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Partisan Talking points

You know, I was thinking along this lines today driving home from the store. I do not watch TV news, the last time I did was election night. I do though listen to a lot of radio both the local Conservative talk radio channel and NPR as well as lots of PodCast.

Today on the radio was the local Trump cheerleader and he made the comment "anyone that is objective and honest...". I thought, both sides say this exact same thing and yet come to opposite conclusions. Then I started to wonder, do these people believe they are actually open minded and objective or is it just part of the act.

The division we now see is not an accident, it is by design from both sides (if there is really two sides). The old saying United we stand, divided we fall is 100% true and a divided people are much easier to control.

Good points. But dividing nations is one of the primary strategies of leftists throughout history. Get the people mad at the government, the landowners, the military, and each other. Hitler did it, Mao did it, Henry the VIII did it, Louis IXV did it, Divide and conquer. But who exactly is trying to bring the US down so it can be conquered? and why?
Hitler....Jews...Not a leftist...

The right wing nuts have been programmed to think that the Nazi's were "leftist"! :cheers2:

Nazi tactics in 1930s Germany were the same tactics used by leftists throughout history. Hitler envisioned a country where everyone was the same and everyone was controlled 100% by the central government. Those same goals are displayed by the leftist of today. Lets not get hung up on definitions and look at actions.
Nazis in the 30s also had 2 hands and 2 feet. Leftists of today largely have the same. Let’s not get hung up on actual history let’s focus on hands and feet.
Is no one interested in the truth?
Only facts that support their partisan agenda, not the whole truth.

Are we so divided that neither side cares about what really happened?


Is party all that matters?

This country was not always this way. We were once one country with common goals and common interests.
Correct. We're now a divided collection of hypersensitive narcissists. The Division Pimps on both ends have done their job well, the sheep are complying.

If this divide persists, the USA will fall. Does anyone want that?
Yes, some have made their opinion of this country clear.

I think its more than the wingers. It seems to be the establishment in DC from both parties. The fatcats that have been getting rich at our expense. They are the ones most threatened when a president declares that he will drain the swamp.
The street-level wingers are merely the naive foot soldiers, sure. The people pulling the strings are a different animal.

how do we rid the country of the string pullers?
Get money out of politics with publicly-funded elections. Put short, strict term limits in place so that the politicians aren't beholden to anyone.

Both ideas have their weaknesses, granted. But this will only get worse.

The text of a resolution just passed by the Florida Democratic Party:

  • Supporting fundamental campaign finance reform by enacting fair and public financing of elections, while encouraging the development of small-contribution political fundraising methods and policies. Demanding that public officials be prohibited from working as lobbyists upon leaving office, elimination of lobbyist loopholes, and stronger anti-corruption laws.
I helped write it.

Wanna talk like an adult about this issue?

Guess not. How odd. Mac1958 doesn’t want to find agreement. Who’d have guessed?
I think its more than the wingers. It seems to be the establishment in DC from both parties. The fatcats that have been getting rich at our expense. They are the ones most threatened when a president declares that he will drain the swamp.
The street-level wingers are merely the naive foot soldiers, sure. The people pulling the strings are a different animal.

how do we rid the country of the string pullers?
Get money out of politics with publicly-funded elections. Put short, strict term limits in place so that the politicians aren't beholden to anyone.

Both ideas have their weaknesses, granted. But this will only get worse.

The text of a resolution just passed by the Florida Democratic Party:

  • Supporting fundamental campaign finance reform by enacting fair and public financing of elections, while encouraging the development of small-contribution political fundraising methods and policies. Demanding that public officials be prohibited from working as lobbyists upon leaving office, elimination of lobbyist loopholes, and stronger anti-corruption laws.
I helped write it.

Wanna talk like an adult about this issue?

Guess not. How odd. Mac1958 doesn’t want to find agreement. Who’d have guessed?

Resolutions are a dime a dozen and they are always noble and great sounding.

Political parties usually campaign on noble and high minded words, theories, slogans--we must invest in education, invest in health care, invest in climate change, invest to raise people out of poverty, invest in the dreamers, invest in single parents, reform the tax code, get campaign finance reform. We need to do this. We need to do that. But once safely in office nothing much happens other than the status quo.

