Pastor choked and sexually assaulted by CHAZ thugs.

That's it?

I watched the videos. This is nothing and he's fine.

That he's fine is irrelevant. The right or wrong or legality of this stunt does not hinge on whether the guy was hurt or not.

You're over-reacting. He's fine and this is a non-story.

Again, that he is fine is irrelevant. It infuriates me that these arrogant, self-righteous twits have the audacity to accost someone in the street and grope, manhandle and restrict his movement because they didn't like what he was saying. It doesn't matter that the guy wasn't hurt, what they did was wrong.

If it had been me, believe me, I would not have been as forgiving. As soon as anyone laid a hand on me, I'd be swinging.

If this had been a BLMer that had been mobbed in this manner by Trump supporters, Democrats would be calling for the noose. You know it and I know it.

You're pissy about nothing.

There are riots all over the country with much worse things happening than this.

He can press charges if he wants. Has he? Don't care either way.

I'm sure you don't. But then, are you aware of the fact that other videos with the same guy (the pastor) have been put up? Are you aware that these videos show that these people tried to stop him from entering the zone in the first place, telling him he would "die out here" and later holding him down on the ground and putting him in a chokehold?

Do you care now?

Yea I saw that video. Nothing looked too bad. He's fine.

There are much worse situations happening out there. Not sure why you pick this non-story to whine about. Let it all out though if it makes you feel better.

You saw the video where they're holding him down against his will and you see no problem with this?

And say what you will about worse shit happening in other cities, the worse shit has been going on for days and was expected. This, however, was supposed to be a more "peaceful" occupying protest and was supposedly different. It is not.

What happened in this incident is just a taste of what will be unleashed if these people are seriously challenged. If that happens it will be as bad as Minneapolis. Mark my words.

He wasn't hurt. It's not a big deal. At least not compared to everything else happening at protests.

If I am mugged and my money is stolen and someone gets his head bashed with a baseball bat in Minnesota, does that make my mugging okay?

You've got a fucked up barometer for gauging right and wrong. To you, a lesser crime is not as wrong if a murder happened at the same time somewhere else.

Why do you think Fox News hasn't picked this up?

Fox News' non-coverage is irrelevant to the ethics of this incident. It doesn't suddenly become a more serious crime if they decide to cover it.

Would you like a tissue? You seem upset.

Are you mistaking me for one of the snowflakes in the video who couldn't bear to hear a dissenting opinion? My feelings are not hurt, I'm just fucking pissed.

I encourage him to press charges if he feels as strongly as you do about it.

You just don't get it. As I said, everyone has been touting this occupation as more peaceful. The residents supposedly support them; merchants and restaurants are bringing food and supplies and everybody's singing Kumbaya and We Are the World. Yet, all it took was one guy entering their midst preaching and they told him he would die and then swarmed him like rats.

If you had your money stolen and someone got seriously physically hurt, that would be much worse than what happened to this guy.

Fox News hasn't picked it up because this isn't a big deal.

I know you're pissed. You have to be to whine this much about a non-story. Tissue?

If he wants to press charges, then he should do it. Not sure why you insist on me caring about something so meaningless.
Yea I saw that video. Nothing looked too bad. He's fine.

There are much worse situations happening out there. Not sure why you pick this non-story to whine about. Let it all out though if it makes you feel better.
Can you answer a serious question? Look at what you just wrote. Dont you think that applies to the Floyd situation too? Do you have any idea how many truly innocent people have been murdered by black criminals this year? Why are you raging about the super rare incidents of bad cops instead of raging about black crime?

Im sorry, but a criminal dying to a bad cop is waaaay less important to me than say, a child being raped and murdered. You people are giving me no reason to spend a second thought on Floyd.

The Floyd situation is much worse and had a life-changing outcome.

This didn't.
That's it?

I watched the videos. This is nothing and he's fine.

That he's fine is irrelevant. The right or wrong or legality of this stunt does not hinge on whether the guy was hurt or not.

You're over-reacting. He's fine and this is a non-story.

Again, that he is fine is irrelevant. It infuriates me that these arrogant, self-righteous twits have the audacity to accost someone in the street and grope, manhandle and restrict his movement because they didn't like what he was saying. It doesn't matter that the guy wasn't hurt, what they did was wrong.

If it had been me, believe me, I would not have been as forgiving. As soon as anyone laid a hand on me, I'd be swinging.

If this had been a BLMer that had been mobbed in this manner by Trump supporters, Democrats would be calling for the noose. You know it and I know it.

You're pissy about nothing.

There are riots all over the country with much worse things happening than this.

He can press charges if he wants. Has he? Don't care either way.

I'm sure you don't. But then, are you aware of the fact that other videos with the same guy (the pastor) have been put up? Are you aware that these videos show that these people tried to stop him from entering the zone in the first place, telling him he would "die out here" and later holding him down on the ground and putting him in a chokehold?

Do you care now?

Yea I saw that video. Nothing looked too bad. He's fine.

There are much worse situations happening out there. Not sure why you pick this non-story to whine about. Let it all out though if it makes you feel better.

You saw the video where they're holding him down against his will and you see no problem with this?

And say what you will about worse shit happening in other cities, the worse shit has been going on for days and was expected. This, however, was supposed to be a more "peaceful" occupying protest and was supposedly different. It is not.

What happened in this incident is just a taste of what will be unleashed if these people are seriously challenged. If that happens it will be as bad as Minneapolis. Mark my words.

He wasn't hurt. It's not a big deal. At least not compared to everything else happening at protests.

If I am mugged and my money is stolen and someone gets his head bashed with a baseball bat in Minnesota, does that make my mugging okay?

You've got a fucked up barometer for gauging right and wrong. To you, a lesser crime is not as wrong if a murder happened at the same time somewhere else.

Why do you think Fox News hasn't picked this up?

Fox News' non-coverage is irrelevant to the ethics of this incident. It doesn't suddenly become a more serious crime if they decide to cover it.

Would you like a tissue? You seem upset.

Are you mistaking me for one of the snowflakes in the video who couldn't bear to hear a dissenting opinion? My feelings are not hurt, I'm just fucking pissed.

I encourage him to press charges if he feels as strongly as you do about it.

You just don't get it. As I said, everyone has been touting this occupation as more peaceful. The residents supposedly support them; merchants and restaurants are bringing food and supplies and everybody's singing Kumbaya and We Are the World. Yet, all it took was one guy entering their midst preaching and they told him he would die and then swarmed him like rats.

If you had your money stolen and someone got seriously physically hurt, that would be much worse than what happened to this guy.

Doesn't make it right or even okay.

Fox News hasn't picked it up because this isn't a big deal.

I don't need Fox News to tell me if something is a big deal or not. I happen to think for myself. By the way, I seldom watch Fox news or any news anyway.

I know you're pissed. You have to be to whine this much about a non-story. Tissue?

Oh knock it off already with the bullshit tissue ploy.

Yes, I am pissed. Why? Because it won't there. A precedent has been set and now anytime a group of snowflakes gets their feelings hurt, they will barricade a section of the city off and disrupt traffic, commerce and the free movement of all other citizens.

This is only the first of many such protests to come in the future.

If he wants to press charges, then he should do it. Not sure why you insist on me caring about something so meaningless.

Let me explain the inherent hypocrisy of your position. You keep saying it's a non-issue because the guy wasn't hurt. Thing is, the protesters weren't hurt either. His being there preaching was a non-issue and he neither touched, harmed or grabbed anyone yet they felt it necessary to mob him.

Have you even bothered to ask yourself why they reacted to his presence the way they did?
Have you bothered to ask yourself why one of them told him he would "die out here"? Would you have told him something like this?
Have you bothered to ask why they tried at first to prevent him from entering the (still public) area in the first place?

Any way you look at this the protesters were in the wrong. They are unlawfully occupying a public area that is supposed to be open to everyone and unlawfully tried to prevent a person from entering that area. They then unlawfully groped and manhandled him and then held him on the ground against his will.
That's it?

I watched the videos. This is nothing and he's fine.

That he's fine is irrelevant. The right or wrong or legality of this stunt does not hinge on whether the guy was hurt or not.

You're over-reacting. He's fine and this is a non-story.

