Passion of the Christ

Irish Ram, that doesn't make sense. People suffer horribly.

I assumed she meant "for our sins, at judgment."

Oh, I see. Kind of like the one about "knock and it shall be opened, ask and ye shall receive..." not being about worldly things but things of the spirit. Which explains why you can get down on you knees and BEG God to spare your loved one from their illness...and they die anyway.

I just don't understand why everything had to be made into a big game. All these rules and riddles and puzzles. Do this or that and you might get this or that reward. Do something wrong and burn in Hell forever. Etc., etc. And at the same time we are told that God sooo loves us. It just doesn't add up. I think we are misinterpreting something.

Or some of us are, anyway.

This reminds me of "If you see a missionary, shoot it. Because once they tell you what they think, you're going to hell."

I think spiritual things are as simple or complex as we wish them to be. John 3:16, "For God so loved." I. Personally. Okay? I believe that's the gift. Believe and do not perish.

Fundamentalists believe in piling on the law. I think if they want to live their live like that, then they should. I'm not saying it's right, I'm saying that's their choice. Don't be blaming God for a choice you made. HE said all you have to do is believe and apparently be baptized.

Some people just say "Jesus died for me. I believe that, I accept that, moving on." Then others find fault with them. "Oh, no you don't. You need to do the do's and don't do the don'ts until you lose your will to live. Then MAYBE God will let you enter the kingdom of heaven, but more likely you're going to hell."

Those people, in my estimation, are the ones who are going to pay most grievously (if the Bible is real).
But..WHY??? Why the horrible suffering? What is the purpose??? I just flat don't understand how God would allow that kind of suffering. I just don't.

I never want to see that movie again. Nor do I want the gory details. Which is why I never watched it to begin with. I don't know why I did tonight. I guess I figured I owed it to Him. But all it did was raise more questions and you know me, hon. I am full of questions all the time with this.

He demonstrated that He took our punishment and not only that but showed us He had power over the grave by rising from the dead and because He rose from the dead, it also tells me He was sinless and that God accepted the sacrifice on the cross and it also shows me that the Bible is true in prophecy.

Isaiah 53:5 But he was wounded for our transgressions, he was bruised for our iniquities: the chastisement of our peace was upon him; and with his stripes we are healed.
That is not the issue with me, Chuck. The issue, if I can get it out without screwing up my thought process is...WHY?????????????????

WHY the TORTURE? WHY the allowing of His Son to die that way? Why did He have to die for us to begin with?
I don't give a damn what the Bible says. I want to know WHY all this pain and death is demanded from a loving God? And the WAY he died. WHY????
I said I would never watch it. And I haven't. Until tonight.

I'm not sure what to say about it either. But I sure have a lot of questions.

How could someone take that kind of punishment and still make it up a hill? How could they not just die from shock to the body before even reaching the hill? Strength from God?

If so, why such horrendous punishment? The suffering obviously done?

Why such a punishment in that extreme?

Why does sacrifice need to be done to get anywhere with God? Blood and death and suffering. What is the purpose?

I don't get it.

mankind's sin has a very high cost to all creation,man's sin brought pain,sickness and ruin and death to all the universe!!!
And, I wish I had never watched it while at the same time glad I did because we all are numb to the "he was scourged and crucified with a thorn of crowns on his head and then He died". No. He SUFFERED.
How could God allow that? Or even want it?

So confusing.

And..I am done discussing it. It's making me upset.

God and Jesus allowed it so that you, God's daughter and Christ's sister would post that post. If you were the only human on earth, Christ would still have gone through every bit of that suffering just to be able to spend eternity with you. Only His blood is capable of erasing our sin. There is no other substitute for the redeeming of our souls. And They knew that before They even created us. And wanted us enough to create us anyway. That kind of love is amazing.

Knowing what Christ went through is one thing. Feeling His pain is another.
When your heart aches for God's Son, Jesus, you LOOK like God's Son Jesus, to God. What you feel in your heart toward Christ is exactly what Christ felt in His heart toward you. Same hearts.
When you reach that plateau, you have graduated to a new level. Understanding the extent He was willing to suffer in order to place you safely in His hand is an epiphany. It draws you closer to Him. It makes Him dance over you.

What He did, He did for our sake, out of love. The question now becomes, how much are we willing to do for His sake?

And cheer up, Jesus the Christ is alive and well, sitting with His feet up, next to our Father, while God prepares to pour down wrath on Satan once and for all. This epic battle is going to end well for us. Our Dad wins. :eusa_angel:
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I said I would never watch it. And I haven't. Until tonight.

I'm not sure what to say about it either. But I sure have a lot of questions.

How could someone take that kind of punishment and still make it up a hill? How could they not just die from shock to the body before even reaching the hill? Strength from God?

