop at private bathrooms that were open along the route.

Rangers systematically sent visitors out of the park, though some groups that had hotel reservations — such as Vaillancourt’s — were allowed to stay for two days. Those two days started out on a sour note, she said.

The bus stopped along a road when a large herd of bison passed nearby, and seniors filed out to take photos. Almost immediately, an armed ranger came by and ordered them to get back in, saying they couldn’t “recreate.” The tour guide, who had paid a $300 fee the day before to bring the group into the park, argued that the seniors weren’t “recreating,” just taking photos.

“She responded and said, ‘Sir, you are recreating,’ and her tone became very aggressive,” Vaillancourt said...

Read More:
'Gestapo' tactics meet senior citizens at Yellowstone » Local News », Newburyport, MA

First of all the author of the OP is an hysterical right wing hack and likely has never been to Yellowstone.

Yellowstone is a wilderness area and home to predators including Grizzly Bear and Wolf. Our last trip to YNP occurred on a few weeks after a Grizzly killed a tourist (Aug. 2012) who got too close to get a good picture.

The park rules require visitors to stay at least 50 yards away from Bison, Elk and other animals and no closer than 100 yards to Bear and Wolf.

Anyone with a brain understands three things: National Parks can be dangerous, especially to the uninformed and stupid - both can and are eaten; the GOP planned for the Gov't shutdown and even campaigned on carrying out this foolishness; and, Speaker Boehner has the sole power to call for an up or down vote on the CR.

If the CR passes, people go back to work and small business won't continue to suffer, if it fails to pass the leverage passes from the D's to the R's.

Oh fuck off that you don't like the source Mr. High and Mighty.

It's in newspapers. And your defense of these tactics is pathetic.

Here's another source sparky. Hope this meets with your approval.

Hodgson said the group was scheduled to spend two nights at the Inn. When they got up on Tuesday morning, they headed out to see Yellowstone for the day, planning to return to the Inn for their second night’s stay later in the day. Hodgson said they headed north out of Old Faithful and pulled over to let passengers out to take photos of bison.

Hodgson said in a phone interview Tuesday that a ranger pulled up behind the bus and told him he would have to get everyone back on the bus — recreation in Yellowstone was not allowed.

“She told me you need to return to your hotel and stay there,” Hodgson said. “This is just Gestapo tactics. We paid a lot to get in. All these people wanted to do was take some pictures.”

Visitors and employees impacted by YNP closure | The Livingston Enterprise

Wry IS a member of the GESTAPO, so of course he approves of their methods...
They are unable to use common sense; a bunch of overpaid robots - more foe than friend!
Put a uniform on people. Give them a badge and an authoritative title. Assign them to an assertive role and some will begin acting out the kind of fantasies which ultimately will evolve into gestapo behavior if not carefully monitored and controlled.

Behaviorists classify such individuals as authoritarian dominant personalities. They gravitate to occupations that involve asserting some form of authority. Some bureaucrats, nurses, and others in the medical field also manifest authoritarian behavior.

Yep, look up the Stanford Prison Experiment run by Zimbardo.
This silly thread is one gigantic violation of Godwin's Law.

Yes progressives always claim Godwins Law when they want to divert attention from their actions.
So Quantum Windbag isn't calling anyone Gestapo, he's just saying they act like Gestapo.

In other words, he lacks the 'nads to stand behind his slurs.

The only thing worse than a Nazi-screamer is a gutless Nazi-screamer. At least Westwall is openly proud of his propensity to scream "Nazi!" at everyone.
If they were using Gestapo tactics they would have shot a few of them and left the bodies laying on the road or the ditch next to it. They would have at least beat the crap out of a few of them.
Park Rangers are not Gestapo and don't use Gestapo tactics. They are law enforcement officiars protecting our Parks and the people who visit them.
Gestapo agents employed Gestapo tactics because they were allowed to. You may rest assured if there were no contraints on their behavior it is a certainty that a percentage of those in all authoritative occupations, including Park Rangers, would eventually manifest typical Gestapo behavior.

Gestapo behavior is not inherently German. The Gestapo evolved in Germany because the Third Reich allowed it. The governments of several other nations deployed equivalents of the Gestapo, most notably the Soviet Union's KGB, the Iranian Savat, the Haitian Ton-Ton Macoute, and there are others.

If behavioral constraints were eliminated, how long do you think it would be before some American police and federal agents would begin behaving like the Gestapo -- or worse?
Boot licker. Here ya go sparky. Paulitician isn't lying you little jerk.