Again, that he is fine is irrelevant. It infuriates me that these arrogant, self-righteous twits have the audacity to accost someone in the street and grope, manhandle and restrict his movement because they didn't like what he was saying. It doesn't matter that the guy wasn't hurt, what they did was wrong.

If it had been me, believe me, I would not have been as forgiving. As soon as anyone laid a hand on me, I'd be swinging.

If this had been a BLMer that had been mobbed in this manner by Trump supporters, Democrats would be calling for the noose. You know it and I know it.

You're pissy about nothing.

There are riots all over the country with much worse things happening than this.

He can press charges if he wants. Has he? Don't care either way.

I'm sure you don't. But then, are you aware of the fact that other videos with the same guy (the pastor) have been put up? Are you aware that these videos show that these people tried to stop him from entering the zone in the first place, telling him he would "die out here" and later holding him down on the ground and putting him in a chokehold?

Do you care now?

Yea I saw that video. Nothing looked too bad. He's fine.

There are much worse situations happening out there. Not sure why you pick this non-story to whine about. Let it all out though if it makes you feel better.

You saw the video where they're holding him down against his will and you see no problem with this?

And say what you will about worse shit happening in other cities, the worse shit has been going on for days and was expected. This, however, was supposed to be a more "peaceful" occupying protest and was supposedly different. It is not.

What happened in this incident is just a taste of what will be unleashed if these people are seriously challenged. If that happens it will be as bad as Minneapolis. Mark my words.

He wasn't hurt. It's not a big deal. At least not compared to everything else happening at protests.

If I am mugged and my money is stolen and someone gets his head bashed with a baseball bat in Minnesota, does that make my mugging okay?

You've got a fucked up barometer for gauging right and wrong. To you, a lesser crime is not as wrong if a murder happened at the same time somewhere else.

Why do you think Fox News hasn't picked this up?

Fox News' non-coverage is irrelevant to the ethics of this incident. It doesn't suddenly become a more serious crime if they decide to cover it.

Would you like a tissue? You seem upset.

Are you mistaking me for one of the snowflakes in the video who couldn't bear to hear a dissenting opinion? My feelings are not hurt, I'm just fucking pissed.

I encourage him to press charges if he feels as strongly as you do about it.

You just don't get it. As I said, everyone has been touting this occupation as more peaceful. The residents supposedly support them; merchants and restaurants are bringing food and supplies and everybody's singing Kumbaya and We Are the World. Yet, all it took was one guy entering their midst preaching and they told him he would die and then swarmed him like rats.

If you had your money stolen and someone got seriously physically hurt, that would be much worse than what happened to this guy.

Doesn't make it right or even okay.

Fox News hasn't picked it up because this isn't a big deal.

I don't need Fox News to tell me if something is a big deal or not. I happen to think for myself. By the way, I seldom watch Fox news or any news anyway.

I know you're pissed. You have to be to whine this much about a non-story. Tissue?

Oh knock it off already with the bullshit tissue ploy.

Yes, I am pissed. Why? Because it won't there. A precedent has been set and now anytime a group of snowflakes gets their feelings hurt, they will barricade a section of the city off and disrupt traffic, commerce and the free movement of all other citizens.

This is only the first of many such protests to come in the future.

If he wants to press charges, then he should do it. Not sure why you insist on me caring about something so meaningless.

Let me explain the inherent hypocrisy of your position. You keep saying it's a non-issue because the guy wasn't hurt. Thing is, the protesters weren't hurt either. His being there preaching was a non-issue and he neither touched, harmed or grabbed anyone yet they felt it necessary to mob him.

Have you even bothered to ask yourself why they reacted to his presence the way they did?
Have you bothered to ask yourself why one of them told him he would "die out here"? Would you have told him something like this?
Have you bothered to ask why they tried at first to prevent him from entering the (still public) area in the first place?

Any way you look at this the protesters were in the wrong. They are unlawfully occupying a public area that is supposed to be open to everyone and unlawfully tried to prevent a person from entering that area. They then unlawfully groped and manhandled him and then held him on the ground against his will.

You feel better now?
That's it?

I watched the videos. This is nothing and he's fine.

That he's fine is irrelevant. The right or wrong or legality of this stunt does not hinge on whether the guy was hurt or not.

You're over-reacting. He's fine and this is a non-story.

Again, that he is fine is irrelevant. It infuriates me that these arrogant, self-righteous twits have the audacity to accost someone in the street and grope, manhandle and restrict his movement because they didn't like what he was saying. It doesn't matter that the guy wasn't hurt, what they did was wrong.

If it had been me, believe me, I would not have been as forgiving. As soon as anyone laid a hand on me, I'd be swinging.

If this had been a BLMer that had been mobbed in this manner by Trump supporters, Democrats would be calling for the noose. You know it and I know it.

You're pissy about nothing.

There are riots all over the country with much worse things happening than this.

He can press charges if he wants. Has he? Don't care either way.

I'm sure you don't. But then, are you aware of the fact that other videos with the same guy (the pastor) have been put up? Are you aware that these videos show that these people tried to stop him from entering the zone in the first place, telling him he would "die out here" and later holding him down on the ground and putting him in a chokehold?

Do you care now?

Yea I saw that video. Nothing looked too bad. He's fine.

There are much worse situations happening out there. Not sure why you pick this non-story to whine about. Let it all out though if it makes you feel better.

You saw the video where they're holding him down against his will and you see no problem with this?

And say what you will about worse shit happening in other cities, the worse shit has been going on for days and was expected. This, however, was supposed to be a more "peaceful" occupying protest and was supposedly different. It is not.

What happened in this incident is just a taste of what will be unleashed if these people are seriously challenged. If that happens it will be as bad as Minneapolis. Mark my words.

He wasn't hurt. It's not a big deal. At least not compared to everything else happening at protests.

If I am mugged and my money is stolen and someone gets his head bashed with a baseball bat in Minnesota, does that make my mugging okay?

You've got a fucked up barometer for gauging right and wrong. To you, a lesser crime is not as wrong if a murder happened at the same time somewhere else.

Why do you think Fox News hasn't picked this up?

Fox News' non-coverage is irrelevant to the ethics of this incident. It doesn't suddenly become a more serious crime if they decide to cover it.

Would you like a tissue? You seem upset.

Are you mistaking me for one of the snowflakes in the video who couldn't bear to hear a dissenting opinion? My feelings are not hurt, I'm just fucking pissed.

I encourage him to press charges if he feels as strongly as you do about it.

You just don't get it. As I said, everyone has been touting this occupation as more peaceful. The residents supposedly support them; merchants and restaurants are bringing food and supplies and everybody's singing Kumbaya and We Are the World. Yet, all it took was one guy entering their midst preaching and they told him he would die and then swarmed him like rats.

If you had your money stolen and someone got seriously physically hurt, that would be much worse than what happened to this guy.

Doesn't make it right or even okay.

Fox News hasn't picked it up because this isn't a big deal.

I don't need Fox News to tell me if something is a big deal or not. I happen to think for myself. By the way, I seldom watch Fox news or any news anyway.

I know you're pissed. You have to be to whine this much about a non-story. Tissue?

Oh knock it off already with the bullshit tissue ploy.

Yes, I am pissed. Why? Because it won't there. A precedent has been set and now anytime a group of snowflakes gets their feelings hurt, they will barricade a section of the city off and disrupt traffic, commerce and the free movement of all other citizens.

This is only the first of many such protests to come in the future.

If he wants to press charges, then he should do it. Not sure why you insist on me caring about something so meaningless.

Let me explain the inherent hypocrisy of your position. You keep saying it's a non-issue because the guy wasn't hurt. Thing is, the protesters weren't hurt either. His being there preaching was a non-issue and he neither touched, harmed or grabbed anyone yet they felt it necessary to mob him.

Have you even bothered to ask yourself why they reacted to his presence the way they did?
Have you bothered to ask yourself why one of them told him he would "die out here"? Would you have told him something like this?
Have you bothered to ask why they tried at first to prevent him from entering the (still public) area in the first place?

Any way you look at this the protesters were in the wrong. They are unlawfully occupying a public area that is supposed to be open to everyone and unlawfully tried to prevent a person from entering that area. They then unlawfully groped and manhandled him and then held him on the ground against his will.

You feel better now?

No answers?
That's it?

I watched the videos. This is nothing and he's fine.

