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Partisan Talking points

Get money out of politics with publicly-funded elections. Put short, strict term limits in place so that the politicians aren't beholden to anyone.

Both ideas have their weaknesses, granted. But this will only get worse.

The text of a resolution just passed by the Florida Democratic Party:

  • Supporting fundamental campaign finance reform by enacting fair and public financing of elections, while encouraging the development of small-contribution political fundraising methods and policies. Demanding that public officials be prohibited from working as lobbyists upon leaving office, elimination of lobbyist loopholes, and stronger anti-corruption laws.
I helped write it.

Wanna talk like an adult about this issue?

Guess not. How odd. Mac1958 doesn’t want to find agreement. Who’d have guessed?

Resolutions are a dime a dozen and they are always noble and great sounding.

Political parties usually campaign on noble and high minded words, theories, slogans--we must invest in education, invest in health care, invest in climate change, invest to raise people out of poverty, invest in the dreamers, invest in single parents, reform the tax code, get campaign finance reform. We need to do this. We need to do that. But once safely in office nothing much happens other than the status quo.

A resolution, without a "Therefore. . ." is just words whose only merit is those high minded words.
And when it isn't followed up by proactive legislation, it means little or nothing. And even when those promoting campaign finance reform, politicians are generally pretty slick in making sure it has enough loopholes to keep from significantly impacting them personally. The McCain/Feingold campaign finance reform legislation in 2002 was touted as a wonderful bipartisan thing. But the dirty little secret is that it did almost nothing to control the flow of serious money to politicians, most especially McCain and Feingold who were careful to be sure that their own donors would not be hampered in any way.

Whoa! Yer blowin’ my mind up!!

We all know what a resolution is. The point, my dear, is that one party resolves to get the big secret money out of politics and the other doesn’t.

You belong to the party that believes that large donations made in secret is free speech. Own it.

They BOTH promise to do that. And neither one does it because it is their life blood.

Nope. Both don't. Where ya been?
Nazi tactics in 1930s Germany were the same tactics used by leftists throughout history. Hitler envisioned a country where everyone was the same and everyone was controlled 100% by the central government. Those same goals are displayed by the leftist of today. Lets not get hung up on definitions and look at actions.
Hitler wanted one thing, global power, he wanted one global world where no one had an objective point of view. all had to agree with him. how fking lame. And the left want that same thing today. they deflect when confronted with the argument. fk man they can't even admit the antifa group is a leftist group. how fking insane is that. And that their violence is exactly the same as Hitler. And yet they call opposition to them nazis. I mean, how can there ever be a discussion when shit like that exists.
what's funny is Stalin wanted exactly the same thing. The US fought with Stalin and yet he got 14 million killed. How fked up are we? We backed the guy that was busy killing millions while fighting Hitler. Stalin alone took out Poland. Hly fk what a fk turd. he renegged the agreement with the other two allied countries US and Great Britain about Poland. These two countries did absolutely nothing to help the pols. Yes, our country and GB allowed Stalin to take over Poland. Shit Winston Churchill personally humiliated the Poland officials about redrawing their country borders to allow Stalin to take the eastern half of their country. Told them to go fight Joseph and see where'd they end up. Wow, just watched a documentary on it. I can say I never knew this. And thank gd Roosevelt passed when he did. He was worse than Churchill on this. I'm saddened by my own country's behavior in WWII from the president. Not the military, they followed orders. Adolf had nothing on Joseph, what a fking cruel human being. totally cruel.

General George Patton is on the record as really REALLY wanting to take out the Russians while we already had the army over there to do it. He thought we would have to fight them sooner or later, so why wait? He had little or no respect for the Russians and of course he caught hell for that by our more politically correct leadership.

Well we didn't fight them with conventional warfare and untold millions died or suffered mightily under the USSR totalitarian government. Reagan's huge military buildup that they attempted to match did eventually bring them down economically but we will always wonder how handling all that differently might have turned out. Would bringing them to their knees in unconditional surrender have created a free and prosperous Russia as it did Germany and Japan? We'll never know.
Hitler was but a fly compared to Stalin. His evil exists even today and has crept into the USA.

Hardly a fly with so many millions dying a horrible death via his orders. Hitler, Stalin, Saddam Hussein, Mao Zedong, and all of that ilk were evil to the core, ruthless and merciless in their willingness to torture, sacrifice, starve, and murder countless millions to achieve their personal vision/goals.
Hardly close, he was pure evil. Pure as snow evil.

Joseph Stalin - Wikipedia

"Calculating the number of victims

Photo from 1943 exhumation of mass grave of Polish officers killed by NKVD in Katyń Forest in 1940
According to Service, Stalin was "one of the most notorious figures in history", one who ordered "the systematic killing of people on a massive scale".[809] Khlevniuk stated that Stalin's actions "upended or utterly destroyed literally millions upon millions of lives".[824] Montefiore suggested that Stalin was ultimately responsible for the deaths of between 20 and 25 million people,[831] with Khlevniuk stating that at least 60 million people faced some form of repression or discrimination under Stalin's regime.[832] British-Polish historian Norman Davies suggested that Stalin was ultimately responsible for at least 50 million victims.[833] Official records show that 800,000 were shot in the Soviet Union between 1930 and 1952, although a larger number died during torture or as a result of poor conditions in labour camps.[832] Many more died as a result of famines and starvation; between 5 and 7 million died during the 1932–33 famine.[832]