A resolution, without a "Therefore. . ." is just words whose only merit is those high minded words.
And when it isn't followed up by proactive legislation, it means little or nothing. And even when those promoting campaign finance reform, politicians are generally pretty slick in making sure it has enough loopholes to keep from significantly impacting them personally. The McCain/Feingold campaign finance reform legislation in 2002 was touted as a wonderful bipartisan thing. But the dirty little secret is that it did almost nothing to control the flow of serious money to politicians, most especially McCain and Feingold who were careful to be sure that their own donors would not be hampered in any way.
The street-level wingers are merely the naive foot soldiers, sure. The people pulling the strings are a different animal.

how do we rid the country of the string pullers?
Get money out of politics with publicly-funded elections. Put short, strict term limits in place so that the politicians aren't beholden to anyone.

Both ideas have their weaknesses, granted. But this will only get worse.

The text of a resolution just passed by the Florida Democratic Party:

  • Supporting fundamental campaign finance reform by enacting fair and public financing of elections, while encouraging the development of small-contribution political fundraising methods and policies. Demanding that public officials be prohibited from working as lobbyists upon leaving office, elimination of lobbyist loopholes, and stronger anti-corruption laws.
I helped write it.

Wanna talk like an adult about this issue?

Guess not. How odd. Mac1958 doesn’t want to find agreement. Who’d have guessed?

Resolutions are a dime a dozen and they are always noble and great sounding.

Political parties usually campaign on noble and high minded words, theories, slogans--we must invest in education, invest in health care, invest in climate change, invest to raise people out of poverty, invest in the dreamers, invest in single parents, reform the tax code, get campaign finance reform. We need to do this. We need to do that. But once safely in office nothing much happens other than the status quo.

A resolution, without a "Therefore. . ." is just words whose only merit is those high minded words.
And when it isn't followed up by proactive legislation, it means little or nothing. And even when those promoting campaign finance reform, politicians are generally pretty slick in making sure it has enough loopholes to keep from significantly impacting them personally. The McCain/Feingold campaign finance reform legislation in 2002 was touted as a wonderful bipartisan thing. But the dirty little secret is that it did almost nothing to control the flow of serious money to politicians, most especially McCain and Feingold who were careful to be sure that their own donors would not be hampered in any way.

Whoa! Yer blowin’ my mind up!!

We all know what a resolution is. The point, my dear, is that one party resolves to get the big secret money out of politics and the other doesn’t.

You belong to the party that believes that large donations made in secret is free speech. Own it.
This country was not always this way. We were once one country with common goals and common interests.
When was that? From the beginning, the Federalists and the Democratic-Republicans were at each others throats on almost every issue. With Western expansion, pro and anti-slavery was a huge political divide which included, in 1856, Rep Preston Brooks (D-SC) physically assaulting Sen Charles Sumner (R-MA) with a cane in the Senate chambers. Sumner was almost killed in the attack.

So while the intensity of political disagreement has waxed and waned, there was never a time when one could say the country was ever completely united with common goals and interests.

during WW2, in the 1950s. Part of the beauty of those times was that there was no 24/7/365 news media. People lived their lives and rarely heard or cared what happened in DC.

Today's media needs discord and tension in order to generate ratings, so many times they make up news rather than report that nothing much is going on.
The criticism of Roosevelt over Court-packing, the New Deal, charges of fascism, inappropriateness of running for a 3rd term, etc didn't end after Pearl Harbor.

And in the 1950's? You've never heard of Brown v Topeka Board of Education? Never heard of Joe McCarthy? Political divisions were huge.

Yes, the were and they were also great in the 1960s with the viet nam protests. But I cannot recall any time in my over 70 years that there has been the hatred, anger, violence, and complete intolerance that we are seeing today.
Virtually every thread on this message board is nothing but talking points from one side or the other. Is no one interested in the truth? Are we so divided that neither side cares about what really happened? Is party all that matters?

This country was not always this way. We were once one country with common goals and common interests.

If this divide persists, the USA will fall. Does anyone want that? Sadly, I think some do.

Comments welcome
Good point.
Tell us some more about how it is that you Know nothing about the uranium one deal yet you know Clinton took bribes.

do you have a TV? Turn it on. What do you call the payments from Russian interests just before the uranium deal was approved? Are those Russian oligarths suddenly interested in feeding poor african kids?
Good points. But dividing nations is one of the primary strategies of leftists throughout history. Get the people mad at the government, the landowners, the military, and each other. Hitler did it, Mao did it, Henry the VIII did it, Louis IXV did it, Divide and conquer. But who exactly is trying to bring the US down so it can be conquered? and why?
Hitler....Jews...Not a leftist...