That he's fine is irrelevant. The right or wrong or legality of this stunt does not hinge on whether the guy was hurt or not.

You're over-reacting. He's fine and this is a non-story.

Again, that he is fine is irrelevant. It infuriates me that these arrogant, self-righteous twits have the audacity to accost someone in the street and grope, manhandle and restrict his movement because they didn't like what he was saying. It doesn't matter that the guy wasn't hurt, what they did was wrong.

If it had been me, believe me, I would not have been as forgiving. As soon as anyone laid a hand on me, I'd be swinging.

If this had been a BLMer that had been mobbed in this manner by Trump supporters, Democrats would be calling for the noose. You know it and I know it.

You're pissy about nothing.

There are riots all over the country with much worse things happening than this.

He can press charges if he wants. Has he? Don't care either way.

I'm sure you don't. But then, are you aware of the fact that other videos with the same guy (the pastor) have been put up? Are you aware that these videos show that these people tried to stop him from entering the zone in the first place, telling him he would "die out here" and later holding him down on the ground and putting him in a chokehold?

Do you care now?

Yea I saw that video. Nothing looked too bad. He's fine.

There are much worse situations happening out there. Not sure why you pick this non-story to whine about. Let it all out though if it makes you feel better.

You saw the video where they're holding him down against his will and you see no problem with this?

And say what you will about worse shit happening in other cities, the worse shit has been going on for days and was expected. This, however, was supposed to be a more "peaceful" occupying protest and was supposedly different. It is not.

What happened in this incident is just a taste of what will be unleashed if these people are seriously challenged. If that happens it will be as bad as Minneapolis. Mark my words.

He wasn't hurt. It's not a big deal. At least not compared to everything else happening at protests.

If I am mugged and my money is stolen and someone gets his head bashed with a baseball bat in Minnesota, does that make my mugging okay?

You've got a fucked up barometer for gauging right and wrong. To you, a lesser crime is not as wrong if a murder happened at the same time somewhere else.

Why do you think Fox News hasn't picked this up?

Fox News' non-coverage is irrelevant to the ethics of this incident. It doesn't suddenly become a more serious crime if they decide to cover it.

Would you like a tissue? You seem upset.

Are you mistaking me for one of the snowflakes in the video who couldn't bear to hear a dissenting opinion? My feelings are not hurt, I'm just fucking pissed.

I encourage him to press charges if he feels as strongly as you do about it.

You just don't get it. As I said, everyone has been touting this occupation as more peaceful. The residents supposedly support them; merchants and restaurants are bringing food and supplies and everybody's singing Kumbaya and We Are the World. Yet, all it took was one guy entering their midst preaching and they told him he would die and then swarmed him like rats.

If you had your money stolen and someone got seriously physically hurt, that would be much worse than what happened to this guy.

Doesn't make it right or even okay.

Fox News hasn't picked it up because this isn't a big deal.

I don't need Fox News to tell me if something is a big deal or not. I happen to think for myself. By the way, I seldom watch Fox news or any news anyway.

I know you're pissed. You have to be to whine this much about a non-story. Tissue?

Oh knock it off already with the bullshit tissue ploy.

Yes, I am pissed. Why? Because it won't there. A precedent has been set and now anytime a group of snowflakes gets their feelings hurt, they will barricade a section of the city off and disrupt traffic, commerce and the free movement of all other citizens.

This is only the first of many such protests to come in the future.

If he wants to press charges, then he should do it. Not sure why you insist on me caring about something so meaningless.

Let me explain the inherent hypocrisy of your position. You keep saying it's a non-issue because the guy wasn't hurt. Thing is, the protesters weren't hurt either. His being there preaching was a non-issue and he neither touched, harmed or grabbed anyone yet they felt it necessary to mob him.

Have you even bothered to ask yourself why they reacted to his presence the way they did?
Have you bothered to ask yourself why one of them told him he would "die out here"? Would you have told him something like this?
Have you bothered to ask why they tried at first to prevent him from entering the (still public) area in the first place?

Any way you look at this the protesters were in the wrong. They are unlawfully occupying a public area that is supposed to be open to everyone and unlawfully tried to prevent a person from entering that area. They then unlawfully groped and manhandled him and then held him on the ground against his will.

You feel better now?

No answers?

You're just whining about a non-story and I still don't think it's a big deal.

Do any of your questions change that or are you just venting to make yourself feel better?
That's it?

I watched the videos. This is nothing and he's fine.

That he's fine is irrelevant. The right or wrong or legality of this stunt does not hinge on whether the guy was hurt or not.

You're over-reacting. He's fine and this is a non-story.

Again, that he is fine is irrelevant. It infuriates me that these arrogant, self-righteous twits have the audacity to accost someone in the street and grope, manhandle and restrict his movement because they didn't like what he was saying. It doesn't matter that the guy wasn't hurt, what they did was wrong.

If it had been me, believe me, I would not have been as forgiving. As soon as anyone laid a hand on me, I'd be swinging.

If this had been a BLMer that had been mobbed in this manner by Trump supporters, Democrats would be calling for the noose. You know it and I know it.

You're pissy about nothing.

There are riots all over the country with much worse things happening than this.

He can press charges if he wants. Has he? Don't care either way.

I'm sure you don't. But then, are you aware of the fact that other videos with the same guy (the pastor) have been put up? Are you aware that these videos show that these people tried to stop him from entering the zone in the first place, telling him he would "die out here" and later holding him down on the ground and putting him in a chokehold?

Do you care now?

Yea I saw that video. Nothing looked too bad. He's fine.

There are much worse situations happening out there. Not sure why you pick this non-story to whine about. Let it all out though if it makes you feel better.

You saw the video where they're holding him down against his will and you see no problem with this?

And say what you will about worse shit happening in other cities, the worse shit has been going on for days and was expected. This, however, was supposed to be a more "peaceful" occupying protest and was supposedly different. It is not.

What happened in this incident is just a taste of what will be unleashed if these people are seriously challenged. If that happens it will be as bad as Minneapolis. Mark my words.

He wasn't hurt. It's not a big deal. At least not compared to everything else happening at protests.

If I am mugged and my money is stolen and someone gets his head bashed with a baseball bat in Minnesota, does that make my mugging okay?

You've got a fucked up barometer for gauging right and wrong. To you, a lesser crime is not as wrong if a murder happened at the same time somewhere else.

Why do you think Fox News hasn't picked this up?

Fox News' non-coverage is irrelevant to the ethics of this incident. It doesn't suddenly become a more serious crime if they decide to cover it.

Would you like a tissue? You seem upset.

Are you mistaking me for one of the snowflakes in the video who couldn't bear to hear a dissenting opinion? My feelings are not hurt, I'm just fucking pissed.

I encourage him to press charges if he feels as strongly as you do about it.

You just don't get it. As I said, everyone has been touting this occupation as more peaceful. The residents supposedly support them; merchants and restaurants are bringing food and supplies and everybody's singing Kumbaya and We Are the World. Yet, all it took was one guy entering their midst preaching and they told him he would die and then swarmed him like rats.

If you had your money stolen and someone got seriously physically hurt, that would be much worse than what happened to this guy.

Doesn't make it right or even okay.

Fox News hasn't picked it up because this isn't a big deal.

I don't need Fox News to tell me if something is a big deal or not. I happen to think for myself. By the way, I seldom watch Fox news or any news anyway.

I know you're pissed. You have to be to whine this much about a non-story. Tissue?

Oh knock it off already with the bullshit tissue ploy.

Yes, I am pissed. Why? Because it won't there. A precedent has been set and now anytime a group of snowflakes gets their feelings hurt, they will barricade a section of the city off and disrupt traffic, commerce and the free movement of all other citizens.

This is only the first of many such protests to come in the future.

If he wants to press charges, then he should do it. Not sure why you insist on me caring about something so meaningless.

Let me explain the inherent hypocrisy of your position. You keep saying it's a non-issue because the guy wasn't hurt. Thing is, the protesters weren't hurt either. His being there preaching was a non-issue and he neither touched, harmed or grabbed anyone yet they felt it necessary to mob him.

Have you even bothered to ask yourself why they reacted to his presence the way they did?
Have you bothered to ask yourself why one of them told him he would "die out here"? Would you have told him something like this?
Have you bothered to ask why they tried at first to prevent him from entering the (still public) area in the first place?

