Pat Buchanan wants pain meds withheld from would be bomber

We tried the 'shoe bomber'.

We tried the blind sheikh

We tried timothy mcveigh

Why on earth are some people pretending we are now suddenly incapable of trying a criminal suspect?

As for denying pain meds, why would we do that if the guy is already talking (and even if he weren't) .... other than to be low-lives?

We tried those people and got the USS COle, Khobar Towers and 9/11. Or did you forget those facts?
These aren't criminal actions, they are acts of war. And the sooner Obama realizes that Bush was right and his approach was correct the safer we will all be. It is no accident these little tests are going on under Obama, whom the Muslim world perceives as weak and vacillating.
And the sooner you quit your enthrallment with Obama's large Negro penis and see the reality of who and what he is the more sense you will make on these boards.

You're not really saying there wouldn't have been a 9/11 if we hadn't tried the blind sheikh? Are you? I didn't think even you were that stupid.

Course and crass and disgusting, but maybe not that stupid... thanks for proving that you are.

And keep your mouth in check when talking to me, "rabbi" who embarrasses jews.

Geex are you an idiot.
Yes, I am saying that. I am saying that approaching these incidents as "crimes" and treating the perpetrators as criminals and not enemy soldiers resulted directly in 9/11. The proof is simply the history. For all of Clinton's administration, they used just that approach, "bringing the criminals to justice." And the result was more and more attacks.
That culminated in 9/11 and Bush's new approach which was to treat it as a war by other means. That resulted in significantly lower levels of terrorist attacks and attempts. This is undeniable, even to someone who worships the Obama phallus like yourself.
Now Obama has gone back to the rhetoric of "round up the usual suspects". This is a proven loser of a strategy, one that will endanger the American people.
This guy is singing like a bird for us.

WHY in the world would we want to cut off the flow of good information with a dam of pain??????????

Does Pat Buchanan have something to hide that he is afraid this guy will divulge????

Idiots will always try to lead this great nation to ruin.
This guy is singing like a bird for us.

WHY in the world would we want to cut off the flow of good information with a dam of pain??????????

Does Pat Buchanan have something to hide that he is afraid this guy will divulge????

Idiots will always try to lead this great nation to ruin.

You know, I have to agree with you.
Of course if he quits talking, withholding the pain meds might be a legit tactic to start him up again. Hell, just the threat of it might be enough. Burns are painful, terrible painful. I can only imagine nutburns. I can tell you third degree burns on your feet and legs sets a man down for awhile.
This guy is singing like a bird for us.

WHY in the world would we want to cut off the flow of good information with a dam of pain??????????

Does Pat Buchanan have something to hide that he is afraid this guy will divulge????

Idiots will always try to lead this great nation to ruin.
in fact, he has clammed right up.
I can't wait for Jeff Dunham't take on this with Mohammad the dead Terrorist.

Holly crap, my balls are on fire. Get some water quick!
This guy is singing like a bird for us.

WHY in the world would we want to cut off the flow of good information with a dam of pain??????????

Does Pat Buchanan have something to hide that he is afraid this guy will divulge????

Idiots will always try to lead this great nation to ruin.

You know, I have to agree with you.
Of course if he quits talking, withholding the pain meds might be a legit tactic to start him up again. Hell, just the threat of it might be enough. Burns are painful, terrible painful. I can only imagine nutburns. I can tell you third degree burns on your feet and legs sets a man down for awhile.

NOW you're talking.
Look, this guy is a tool and a jerk and he deserves worse than he'll get. No doubt in my mind.


RIGHT NOW - he's spilling his guts. I do NOT want to rock that boat. I want to get every last little detail we can out of this guy and RIGHT NOW, that - not revenge - is my number one priority. RIGHT NOW we have a lot more to gain - and maybe a lot more lives to save - through putting revenge on the back burner.

All in good time

I seriously question the motives/intelligence of anyone who suggests otherwise.
This guy is singing like a bird for us.

WHY in the world would we want to cut off the flow of good information with a dam of pain??????????

Does Pat Buchanan have something to hide that he is afraid this guy will divulge????

Idiots will always try to lead this great nation to ruin.
in fact, he has clammed right up.

Buchannon clammed up? Well praise the dieties.
This guy is singing like a bird for us.

WHY in the world would we want to cut off the flow of good information with a dam of pain??????????

Does Pat Buchanan have something to hide that he is afraid this guy will divulge????

Idiots will always try to lead this great nation to ruin.

You know, I have to agree with you.
Of course if he quits talking, withholding the pain meds might be a legit tactic to start him up again. Hell, just the threat of it might be enough. Burns are painful, terrible painful. I can only imagine nutburns. I can tell you third degree burns on your feet and legs sets a man down for awhile.

NOW you're talking.
Look, this guy is a tool and a jerk and he deserves worse than he'll get. No doubt in my mind.