Hitler wanted to do away with all religion, the Jews were just his favorite target. Removing religion is a leftist tactic. The people cannot put anything above the state.
Not very accurate.... regardless, you were speaking of today and it is true that we have one of the most divisive leaders in our history. i.e immigrants, media, blacks, NFL, trans gender, etc...

wrong again, the most divisive leader in our history was Obama. Protecting the USA, its borders, its values, and its history is not racist or divisive. Expecting citizens to honor the flag and the national anthem is not divisive, racist, or anti immigrant.

Wanting a country where all varieties of perversion are considered normal is divisive and will destroy this country.

Dude, you just created a thread lamenting partisan talking points and then proceeded to fill it with your partisan talking points.

Self aware much?

If you notice in the OP I used the pronoun "we". I am as guilty as you are. My point is that we need to stop and listen to each other. I am willing to try, are you?
Virtually every thread on this message board is nothing but talking points from one side or the other. Is no one interested in the truth? Are we so divided that neither side cares about what really happened? Is party all that matters?

This country was not always this way. We were once one country with common goals and common interests.

If this divide persists, the USA will fall. Does anyone want that? Sadly, I think some do.

Comments welcome
To answer the interested in the truth question, that is obvious. No. When someone can't agree on a fact, then trying to debate truth is useless.

The newest ones relate to the dossier. That is a fact that it exists. It is a fact that the DNC, Hitlery, obummer and the FBI paid for it. There is no argument from the democrats on that. but in here, nope, the partisans in here don't agree. I like to think myself a person with integrity. I refuse to challenge someone that cannot even agree on a fact. That the ignorance leads to insults and signatures with my username in it, stands on itself as partisan. so No. BTW, I still haven't seen one russia fact on trump after seventeen months.
Virtually every thread on this message board is nothing but talking points from one side or the other. Is no one interested in the truth? Are we so divided that neither side cares about what really happened? Is party all that matters?

This country was not always this way. We were once one country with common goals and common interests.

If this divide persists, the USA will fall. Does anyone want that? Sadly, I think some do.

Comments welcome
Is no one interested in the truth?
Only facts that support their partisan agenda, not the whole truth.

Are we so divided that neither side cares about what really happened?


Is party all that matters?

This country was not always this way. We were once one country with common goals and common interests.
Correct. We're now a divided collection of hypersensitive narcissists. The Division Pimps on both ends have done their job well, the sheep are complying.

If this divide persists, the USA will fall. Does anyone want that?
Yes, some have made their opinion of this country clear.

I think its more than the wingers. It seems to be the establishment in DC from both parties. The fatcats that have been getting rich at our expense. They are the ones most threatened when a president declares that he will drain the swamp.
The street-level wingers are merely the naive foot soldiers, sure. The people pulling the strings are a different animal.

how do we rid the country of the string pullers?
Get money out of politics with publicly-funded elections. Put short, strict term limits in place so that the politicians aren't beholden to anyone.

Both ideas have their weaknesses, granted. But this will only get worse.
:iagree: I've said exactly the same thing. get the money out and let's discuss our country fairly without lobbyists.
You know, I was thinking along this lines today driving home from the store. I do not watch TV news, the last time I did was election night. I do though listen to a lot of radio both the local Conservative talk radio channel and NPR as well as lots of PodCast.

Today on the radio was the local Trump cheerleader and he made the comment "anyone that is objective and honest...". I thought, both sides say this exact same thing and yet come to opposite conclusions. Then I started to wonder, do these people believe they are actually open minded and objective or is it just part of the act.

The division we now see is not an accident, it is by design from both sides (if there is really two sides). The old saying United we stand, divided we fall is 100% true and a divided people are much easier to control.

Good points. But dividing nations is one of the primary strategies of leftists throughout history. Get the people mad at the government, the landowners, the military, and each other. Hitler did it, Mao did it, Henry the VIII did it, Louis IXV did it, Divide and conquer. But who exactly is trying to bring the US down so it can be conquered? and why?
Hitler....Jews...Not a leftist...

