Pastor who asked gay bakery for cake threatened with charges

How hypocritical. If anyone should be charged, it shouldn't be the customer. It wasn't the customer who was charged when a straight bakery person refused to make a homosexual wedding cake. If the homosexuals don't want us straight people in the game, they shouldn't have shown us how to play it in the first place then!!!

God bless you and the preacher always!!!

The Pastor apparently broke Florida law when he recorded the telephone conversation without permission- I don't remember 'homosexuals' teaching 'you straight people' (i.e. homophobic bigots) teaching you how to do that.
Well to me when there is nothing to hide nobody minds. If the person had just baked the cake like they were asked to, there wouldn't have been a reason to expose their refusing to.

God bless you and the preacher always!!!


So you are okay with the pastor breaking Florida state law?
The article that supports the thread is misleading and makes the premise of the thread a lie. A Christian cake is not what was requested. A protest cake promoting a political agenda was requested. Unless the bakery was known for making protest cakes or advertised for the making of protest cakes a product was being requested that the bakery does not produce.

Change your handle to "mealymouth". :slap:
How hypocritical. If anyone should be charged, it shouldn't be the customer. It wasn't the customer who was charged when a straight bakery person refused to make a homosexual wedding cake. If the homosexuals don't want us straight people in the game, they shouldn't have shown us how to play it in the first place then!!!

God bless you and the preacher always!!!

The Pastor apparently broke Florida law when he recorded the telephone conversation without permission- I don't remember 'homosexuals' teaching 'you straight people' (i.e. homophobic bigots) teaching you how to do that.
Well to me when there is nothing to hide nobody minds. If the person had just baked the cake like they were asked to, there wouldn't have been a reason to expose their refusing to.

God bless you and the preacher always!!!


So you are okay with the pastor breaking Florida state law?
I'm ok with the pastor breaking an unjust law.
Homos have admitted targeting Christian bakers, even recording phone calls. What's good for the goose is good for the gander.

I disagree, this is just escalating nonsense. I think both sides should practice what they preach and learn to tolerate each other. I very much doubt that Jesus would be in any part of this.

Well it's really pretty simple, the homos cease and then there won't be none. Keep in mind who started it and now when the push back begins it's the homos screaming foul. That's BS, if you can't stand the heat don't try to get in the baker's oven

Why am I not surprised that you purposely mislead about this- but then again that is what bigots like you do.

So- after your outrage about the threats made against the Pizza Parlor for their supposed anti-gay stance- where is your 'outrage' about the threats made to this bakery?

Where is your outrage that this 'pastor' broke Florida law by illegally recording a telephone call without consent?

(next post I will discuss why this whole thing is bogus outrage)


Police are stepping up patrols around a family owned bakery in Longwood after threats were made to the owner because she refused to put an anti-gay message on a cake.

Sharon Haller, the owner of Cut the Cake, said the threats and harassing calls starting coming after an anonymous caller criticized her decision not to put the message on a cake.

"I'm just afraid because of the type of calls that we were getting that someone is going to attack me in my home," Haller said.

Sharon Haller told News 13 on Friday that it all started after Feuerstein, a former TV evangelist, posted a video on social media targeting the Seminole County-based business. The recording includes Haller's voice even though she said she didn't consent to being recorded.

Shortly after the video was posted, Haller said, she started to receive hundreds of hate calls.

"He gave credit card information and he said he wants written on the cake, 'I hate gays,'" Haller said.

She received threats, too.

"People (are) telling us that we need to kill ourselves and all kinds of stuff, and we're just afraid for our business and our safety."

Casselberry Police Department officials confirmed they are looking into the report, but they said it's not a criminal case at this time.

Police have offered Haller and bakery employees escorts if they feel threatened.

If anyone is threatening like this, they need to be locked up, this is the insanity that is absolutely wrong.

We need to be tolerant, this crap is just plain stupid, both sides need to lighten up.

BTW, do you have a link to all of this, I'd like to read up on this insanity.

Sorry- I thought I put the link in

Threats made against bakery in Longwood Seminole County


Police are stepping up patrols around a family owned bakery in Longwood after threats were made to the owner because she refused to put an anti-gay message on a cake.

Sharon Haller, the owner of Cut the Cake, said the threats and harassing calls starting coming after an anonymous caller criticized her decision not to put the message on a cake.

"I'm just afraid because of the type of calls that we were getting that someone is going to attack me in my home," Haller said.

Sharon Haller told News 13 on Friday that it all started after Feuerstein, a former TV evangelist, posted a video on social media targeting the Seminole County-based business. The recording includes Haller's voice even though she said she didn't consent to being recorded.

Shortly after the video was posted, Haller said, she started to receive hundreds of hate calls.

"He gave credit card information and he said he wants written on the cake, 'I hate gays,'" Haller said.

She received threats, too.

"People (are) telling us that we need to kill ourselves and all kinds of stuff, and we're just afraid for our business and our safety."

