Pastor who asked gay bakery for cake threatened with charges

How did such a POS get to be a pastor? He claims Christians are under attack yet he just proved that gay people are under attack by Christians.

Jesus ain't gonna be too pleased with that asshole.
Gays should always be under attack for their immoral values which is a stain on our society.
How did such a POS get to be a pastor? He claims Christians are under attack yet he just proved that gay people are under attack by Christians.

Jesus ain't gonna be too pleased with that asshole.
Gays should always be under attack for their immoral values which is a stain on our society.
Would you legislate morality? Would you criminalize homosexuality?

Or do you take a special glee in repressing people not because they are criminals, but because you find them 'icky'?
The article that supports the thread is misleading and makes the premise of the thread a lie. A Christian cake is not what was requested. A protest cake promoting a political agenda was requested. Unless the bakery was known for making protest cakes or advertised for the making of protest cakes a product was being requested that the bakery does not produce.

I was thinking the same thing. Tantamount to asking a Black-owned bakery to bake a kkk cake, Jewish bakery to bake anti-Semitic cake.

The fundie hate group preacher should not have harassed the bakery.

But, the law may be that the bakery would be required to bake the cake.

The whole issue has gone beyond ridiculous.

The solution is simple. Except in cases of necessary commerce, allow businesses to refuse service to anyone.

I couldn't agree more.
How did such a POS get to be a pastor? He claims Christians are under attack yet he just proved that gay people are under attack by Christians.

Jesus ain't gonna be too pleased with that asshole.
Gays should always be under attack for their immoral values which is a stain on our society.
Would you legislate morality? Would you criminalize homosexuality?

Or do you take a special glee in repressing people not because they are criminals, but because you find them 'icky'?
Yes I believe homosexuality should be criminalized. Also interracial marriage between blacks and whites should return to be a criminalized action. It is the only way to save this nation from it's undoing.
How did such a POS get to be a pastor? He claims Christians are under attack yet he just proved that gay people are under attack by Christians.

Jesus ain't gonna be too pleased with that asshole.
Gays should always be under attack for their immoral values which is a stain on our society.
Would you legislate morality? Would you criminalize homosexuality?

Or do you take a special glee in repressing people not because they are criminals, but because you find them 'icky'?
Yes I believe homosexuality should be criminalized. Also interracial marriage between blacks and whites should return to be a criminalized action. It is the only way to save this nation from it's undoing.
Okay then. We've heard from the 1940s. Any responsible answers out there?
The problem is that the pastors order was NOT a "true" order, but in fact, a form of harassment. From the start he had no intention of actually buying that cake, he only wanted to use the phone call to harm the baker's business with the video on YouTube. That's not a /business/ transaction, but it could cause harm to the business and therefore falls under harassment.

And frankly I think the church establishments hit by the media in the reverse have the right to bring up a case as well. Problem is that action was taken by the media, and they're somewhat immune to harassment charges for some reason.

Homos have admitted targeting Christian bakers, even recording phone calls. What's good for the goose is good for the gander.

I disagree, this is just escalating nonsense. I think both sides should practice what they preach and learn to tolerate each other. I very much doubt that Jesus would be in any part of this.

Well it's really pretty simple, the homos cease and then there won't be none. Keep in mind who started it and now when the push back begins it's the homos screaming foul. That's BS, if you can't stand the heat don't try to get in the baker's oven

Who started it?

The phony christian Westboro hate groups, like the phony christian who harassed this bakery. The phony christian politicians who push their discrimination agenda.

This should be a non-issue and its time for both sides to settle.
The article that supports the thread is misleading and makes the premise of the thread a lie. A Christian cake is not what was requested. A protest cake promoting a political agenda was requested. Unless the bakery was known for making protest cakes or advertised for the making of protest cakes a product was being requested that the bakery does not produce.
This is no different that Nazis going into a Jewish bakery and asking for a holocaust cake
How did such a POS get to be a pastor? He claims Christians are under attack yet he just proved that gay people are under attack by Christians.

Jesus ain't gonna be too pleased with that asshole.
Gays should always be under attack for their immoral values which is a stain on our society.