The right wing nuts have been programmed to think that the Nazi's were "leftist"! :cheers2:

Nazi tactics in 1930s Germany were the same tactics used by leftists throughout history. Hitler envisioned a country where everyone was the same and everyone was controlled 100% by the central government. Those same goals are displayed by the leftist of today. Lets not get hung up on definitions and look at actions.
Hitler wanted one thing, global power, he wanted one global world where no one had an objective point of view. all had to agree with him. how fking lame. And the left want that same thing today. they deflect when confronted with the argument. fk man they can't even admit the antifa group is a leftist group. how fking insane is that. And that their violence is exactly the same as Hitler. And yet they call opposition to them nazis. I mean, how can there ever be a discussion when shit like that exists.
You know, I was thinking along this lines today driving home from the store. I do not watch TV news, the last time I did was election night. I do though listen to a lot of radio both the local Conservative talk radio channel and NPR as well as lots of PodCast.

Today on the radio was the local Trump cheerleader and he made the comment "anyone that is objective and honest...". I thought, both sides say this exact same thing and yet come to opposite conclusions. Then I started to wonder, do these people believe they are actually open minded and objective or is it just part of the act.

The division we now see is not an accident, it is by design from both sides (if there is really two sides). The old saying United we stand, divided we fall is 100% true and a divided people are much easier to control.

Good points. But dividing nations is one of the primary strategies of leftists throughout history. Get the people mad at the government, the landowners, the military, and each other. Hitler did it, Mao did it, Henry the VIII did it, Louis IXV did it, Divide and conquer. But who exactly is trying to bring the US down so it can be conquered? and why?
Hitler....Jews...Not a leftist...

The right wing nuts have been programmed to think that the Nazi's were "leftist"! :cheers2:

Nazi tactics in 1930s Germany were the same tactics used by leftists throughout history. Hitler envisioned a country where everyone was the same and everyone was controlled 100% by the central government. Those same goals are displayed by the leftist of today. Lets not get hung up on definitions and look at actions.
Hitler wanted one thing, global power, he wanted one global world where no one had an objective point of view. all had to agree with him. how fking lame. And the left want that same thing today. they deflect when confronted with the argument. fk man they can't even admit the antifa group is a leftist group. how fking insane is that. And that their violence is exactly the same as Hitler. And yet they call opposition to them nazis. I mean, how can there ever be a discussion when shit like that exists.
what's funny is Stalin wanted exactly the same thing. The US fought with Stalin and yet he got 14 million killed. How fked up are we? We backed the guy that was busy killing millions while fighting Hitler. Stalin alone took out Poland. Hly fk what a fk turd. he renegged the agreement with the other two allied countries US and Great Britain about Poland. These two countries did absolutely nothing to help the pols. Yes, our country and GB allowed Stalin to take over Poland. Shit Winston Churchill personally humiliated the Poland officials about redrawing their country borders to allow Stalin to take the eastern half of their country. Told them to go fight Joseph and see where'd they end up. Wow, just watched a documentary on it. I can say I never knew this. And thank gd Roosevelt passed when he did. He was worse than Churchill on this. I'm saddened by my own country's behavior in WWII from the president. Not the military, they followed orders. Adolf had nothing on Joseph, what a fking cruel human being. totally cruel.
how do we rid the country of the string pullers?
Get money out of politics with publicly-funded elections. Put short, strict term limits in place so that the politicians aren't beholden to anyone.

Both ideas have their weaknesses, granted. But this will only get worse.

The text of a resolution just passed by the Florida Democratic Party:

  • Supporting fundamental campaign finance reform by enacting fair and public financing of elections, while encouraging the development of small-contribution political fundraising methods and policies. Demanding that public officials be prohibited from working as lobbyists upon leaving office, elimination of lobbyist loopholes, and stronger anti-corruption laws.
I helped write it.

Wanna talk like an adult about this issue?

Guess not. How odd. Mac1958 doesn’t want to find agreement. Who’d have guessed?

Resolutions are a dime a dozen and they are always noble and great sounding.

Political parties usually campaign on noble and high minded words, theories, slogans--we must invest in education, invest in health care, invest in climate change, invest to raise people out of poverty, invest in the dreamers, invest in single parents, reform the tax code, get campaign finance reform. We need to do this. We need to do that. But once safely in office nothing much happens other than the status quo.

