Pat Buchanan wants pain meds withheld from would be bomber

The guy is severely burned and the first thing Pat can think of is torture...make him suffer.
BTW, the man is talking, but that doesn't matter to cons.
No link, Pat said it on MSNBC.

Well, being a supporter of Patrick as I am.. Why would you give him the meds? is he a United States Citizen? Did he have a Visa? And who should pay for these meds? Why should my tax dollars go to him?

Just my 2 cents.

Yes, the dirtbag terrorist had a VISA (America's bad).

He blew off his weenie (HIS bad).

IMHO, NO pain meds. And HE pays for his hospital care and incarceration.

Or his family. That's how the Moslem prisons do it in Bali to non-Bali citizens. The family is responsible for feeding and caring for the prisoner, not the state. The state only confines them.

Works for me for Terrorists caught on US soil trying to kill Americans.
Just curious. Who are "they"? All Muslims? Just torture "eveyone" to make sure we got the right "they"?

They. Ahem. Perhaps you should avail yourself of a newspaper, magazine, or perhaps even an online version.

They = Al Qaeda, or Al Qaeda inspired Moslem Terrorists.

If that's really difficult for you to grasp, I'll send you a copy of "Hooked on Phonics" to help you with your reading comprehension.

Geez. :rolleyes:

If you already know who they are and where they are, why haven't you shared that information with the US Government? What kind of person are you to keep that information to yourself? Shame on you!

You REALLY can't read, can you?

I never said I knew where any Al Qaeda are.

I simply said that THEY (meaning Al Qaeda or others inspired by them) would NEVER administer pain meds to any American they caught, and then provided several examples where those Al Qaeda terrorists actually caught AND beheaded Americans, WITH NO PAIN MEDS.

Sorry you don't have the reading comprehension skills of a 3rd grader. I don't even think "Hooked on Phonics" would help you, you're that badly impaired.

Wow! :eek:
The guy is severely burned and the first thing Pat can think of is torture...make him suffer.
BTW, the man is talking, but that doesn't matter to cons.
No link, Pat said it on MSNBC.

You should have been sitting right next to that terrorist on the plane and let's see how you would feel when he tried to murder you. The guy was severly burned because of the bomb that HE was carrying and trying to murder app 300 American civilians and you feel sorry for him. Good Greif.
IMHO, NO pain meds. And HE pays for his hospital care and incarceration.

And if he doesn't pay?

I suppose you could deny him hospital care. But would you deny him incarceration?

Or his family. That's how the Moslem prisons do it in Bali to non-Bali citizens. The family is responsible for feeding and caring for the prisoner, not the state. The state only confines them.

And what if his family refuses to pay? Are we going to go over to Nigeria and put a lien on his dad's house?

The man blew his wee-willy-winkie off. His fault entirely. He meant to do it.

Of course, he didn't mean to survive and get to live with the pain of blowing his wee-willy-winkie off. But, alas, that's also his fault too.

He thought Americans didn't learn anything from 9/11/01. He thought Americans would sit there and passively let him execute his wee-willy-winkie and everyone on the plane without resistance.

WRONG. :eusa_hand:

Americans learned PLENTY from 9/11/01....and it showed this Christmas Day wheb this radical Moslem terrorist piece of excrement blew up his boxers, his package and.....then Americans tackled him to the floor extinquished the fire. Victory goes to America! :D

Too bad, so sad. If you don't want to be in pain, don't try to kill 300+ people. End of story.

No pain meds for Wee-Willy-Winkie man.

Without his wee-willy-winky what would he have done with those 76 virgins he was promised for blowing up innocent civilians. I think it would be a great idea to spread the news about the wee-willy-winky blow up to all the other world terrorists who have been promised those 76 virgins. They might even think twice before attempting to do it again. They are the most precious body part to those terrorists, without them being attached there is not much they can do with those 76 virgins.:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol: In fact just sending a picture of what remains of his boxers is a good start. LOLOLOLOLO
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They. Ahem. Perhaps you should avail yourself of a newspaper, magazine, or perhaps even an online version.

They = Al Qaeda, or Al Qaeda inspired Moslem Terrorists.

If that's really difficult for you to grasp, I'll send you a copy of "Hooked on Phonics" to help you with your reading comprehension.

Geez. :rolleyes:

If you already know who they are and where they are, why haven't you shared that information with the US Government? What kind of person are you to keep that information to yourself? Shame on you!

You REALLY can't read, can you?

I never said I knew where any Al Qaeda are.

I simply said that THEY (meaning Al Qaeda or others inspired by them) would NEVER administer pain meds to any American they caught, and then provided several examples where those Al Qaeda terrorists actually caught AND beheaded Americans, WITH NO PAIN MEDS.

Sorry you don't have the reading comprehension skills of a 3rd grader. I don't even think "Hooked on Phonics" would help you, you're that badly impaired.