The tour guide was interviewed by a different newspaper a few days ago and accused the Park Service of — wait for it — “Gestapo tactics.”

Hodgson said in a phone interview Monday that a ranger pulled up behind the bus and told him he would have to get everyone back on the bus — recreation in Yellowstone was not allowed.

“She told me you need to return to your hotel and stay there,” Hodgson said. “This is just Gestapo tactics. We paid a lot to get in. All these people wanted to do was take some pictures.”

Hodgson said the ranger told him he could be convicted of trespassing if he disobeyed.

“The national parks belong to the people,” he said. “This isn’t right.”

Report: Armed rangers forced senior-citizen tourists to stay inside their hotel during Yellowstone visit because of shutdown « Hot Air

AND they threatened the dude ranch with shutdown if they allowed the seniors to use the restrooms.

Supposedly, on their way out of the park, the tour guide wanted to pull over at a dude ranch inside the perimeter so that the seniors onboard could use the restrooms there — but couldn’t, because the park rangers told the dude ranch that its license would be revoked if they permitted it.

Typical of this administration that the most offensive and aggressive elements of government have been left operational. They shut down offices and agencies that perform beneficial services but have encouraged abusive tactics like those described in this OP. Despite the leftist/progressive polls so lovingly and often cited by the libs, a canvasing of people on the street reveals a much different picture. I only know one person who has flat out accepted the GOP as solely responsible for the govt slow down (he's an avowed Democrat, jes' like his mammy and pappy). Everyone else I have had an opportunity to discuss this with are either blaming both parties or see the Prez and his intractable acolytes as the source of the problem.

Your poll must be right. Has to be more accurate than even the FOX poll. All the polls are wrong except for your poll of asking people in the street as you claim you have done.
This thread started with a distorted headline qouting a Park tour bus driver who had learned he would not be able to give tours because of the government shut down. So he, and he alone discribed his experiance with the word Gestapo. The tourist that was interviewed didn't feel that way. She was angry, but never mentioned any abuse. One disgruntled bus driver.
The OP almost immediately followed his OP with lie's about the tourist having their camera's confiscated and the tourist being intimidated. Both lies. Page after page shows nothing more than you anti American liars bashing the country and cheering for each other like you need to bullshit each other into believing your bogus bullshit. Go ahead, nobody is taking you serious except yourselves and each other. Go take another "street poll" idiot. I don't like to call people names, but in the case of a person taking a poll by asking a few people on the street some questions like you claim to have done indicates you are for sure an idiot.

First, I did not perceive the OP as claiming camera's as confiscated or any other specific abuses, other than represented in the article. I did read anticipation of further abuses by the petty thugs perpetrating the uncalled for harassment of people who have been inadvertently and adversely affected by events they have no control over.
Second, I at least have the initiative to canvass others on my own rather than lapping the pap produced by the (corrupt and biased) media. In my personal experience, far more people are willing to either blame both sides for the current dilemma, or to blame the leftist failure to entertain any negotiation, the "my way or the highway" attitude evidenced by both Obama and Reid.
Maybe I just know a lot more intelligent people capable of independent thought than you do.
Yes progressives always claim Godwins Law when they want to divert attention from their actions.

comparing Park Rangers to the Gestapo, is a dishonest and perfect example of Godwin's Law.

What exactly are your arguing? Are you arguing that the facts as presented are not correct? Or are you arguing that you just don't want to accept the facts as present thus you post BS like Godwin's Law?

Having no other evidence then the article if you choose the path that it is not factual you need to present that evidence.

But since that has not come forth then we must agree that the actions of the Park Ranger is indeed what is expressed in the article.

Thus you must admit that the action of the Ranger was indeed that of a Gestopo member. In that they are following orders not using their God given senses. Of course the side of Obama can carry the argument to absurdness by claiming the ranger did not gas or shoot the seniors but that is not all the Gestopo did. They followed orders from on high and did so in an intimidating manner, much like what is described in the article.

What is sad is that the democrats have taken the course of inflicting the most suffering they can on the American people. They have shown their true colors. They will not negotiate, they will not compromise and they have shown they will water board America. The democrat party is a disgrace to America much like the Gestopo was a disgrace to Germany.
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I love it when the strict constitutionalist, federal government minimalists start screaming bloody murder when they get a taste of what they wish for in the first place.