A resolution, without a "Therefore. . ." is just words whose only merit is those high minded words.
And when it isn't followed up by proactive legislation, it means little or nothing. And even when those promoting campaign finance reform, politicians are generally pretty slick in making sure it has enough loopholes to keep from significantly impacting them personally. The McCain/Feingold campaign finance reform legislation in 2002 was touted as a wonderful bipartisan thing. But the dirty little secret is that it did almost nothing to control the flow of serious money to politicians, most especially McCain and Feingold who were careful to be sure that their own donors would not be hampered in any way.

Whoa! Yer blowin’ my mind up!!

We all know what a resolution is. The point, my dear, is that one party resolves to get the big secret money out of politics and the other doesn’t.

You belong to the party that believes that large donations made in secret is free speech. Own it.

They BOTH promise to do that. And neither one does it because it is their life blood.
Good points. But dividing nations is one of the primary strategies of leftists throughout history. Get the people mad at the government, the landowners, the military, and each other. Hitler did it, Mao did it, Henry the VIII did it, Louis IXV did it, Divide and conquer. But who exactly is trying to bring the US down so it can be conquered? and why?
Hitler....Jews...Not a leftist...

The right wing nuts have been programmed to think that the Nazi's were "leftist"! :cheers2:

Nazi tactics in 1930s Germany were the same tactics used by leftists throughout history. Hitler envisioned a country where everyone was the same and everyone was controlled 100% by the central government. Those same goals are displayed by the leftist of today. Lets not get hung up on definitions and look at actions.
Hitler wanted one thing, global power, he wanted one global world where no one had an objective point of view. all had to agree with him. how fking lame. And the left want that same thing today. they deflect when confronted with the argument. fk man they can't even admit the antifa group is a leftist group. how fking insane is that. And that their violence is exactly the same as Hitler. And yet they call opposition to them nazis. I mean, how can there ever be a discussion when shit like that exists.
what's funny is Stalin wanted exactly the same thing. The US fought with Stalin and yet he got 14 million killed. How fked up are we? We backed the guy that was busy killing millions while fighting Hitler. Stalin alone took out Poland. Hly fk what a fk turd. he renegged the agreement with the other two allied countries US and Great Britain about Poland. These two countries did absolutely nothing to help the pols. Yes, our country and GB allowed Stalin to take over Poland. Shit Winston Churchill personally humiliated the Poland officials about redrawing their country borders to allow Stalin to take the eastern half of their country. Told them to go fight Joseph and see where'd they end up. Wow, just watched a documentary on it. I can say I never knew this. And thank gd Roosevelt passed when he did. He was worse than Churchill on this. I'm saddened by my own country's behavior in WWII from the president. Not the military, they followed orders. Adolf had nothing on Joseph, what a fking cruel human being. totally cruel.

General George Patton is on the record as really REALLY wanting to take out the Russians while we already had the army over there to do it. He thought we would have to fight them sooner or later, so why wait? He had little or no respect for the Russians and of course he caught hell for that by our more politically correct leadership.

Well we didn't fight them with conventional warfare and untold millions died or suffered mightily under the USSR totalitarian government. Reagan's huge military buildup that they attempted to match did eventually bring them down economically but we will always wonder how handling all that differently might have turned out. Would bringing them to their knees in unconditional surrender have created a free and prosperous Russia as it did Germany and Japan? We'll never know.
Hitler....Jews...Not a leftist...

The right wing nuts have been programmed to think that the Nazi's were "leftist"! :cheers2:

Nazi tactics in 1930s Germany were the same tactics used by leftists throughout history. Hitler envisioned a country where everyone was the same and everyone was controlled 100% by the central government. Those same goals are displayed by the leftist of today. Lets not get hung up on definitions and look at actions.
Hitler wanted one thing, global power, he wanted one global world where no one had an objective point of view. all had to agree with him. how fking lame. And the left want that same thing today. they deflect when confronted with the argument. fk man they can't even admit the antifa group is a leftist group. how fking insane is that. And that their violence is exactly the same as Hitler. And yet they call opposition to them nazis. I mean, how can there ever be a discussion when shit like that exists.
what's funny is Stalin wanted exactly the same thing. The US fought with Stalin and yet he got 14 million killed. How fked up are we? We backed the guy that was busy killing millions while fighting Hitler. Stalin alone took out Poland. Hly fk what a fk turd. he renegged the agreement with the other two allied countries US and Great Britain about Poland. These two countries did absolutely nothing to help the pols. Yes, our country and GB allowed Stalin to take over Poland. Shit Winston Churchill personally humiliated the Poland officials about redrawing their country borders to allow Stalin to take the eastern half of their country. Told them to go fight Joseph and see where'd they end up. Wow, just watched a documentary on it. I can say I never knew this. And thank gd Roosevelt passed when he did. He was worse than Churchill on this. I'm saddened by my own country's behavior in WWII from the president. Not the military, they followed orders. Adolf had nothing on Joseph, what a fking cruel human being. totally cruel.