According to official Soviet estimates, more than 14 million people passed through the Gulag from 1929 to 1953, with a further 7 to 8 million being deported and exiled to remote areas of the Soviet Union (including entire nationalities in several cases).[834]

Before the 1991 dissolution of the Soviet Union, researchers who attempted to count the number of people killed during the period of Stalin produced estimates ranging from 3 to 60 million.[835] After the Soviet Union dissolved, evidence from the Soviet archives also became available, containing official records of 799,455 executions (1921–1953),[836] around 1.7 million deaths in the Gulag and some 390,000 deaths during kulak forced resettlement – with a total of about 2.9 million officially recorded victims in these categories.[837] Historian and archival researcher Stephen G. Wheatcroft of the University of Melbourne claims Stalin can be charged with the "purposive deaths" of "something in the order of a million people", which includes 791,570 executions from 1921 to 1945, purposive excess deaths in the gulag and 208,430 deaths in exile from 1930 to 1945; that number increases to over 6 million or more if deaths from criminal negligence are included.[838][839]:220–222"
Hitler wanted one thing, global power, he wanted one global world where no one had an objective point of view. all had to agree with him. how fking lame. And the left want that same thing today. they deflect when confronted with the argument. fk man they can't even admit the antifa group is a leftist group. how fking insane is that. And that their violence is exactly the same as Hitler. And yet they call opposition to them nazis. I mean, how can there ever be a discussion when shit like that exists.
what's funny is Stalin wanted exactly the same thing. The US fought with Stalin and yet he got 14 million killed. How fked up are we? We backed the guy that was busy killing millions while fighting Hitler. Stalin alone took out Poland. Hly fk what a fk turd. he renegged the agreement with the other two allied countries US and Great Britain about Poland. These two countries did absolutely nothing to help the pols. Yes, our country and GB allowed Stalin to take over Poland. Shit Winston Churchill personally humiliated the Poland officials about redrawing their country borders to allow Stalin to take the eastern half of their country. Told them to go fight Joseph and see where'd they end up. Wow, just watched a documentary on it. I can say I never knew this. And thank gd Roosevelt passed when he did. He was worse than Churchill on this. I'm saddened by my own country's behavior in WWII from the president. Not the military, they followed orders. Adolf had nothing on Joseph, what a fking cruel human being. totally cruel.

General George Patton is on the record as really REALLY wanting to take out the Russians while we already had the army over there to do it. He thought we would have to fight them sooner or later, so why wait? He had little or no respect for the Russians and of course he caught hell for that by our more politically correct leadership.

Well we didn't fight them with conventional warfare and untold millions died or suffered mightily under the USSR totalitarian government. Reagan's huge military buildup that they attempted to match did eventually bring them down economically but we will always wonder how handling all that differently might have turned out. Would bringing them to their knees in unconditional surrender have created a free and prosperous Russia as it did Germany and Japan? We'll never know.
Hitler was but a fly compared to Stalin. His evil exists even today and has crept into the USA.

Hardly a fly with so many millions dying a horrible death via his orders. Hitler, Stalin, Saddam Hussein, Mao Zedong, and all of that ilk were evil to the core, ruthless and merciless in their willingness to torture, sacrifice, starve, and murder countless millions to achieve their personal vision/goals.
Hardly close, he was pure evil. Pure as snow evil.

Joseph Stalin - Wikipedia

"Calculating the number of victims

Photo from 1943 exhumation of mass grave of Polish officers killed by NKVD in Katyń Forest in 1940
According to Service, Stalin was "one of the most notorious figures in history", one who ordered "the systematic killing of people on a massive scale".[809] Khlevniuk stated that Stalin's actions "upended or utterly destroyed literally millions upon millions of lives".[824] Montefiore suggested that Stalin was ultimately responsible for the deaths of between 20 and 25 million people,[831] with Khlevniuk stating that at least 60 million people faced some form of repression or discrimination under Stalin's regime.[832] British-Polish historian Norman Davies suggested that Stalin was ultimately responsible for at least 50 million victims.[833] Official records show that 800,000 were shot in the Soviet Union between 1930 and 1952, although a larger number died during torture or as a result of poor conditions in labour camps.[832] Many more died as a result of famines and starvation; between 5 and 7 million died during the 1932–33 famine.[832]

According to official Soviet estimates, more than 14 million people passed through the Gulag from 1929 to 1953, with a further 7 to 8 million being deported and exiled to remote areas of the Soviet Union (including entire nationalities in several cases).[834]

Before the 1991 dissolution of the Soviet Union, researchers who attempted to count the number of people killed during the period of Stalin produced estimates ranging from 3 to 60 million.[835] After the Soviet Union dissolved, evidence from the Soviet archives also became available, containing official records of 799,455 executions (1921–1953),[836] around 1.7 million deaths in the Gulag and some 390,000 deaths during kulak forced resettlement – with a total of about 2.9 million officially recorded victims in these categories.[837] Historian and archival researcher Stephen G. Wheatcroft of the University of Melbourne claims Stalin can be charged with the "purposive deaths" of "something in the order of a million people", which includes 791,570 executions from 1921 to 1945, purposive excess deaths in the gulag and 208,430 deaths in exile from 1930 to 1945; that number increases to over 6 million or more if deaths from criminal negligence are included.[838][839]:220–222"
For Net Neutrality purposes, the pro-Stalin apologetic would be: Uncle Joe didn't know any of that was happening. It was all Beria, who betrayed Stalin's trust and kept him misinformed.

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