Casselberry Police Department officials confirmed they are looking into the report, but they said it's not a criminal case at this time.

Police have offered Haller and bakery employees escorts if they feel threatened.

Thank you, I have problems with both these people, first the pastor is a complete dick and a bully for ever starting the whole thing. She is correct in asking him to take the video down and he was nice enough to take it Dow. Then she becomes the idiot for posting it and putting a spin on it. She should have been happy and the issue is over.

Now, what people are doing to her and her bakery are wrong, you can boycott, protest, whatever, but threats is crossing a line. Big time. They need to find these ignorant bigots and expose them, just like the teacher in Indiana.
How hypocritical. If anyone should be charged, it shouldn't be the customer. It wasn't the customer who was charged when a straight bakery person refused to make a homosexual wedding cake. If the homosexuals don't want us straight people in the game, they shouldn't have shown us how to play it in the first place then!!!

God bless you and the preacher always!!!

The Pastor apparently broke Florida law when he recorded the telephone conversation without permission- I don't remember 'homosexuals' teaching 'you straight people' (i.e. homophobic bigots) teaching you how to do that.
Well to me when there is nothing to hide nobody minds. If the person had just baked the cake like they were asked to, there wouldn't have been a reason to expose their refusing to.

God bless you and the preacher always!!!


So you are okay with the pastor breaking Florida state law?
I'm ok with the pastor breaking an unjust law.

Oh I am sure you are okay with anyone breaking any law as long as they do so to try to attack homosexuals.

What exactly is unjust about a State law that requires consent from both parties before recording a telephone conversation?

Or does that only apply to Christians?
How hypocritical. If anyone should be charged, it shouldn't be the customer. It wasn't the customer who was charged when a straight bakery person refused to make a homosexual wedding cake. If the homosexuals don't want us straight people in the game, they shouldn't have shown us how to play it in the first place then!!!

God bless you and the preacher always!!!

The Pastor apparently broke Florida law when he recorded the telephone conversation without permission- I don't remember 'homosexuals' teaching 'you straight people' (i.e. homophobic bigots) teaching you how to do that.
Well to me when there is nothing to hide nobody minds. If the person had just baked the cake like they were asked to, there wouldn't have been a reason to expose their refusing to.

God bless you and the preacher always!!!


So you are okay with the pastor breaking Florida state law?
I'm ok with the pastor breaking an unjust law.

Oh I am sure you are okay with anyone breaking any law as long as they do so to try to attack homosexuals.

What exactly is unjust about a State law that requires consent from both parties before recording a telephone conversation?

Or does that only apply to Christians?
I didn't know that's the law you were referring to. My bad.
The Pastor apparently broke Florida law when he recorded the telephone conversation without permission- I don't remember 'homosexuals' teaching 'you straight people' (i.e. homophobic bigots) teaching you how to do that.
Well to me when there is nothing to hide nobody minds. If the person had just baked the cake like they were asked to, there wouldn't have been a reason to expose their refusing to.

God bless you and the preacher always!!!


So you are okay with the pastor breaking Florida state law?
I'm ok with the pastor breaking an unjust law.

Oh I am sure you are okay with anyone breaking any law as long as they do so to try to attack homosexuals.

What exactly is unjust about a State law that requires consent from both parties before recording a telephone conversation?

Or does that only apply to Christians?
I didn't know that's the law you were referring to. My bad.

Thats cool.
How hypocritical. If anyone should be charged, it shouldn't be the customer. It wasn't the customer who was charged when a straight bakery person refused to make a homosexual wedding cake. If the homosexuals don't want us straight people in the game, they shouldn't have shown us how to play it in the first place then!!!

God bless you and the preacher always!!!

The Pastor apparently broke Florida law when he recorded the telephone conversation without permission- I don't remember 'homosexuals' teaching 'you straight people' (i.e. homophobic bigots) teaching you how to do that.
Well to me when there is nothing to hide nobody minds. If the person had just baked the cake like they were asked to, there wouldn't have been a reason to expose their refusing to.

God bless you and the preacher always!!!


So you are okay with the pastor breaking Florida state law?
I'm ok with the pastor breaking an unjust law.

That's pretty much how I feel too.
SMH idiots REALLY don't understand the difference.

Here is a wedding cake:


See gay people want this type of cake for their wedding. When a business advertises that they make these type of cakes, they are stating to the general public that they make wedding cakes.

However, a message on a cake is a unique product. It is not a general product like a wedding cake so the message can be anything because it is content based. Because it is content based, the baker can decide not to put a certain message on there.
How hypocritical. If anyone should be charged, it shouldn't be the customer. It wasn't the customer who was charged when a straight bakery person refused to make a homosexual wedding cake. If the homosexuals don't want us straight people in the game, they shouldn't have shown us how to play it in the first place then!!!

God bless you and the preacher always!!!