General George Patton is on the record as really REALLY wanting to take out the Russians while we already had the army over there to do it. He thought we would have to fight them sooner or later, so why wait? He had little or no respect for the Russians and of course he caught hell for that by our more politically correct leadership.

Well we didn't fight them with conventional warfare and untold millions died or suffered mightily under the USSR totalitarian government. Reagan's huge military buildup that they attempted to match did eventually bring them down economically but we will always wonder how handling all that differently might have turned out. Would bringing them to their knees in unconditional surrender have created a free and prosperous Russia as it did Germany and Japan? We'll never know.
Hitler was but a fly compared to Stalin. His evil exists even today and has crept into the USA.
Virtually every thread on this message board is nothing but talking points from one side or the other. Is no one interested in the truth? Are we so divided that neither side cares about what really happened? Is party all that matters?

This country was not always this way. We were once one country with common goals and common interests.

If this divide persists, the USA will fall. Does anyone want that? Sadly, I think some do.

Comments welcome

No it no longer matters all that matter who is correct in their propaganda.

With the far left we have seen where they admit that needed Iraq to crash and burn and millions die just so they could claim they were right!

The other side saying they have a replacement for Obamacare and yet could not provide it when they had the chance.

Neither party cares about the people, just about themselves and their power.

But it is by design, the less people that vote and the less people that are interested in politics, the less the politicians have to do when they get into office.
The right wing nuts have been programmed to think that the Nazi's were "leftist"! :cheers2:

Nazi tactics in 1930s Germany were the same tactics used by leftists throughout history. Hitler envisioned a country where everyone was the same and everyone was controlled 100% by the central government. Those same goals are displayed by the leftist of today. Lets not get hung up on definitions and look at actions.
Hitler wanted one thing, global power, he wanted one global world where no one had an objective point of view. all had to agree with him. how fking lame. And the left want that same thing today. they deflect when confronted with the argument. fk man they can't even admit the antifa group is a leftist group. how fking insane is that. And that their violence is exactly the same as Hitler. And yet they call opposition to them nazis. I mean, how can there ever be a discussion when shit like that exists.
what's funny is Stalin wanted exactly the same thing. The US fought with Stalin and yet he got 14 million killed. How fked up are we? We backed the guy that was busy killing millions while fighting Hitler. Stalin alone took out Poland. Hly fk what a fk turd. he renegged the agreement with the other two allied countries US and Great Britain about Poland. These two countries did absolutely nothing to help the pols. Yes, our country and GB allowed Stalin to take over Poland. Shit Winston Churchill personally humiliated the Poland officials about redrawing their country borders to allow Stalin to take the eastern half of their country. Told them to go fight Joseph and see where'd they end up. Wow, just watched a documentary on it. I can say I never knew this. And thank gd Roosevelt passed when he did. He was worse than Churchill on this. I'm saddened by my own country's behavior in WWII from the president. Not the military, they followed orders. Adolf had nothing on Joseph, what a fking cruel human being. totally cruel.

General George Patton is on the record as really REALLY wanting to take out the Russians while we already had the army over there to do it. He thought we would have to fight them sooner or later, so why wait? He had little or no respect for the Russians and of course he caught hell for that by our more politically correct leadership.

Well we didn't fight them with conventional warfare and untold millions died or suffered mightily under the USSR totalitarian government. Reagan's huge military buildup that they attempted to match did eventually bring them down economically but we will always wonder how handling all that differently might have turned out. Would bringing them to their knees in unconditional surrender have created a free and prosperous Russia as it did Germany and Japan? We'll never know.
Hitler was but a fly compared to Stalin. His evil exists even today and has crept into the USA.

