Pastor who asked gay bakery for cake threatened with charges

The article that supports the thread is misleading and makes the premise of the thread a lie. A Christian cake is not what was requested. A protest cake promoting a political agenda was requested. Unless the bakery was known for making protest cakes or advertised for the making of protest cakes a product was being requested that the bakery does not produce.

I was thinking the same thing. Tantamount to asking a Black-owned bakery to bake a kkk cake, Jewish bakery to bake anti-Semitic cake.

The fundie hate group preacher should not have harassed the bakery.

But, the law may be that the bakery would be required to bake the cake.

The whole issue has gone beyond ridiculous.

The solution is simple. Except in cases of necessary commerce, allow businesses to refuse service to anyone.
Simple, therefore wrong of course.

Only if you enjoy forcing others to do non vital things against their will.

But we all know you do. That's what makes you the board's resident fascist asshole.
The problem is that the pastors order was NOT a "true" order, but in fact, a form of harassment. From the start he had no intention of actually buying that cake, he only wanted to use the phone call to harm the baker's business with the video on YouTube (in the eyes of bringing up a case anyway.) That's not a /business/ transaction, but it could cause harm to the business and therefore falls under harassment.

And frankly I think the church establishments hit by the media in the reverse have the right to bring up a case as well. Problem is that action was taken by the media, and they're somewhat immune to harassment charges for some reason.
The article that supports the thread is misleading and makes the premise of the thread a lie. A Christian cake is not what was requested. A protest cake promoting a political agenda was requested. Unless the bakery was known for making protest cakes or advertised for the making of protest cakes a product was being requested that the bakery does not produce.

I was thinking the same thing. Tantamount to asking a Black-owned bakery to bake a kkk cake, Jewish bakery to bake anti-Semitic cake.

The fundie hate group preacher should not have harassed the bakery.

But, the law may be that the bakery would be required to bake the cake.

The whole issue has gone beyond ridiculous.

The solution is simple. Except in cases of necessary commerce, allow businesses to refuse service to anyone.
Simple, therefore wrong of course.

Only if you enjoy forcing others to do non vital things against their will.

But we all know you do. That's what makes you the board's resident fascist asshole.
Being required to do for money what you already do for money, how evil I am.
The problem is that the pastors order was NOT a "true" order, but in fact, a form of harassment. From the start he had no intention of actually buying that cake, he only wanted to use the phone call to harm the baker's business with the video on YouTube. That's not a /business/ transaction, but it could cause harm to the business and therefore falls under harassment.

And frankly I think the church establishments hit by the media in the reverse have the right to bring up a case as well. Problem is that action was taken by the media, and they're somewhat immune to harassment charges for some reason.

Homos have admitted targeting Christian bakers, even recording phone calls. What's good for the goose is good for the gander.
The pastor is a troublemaker, he wanted a political cake, not a Christian cake. The lady indicates that the type of phone call caused her to fear for her safety. Now, since the story has extreme bias, I can't get the full picture. Did he continue to call or have others call to harass her? If so, then he is very wrong. If not, she is responding in kind to a troublemaker and just needs to back off.

Common sense, treating others the way you would like to be treated would solve all this, however there are lots of unreasonable and vengeful people. People need to chill.
The article that supports the thread is misleading and makes the premise of the thread a lie. A Christian cake is not what was requested. A protest cake promoting a political agenda was requested. Unless the bakery was known for making protest cakes or advertised for the making of protest cakes a product was being requested that the bakery does not produce.

I was thinking the same thing. Tantamount to asking a Black-owned bakery to bake a kkk cake, Jewish bakery to bake anti-Semitic cake.

The fundie hate group preacher should not have harassed the bakery.

But, the law may be that the bakery would be required to bake the cake.

The whole issue has gone beyond ridiculous.

The solution is simple. Except in cases of necessary commerce, allow businesses to refuse service to anyone.
The case was resolved in a case where the baker offered to make the cake, but refused to write a message on it. The baker offered the customer the material and tool needed to write a message and instructed them that they were free to write whatever message they wanted on the completed cake.

interesting compromise, but I doubt that would placate the more litigious minded people, or those who want acceptance rather than tolerance.
How did such a POS get to be a pastor? He claims Christians are under attack yet he just proved that gay people are under attack by Christians.

