Passenger Tells A Female Pilot Flying Is 'No Place For A Woman'

Shoulda set the auto-pilot then gone into the passenger cabin after annoucing she agreed and some man should go take the controls. :)

Studies have demonstrated women are in fact better than men as pilots oweing to their superior multitasking capability.

Women pilots 'are safer than men' - News - The Independent

Can we stop with the generalized feel good study crap making it now seem women pilots are better then men, and just say a pilot is a fucking pilot?

What is with this need to feel not only equal but superior all the damn time???

When they suffer accidents a quarter as often, as the link states, it's relevant and beyond 'I'm ok, you're ok.'

Is the subset of female pilots large enough for this to be comparable to the much much much larger set of male pilots? I don't think so.

Considering the small number of accidents that occur per year, the set of incidents to compare to further makes any analysis suspect.

Again, just say a pilot is a pilot, stop trying to prop stuff up and makepeoplefeelgood via implying that male pilots are inferior (remember if you say female pilots are superior, the opposite about males is also said).
Is the subset of female pilots large enough for this to be comparable to the much much much larger set of male pilots? I don't think so.

yes, because it's proportionate, not absolute.

Considering the small number of accidents that occur per year, the set of incidents to compare to further makes any analysis suspect.

yes. but off topic, isn't it?

Again, just say a pilot is a pilot, stop trying to prop stuff up and makepeoplefeelgood via implying that male pilots are inferior (remember if you say female pilots are superior, the opposite about males is also said).

irrelevant to the o/p. you either think the guy who made the idiotic comment was a loser or you don't.
Hey, come on. Why do you think it's called a cockpit anyway?

...Hmm. Now ya got my obsessive mind chewing away on it and I'll have to look it up if I ever wanna sleep again. :)

"The term cockpit described the sailing term for the coxswain's station in a Royal Navy ship, and later the location of the ship's rudder controls.[citation needed] Cockpit appeared in the English language in the 1580s, "a pit for fighting cocks", from cock + pit. Used in nautical sense (1706) for midshipmen's compartment below decks; transferred to airplanes (1914) and to cars (1930s).[2] From about 1935 cockpit came to be used informally to refer to the driver's seat of a car, especially a high performance one, and this is official terminology in Formula One.

In an airliner, the cockpit is usually referred to as the flight deck, the term deriving from its use by the RAF for the separate, upper platform in large flying boats where the pilot and co-pilot sat. In the US and many other countries, however, the term cockpit is also used for airliners.[citation needed]"

Cockpit - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Is the subset of female pilots large enough for this to be comparable to the much much much larger set of male pilots? I don't think so.

yes, because it's proportionate, not absolute.

Considering the small number of accidents that occur per year, the set of incidents to compare to further makes any analysis suspect.

yes. but off topic, isn't it?

Again, just say a pilot is a pilot, stop trying to prop stuff up and makepeoplefeelgood via implying that male pilots are inferior (remember if you say female pilots are superior, the opposite about males is also said).

irrelevant to the o/p. you either think the guy who made the idiotic comment was a loser or you don't.

its not irrelevant. The guy is an asshole, but coming up with crap like this to counter his point is stupid and counterproductive. So we go from some asshole saying women pilots shouldn't be pilots, to some feel good study saying women are better pilots and men suck at it (that's the interpretation people are making of it, a deeper look of the study shows otherwise, and my points about the sample sizes not being comparable still stands.)

People need to stop using crutches to make them think they are soooo fucking awesome, and just be confident enough in themselves to know its so.

FYI, when I get in a plane, and I'm afraid of flying, the only thing i hope for in a pilot is experience, attentiveness, and competence, the pilot's sex doesn't even enter into my mind.
What a surprise, the usual suspects have to turn it into a Christian bashing thread... :rolleyes:
Passenger Tells A Female Pilot Flying Is 'No Place For A Woman' - Careers Articles

There is a whole list of people you're smart not to tick off: a state trooper who pulled you over. A surgeon just before your operation. Your boss when asking for a raise. Oh, and the aircraft pilot you're trusting your life with while traveling.