Any way you look at this the protesters were in the wrong. They are unlawfully occupying a public area that is supposed to be open to everyone and unlawfully tried to prevent a person from entering that area. They then unlawfully groped and manhandled him and then held him on the ground against his will.

You feel better now?

No answers?

You're just whining about a non-story and I still don't think it's a big deal.

Obviously you don't think it's a big deal. But you're too myopic to understand the implications and ramifications of this incident. By itself, it is no big deal. However, as I said, this will end up being just the first of many such protests and similar incidents in the future will not end so quietly.

I don't expect you to understand but I have a deep-seated sense of ethics and everything about this incident just grinds my gears. I myself would never presume to bar someone from entering a public area that is meant for everyone just because I don't agree with what they have to say. I would never lay my hands on another citizen unless it was in self defense or to give CPR or to help or whatever. And I would most certainly never, ever threaten someone with "You're going to die out here", again, just because I don't agree with what they have to say.

The obvious question for me and which apparently never occurred to you is: Why didn't they just leave him alone? What would it have hurt to let him stroll around and babble?

They threatened him for a reason. They tried to stop him for a reason and they mobbed him for a reason. What was that reason? Never mind that the guy wasn't hurt; there was a reason for their actions and it was not benevolent. That is my concern.

Do any of your questions change that or are you just venting to make yourself feel better?

Are you just ignoring the questions to make yourself feel better?
That's it?

I watched the videos. This is nothing and he's fine.

That he's fine is irrelevant. The right or wrong or legality of this stunt does not hinge on whether the guy was hurt or not.

You're over-reacting. He's fine and this is a non-story.

Again, that he is fine is irrelevant. It infuriates me that these arrogant, self-righteous twits have the audacity to accost someone in the street and grope, manhandle and restrict his movement because they didn't like what he was saying. It doesn't matter that the guy wasn't hurt, what they did was wrong.

If it had been me, believe me, I would not have been as forgiving. As soon as anyone laid a hand on me, I'd be swinging.

If this had been a BLMer that had been mobbed in this manner by Trump supporters, Democrats would be calling for the noose. You know it and I know it.

You're pissy about nothing.

There are riots all over the country with much worse things happening than this.

He can press charges if he wants. Has he? Don't care either way.

I'm sure you don't. But then, are you aware of the fact that other videos with the same guy (the pastor) have been put up? Are you aware that these videos show that these people tried to stop him from entering the zone in the first place, telling him he would "die out here" and later holding him down on the ground and putting him in a chokehold?

Do you care now?

Yea I saw that video. Nothing looked too bad. He's fine.

There are much worse situations happening out there. Not sure why you pick this non-story to whine about. Let it all out though if it makes you feel better.

You saw the video where they're holding him down against his will and you see no problem with this?

And say what you will about worse shit happening in other cities, the worse shit has been going on for days and was expected. This, however, was supposed to be a more "peaceful" occupying protest and was supposedly different. It is not.

What happened in this incident is just a taste of what will be unleashed if these people are seriously challenged. If that happens it will be as bad as Minneapolis. Mark my words.

He wasn't hurt. It's not a big deal. At least not compared to everything else happening at protests.

If I am mugged and my money is stolen and someone gets his head bashed with a baseball bat in Minnesota, does that make my mugging okay?

You've got a fucked up barometer for gauging right and wrong. To you, a lesser crime is not as wrong if a murder happened at the same time somewhere else.

Why do you think Fox News hasn't picked this up?

Fox News' non-coverage is irrelevant to the ethics of this incident. It doesn't suddenly become a more serious crime if they decide to cover it.

Would you like a tissue? You seem upset.

Are you mistaking me for one of the snowflakes in the video who couldn't bear to hear a dissenting opinion? My feelings are not hurt, I'm just fucking pissed.

I encourage him to press charges if he feels as strongly as you do about it.

You just don't get it. As I said, everyone has been touting this occupation as more peaceful. The residents supposedly support them; merchants and restaurants are bringing food and supplies and everybody's singing Kumbaya and We Are the World. Yet, all it took was one guy entering their midst preaching and they told him he would die and then swarmed him like rats.

If you had your money stolen and someone got seriously physically hurt, that would be much worse than what happened to this guy.

Doesn't make it right or even okay.

Fox News hasn't picked it up because this isn't a big deal.

I don't need Fox News to tell me if something is a big deal or not. I happen to think for myself. By the way, I seldom watch Fox news or any news anyway.

I know you're pissed. You have to be to whine this much about a non-story. Tissue?

Oh knock it off already with the bullshit tissue ploy.

Yes, I am pissed. Why? Because it won't there. A precedent has been set and now anytime a group of snowflakes gets their feelings hurt, they will barricade a section of the city off and disrupt traffic, commerce and the free movement of all other citizens.

This is only the first of many such protests to come in the future.

If he wants to press charges, then he should do it. Not sure why you insist on me caring about something so meaningless.

Let me explain the inherent hypocrisy of your position. You keep saying it's a non-issue because the guy wasn't hurt. Thing is, the protesters weren't hurt either. His being there preaching was a non-issue and he neither touched, harmed or grabbed anyone yet they felt it necessary to mob him.

Have you even bothered to ask yourself why they reacted to his presence the way they did?
Have you bothered to ask yourself why one of them told him he would "die out here"? Would you have told him something like this?
Have you bothered to ask why they tried at first to prevent him from entering the (still public) area in the first place?

Any way you look at this the protesters were in the wrong. They are unlawfully occupying a public area that is supposed to be open to everyone and unlawfully tried to prevent a person from entering that area. They then unlawfully groped and manhandled him and then held him on the ground against his will.

You feel better now?

No answers?

You're just whining about a non-story and I still don't think it's a big deal.

Obviously you don't think it's a big deal. But you're too myopic to understand the implications and ramifications of this incident. By itself, it is no big deal. However, as I said, this will end up being just the first of many such protests and similar incidents in the future will not end so quietly.

I don't expect you to understand but I have a deep-seated sense of ethics and everything about this incident just grinds my gears. I myself would never presume to bar someone from entering a public area that is meant for everyone just because I don't agree with what they have to say. I would never lay my hands on another citizen unless it was in self defense or to give CPR or to help or whatever. And I would most certainly never, ever threaten someone with "You're going to die out here", again, just because I don't agree with what they have to say.

The obvious question for me and which apparently never occurred to you is: Why didn't they just leave him alone? What would it have hurt to let him stroll around and babble?

They threatened him for a reason. They tried to stop him for a reason and they mobbed him for a reason. What was that reason? Never mind that the guy wasn't hurt; there was a reason for their actions and it was not benevolent. That is my concern.

Do any of your questions change that or are you just venting to make yourself feel better?

Are you just ignoring the questions to make yourself feel better?

Then we agree it's no big deal. Excellent.

The implications are also non-existent. This is a non-story.
Yea I saw that video. Nothing looked too bad. He's fine.

There are much worse situations happening out there. Not sure why you pick this non-story to whine about. Let it all out though if it makes you feel better.
Can you answer a serious question? Look at what you just wrote. Dont you think that applies to the Floyd situation too? Do you have any idea how many truly innocent people have been murdered by black criminals this year? Why are you raging about the super rare incidents of bad cops instead of raging about black crime?

Im sorry, but a criminal dying to a bad cop is waaaay less important to me than say, a child being raped and murdered. You people are giving me no reason to spend a second thought on Floyd.

The Floyd situation is much worse and had a life-changing outcome.

This didn't.
Hows is Floyds murder worse than a child being raped, tortured and murdered?
Yea I saw that video. Nothing looked too bad. He's fine.

There are much worse situations happening out there. Not sure why you pick this non-story to whine about. Let it all out though if it makes you feel better.
Can you answer a serious question? Look at what you just wrote. Dont you think that applies to the Floyd situation too? Do you have any idea how many truly innocent people have been murdered by black criminals this year? Why are you raging about the super rare incidents of bad cops instead of raging about black crime?

Im sorry, but a criminal dying to a bad cop is waaaay less important to me than say, a child being raped and murdered. You people are giving me no reason to spend a second thought on Floyd.

The Floyd situation is much worse and had a life-changing outcome.

This didn't.
Hows is Floyds murder worse than a child being raped, tortured and murdered?