The far left has embraced Hitler's fascism with an embrace never seen in modern times!
Nazi tactics in 1930s Germany were the same tactics used by leftists throughout history. Hitler envisioned a country where everyone was the same and everyone was controlled 100% by the central government. Those same goals are displayed by the leftist of today. Lets not get hung up on definitions and look at actions.
Hitler wanted one thing, global power, he wanted one global world where no one had an objective point of view. all had to agree with him. how fking lame. And the left want that same thing today. they deflect when confronted with the argument. fk man they can't even admit the antifa group is a leftist group. how fking insane is that. And that their violence is exactly the same as Hitler. And yet they call opposition to them nazis. I mean, how can there ever be a discussion when shit like that exists.
what's funny is Stalin wanted exactly the same thing. The US fought with Stalin and yet he got 14 million killed. How fked up are we? We backed the guy that was busy killing millions while fighting Hitler. Stalin alone took out Poland. Hly fk what a fk turd. he renegged the agreement with the other two allied countries US and Great Britain about Poland. These two countries did absolutely nothing to help the pols. Yes, our country and GB allowed Stalin to take over Poland. Shit Winston Churchill personally humiliated the Poland officials about redrawing their country borders to allow Stalin to take the eastern half of their country. Told them to go fight Joseph and see where'd they end up. Wow, just watched a documentary on it. I can say I never knew this. And thank gd Roosevelt passed when he did. He was worse than Churchill on this. I'm saddened by my own country's behavior in WWII from the president. Not the military, they followed orders. Adolf had nothing on Joseph, what a fking cruel human being. totally cruel.

General George Patton is on the record as really REALLY wanting to take out the Russians while we already had the army over there to do it. He thought we would have to fight them sooner or later, so why wait? He had little or no respect for the Russians and of course he caught hell for that by our more politically correct leadership.

Well we didn't fight them with conventional warfare and untold millions died or suffered mightily under the USSR totalitarian government. Reagan's huge military buildup that they attempted to match did eventually bring them down economically but we will always wonder how handling all that differently might have turned out. Would bringing them to their knees in unconditional surrender have created a free and prosperous Russia as it did Germany and Japan? We'll never know.
Hitler was but a fly compared to Stalin. His evil exists even today and has crept into the USA.

The far left has embraced Hitler's fascism with an embrace never seen in modern times!
she is trying to be the modern version of stalin
Hitler wanted one thing, global power, he wanted one global world where no one had an objective point of view. all had to agree with him. how fking lame. And the left want that same thing today. they deflect when confronted with the argument. fk man they can't even admit the antifa group is a leftist group. how fking insane is that. And that their violence is exactly the same as Hitler. And yet they call opposition to them nazis. I mean, how can there ever be a discussion when shit like that exists.
what's funny is Stalin wanted exactly the same thing. The US fought with Stalin and yet he got 14 million killed. How fked up are we? We backed the guy that was busy killing millions while fighting Hitler. Stalin alone took out Poland. Hly fk what a fk turd. he renegged the agreement with the other two allied countries US and Great Britain about Poland. These two countries did absolutely nothing to help the pols. Yes, our country and GB allowed Stalin to take over Poland. Shit Winston Churchill personally humiliated the Poland officials about redrawing their country borders to allow Stalin to take the eastern half of their country. Told them to go fight Joseph and see where'd they end up. Wow, just watched a documentary on it. I can say I never knew this. And thank gd Roosevelt passed when he did. He was worse than Churchill on this. I'm saddened by my own country's behavior in WWII from the president. Not the military, they followed orders. Adolf had nothing on Joseph, what a fking cruel human being. totally cruel.

General George Patton is on the record as really REALLY wanting to take out the Russians while we already had the army over there to do it. He thought we would have to fight them sooner or later, so why wait? He had little or no respect for the Russians and of course he caught hell for that by our more politically correct leadership.

Well we didn't fight them with conventional warfare and untold millions died or suffered mightily under the USSR totalitarian government. Reagan's huge military buildup that they attempted to match did eventually bring them down economically but we will always wonder how handling all that differently might have turned out. Would bringing them to their knees in unconditional surrender have created a free and prosperous Russia as it did Germany and Japan? We'll never know.
Hitler was but a fly compared to Stalin. His evil exists even today and has crept into the USA.