The Pastor apparently broke Florida law when he recorded the telephone conversation without permission- I don't remember 'homosexuals' teaching 'you straight people' (i.e. homophobic bigots) teaching you how to do that.
Well to me when there is nothing to hide nobody minds. If the person had just baked the cake like they were asked to, there wouldn't have been a reason to expose their refusing to.

God bless you and the preacher always!!!

If you were a baker and asked to make a cake with the words God is actually gay on it, would you do it? How about one that said Satan is better than God?
I would go as far as to making the cake, yes, but if such a message had to be on it, I would get someone else to put it on the cake.

How hypocritical. If anyone should be charged, it shouldn't be the customer. It wasn't the customer who was charged when a straight bakery person refused to make a homosexual wedding cake. If the homosexuals don't want us straight people in the game, they shouldn't have shown us how to play it in the first place then!!!

God bless you and the preacher always!!!

The Pastor apparently broke Florida law when he recorded the telephone conversation without permission- I don't remember 'homosexuals' teaching 'you straight people' (i.e. homophobic bigots) teaching you how to do that.
Well to me when there is nothing to hide nobody minds. If the person had just baked the cake like they were asked to, there wouldn't have been a reason to expose their refusing to.

God bless you and the preacher always!!!

So you are okay with the pastor breaking Florida state law?
Like I said earlier, if the cake had been made, there wouldn't have been anything to record.

God bless you two and the preacher always!!!


P.S. If homosexuals demand that their cakes be made by who ever, then they have to make whatever anyone else wants them to make too. They can not have it both ways.
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How hypocritical. If anyone should be charged, it shouldn't be the customer. It wasn't the customer who was charged when a straight bakery person refused to make a homosexual wedding cake. If the homosexuals don't want us straight people in the game, they shouldn't have shown us how to play it in the first place then!!!

God bless you and the preacher always!!!

The Pastor apparently broke Florida law when he recorded the telephone conversation without permission- I don't remember 'homosexuals' teaching 'you straight people' (i.e. homophobic bigots) teaching you how to do that.
Well to me when there is nothing to hide nobody minds. If the person had just baked the cake like they were asked to, there wouldn't have been a reason to expose their refusing to.

God bless you and the preacher always!!!


So you are okay with the pastor breaking Florida state law?
I'm ok with the pastor breaking an unjust law.

Oh I am sure you are okay with anyone breaking any law as long as they do so to try to attack homosexuals.

What exactly is unjust about a State law that requires consent from both parties before recording a telephone conversation?

Or does that only apply to Christians?

By the way, why did you start a second thread on this when this thread was already going strong ?
This propetuates my dislike for gays. Just like a homo to be a homo about stupid things. If they weren't so gay they wouldn't be so butthurt and maybe they could just ignore it or make the cake.
This propetuates my dislike for gays. Just like a homo to be a homo about stupid things. If they weren't so gay they wouldn't be so butthurt and maybe they could just ignore it or make the cake.
Start by getting education, then form an opinion.
This propetuates my dislike for gays. Just like a homo to be a homo about stupid things. If they weren't so gay they wouldn't be so butthurt and maybe they could just ignore it or make the cake.
Start by getting education, then form an opinion.
I have an education. Gays fuck each other in the butt and created AIDs by doing this with monkeys. It's unnatural and god punishes them with AIDs and other stds that don't occur as often in straight communities.

This thread wins the hypocrisy of the day award.

A pizza place gets "death threats" for saying they'd deny gays service? Send them half a million bucks!
A gay baker gets death threats due to a "pastor" pranking them? Mock them!

"Christians" are funny like that.

This thread wins the hypocrisy of the day award.

A pizza place gets "death threats" for saying they'd deny gays service? Send them half a million bucks!
A gay baker gets death threats due to a "pastor" pranking them? Mock them!

"Christians" are funny like that.
The gay baker lied though.

This thread wins the hypocrisy of the day award.

A pizza place gets "death threats" for saying they'd deny gays service? Send them half a million bucks!
A gay baker gets death threats due to a "pastor" pranking them? Mock them!

"Christians" are funny like that.
The gay baker lied though.


Or did you just make that up to justify it to yourself?
This propetuates my dislike for gays. Just like a homo to be a homo about stupid things. If they weren't so gay they wouldn't be so butthurt and maybe they could just ignore it or make the cake. if you need any reason to fuel your bigotry. You just are a hater- the reasons are just rationalizations.
This propetuates my dislike for gays. Just like a homo to be a homo about stupid things. If they weren't so gay they wouldn't be so butthurt and maybe they could just ignore it or make the cake.
Start by getting education, then form an opinion.
I have an education. Gays fuck each other in the butt and created AIDs by doing this with monkeys. It's unnatural and god punishes them with AIDs and other stds that don't occur as often in straight communities.

Reading Stormfront is not an education- but clearly that is the 'source' of your bizarre homophobia.

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