You misunderstood me. The Floyd incident is worse than the non-story posted in the OP.

A child being raped, tortured, and murdered would also be tragic and news-worthy.

This story isn't.
That's it?

I watched the videos. This is nothing and he's fine.

That he's fine is irrelevant. The right or wrong or legality of this stunt does not hinge on whether the guy was hurt or not.

You're over-reacting. He's fine and this is a non-story.

Again, that he is fine is irrelevant. It infuriates me that these arrogant, self-righteous twits have the audacity to accost someone in the street and grope, manhandle and restrict his movement because they didn't like what he was saying. It doesn't matter that the guy wasn't hurt, what they did was wrong.

If it had been me, believe me, I would not have been as forgiving. As soon as anyone laid a hand on me, I'd be swinging.

If this had been a BLMer that had been mobbed in this manner by Trump supporters, Democrats would be calling for the noose. You know it and I know it.

You're pissy about nothing.

There are riots all over the country with much worse things happening than this.

He can press charges if he wants. Has he? Don't care either way.

I'm sure you don't. But then, are you aware of the fact that other videos with the same guy (the pastor) have been put up? Are you aware that these videos show that these people tried to stop him from entering the zone in the first place, telling him he would "die out here" and later holding him down on the ground and putting him in a chokehold?

Do you care now?

Yea I saw that video. Nothing looked too bad. He's fine.

There are much worse situations happening out there. Not sure why you pick this non-story to whine about. Let it all out though if it makes you feel better.

You saw the video where they're holding him down against his will and you see no problem with this?

And say what you will about worse shit happening in other cities, the worse shit has been going on for days and was expected. This, however, was supposed to be a more "peaceful" occupying protest and was supposedly different. It is not.

What happened in this incident is just a taste of what will be unleashed if these people are seriously challenged. If that happens it will be as bad as Minneapolis. Mark my words.

He wasn't hurt. It's not a big deal. At least not compared to everything else happening at protests.

If I am mugged and my money is stolen and someone gets his head bashed with a baseball bat in Minnesota, does that make my mugging okay?

You've got a fucked up barometer for gauging right and wrong. To you, a lesser crime is not as wrong if a murder happened at the same time somewhere else.

Why do you think Fox News hasn't picked this up?

Fox News' non-coverage is irrelevant to the ethics of this incident. It doesn't suddenly become a more serious crime if they decide to cover it.

Would you like a tissue? You seem upset.

Are you mistaking me for one of the snowflakes in the video who couldn't bear to hear a dissenting opinion? My feelings are not hurt, I'm just fucking pissed.

I encourage him to press charges if he feels as strongly as you do about it.

You just don't get it. As I said, everyone has been touting this occupation as more peaceful. The residents supposedly support them; merchants and restaurants are bringing food and supplies and everybody's singing Kumbaya and We Are the World. Yet, all it took was one guy entering their midst preaching and they told him he would die and then swarmed him like rats.

If you had your money stolen and someone got seriously physically hurt, that would be much worse than what happened to this guy.

Doesn't make it right or even okay.

Fox News hasn't picked it up because this isn't a big deal.

I don't need Fox News to tell me if something is a big deal or not. I happen to think for myself. By the way, I seldom watch Fox news or any news anyway.

I know you're pissed. You have to be to whine this much about a non-story. Tissue?

Oh knock it off already with the bullshit tissue ploy.

Yes, I am pissed. Why? Because it won't there. A precedent has been set and now anytime a group of snowflakes gets their feelings hurt, they will barricade a section of the city off and disrupt traffic, commerce and the free movement of all other citizens.

This is only the first of many such protests to come in the future.

If he wants to press charges, then he should do it. Not sure why you insist on me caring about something so meaningless.

Let me explain the inherent hypocrisy of your position. You keep saying it's a non-issue because the guy wasn't hurt. Thing is, the protesters weren't hurt either. His being there preaching was a non-issue and he neither touched, harmed or grabbed anyone yet they felt it necessary to mob him.

Have you even bothered to ask yourself why they reacted to his presence the way they did?
Have you bothered to ask yourself why one of them told him he would "die out here"? Would you have told him something like this?
Have you bothered to ask why they tried at first to prevent him from entering the (still public) area in the first place?

Any way you look at this the protesters were in the wrong. They are unlawfully occupying a public area that is supposed to be open to everyone and unlawfully tried to prevent a person from entering that area. They then unlawfully groped and manhandled him and then held him on the ground against his will.

You feel better now?

No answers?

You're just whining about a non-story and I still don't think it's a big deal.

Obviously you don't think it's a big deal. But you're too myopic to understand the implications and ramifications of this incident. By itself, it is no big deal. However, as I said, this will end up being just the first of many such protests and similar incidents in the future will not end so quietly.

I don't expect you to understand but I have a deep-seated sense of ethics and everything about this incident just grinds my gears. I myself would never presume to bar someone from entering a public area that is meant for everyone just because I don't agree with what they have to say. I would never lay my hands on another citizen unless it was in self defense or to give CPR or to help or whatever. And I would most certainly never, ever threaten someone with "You're going to die out here", again, just because I don't agree with what they have to say.

The obvious question for me and which apparently never occurred to you is: Why didn't they just leave him alone? What would it have hurt to let him stroll around and babble?

They threatened him for a reason. They tried to stop him for a reason and they mobbed him for a reason. What was that reason? Never mind that the guy wasn't hurt; there was a reason for their actions and it was not benevolent. That is my concern.

Do any of your questions change that or are you just venting to make yourself feel better?

Are you just ignoring the questions to make yourself feel better?

Then we agree it's no big deal. Excellent.

By itself, no. But it does not bode well for the future of this country that our young people will feel free to bar other citizens from entering public places and threatening them and putting their hands on them to do so.

Do you even understand that they had no right to do what they did?

The implications are also non-existent. This is a non-story.

Nope. But don't take my word for it. Stay tuned, other shit like this is coming down the pike. There will be more incidents where mobs will take over sections of cities any time there's a cop shooting - justified or not - or anything they don't like and sooner or later, someone will be seriously hurt or killed. It may not happen tomorrow or a year or five years from now. But it will happen.
That's it?

I watched the videos. This is nothing and he's fine.

That he's fine is irrelevant. The right or wrong or legality of this stunt does not hinge on whether the guy was hurt or not.

You're over-reacting. He's fine and this is a non-story.

Again, that he is fine is irrelevant. It infuriates me that these arrogant, self-righteous twits have the audacity to accost someone in the street and grope, manhandle and restrict his movement because they didn't like what he was saying. It doesn't matter that the guy wasn't hurt, what they did was wrong.

If it had been me, believe me, I would not have been as forgiving. As soon as anyone laid a hand on me, I'd be swinging.

If this had been a BLMer that had been mobbed in this manner by Trump supporters, Democrats would be calling for the noose. You know it and I know it.

You're pissy about nothing.

There are riots all over the country with much worse things happening than this.

He can press charges if he wants. Has he? Don't care either way.

I'm sure you don't. But then, are you aware of the fact that other videos with the same guy (the pastor) have been put up? Are you aware that these videos show that these people tried to stop him from entering the zone in the first place, telling him he would "die out here" and later holding him down on the ground and putting him in a chokehold?

Do you care now?

Yea I saw that video. Nothing looked too bad. He's fine.

There are much worse situations happening out there. Not sure why you pick this non-story to whine about. Let it all out though if it makes you feel better.

You saw the video where they're holding him down against his will and you see no problem with this?

And say what you will about worse shit happening in other cities, the worse shit has been going on for days and was expected. This, however, was supposed to be a more "peaceful" occupying protest and was supposedly different. It is not.

What happened in this incident is just a taste of what will be unleashed if these people are seriously challenged. If that happens it will be as bad as Minneapolis. Mark my words.

He wasn't hurt. It's not a big deal. At least not compared to everything else happening at protests.

If I am mugged and my money is stolen and someone gets his head bashed with a baseball bat in Minnesota, does that make my mugging okay?

You've got a fucked up barometer for gauging right and wrong. To you, a lesser crime is not as wrong if a murder happened at the same time somewhere else.

Why do you think Fox News hasn't picked this up?

Fox News' non-coverage is irrelevant to the ethics of this incident. It doesn't suddenly become a more serious crime if they decide to cover it.

Would you like a tissue? You seem upset.