The far left has embraced Hitler's fascism with an embrace never seen in modern times!
she is trying to be the modern version of stalin
stalin was a wink wink guy, so is hitlery. truly amazing.
Hitler wanted one thing, global power, he wanted one global world where no one had an objective point of view. all had to agree with him. how fking lame. And the left want that same thing today. they deflect when confronted with the argument. fk man they can't even admit the antifa group is a leftist group. how fking insane is that. And that their violence is exactly the same as Hitler. And yet they call opposition to them nazis. I mean, how can there ever be a discussion when shit like that exists.
what's funny is Stalin wanted exactly the same thing. The US fought with Stalin and yet he got 14 million killed. How fked up are we? We backed the guy that was busy killing millions while fighting Hitler. Stalin alone took out Poland. Hly fk what a fk turd. he renegged the agreement with the other two allied countries US and Great Britain about Poland. These two countries did absolutely nothing to help the pols. Yes, our country and GB allowed Stalin to take over Poland. Shit Winston Churchill personally humiliated the Poland officials about redrawing their country borders to allow Stalin to take the eastern half of their country. Told them to go fight Joseph and see where'd they end up. Wow, just watched a documentary on it. I can say I never knew this. And thank gd Roosevelt passed when he did. He was worse than Churchill on this. I'm saddened by my own country's behavior in WWII from the president. Not the military, they followed orders. Adolf had nothing on Joseph, what a fking cruel human being. totally cruel.

General George Patton is on the record as really REALLY wanting to take out the Russians while we already had the army over there to do it. He thought we would have to fight them sooner or later, so why wait? He had little or no respect for the Russians and of course he caught hell for that by our more politically correct leadership.

Well we didn't fight them with conventional warfare and untold millions died or suffered mightily under the USSR totalitarian government. Reagan's huge military buildup that they attempted to match did eventually bring them down economically but we will always wonder how handling all that differently might have turned out. Would bringing them to their knees in unconditional surrender have created a free and prosperous Russia as it did Germany and Japan? We'll never know.
Hitler was but a fly compared to Stalin. His evil exists even today and has crept into the USA.

The far left has embraced Hitler's fascism with an embrace never seen in modern times!
she is trying to be the modern version of stalin

The right wing nuts have been programmed to think that the Nazi's were "leftist"! :cheers2:

Nazi tactics in 1930s Germany were the same tactics used by leftists throughout history. Hitler envisioned a country where everyone was the same and everyone was controlled 100% by the central government. Those same goals are displayed by the leftist of today. Lets not get hung up on definitions and look at actions.
Hitler wanted one thing, global power, he wanted one global world where no one had an objective point of view. all had to agree with him. how fking lame. And the left want that same thing today. they deflect when confronted with the argument. fk man they can't even admit the antifa group is a leftist group. how fking insane is that. And that their violence is exactly the same as Hitler. And yet they call opposition to them nazis. I mean, how can there ever be a discussion when shit like that exists.
what's funny is Stalin wanted exactly the same thing. The US fought with Stalin and yet he got 14 million killed. How fked up are we? We backed the guy that was busy killing millions while fighting Hitler. Stalin alone took out Poland. Hly fk what a fk turd. he renegged the agreement with the other two allied countries US and Great Britain about Poland. These two countries did absolutely nothing to help the pols. Yes, our country and GB allowed Stalin to take over Poland. Shit Winston Churchill personally humiliated the Poland officials about redrawing their country borders to allow Stalin to take the eastern half of their country. Told them to go fight Joseph and see where'd they end up. Wow, just watched a documentary on it. I can say I never knew this. And thank gd Roosevelt passed when he did. He was worse than Churchill on this. I'm saddened by my own country's behavior in WWII from the president. Not the military, they followed orders. Adolf had nothing on Joseph, what a fking cruel human being. totally cruel.

General George Patton is on the record as really REALLY wanting to take out the Russians while we already had the army over there to do it. He thought we would have to fight them sooner or later, so why wait? He had little or no respect for the Russians and of course he caught hell for that by our more politically correct leadership.

Well we didn't fight them with conventional warfare and untold millions died or suffered mightily under the USSR totalitarian government. Reagan's huge military buildup that they attempted to match did eventually bring them down economically but we will always wonder how handling all that differently might have turned out. Would bringing them to their knees in unconditional surrender have created a free and prosperous Russia as it did Germany and Japan? We'll never know.
Hitler was but a fly compared to Stalin. His evil exists even today and has crept into the USA.

Hardly a fly with so many millions dying a horrible death via his orders. Hitler, Stalin, Saddam Hussein, Mao Zedong, and all of that ilk were evil to the core, ruthless and merciless in their willingness to torture, sacrifice, starve, and murder countless millions to achieve their personal vision/goals.

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