Jesus ain't gonna be too pleased with that asshole.
The article that supports the thread is misleading and makes the premise of the thread a lie. A Christian cake is not what was requested. A protest cake promoting a political agenda was requested. Unless the bakery was known for making protest cakes or advertised for the making of protest cakes a product was being requested that the bakery does not produce.

I was thinking the same thing. Tantamount to asking a Black-owned bakery to bake a kkk cake, Jewish bakery to bake anti-Semitic cake.

The fundie hate group preacher should not have harassed the bakery.

But, the law may be that the bakery would be required to bake the cake.

The whole issue has gone beyond ridiculous.

The solution is simple. Except in cases of necessary commerce, allow businesses to refuse service to anyone.
Simple, therefore wrong of course.

Only if you enjoy forcing others to do non vital things against their will.

But we all know you do. That's what makes you the board's resident fascist asshole.
Being required to do for money what you already do for money, how evil I am.

Now look who's simplifying.
How did such a POS get to be a pastor? He claims Christians are under attack yet he just proved that gay people are under attack by Christians.

Jesus ain't gonna be too pleased with that asshole.

But the homos are attacking Christian based businesses...of course in your rant and due to what is probably desires you fail to see or mention that
The problem is that the pastors order was NOT a "true" order, but in fact, a form of harassment. From the start he had no intention of actually buying that cake, he only wanted to use the phone call to harm the baker's business with the video on YouTube. That's not a /business/ transaction, but it could cause harm to the business and therefore falls under harassment.

And frankly I think the church establishments hit by the media in the reverse have the right to bring up a case as well. Problem is that action was taken by the media, and they're somewhat immune to harassment charges for some reason.

Homos have admitted targeting Christian bakers, even recording phone calls. What's good for the goose is good for the gander.

I disagree, this is just escalating nonsense. I think both sides should practice what they preach and learn to tolerate each other. I very much doubt that Jesus would be in any part of this.
The problem is that the pastors order was NOT a "true" order, but in fact, a form of harassment. From the start he had no intention of actually buying that cake, he only wanted to use the phone call to harm the baker's business with the video on YouTube. That's not a /business/ transaction, but it could cause harm to the business and therefore falls under harassment.

And frankly I think the church establishments hit by the media in the reverse have the right to bring up a case as well. Problem is that action was taken by the media, and they're somewhat immune to harassment charges for some reason.

Homos have admitted targeting Christian bakers, even recording phone calls. What's good for the goose is good for the gander.

I disagree, this is just escalating nonsense. I think both sides should practice what they preach and learn to tolerate each other. I very much doubt that Jesus would be in any part of this.

Well it's really pretty simple, the homos cease and then there won't be none. Keep in mind who started it and now when the push back begins it's the homos screaming foul. That's BS, if you can't stand the heat don't try to get in the baker's oven
How did such a POS get to be a pastor? He claims Christians are under attack yet he just proved that gay people are under attack by Christians.

Jesus ain't gonna be too pleased with that asshole.

But the homos are attacking Christian based businesses...of course in your rant and due to what is probably desires you fail to see or mention that
It isn't an attack to innocently order a product that the business sells. This "pastor" absolutely attacked gay people with his actions.
How did such a POS get to be a pastor? He claims Christians are under attack yet he just proved that gay people are under attack by Christians.

Jesus ain't gonna be too pleased with that asshole.

But the homos are attacking Christian based businesses...of course in your rant and due to what is probably desires you fail to see or mention that
Attacking Christian businesses by offering them business. What a weird, wild world you live in.
The article that supports the thread is misleading and makes the premise of the thread a lie. A Christian cake is not what was requested. A protest cake promoting a political agenda was requested. Unless the bakery was known for making protest cakes or advertised for the making of protest cakes a product was being requested that the bakery does not produce.

I was thinking the same thing. Tantamount to asking a Black-owned bakery to bake a kkk cake, Jewish bakery to bake anti-Semitic cake.

The fundie hate group preacher should not have harassed the bakery.

But, the law may be that the bakery would be required to bake the cake.

The whole issue has gone beyond ridiculous.