Are you mistaking me for one of the snowflakes in the video who couldn't bear to hear a dissenting opinion? My feelings are not hurt, I'm just fucking pissed.

I encourage him to press charges if he feels as strongly as you do about it.

You just don't get it. As I said, everyone has been touting this occupation as more peaceful. The residents supposedly support them; merchants and restaurants are bringing food and supplies and everybody's singing Kumbaya and We Are the World. Yet, all it took was one guy entering their midst preaching and they told him he would die and then swarmed him like rats.

If you had your money stolen and someone got seriously physically hurt, that would be much worse than what happened to this guy.

Doesn't make it right or even okay.

Fox News hasn't picked it up because this isn't a big deal.

I don't need Fox News to tell me if something is a big deal or not. I happen to think for myself. By the way, I seldom watch Fox news or any news anyway.

I know you're pissed. You have to be to whine this much about a non-story. Tissue?

Oh knock it off already with the bullshit tissue ploy.

Yes, I am pissed. Why? Because it won't there. A precedent has been set and now anytime a group of snowflakes gets their feelings hurt, they will barricade a section of the city off and disrupt traffic, commerce and the free movement of all other citizens.

This is only the first of many such protests to come in the future.

If he wants to press charges, then he should do it. Not sure why you insist on me caring about something so meaningless.

Let me explain the inherent hypocrisy of your position. You keep saying it's a non-issue because the guy wasn't hurt. Thing is, the protesters weren't hurt either. His being there preaching was a non-issue and he neither touched, harmed or grabbed anyone yet they felt it necessary to mob him.

Have you even bothered to ask yourself why they reacted to his presence the way they did?
Have you bothered to ask yourself why one of them told him he would "die out here"? Would you have told him something like this?
Have you bothered to ask why they tried at first to prevent him from entering the (still public) area in the first place?

Any way you look at this the protesters were in the wrong. They are unlawfully occupying a public area that is supposed to be open to everyone and unlawfully tried to prevent a person from entering that area. They then unlawfully groped and manhandled him and then held him on the ground against his will.

You feel better now?

No answers?

You're just whining about a non-story and I still don't think it's a big deal.

Obviously you don't think it's a big deal. But you're too myopic to understand the implications and ramifications of this incident. By itself, it is no big deal. However, as I said, this will end up being just the first of many such protests and similar incidents in the future will not end so quietly.

I don't expect you to understand but I have a deep-seated sense of ethics and everything about this incident just grinds my gears. I myself would never presume to bar someone from entering a public area that is meant for everyone just because I don't agree with what they have to say. I would never lay my hands on another citizen unless it was in self defense or to give CPR or to help or whatever. And I would most certainly never, ever threaten someone with "You're going to die out here", again, just because I don't agree with what they have to say.

The obvious question for me and which apparently never occurred to you is: Why didn't they just leave him alone? What would it have hurt to let him stroll around and babble?

They threatened him for a reason. They tried to stop him for a reason and they mobbed him for a reason. What was that reason? Never mind that the guy wasn't hurt; there was a reason for their actions and it was not benevolent. That is my concern.

Do any of your questions change that or are you just venting to make yourself feel better?

Are you just ignoring the questions to make yourself feel better?

Then we agree it's no big deal. Excellent.

By itself, no. But it does not bode well for the future of this country that our young people will feel free to bar other citizens from entering public places and threatening them and putting their hands on them to do so.

Do you even understand that they had no right to do what they did?

The implications are also non-existent. This is a non-story.

Nope. But don't take my word for it. Stay tuned, other shit like this is coming down the pike. There will be more incidents where mobs will take over sections of cities any time there's a cop shooting - justified or not - or anything they don't like and sooner or later, someone will be seriously hurt or killed. It may not happen tomorrow or a year or five years from now. But it will happen.

You sure do whine a lot about something that even you admit is no big deal.

Other incidents will happen and they will have absolutely nothing to do with this.
That's it?

I watched the videos. This is nothing and he's fine.

That he's fine is irrelevant. The right or wrong or legality of this stunt does not hinge on whether the guy was hurt or not.

You're over-reacting. He's fine and this is a non-story.

Again, that he is fine is irrelevant. It infuriates me that these arrogant, self-righteous twits have the audacity to accost someone in the street and grope, manhandle and restrict his movement because they didn't like what he was saying. It doesn't matter that the guy wasn't hurt, what they did was wrong.

If it had been me, believe me, I would not have been as forgiving. As soon as anyone laid a hand on me, I'd be swinging.

If this had been a BLMer that had been mobbed in this manner by Trump supporters, Democrats would be calling for the noose. You know it and I know it.

You're pissy about nothing.

There are riots all over the country with much worse things happening than this.

He can press charges if he wants. Has he? Don't care either way.

I'm sure you don't. But then, are you aware of the fact that other videos with the same guy (the pastor) have been put up? Are you aware that these videos show that these people tried to stop him from entering the zone in the first place, telling him he would "die out here" and later holding him down on the ground and putting him in a chokehold?

Do you care now?

Yea I saw that video. Nothing looked too bad. He's fine.

There are much worse situations happening out there. Not sure why you pick this non-story to whine about. Let it all out though if it makes you feel better.

You saw the video where they're holding him down against his will and you see no problem with this?

And say what you will about worse shit happening in other cities, the worse shit has been going on for days and was expected. This, however, was supposed to be a more "peaceful" occupying protest and was supposedly different. It is not.

What happened in this incident is just a taste of what will be unleashed if these people are seriously challenged. If that happens it will be as bad as Minneapolis. Mark my words.

He wasn't hurt. It's not a big deal. At least not compared to everything else happening at protests.

If I am mugged and my money is stolen and someone gets his head bashed with a baseball bat in Minnesota, does that make my mugging okay?

You've got a fucked up barometer for gauging right and wrong. To you, a lesser crime is not as wrong if a murder happened at the same time somewhere else.

Why do you think Fox News hasn't picked this up?

Fox News' non-coverage is irrelevant to the ethics of this incident. It doesn't suddenly become a more serious crime if they decide to cover it.

Would you like a tissue? You seem upset.

Are you mistaking me for one of the snowflakes in the video who couldn't bear to hear a dissenting opinion? My feelings are not hurt, I'm just fucking pissed.

I encourage him to press charges if he feels as strongly as you do about it.

You just don't get it. As I said, everyone has been touting this occupation as more peaceful. The residents supposedly support them; merchants and restaurants are bringing food and supplies and everybody's singing Kumbaya and We Are the World. Yet, all it took was one guy entering their midst preaching and they told him he would die and then swarmed him like rats.

If you had your money stolen and someone got seriously physically hurt, that would be much worse than what happened to this guy.

Doesn't make it right or even okay.

Fox News hasn't picked it up because this isn't a big deal.

I don't need Fox News to tell me if something is a big deal or not. I happen to think for myself. By the way, I seldom watch Fox news or any news anyway.

I know you're pissed. You have to be to whine this much about a non-story. Tissue?

Oh knock it off already with the bullshit tissue ploy.

Yes, I am pissed. Why? Because it won't there. A precedent has been set and now anytime a group of snowflakes gets their feelings hurt, they will barricade a section of the city off and disrupt traffic, commerce and the free movement of all other citizens.

This is only the first of many such protests to come in the future.

If he wants to press charges, then he should do it. Not sure why you insist on me caring about something so meaningless.

Let me explain the inherent hypocrisy of your position. You keep saying it's a non-issue because the guy wasn't hurt. Thing is, the protesters weren't hurt either. His being there preaching was a non-issue and he neither touched, harmed or grabbed anyone yet they felt it necessary to mob him.

Have you even bothered to ask yourself why they reacted to his presence the way they did?
Have you bothered to ask yourself why one of them told him he would "die out here"? Would you have told him something like this?
Have you bothered to ask why they tried at first to prevent him from entering the (still public) area in the first place?

Any way you look at this the protesters were in the wrong. They are unlawfully occupying a public area that is supposed to be open to everyone and unlawfully tried to prevent a person from entering that area. They then unlawfully groped and manhandled him and then held him on the ground against his will.

You feel better now?

No answers?

You're just whining about a non-story and I still don't think it's a big deal.