Wow! :eek:

JenyEliza, I thought you implied the liberals here would smart enough and plentiful enough to dogpile??:doubt: What we have seen thus far just confirms what we already knew ...liberals everywhere are pretty stupid! :lol:

As a nation we must adopt the policy that WE are the biggest, baddest dog on the block, and if you (terrorist) mess with us we are going to inflict serious pain. THAT is the ONLY thing radical Muslims understand.
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The man blew his wee-willy-winkie off. His fault entirely. He meant to do it.

Of course, he didn't mean to survive and get to live with the pain of blowing his wee-willy-winkie off. But, alas, that's also his fault too.

He thought Americans didn't learn anything from 9/11/01. He thought Americans would sit there and passively let him execute his wee-willy-winkie and everyone on the plane without resistance.

WRONG. :eusa_hand:

Americans learned PLENTY from 9/11/01....and it showed this Christmas Day wheb this radical Moslem terrorist piece of excrement blew up his boxers, his package and.....then Americans tackled him to the floor extinquished the fire. Victory goes to America! :D

Too bad, so sad. If you don't want to be in pain, don't try to kill 300+ people. End of story.

No pain meds for Wee-Willy-Winkie man.

I have a question- was it Wee and Willy and Winkie blown up or was it just Winkie??:lol:

The man blew his wee-willy-winkie off. His fault entirely. He meant to do it.

Of course, he didn't mean to survive and get to live with the pain of blowing his wee-willy-winkie off. But, alas, that's also his fault too.

He thought Americans didn't learn anything from 9/11/01. He thought Americans would sit there and passively let him execute his wee-willy-winkie and everyone on the plane without resistance.

WRONG. :eusa_hand:

Americans learned PLENTY from 9/11/01....and it showed this Christmas Day wheb this radical Moslem terrorist piece of excrement blew up his boxers, his package and.....then Americans tackled him to the floor extinquished the fire. Victory goes to America! :D

Too bad, so sad. If you don't want to be in pain, don't try to kill 300+ people. End of story.

No pain meds for Wee-Willy-Winkie man.

I have a question- was it Wee and Willy and Winkie blown up or was it just Winkie??:lol:

Well, Wee (was) the main man. From what I understand, he was blown off (and NOT in the fun way).

Willy and Winkie are the (now) Deep Fried Hushpuppies. They're still hanging around, but they're definitely deeply fried.

Does this help? ;)
Well, Wee (was) the main man. From what I understand, he was blown off (and NOT in the fun way).

Willy and Winkie are the (now) Deep Fried Hushpuppies. They're still hanging around, but they're definitely deeply fried.

Does this help? ;)

I suppose we'll never have to worry about this "Ahmed the Terrorist"....his "prize" of 72 virgins in the afterlife is now....well, only a (BLOWNUP) pipedream! :lol::lol:

"Ahmed the Terrorist" - Are you my virgins? I hope not!:eek:
Maybe we could just pull his fingernails off....

You think they'd do no less to any American they caught?

Danny Pearl? I do believe they removed his head. Completely.

Several other Americans too.

And....Nope. No. They didn't Administer PAIN MEDS AT ALL, in fact, they used DULL RUSTY KNIVES AND VIDEO TAPED THEIR BEHEADING.

Dayam. How soon some "alleged" Americans forget. :evil:

So you are saying we should be just like them?
I don't have any problem with this guy having pain meds. We aren't monsters.

That said, I don't think we should pay for intensive treatment of his wounds either. Rather, he should be stabilized, punted to Gitmo, questioned aggressively, tried by military tribunal, and then summarily executed for his crimes. Medical treatment should be limited to humane measures involving pain relief but not reconstruction. He shouldn't be with us long enough to have to worry about the future state of his "winky".
I would like to see this in context

I am not for withholding pain meds against an injured person... I am just for getting him on trial ASAP, obtaining the conviction, and putting him out of his misery permanently
fry his nuts with a HV transformer. let him scream. and keep his ass awake 24/7


turn his rotton ass over to a Pakistani intell officer. we'll have all we need in 10 mins and they'll dispose of the body.

Buchanan's main point seems to have been ignored. His point is that this guy should've been immediately turned over to the military. I agree with that. We're not talking about a "criminal". We're talking about an enemy foreign combatant who brought his attack directly to our homeland.

That said, I don't understand why Buchanan seems to think that humane emergency treatment would be an either/or situation with a transfer to military custody. :eusa_eh:
Buchanan's main point seems to have been ignored. His point is that this guy should've been immediately turned over to the military. I agree with that. We're not talking about a "criminal". We're talking about an enemy foreign combatant who brought his attack directly to our homeland.

That said, I don't understand why Buchanan seems to think that humane emergency treatment would be an either/or situation with a transfer to military custody. :eusa_eh:

We tried the 'shoe bomber'.

We tried the blind sheikh

We tried timothy mcveigh

Why on earth are some people pretending we are now suddenly incapable of trying a criminal suspect?

As for denying pain meds, why would we do that if the guy is already talking (and even if he weren't) .... other than to be low-lives?

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