If so, why such horrendous punishment? The suffering obviously done?

Why such a punishment in that extreme?

Why does sacrifice need to be done to get anywhere with God? Blood and death and suffering. What is the purpose?
I don't get it.

Becasue the wrath of God is powerfully opposed to evil, and to satisfy that wrath, he had to suffer. But the physical suffering was not the worst. It was the spiritual separation from God. I do not understand how it happened, but Jesus cried from the cross "My God, My God, why have you forsaken me?" And if he said it, it was truly happening. According to the Bible, Jesus was God for all eternity past, but for those three hours on the cross, he was tormented immeasurably so that the sins of mankind could be atoned for.
Sacrifice for God is noble and won't go unrewarded. I tend to agree with you on the level of brutality though. I saw the movie and thought it was a bit exaggerated.

The Bible says He was beaten beyond recognition. From beginning to end it lasted 6 hours.
They shall see my Servant beaten and bloodied, so disfigured one would scarcely know it was a person standing there. So shall he cleanse many nations. ISAIAH 53:15
I said I would never watch it. And I haven't. Until tonight.

I'm not sure what to say about it either. But I sure have a lot of questions.

How could someone take that kind of punishment and still make it up a hill? How could they not just die from shock to the body before even reaching the hill? Strength from God?

If so, why such horrendous punishment? The suffering obviously done?

Why such a punishment in that extreme?

Why does sacrifice need to be done to get anywhere with God? Blood and death and suffering. What is the purpose?

I don't get it.

mankind's sin has a very high cost to all creation,man's sin brought pain,sickness and ruin and death to all the universe!!!

Oh, yeah, that HORRIBLE, HORRIBLE sin where Eve took and ate an apple off a tree she was told not to. Oh, how HORRIBLE!!!!!!

Good grief. Ridiculous. Doesn't add up. Something's missing. Right from the start.

I mean I could see if her sin was to sneak up on Adam while he was sleeping, disembowel him and shake his guts at God saying, "I hate you, God!!! I love the snake better so I have killed Adam as a sacrifice to the Snake!" Something like that. But she took a freaking apple off a tree after being told not to. Whoopy doo. Something is missing.

God? I need some help here. I can't just fake it, not my style. That's why I quit going to church. All the phony people giggling and whispering while the host was being consecrated!!! Just couldn't stand that. We should have all been prostrate on the floor, not whispering among ourselves.
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I said I would never watch it. And I haven't. Until tonight.

I'm not sure what to say about it either. But I sure have a lot of questions.

How could someone take that kind of punishment and still make it up a hill? How could they not just die from shock to the body before even reaching the hill? Strength from God?

If so, why such horrendous punishment? The suffering obviously done?

Why such a punishment in that extreme?

Why does sacrifice need to be done to get anywhere with God? Blood and death and suffering. What is the purpose?

I don't get it.

mankind's sin has a very high cost to all creation,man's sin brought pain,sickness and ruin and death to all the universe!!!

Oh, yeah, that HORRIBLE, HORRIBLE sin where Eve took an apple off a tree she was told not to. Oh, how HORRIBLE!!!!!!

Good grief. Ridiculous.

I said I would never watch it. And I haven't. Until tonight.

I'm not sure what to say about it either. But I sure have a lot of questions.

How could someone take that kind of punishment and still make it up a hill? How could they not just die from shock to the body before even reaching the hill? Strength from God?

If so, why such horrendous punishment? The suffering obviously done?

Why such a punishment in that extreme?

Why does sacrifice need to be done to get anywhere with God? Blood and death and suffering. What is the purpose?

I don't get it.

mankind's sin has a very high cost to all creation,man's sin brought pain,sickness and ruin and death to all the universe!!!

Oh, yeah, that HORRIBLE, HORRIBLE sin where Eve took an apple off a tree she was told not to. Oh, how HORRIBLE!!!!!!

Good grief. Ridiculous.

Well, when you say it that way .... ;)

You know what was the first straw in my nephew's journey? Having a son. And that story about essentially, if you love me, you'll obey me and kill your son. And then when he was just about to do so? "PSYCH!" You can keep him!

Oh really? Well fuck you, ya sadistic bastard.

Seriously. That's how things unfolded in his head.

For God so loved the world that he inflicted torture on his son. I'm sorry, isn't that rather backwards?
mankind's sin has a very high cost to all creation,man's sin brought pain,sickness and ruin and death to all the universe!!!

Oh, yeah, that HORRIBLE, HORRIBLE sin where Eve took an apple off a tree she was told not to. Oh, how HORRIBLE!!!!!!

Good grief. Ridiculous.


Aw, come on, she was just a stupid dingbat woman. They didn't even get a chance to redeem themselves.