Yes, lets confiscate little ole ladies' cameras in the name of 'Shutdown.' Yeah sure, we all want that. Uh huh. :cuckoo:

You Paulnuts love the enumerated powers stuff about the Constitution. Where in the Constitution does it give the federal government the power to run a bunch of parks at the taxpayers expense?

Enumerate that for me.
Boot licker. Here ya go sparky. Paulitician isn't lying you little jerk.

The tour guide was interviewed by a different newspaper a few days ago and accused the Park Service of — wait for it — “Gestapo tactics.”

Hodgson said in a phone interview Monday that a ranger pulled up behind the bus and told him he would have to get everyone back on the bus — recreation in Yellowstone was not allowed.

“She told me you need to return to your hotel and stay there,” Hodgson said. “This is just Gestapo tactics. We paid a lot to get in. All these people wanted to do was take some pictures.”

Hodgson said the ranger told him he could be convicted of trespassing if he disobeyed.

“The national parks belong to the people,” he said. “This isn’t right.”

Report: Armed rangers forced senior-citizen tourists to stay inside their hotel during Yellowstone visit because of shutdown « Hot Air

AND they threatened the dude ranch with shutdown if they allowed the seniors to use the restrooms.

Supposedly, on their way out of the park, the tour guide wanted to pull over at a dude ranch inside the perimeter so that the seniors onboard could use the restrooms there — but couldn’t, because the park rangers told the dude ranch that its license would be revoked if they permitted it.

Typical of this administration that the most offensive and aggressive elements of government have been left operational. They shut down offices and agencies that perform beneficial services but have encouraged abusive tactics like those described in this OP. Despite the leftist/progressive polls so lovingly and often cited by the libs, a canvasing of people on the street reveals a much different picture. I only know one person who has flat out accepted the GOP as solely responsible for the govt slow down (he's an avowed Democrat, jes' like his mammy and pappy). Everyone else I have had an opportunity to discuss this with are either blaming both parties or see the Prez and his intractable acolytes as the source of the problem.

Your poll must be right. Has to be more accurate than even the FOX poll. All the polls are wrong except for your poll of asking people in the street as you claim you have done.
This thread started with a distorted headline qouting a Park tour bus driver who had learned he would not be able to give tours because of the government shut down. So he, and he alone discribed his experiance with the word Gestapo. The tourist that was interviewed didn't feel that way. She was angry, but never mentioned any abuse. One disgruntled bus driver.
The OP almost immediately followed his OP with lie's about the tourist having their camera's confiscated and the tourist being intimidated. Both lies. Page after page shows nothing more than you anti American liars bashing the country and cheering for each other like you need to bullshit each other into believing your bogus bullshit. Go ahead, nobody is taking you serious except yourselves and each other. Go take another "street poll" idiot. I don't like to call people names, but in the case of a person taking a poll by asking a few people on the street some questions like you claim to have done indicates you are for sure an idiot.

Oh, by-the-way...just how do you think polls are conducted if not by asking people on the street some questions?
Gestapo agents employed Gestapo tactics because they were allowed to. You may rest assured if there were no contraints on their behavior it is a certainty that a percentage of those in all authoritative occupations, including Park Rangers, would eventually manifest typical Gestapo behavior.

Gestapo behavior is not inherently German. The Gestapo evolved in Germany because the Third Reich allowed it. The governments of several other nations deployed equivalents of the Gestapo, most notably the Soviet Union's KGB, the Iranian Savat, the Haitian Ton-Ton Macoute, and there are others.

If behavioral constraints were eliminated, how long do you think it would be before some American police and federal agents would begin behaving like the Gestapo -- or worse?

Heck, they'd probably even start demanding "Your papers, now!" at polling places.

Oh, wait. Too late.
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Ain't Big Brother cool? What would we do without him?

'Gestapo' tactics meet senior citizens at Yellowstone

Pat Vaillancourt went on a trip last week that was intended to showcase some of America’s greatest treasures. . . . .

Read More:
'Gestapo' tactics meet senior citizens at Yellowstone » Local News », Newburyport, MA

You wanted to shut down the government.
You were warned what would happen if you shut down the government.
You shut down the government.
Now you are bitching because the government is shut down.
Is there a bigger collection of fools and idiots on this planet? I don't thnk so!

And don't forget that if the Ron Paul minimalist government types ever had enough power to run things,

there would be no national park system. Are you kidding me? That would be the first thing they'd get rid of,

if we're to believe their rants.
The OP, a Paulbot, is complaining about someone being turned away from a closed federal park?

lol, he and his crowd think that states should be allowed to let businesses turn people away because of their skin color.

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