But that's what a WestJet passenger in Canada did on a routine flight from Calgary to Victoria, British Columbia. Someone by the name of David left a note claiming that a pilot's chair was "no place for a woman" and left it for Captain Carey Smith Steacy, a commercial airline pilot with 17 years of experience, according to CTV News. Addressed to the captain and WestJet, the note, a photo of which is available online at Imgur, scrawled with many misspellings and grammatical errors on a small napkin, read that the "cockpit of airlier is no place for a woman" and that "being a mother is the most honor." The note went on to say that there was a shortage of mothers, not pilots.

women make great pilots

my first flying experience was from the neighbor lady

who took us flying with her float plane

in WW11 female pilots logged over 60 million miles

WW11? what happend to WWIII thru WWX? just funnin...:D
You know....................I'm pretty sure that there are a few U.S. Navy fighter pilots who are women that would beg to differ with him.

Matter of fact, women make pretty damn good pilots, even when it comes to fighter aircraft.

The dude that left that note needs to have his head removed from his ass.

Not to mention that I find female pilots HAWT HAWT HAWT!
I've been reading more into this...

Something doesn't seem right. It could simply be nothing, though. But why on Earth would she seek to make a public display of it? Could have simply just thrown the letter in the trash where it belonged. She's a pilot of 17 years, I think she knows how to fly a plane better than the idiot who wrote it.
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I've been reading more into this...

Something doesn't seem right. It could simply be nothing, though. But why on Earth would she seek to make a public display of it? Could have simply just thrown the letter in the trash where it belonged. She's a pilot of 17 years, I think she knows how to fly a plane better than the idiot who wrote it.

It's pretty darn funny, that's why. That someone, some guy, would still be stalking the face of this planet. After all, didn't Neanderthals die off a few years ago?
Passenger Tells A Female Pilot Flying Is 'No Place For A Woman' - Careers Articles

There is a whole list of people you're smart not to tick off: a state trooper who pulled you over. A surgeon just before your operation. Your boss when asking for a raise. Oh, and the aircraft pilot you're trusting your life with while traveling.

But that's what a WestJet passenger in Canada did on a routine flight from Calgary to Victoria, British Columbia. Someone by the name of David left a note claiming that a pilot's chair was "no place for a woman" and left it for Captain Carey Smith Steacy, a commercial airline pilot with 17 years of experience, according to CTV News. Addressed to the captain and WestJet, the note, a photo of which is available online at Imgur, scrawled with many misspellings and grammatical errors on a small napkin, read that the "cockpit of airlier is no place for a woman" and that "being a mother is the most honor." The note went on to say that there was a shortage of mothers, not pilots.

Bet the guy was a Christian conservative who believes that her rightful place is in the kitchen, serving her husband and caring for their six kids.

Evidence suggests is was a left wing Canadian asshole, not to be confused with Aussie left wing morons of course.......... :thup:
cockpit (n.) 1580s, "a pit for fighting cocks," from cock (n.1) + pit (n.1). Used in nautical sense (1706) for midshipmen's compartment below decks; transferred to airplanes (1914) and to cars (1930s).

coxswain (n.) early 14c., "officer in charge of a ship's boat and its crew," from cock "ship's boat" (from Old French coque "canoe") + swain "boy," from Old Norse sveinn "boy, servant" (see swain).


Bet the guy was a Christian conservative who believes that her rightful place is in the kitchen, serving her husband and caring for their six kids.

Evidence suggests is was a left wing Canadian asshole, not to be confused with Aussie left wing morons of course.......... :thup:

What evidence "is was" that then?

The napki-note carries a reference to "Proverbs 31", a little known OT verse that actually reads in part:

"Suffereth not the female to manipulate the rudder, for lo her hormones rageth and will surely bring about the weeping and gnashing of gears; neither allow her to read the altimeter, for she is vain and useth it as a mirror to apply lipstick, even as the porridgebird laugheth upon her rendering of screams upon discovery that her craft plummeteth. Rather, her place is reserved in the Privy, that she may advance and promote the Mile High Club, where there shall be great joy, yea even unto ejaculation."
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Bet the guy was a Christian conservative who believes that her rightful place is in the kitchen, serving her husband and caring for their six kids.

Evidence suggests is was a left wing Canadian asshole, not to be confused with Aussie left wing morons of course.......... :thup:

What evidence? Where's the evidence that either of these assertions are true?

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