We are supposedly God's children, at least that's what I'm told over and over. Would you do that to your own child if they made a mistake? Ban them from the house, villify them for eternity? OVERREACT????

I don't think so. It doesn't add up. And it's not God I'm criticizing...I think we're pegging Him wrong.

Read "The Shack." Have any of you read it?
I said I would never watch it. And I haven't. Until tonight.

I'm not sure what to say about it either. But I sure have a lot of questions.

How could someone take that kind of punishment and still make it up a hill? How could they not just die from shock to the body before even reaching the hill? Strength from God?

If so, why such horrendous punishment? The suffering obviously done?

Why such a punishment in that extreme?

Why does sacrifice need to be done to get anywhere with God? Blood and death and suffering. What is the purpose?

I don't get it.

mankind's sin has a very high cost to all creation,man's sin brought pain,sickness and ruin and death to all the universe!!!

Oh, yeah, that HORRIBLE, HORRIBLE sin where Eve took and ate an apple off a tree she was told not to. Oh, how HORRIBLE!!!!!!

Good grief. Ridiculous. Doesn't add up. Something's missing. Right from the start.

I mean I could see if her sin was to sneak up on Adam while he was sleeping, disembowel him and shake his guts at God saying, "I hate you, God!!! I love the snake better so I have killed Adam as a sacrifice to the Snake!" Something like that. But she took a freaking apple off a tree after being told not to. Whoopy doo. Something is missing.

God? I need some help here. I can't just fake it, not my style. That's why I quit going to church. All the phony people giggling and whispering while the host was being consecrated!!! Just couldn't stand that. We should have all been prostrate on the floor, not whispering among ourselves.
It was no ordinary apple.
It's all just too confusing for me. And if we are all God's children...why does He keep on about His Chosen People...the Jews? You know..the ones that enjoyed watching him die on that pole.

Bah. Too many questions and not my place to question it. I'll ask Him when I get there. ;)
That is not the issue with me, Chuck. The issue, if I can get it out without screwing up my thought process is...WHY?????????????????

WHY the TORTURE? WHY the allowing of His Son to die that way? Why did He have to die for us to begin with?
I don't give a damn what the Bible says. I want to know WHY all this pain and death is demanded from a loving God? And the WAY he died. WHY????

How else was He to get back to the Mothership?

If you really think about that, the confuzzlement ebbs.

I don't have the answers. I just have damn good questions.

Regards from Rosie
Oh, yeah, that HORRIBLE, HORRIBLE sin where Eve took and ate an apple off a tree she was told not to. Oh, how HORRIBLE!!!!!!

Good grief. Ridiculous. Doesn't add up. Something's missing. Right from the start.

I mean I could see if her sin was to sneak up on Adam while he was sleeping, disembowel him and shake his guts at God saying, "I hate you, God!!! I love the snake better so I have killed Adam as a sacrifice to the Snake!" Something like that. But she took a freaking apple off a tree after being told not to. Whoopy doo. Something is missing.

God? I need some help here. I can't just fake it, not my style. That's why I quit going to church. All the phony people giggling and whispering while the host was being consecrated!!! Just couldn't stand that. We should have all been prostrate on the floor, not whispering among ourselves.
It was no ordinary apple.

EVE'S SIN WAS rejecting GOD,GOD'S WORD,GOD'S LOVE AND TRUST AND THEN SHE BELIEVED satan's lies!!! wHY DO YOU NOT learn a lesson from Eve AND SEE THE COST OF SIN,all creation was ruined by ADAM AND EVE'S CHOICE TO REJECT GOD and believe satan's lies!!! AND YOU??
I hope that's not directed at me.
That is not the issue with me, Chuck. The issue, if I can get it out without screwing up my thought process is...WHY?????????????????

WHY the TORTURE? WHY the allowing of His Son to die that way? Why did He have to die for us to begin with?
I don't give a damn what the Bible says. I want to know WHY all this pain and death is demanded from a loving God? And the WAY he died. WHY????

How else was He to get back to the Mothership?

If you really think about that, the confuzzlement ebbs.

I don't have the answers. I just have damn good questions.

Regards from Rosie

JESUS IS GOD THE SON!!! GOD THE SON who came to earth to live life as 100% man and God loved the world so much that he gave his only Son[c] so that anyone who believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. 17 God did not send his Son into the world to condemn it, but to save it.

18 “There is no eternal doom awaiting those who trust him to save them. But those who don’t trust him have already been tried and condemned for not believing in the only Son of God. 19 Their sentence is based on this fact: that the Light from heaven came into the world, but they loved the darkness more than the Light, for their deeds were evil. 20 They hated the heavenly Light because they wanted to sin in the darkness. They stayed away from that Light for fear their sins would be exposed and they would be punished. 21 But those doing right come gladly to the Light to let everyone see that they are doing what God wants them to.”

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