White supremacists, kkk slime should always be under attack for their immoral values which [sic] is a stain on our society.

There. Fixed it for you.
How did such a POS get to be a pastor? He claims Christians are under attack yet he just proved that gay people are under attack by Christians.

Jesus ain't gonna be too pleased with that asshole.
Gays should always be under attack for their immoral values which is a stain on our society.
You're an idiot but at least you admit it. You conservatives are very mysterious.
The article that supports the thread is misleading and makes the premise of the thread a lie. A Christian cake is not what was requested. A protest cake promoting a political agenda was requested. Unless the bakery was known for making protest cakes or advertised for the making of protest cakes a product was being requested that the bakery does not produce.
This is no different that Nazis going into a Jewish bakery and asking for a holocaust cake
What is a holocaust cake?
How did such a POS get to be a pastor? He claims Christians are under attack yet he just proved that gay people are under attack by Christians.

Jesus ain't gonna be too pleased with that asshole.
Gays should always be under attack for their immoral values which is a stain on our society.

Racists-homophobes deserve children who inter-racially gay marry.
How did such a POS get to be a pastor? He claims Christians are under attack yet he just proved that gay people are under attack by Christians.

Jesus ain't gonna be too pleased with that asshole.
Gays should always be under attack for their immoral values which is a stain on our society.

Racists-homophobes deserve children who inter-racially gay marry.

Doubtful that would happen if they are brought up correctly. Bad parenting for you, eh?
The article that supports the thread is misleading and makes the premise of the thread a lie. A Christian cake is not what was requested. A protest cake promoting a political agenda was requested. Unless the bakery was known for making protest cakes or advertised for the making of protest cakes a product was being requested that the bakery does not produce.

I was thinking the same thing. Tantamount to asking a Black-owned bakery to bake a kkk cake, Jewish bakery to bake anti-Semitic cake.

The fundie hate group preacher should not have harassed the bakery.

But, the law may be that the bakery would be required to bake the cake.

The whole issue has gone beyond ridiculous.

The solution is simple. Except in cases of necessary commerce, allow businesses to refuse service to anyone.
The case was resolved in a case where the baker offered to make the cake, but refused to write a message on it. The baker offered the customer the material and tool needed to write a message and instructed them that they were free to write whatever message they wanted on the completed cake.

interesting compromise, but I doubt that would placate the more litigious minded people, or those who want acceptance rather than tolerance.
I believe this was a court case and the baker won the case. You can not refuse to produce or sell a product you normally produce or sell. Simple as that.

So basically going into business = slavery. got it.
How did such a POS get to be a pastor? He claims Christians are under attack yet he just proved that gay people are under attack by Christians.

Jesus ain't gonna be too pleased with that asshole.
Gays should always be under attack for their immoral values which is a stain on our society.

Racists-homophobes deserve children who inter-racially gay marry.

The article that supports the thread is misleading and makes the premise of the thread a lie. A Christian cake is not what was requested. A protest cake promoting a political agenda was requested. Unless the bakery was known for making protest cakes or advertised for the making of protest cakes a product was being requested that the bakery does not produce.

I was thinking the same thing. Tantamount to asking a Black-owned bakery to bake a kkk cake, Jewish bakery to bake anti-Semitic cake.

The fundie hate group preacher should not have harassed the bakery.

But, the law may be that the bakery would be required to bake the cake.

The whole issue has gone beyond ridiculous.

The solution is simple. Except in cases of necessary commerce, allow businesses to refuse service to anyone.
The case was resolved in a case where the baker offered to make the cake, but refused to write a message on it. The baker offered the customer the material and tool needed to write a message and instructed them that they were free to write whatever message they wanted on the completed cake.

They need to complete the order
The problem is that the pastors order was NOT a "true" order, but in fact, a form of harassment. From the start he had no intention of actually buying that cake, he only wanted to use the phone call to harm the baker's business with the video on YouTube (in the eyes of bringing up a case anyway.) That's not a /business/ transaction, but it could cause harm to the business and therefore falls under harassment.

And frankly I think the church establishments hit by the media in the reverse have the right to bring up a case as well. Problem is that action was taken by the media, and they're somewhat immune to harassment charges for some reason.