The solution is simple. Except in cases of necessary commerce, allow businesses to refuse service to anyone.
The case was resolved in a case where the baker offered to make the cake, but refused to write a message on it. The baker offered the customer the material and tool needed to write a message and instructed them that they were free to write whatever message they wanted on the completed cake.

interesting compromise, but I doubt that would placate the more litigious minded people, or those who want acceptance rather than tolerance.
I believe this was a court case and the baker won the case. You can not refuse to produce or sell a product you normally produce or sell. Simple as that.
How did such a POS get to be a pastor? He claims Christians are under attack yet he just proved that gay people are under attack by Christians.

Jesus ain't gonna be too pleased with that asshole.

But the homos are attacking Christian based businesses...of course in your rant and due to what is probably desires you fail to see or mention that
It isn't an attack to innocently order a product that the business sells. This "pastor" absolutely attacked gay people with his actions.

AGAIN!!!! The homos in one case admitted they targeted the Christian, that is NOT an innocent request. If the queers can't abide by the same rules then they should get out of the game and stop whining like little bitches
How did such a POS get to be a pastor? He claims Christians are under attack yet he just proved that gay people are under attack by Christians.

Jesus ain't gonna be too pleased with that asshole.

But the homos are attacking Christian based businesses...of course in your rant and due to what is probably desires you fail to see or mention that
It isn't an attack to innocently order a product that the business sells. This "pastor" absolutely attacked gay people with his actions.

AGAIN!!!! The homos in one case admitted they targeted the Christian, that is NOT an innocent request. If the queers can't abide by the same rules then they should get out of the game and stop whining like little bitches
One case. Oh wow!

This asshole makes pastors look unChristian.
The article that supports the thread is misleading and makes the premise of the thread a lie. A Christian cake is not what was requested. A protest cake promoting a political agenda was requested. Unless the bakery was known for making protest cakes or advertised for the making of protest cakes a product was being requested that the bakery does not produce.

Blah, blah, blah....stop trying to out think yourself, you look stupid
^ Ironic post of the day.
The article that supports the thread is misleading and makes the premise of the thread a lie. A Christian cake is not what was requested. A protest cake promoting a political agenda was requested. Unless the bakery was known for making protest cakes or advertised for the making of protest cakes a product was being requested that the bakery does not produce.

Blah, blah, blah....stop trying to out think yourself, you look stupid
^ Ironic post of the day.
Yes, but the resident immature fool is entertaining. He or she brings back fond memories of grade school and junior high antics.
How did such a POS get to be a pastor? He claims Christians are under attack yet he just proved that gay people are under attack by Christians.

Jesus ain't gonna be too pleased with that asshole.

But the homos are attacking Christian based businesses...of course in your rant and due to what is probably desires you fail to see or mention that
It isn't an attack to innocently order a product that the business sells. This "pastor" absolutely attacked gay people with his actions.

AGAIN!!!! The homos in one case admitted they targeted the Christian, that is NOT an innocent request. If the queers can't abide by the same rules then they should get out of the game and stop whining like little bitches
One case. Oh wow!

This asshole makes pastors look unChristian.

You're a fucking hypocrite, nothing more and nothing less.
LOL Homos are mental, they just can't let it go and end up making spectacles of themselves.

Pastor Who Asked Gay Bakery for Christian Cake Threatened With Criminal Charges

During the controversy over Christian-owned businesses refusing to bake wedding cakes for same-sex marriages, Feuerstein called a Florida bakery with gay owners and requested a cake with the message “We Don’t Support Gay Marriage.”

Naturally, the Long Beach bakery’s owner, Sharon Haller, refused.

Feuerstein posted the video of him making the call to Haller’s shop, Cut The Cake, on YouTube to illustrate the double standard within our society. It certainly made for a good discussion topic, and that should have been the end of it. But the story doesn’t end there.

Haller asked Feuerstein to take the video down, and he graciously did so. But then the baker turned around and reposted it herself, to attack the pastor.

As if this wasn’t bad enough, Haller also called the FBI and demanded that Feuerstein be charged with a hate crime. “I’m just afraid because of the type of calls that we were getting that someone is going to attack me in my home,” Haller told News 13. “Please help put a stop to people like Joshua Feuerstein,” she pleaded online

Pastor Who Asked Gay Bakery for Christian Cake Threatened With Criminal Charges 800 Whistleblower

A parasite that assures other idiots that hell is real and collects a tax free salary

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