Obviously you don't think it's a big deal. But you're too myopic to understand the implications and ramifications of this incident. By itself, it is no big deal. However, as I said, this will end up being just the first of many such protests and similar incidents in the future will not end so quietly.

I don't expect you to understand but I have a deep-seated sense of ethics and everything about this incident just grinds my gears. I myself would never presume to bar someone from entering a public area that is meant for everyone just because I don't agree with what they have to say. I would never lay my hands on another citizen unless it was in self defense or to give CPR or to help or whatever. And I would most certainly never, ever threaten someone with "You're going to die out here", again, just because I don't agree with what they have to say.

The obvious question for me and which apparently never occurred to you is: Why didn't they just leave him alone? What would it have hurt to let him stroll around and babble?

They threatened him for a reason. They tried to stop him for a reason and they mobbed him for a reason. What was that reason? Never mind that the guy wasn't hurt; there was a reason for their actions and it was not benevolent. That is my concern.

Do any of your questions change that or are you just venting to make yourself feel better?

Are you just ignoring the questions to make yourself feel better?

Then we agree it's no big deal. Excellent.

By itself, no. But it does not bode well for the future of this country that our young people will feel free to bar other citizens from entering public places and threatening them and putting their hands on them to do so.

Do you even understand that they had no right to do what they did?

The implications are also non-existent. This is a non-story.

Nope. But don't take my word for it. Stay tuned, other shit like this is coming down the pike. There will be more incidents where mobs will take over sections of cities any time there's a cop shooting - justified or not - or anything they don't like and sooner or later, someone will be seriously hurt or killed. It may not happen tomorrow or a year or five years from now. But it will happen.

You sure do whine a lot about something that even you admit is no big deal.

You sure do whine about me whining a lot.

Other incidents will happen and they will have absolutely nothing to do with this.

They will if it happens during another one of these punk occupations.

There will be more occupations like this in the future because this one set a precedent. In that sense, any future incident in a similar situation can be attributed to this one. In which case, more incidents like this one with the pastor will occur and the law of averages multiplied by increasing tensions on both sides means someone is getting hurt or killed.

This is the first protest of its kind in this country (on this scale anyway) and was supposed to be different. Yet, on the very first time out, they already have someone getting threatened and manhandled.

I do not have high hopes that future protests of this sort will go any better.

I could be completely wrong about everything I've said and I truly hope I am. But knowing what I know about human nature, I doubt it.
That's it?

I watched the videos. This is nothing and he's fine.

That he's fine is irrelevant. The right or wrong or legality of this stunt does not hinge on whether the guy was hurt or not.

You're over-reacting. He's fine and this is a non-story.

Again, that he is fine is irrelevant. It infuriates me that these arrogant, self-righteous twits have the audacity to accost someone in the street and grope, manhandle and restrict his movement because they didn't like what he was saying. It doesn't matter that the guy wasn't hurt, what they did was wrong.

If it had been me, believe me, I would not have been as forgiving. As soon as anyone laid a hand on me, I'd be swinging.

If this had been a BLMer that had been mobbed in this manner by Trump supporters, Democrats would be calling for the noose. You know it and I know it.

You're pissy about nothing.

There are riots all over the country with much worse things happening than this.

He can press charges if he wants. Has he? Don't care either way.

I'm sure you don't. But then, are you aware of the fact that other videos with the same guy (the pastor) have been put up? Are you aware that these videos show that these people tried to stop him from entering the zone in the first place, telling him he would "die out here" and later holding him down on the ground and putting him in a chokehold?

Do you care now?

Yea I saw that video. Nothing looked too bad. He's fine.

There are much worse situations happening out there. Not sure why you pick this non-story to whine about. Let it all out though if it makes you feel better.

You saw the video where they're holding him down against his will and you see no problem with this?

And say what you will about worse shit happening in other cities, the worse shit has been going on for days and was expected. This, however, was supposed to be a more "peaceful" occupying protest and was supposedly different. It is not.

What happened in this incident is just a taste of what will be unleashed if these people are seriously challenged. If that happens it will be as bad as Minneapolis. Mark my words.

He wasn't hurt. It's not a big deal. At least not compared to everything else happening at protests.

If I am mugged and my money is stolen and someone gets his head bashed with a baseball bat in Minnesota, does that make my mugging okay?

You've got a fucked up barometer for gauging right and wrong. To you, a lesser crime is not as wrong if a murder happened at the same time somewhere else.

Why do you think Fox News hasn't picked this up?

Fox News' non-coverage is irrelevant to the ethics of this incident. It doesn't suddenly become a more serious crime if they decide to cover it.

Would you like a tissue? You seem upset.

Are you mistaking me for one of the snowflakes in the video who couldn't bear to hear a dissenting opinion? My feelings are not hurt, I'm just fucking pissed.

I encourage him to press charges if he feels as strongly as you do about it.

You just don't get it. As I said, everyone has been touting this occupation as more peaceful. The residents supposedly support them; merchants and restaurants are bringing food and supplies and everybody's singing Kumbaya and We Are the World. Yet, all it took was one guy entering their midst preaching and they told him he would die and then swarmed him like rats.

If you had your money stolen and someone got seriously physically hurt, that would be much worse than what happened to this guy.

Doesn't make it right or even okay.

Fox News hasn't picked it up because this isn't a big deal.

I don't need Fox News to tell me if something is a big deal or not. I happen to think for myself. By the way, I seldom watch Fox news or any news anyway.

I know you're pissed. You have to be to whine this much about a non-story. Tissue?

Oh knock it off already with the bullshit tissue ploy.

Yes, I am pissed. Why? Because it won't there. A precedent has been set and now anytime a group of snowflakes gets their feelings hurt, they will barricade a section of the city off and disrupt traffic, commerce and the free movement of all other citizens.

This is only the first of many such protests to come in the future.

If he wants to press charges, then he should do it. Not sure why you insist on me caring about something so meaningless.

Let me explain the inherent hypocrisy of your position. You keep saying it's a non-issue because the guy wasn't hurt. Thing is, the protesters weren't hurt either. His being there preaching was a non-issue and he neither touched, harmed or grabbed anyone yet they felt it necessary to mob him.

Have you even bothered to ask yourself why they reacted to his presence the way they did?
Have you bothered to ask yourself why one of them told him he would "die out here"? Would you have told him something like this?
Have you bothered to ask why they tried at first to prevent him from entering the (still public) area in the first place?

Any way you look at this the protesters were in the wrong. They are unlawfully occupying a public area that is supposed to be open to everyone and unlawfully tried to prevent a person from entering that area. They then unlawfully groped and manhandled him and then held him on the ground against his will.

You feel better now?

No answers?

You're just whining about a non-story and I still don't think it's a big deal.

Obviously you don't think it's a big deal. But you're too myopic to understand the implications and ramifications of this incident. By itself, it is no big deal. However, as I said, this will end up being just the first of many such protests and similar incidents in the future will not end so quietly.

I don't expect you to understand but I have a deep-seated sense of ethics and everything about this incident just grinds my gears. I myself would never presume to bar someone from entering a public area that is meant for everyone just because I don't agree with what they have to say. I would never lay my hands on another citizen unless it was in self defense or to give CPR or to help or whatever. And I would most certainly never, ever threaten someone with "You're going to die out here", again, just because I don't agree with what they have to say.

The obvious question for me and which apparently never occurred to you is: Why didn't they just leave him alone? What would it have hurt to let him stroll around and babble?

They threatened him for a reason. They tried to stop him for a reason and they mobbed him for a reason. What was that reason? Never mind that the guy wasn't hurt; there was a reason for their actions and it was not benevolent. That is my concern.

Do any of your questions change that or are you just venting to make yourself feel better?

Are you just ignoring the questions to make yourself feel better?

Then we agree it's no big deal. Excellent.

By itself, no. But it does not bode well for the future of this country that our young people will feel free to bar other citizens from entering public places and threatening them and putting their hands on them to do so.

Do you even understand that they had no right to do what they did?

The implications are also non-existent. This is a non-story.

Nope. But don't take my word for it. Stay tuned, other shit like this is coming down the pike. There will be more incidents where mobs will take over sections of cities any time there's a cop shooting - justified or not - or anything they don't like and sooner or later, someone will be seriously hurt or killed. It may not happen tomorrow or a year or five years from now. But it will happen.

You sure do whine a lot about something that even you admit is no big deal.