Probably the same thing that the lbgt community does when they try to force bakeries to service them.
They are free, just as this pastor is, to take their business elsewhere where it's wanted.8
I was thinking the same thing. Tantamount to asking a Black-owned bakery to bake a kkk cake, Jewish bakery to bake anti-Semitic cake.

The fundie hate group preacher should not have harassed the bakery.

But, the law may be that the bakery would be required to bake the cake.

The whole issue has gone beyond ridiculous.

The solution is simple. Except in cases of necessary commerce, allow businesses to refuse service to anyone.
The case was resolved in a case where the baker offered to make the cake, but refused to write a message on it. The baker offered the customer the material and tool needed to write a message and instructed them that they were free to write whatever message they wanted on the completed cake.

interesting compromise, but I doubt that would placate the more litigious minded people, or those who want acceptance rather than tolerance.
I believe this was a court case and the baker won the case. You can not refuse to produce or sell a product you normally produce or sell. Simple as that.

So basically going into business = slavery. got it.
No, just the knowledge that going into business requires one to understand the rules and regulations that govern a particular business. It also helps to understand that mixing business, politics and religion is usually a bad idea and will cause problems for the business.
People were forced into slavery. It was not something people volunteered for or selected as a career. Nobody gets forced into going into a business. There is also that thingy about payment for services and being able to quit a position when you want to.
The problem is that the pastors order was NOT a "true" order, but in fact, a form of harassment. From the start he had no intention of actually buying that cake, he only wanted to use the phone call to harm the baker's business with the video on YouTube. That's not a /business/ transaction, but it could cause harm to the business and therefore falls under harassment.

And frankly I think the church establishments hit by the media in the reverse have the right to bring up a case as well. Problem is that action was taken by the media, and they're somewhat immune to harassment charges for some reason.

Homos have admitted targeting Christian bakers, even recording phone calls. What's good for the goose is good for the gander.

I disagree, this is just escalating nonsense. I think both sides should practice what they preach and learn to tolerate each other. I very much doubt that Jesus would be in any part of this.

Well it's really pretty simple, the homos cease and then there won't be none. Keep in mind who started it and now when the push back begins it's the homos screaming foul. That's BS, if you can't stand the heat don't try to get in the baker's oven

Why am I not surprised that you purposely mislead about this- but then again that is what bigots like you do.

So- after your outrage about the threats made against the Pizza Parlor for their supposed anti-gay stance- where is your 'outrage' about the threats made to this bakery?

Where is your outrage that this 'pastor' broke Florida law by illegally recording a telephone call without consent?

(next post I will discuss why this whole thing is bogus outrage)


Police are stepping up patrols around a family owned bakery in Longwood after threats were made to the owner because she refused to put an anti-gay message on a cake.

Sharon Haller, the owner of Cut the Cake, said the threats and harassing calls starting coming after an anonymous caller criticized her decision not to put the message on a cake.

"I'm just afraid because of the type of calls that we were getting that someone is going to attack me in my home," Haller said.

Sharon Haller told News 13 on Friday that it all started after Feuerstein, a former TV evangelist, posted a video on social media targeting the Seminole County-based business. The recording includes Haller's voice even though she said she didn't consent to being recorded.

Shortly after the video was posted, Haller said, she started to receive hundreds of hate calls.

"He gave credit card information and he said he wants written on the cake, 'I hate gays,'" Haller said.

She received threats, too.

"People (are) telling us that we need to kill ourselves and all kinds of stuff, and we're just afraid for our business and our safety."

Casselberry Police Department officials confirmed they are looking into the report, but they said it's not a criminal case at this time.

Police have offered Haller and bakery employees escorts if they feel threatened.
How did such a POS get to be a pastor? He claims Christians are under attack yet he just proved that gay people are under attack by Christians.

Jesus ain't gonna be too pleased with that asshole.
Gays should always be under attack for their immoral values which is a stain on our society.

Racists-homophobes deserve children who inter-racially gay marry.

Doubtful that would happen if they are brought up correctly. Bad parenting for you, eh?

Often times children do the opposite of what parents try to teach them.

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