You sure do whine about me whining a lot.

Other incidents will happen and they will have absolutely nothing to do with this.

They will if it happens during another one of these punk occupations.

There will be more occupations like this in the future because this one set a precedent. In that sense, any future incident in a similar situation can be attributed to this one. In which case, more incidents like this one with the pastor will occur and the law of averages multiplied by increasing tensions on both sides means someone is getting hurt or killed.

This is the first protest of its kind in this country (on this scale anyway) and was supposed to be different. Yet, on the very first time out, they already have someone getting threatened and manhandled.

I do not have high hopes that future protests of this sort will go any better.

I could be completely wrong about everything I've said and I truly hope I am. But knowing what I know about human nature, I doubt it.

He's fine. You're just being dramatic.
Disturbing. Apparently Democrats support sexual assault now. Anyone surprised?

They has violated his personal safe space.

Safe space is so last month!
Watch the video folks, its simply friends goofing around.

You knew it was a lie when their own article used the word "appears."

As usual, if Republicans didn't lie, they'd have NOTHING to say!
The media is turned off by liberal Twitter, so you are full of shit, as always.
That's it?

I watched the videos. This is nothing and he's fine.

That he's fine is irrelevant. The right or wrong or legality of this stunt does not hinge on whether the guy was hurt or not.

You're over-reacting. He's fine and this is a non-story.

Again, that he is fine is irrelevant. It infuriates me that these arrogant, self-righteous twits have the audacity to accost someone in the street and grope, manhandle and restrict his movement because they didn't like what he was saying. It doesn't matter that the guy wasn't hurt, what they did was wrong.

If it had been me, believe me, I would not have been as forgiving. As soon as anyone laid a hand on me, I'd be swinging.

If this had been a BLMer that had been mobbed in this manner by Trump supporters, Democrats would be calling for the noose. You know it and I know it.

You're pissy about nothing.

There are riots all over the country with much worse things happening than this.

He can press charges if he wants. Has he? Don't care either way.

I'm sure you don't. But then, are you aware of the fact that other videos with the same guy (the pastor) have been put up? Are you aware that these videos show that these people tried to stop him from entering the zone in the first place, telling him he would "die out here" and later holding him down on the ground and putting him in a chokehold?

Do you care now?

Yea I saw that video. Nothing looked too bad. He's fine.

There are much worse situations happening out there. Not sure why you pick this non-story to whine about. Let it all out though if it makes you feel better.

You saw the video where they're holding him down against his will and you see no problem with this?

And say what you will about worse shit happening in other cities, the worse shit has been going on for days and was expected. This, however, was supposed to be a more "peaceful" occupying protest and was supposedly different. It is not.

What happened in this incident is just a taste of what will be unleashed if these people are seriously challenged. If that happens it will be as bad as Minneapolis. Mark my words.

He wasn't hurt. It's not a big deal. At least not compared to everything else happening at protests.

If I am mugged and my money is stolen and someone gets his head bashed with a baseball bat in Minnesota, does that make my mugging okay?

You've got a fucked up barometer for gauging right and wrong. To you, a lesser crime is not as wrong if a murder happened at the same time somewhere else.

Why do you think Fox News hasn't picked this up?

Fox News' non-coverage is irrelevant to the ethics of this incident. It doesn't suddenly become a more serious crime if they decide to cover it.

Would you like a tissue? You seem upset.

Are you mistaking me for one of the snowflakes in the video who couldn't bear to hear a dissenting opinion? My feelings are not hurt, I'm just fucking pissed.

I encourage him to press charges if he feels as strongly as you do about it.

You just don't get it. As I said, everyone has been touting this occupation as more peaceful. The residents supposedly support them; merchants and restaurants are bringing food and supplies and everybody's singing Kumbaya and We Are the World. Yet, all it took was one guy entering their midst preaching and they told him he would die and then swarmed him like rats.

If you had your money stolen and someone got seriously physically hurt, that would be much worse than what happened to this guy.

Doesn't make it right or even okay.

Fox News hasn't picked it up because this isn't a big deal.

I don't need Fox News to tell me if something is a big deal or not. I happen to think for myself. By the way, I seldom watch Fox news or any news anyway.

I know you're pissed. You have to be to whine this much about a non-story. Tissue?

Oh knock it off already with the bullshit tissue ploy.

Yes, I am pissed. Why? Because it won't there. A precedent has been set and now anytime a group of snowflakes gets their feelings hurt, they will barricade a section of the city off and disrupt traffic, commerce and the free movement of all other citizens.

This is only the first of many such protests to come in the future.

If he wants to press charges, then he should do it. Not sure why you insist on me caring about something so meaningless.

Let me explain the inherent hypocrisy of your position. You keep saying it's a non-issue because the guy wasn't hurt. Thing is, the protesters weren't hurt either. His being there preaching was a non-issue and he neither touched, harmed or grabbed anyone yet they felt it necessary to mob him.

Have you even bothered to ask yourself why they reacted to his presence the way they did?
Have you bothered to ask yourself why one of them told him he would "die out here"? Would you have told him something like this?
Have you bothered to ask why they tried at first to prevent him from entering the (still public) area in the first place?

Any way you look at this the protesters were in the wrong. They are unlawfully occupying a public area that is supposed to be open to everyone and unlawfully tried to prevent a person from entering that area. They then unlawfully groped and manhandled him and then held him on the ground against his will.

You feel better now?

No answers?

You're just whining about a non-story and I still don't think it's a big deal.

Obviously you don't think it's a big deal. But you're too myopic to understand the implications and ramifications of this incident. By itself, it is no big deal. However, as I said, this will end up being just the first of many such protests and similar incidents in the future will not end so quietly.

I don't expect you to understand but I have a deep-seated sense of ethics and everything about this incident just grinds my gears. I myself would never presume to bar someone from entering a public area that is meant for everyone just because I don't agree with what they have to say. I would never lay my hands on another citizen unless it was in self defense or to give CPR or to help or whatever. And I would most certainly never, ever threaten someone with "You're going to die out here", again, just because I don't agree with what they have to say.

The obvious question for me and which apparently never occurred to you is: Why didn't they just leave him alone? What would it have hurt to let him stroll around and babble?

They threatened him for a reason. They tried to stop him for a reason and they mobbed him for a reason. What was that reason? Never mind that the guy wasn't hurt; there was a reason for their actions and it was not benevolent. That is my concern.

Do any of your questions change that or are you just venting to make yourself feel better?

Are you just ignoring the questions to make yourself feel better?

Then we agree it's no big deal. Excellent.

By itself, no. But it does not bode well for the future of this country that our young people will feel free to bar other citizens from entering public places and threatening them and putting their hands on them to do so.

Do you even understand that they had no right to do what they did?

The implications are also non-existent. This is a non-story.

Nope. But don't take my word for it. Stay tuned, other shit like this is coming down the pike. There will be more incidents where mobs will take over sections of cities any time there's a cop shooting - justified or not - or anything they don't like and sooner or later, someone will be seriously hurt or killed. It may not happen tomorrow or a year or five years from now. But it will happen.

You sure do whine a lot about something that even you admit is no big deal.

You sure do whine about me whining a lot.

Other incidents will happen and they will have absolutely nothing to do with this.

They will if it happens during another one of these punk occupations.

There will be more occupations like this in the future because this one set a precedent. In that sense, any future incident in a similar situation can be attributed to this one. In which case, more incidents like this one with the pastor will occur and the law of averages multiplied by increasing tensions on both sides means someone is getting hurt or killed.

This is the first protest of its kind in this country (on this scale anyway) and was supposed to be different. Yet, on the very first time out, they already have someone getting threatened and manhandled.

I do not have high hopes that future protests of this sort will go any better.

I could be completely wrong about everything I've said and I truly hope I am. But knowing what I know about human nature, I doubt it.

He's fine. You're just being dramatic.

Didn't you hear me the first time when I said his being fine is irrelevant?

I know he's fine for Christ's sake. That's not what this is about. Jesus.
Disturbing. Apparently Democrats support sexual assault now. Anyone surprised?
No. The abortion-on-demand party is the party of rape, adultery, sodomy, and incest.

There's money in it for the woman if she is willing to change her story, make up a new rape kit, and "press charges" against a targeted Republican man instead of the Democrat who raped her.

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