RIGHT NOW - he's spilling his guts. I do NOT want to rock that boat. I want to get every last little detail we can out of this guy and RIGHT NOW, that - not revenge - is my number one priority. RIGHT NOW we have a lot more to gain - and maybe a lot more lives to save - through putting revenge on the back burner.

All in good time

I seriously question the motives/intelligence of anyone who suggests otherwise.

RIGHT NOW - he's spilling his guts

mind sharing your source with us????
You know, I have to agree with you.
Of course if he quits talking, withholding the pain meds might be a legit tactic to start him up again. Hell, just the threat of it might be enough. Burns are painful, terrible painful. I can only imagine nutburns. I can tell you third degree burns on your feet and legs sets a man down for awhile.

NOW you're talking.
Look, this guy is a tool and a jerk and he deserves worse than he'll get. No doubt in my mind.


RIGHT NOW - he's spilling his guts. I do NOT want to rock that boat. I want to get every last little detail we can out of this guy and RIGHT NOW, that - not revenge - is my number one priority. RIGHT NOW we have a lot more to gain - and maybe a lot more lives to save - through putting revenge on the back burner.

All in good time

I seriously question the motives/intelligence of anyone who suggests otherwise.

RIGHT NOW - he's spilling his guts

mind sharing your source with us????

REALLY???? The fact that this guy is singing like a canary is news to you????

"A Nigerian man accused of an attempted terror attack aboard a U.S. jetliner has been talking to authorities since his capture, a government source says.

Citing a "senior U.S. official who is familiar with the investigation," CNN reported Saturday the man is "talking a lot" to the FBI "
OfficialWire: Airline Terror Suspect 'Talking A Lot'

just one of the links - there are tons of them ???????? Have you been hibernating?????

His family is also cooperating closely and there is potentially a lot of good information to get there. Think THAT will continue if they think we are mistreating their son?

As long as 1) this guy is unable to pose an additional threat and 2) he and his family are cooperating fully and providing a lot of useful information, then let's leave the punishment phase for the appropriate time.

I can't believe there are people out there who would risk cutting off the flow of potentially useful information just to get straight to the punishment part ..... unbelievable .....
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Well, when people committ crimes against us, we have jurisdiction to try them. As for the money, well, let them overturn the Rockefeller drug laws and get non-violent criminals out of jail and there's plenty of money to try them.

Since when does the cost of a trial determine whether we try someone? And how much money did they just spend trying Jr Gotti for the FOURTH time? Terrible, terrible reason for not trying this little creep.

And he's only what you call a "foreign combatant" because someone in the Bush white house decided that was a good way to deny them the rights a fighter is entitled to under the Geneva Code and also deny them the rights they'd be entitled to under our criminal laws. They can't have it both ways... and it sure isn't written anywhere that I know of that we have to be bound by anything the bush admin did.... other than continue to clean up its messes.

I don't see any reason to turn him over to the military. We've never done it before. We shouldn't do it now. And there isn't any reason to...

What part of the Geneva convention guarantees foreign enemy combatants the right to our civilian courts and the Constitutional rights of U.S. citizens??? :eusa_eh:

These people didn't commit mere "crimes" against us. They committed ACTS OF WAR against us. What part of that do you people not understand? We are at war.

And yes... asking the U.S. Taxpayer to fund extraordinary expense for the sake of Barack Obama making political points with his moonbat base goes far beyond what should be expected of us in a wartime situation. You can't have it both ways. Either we're at war or we're not. So, if we're not... why the fuck do we have soldiers in combat situations as we speak? :eusa_eh:

Clinton tried the "criminal" route. Bush tried to have it both ways. So far, Obama seems to think he can have it both ways as well. But "more of the same" just get us the SAME results.

I, for one among many, RESENT paying out my good tax dollars so that Richard Reid can live in comfort in American prison, suing us with our own money for "Constitutional Rights" he is undeserving of. I RESENT spending our hard-earned cash for the circus Democrats have planned in New York, trying high-profile terrorists... terrorists who were already planning on pleading 'guilty' in military court before this platform for propaganda was offered on a silver platter to them. And I RESENT the expense of paying for skin grafts and likely, reconstruction of the "winky" and a lifetime of care, for this foreign enemy who tried to viciously slaughter hundreds of our civilians right here on our own soil.

We ARE legally justified to use our military system under the current circumstances. The fact that this administration willfully CHOOSES not to... tells us that their choice is a political one. It's done for their sake, not for ours. And if you think for even a minute that they won't pay with their seats for the temerity of putting themselves before us... you'd do well to have another think.
I would like to see this in context

I am not for withholding pain meds against an injured person... I am just for getting him on trial ASAP, obtaining the conviction, and putting him out of his misery permanently

Well, here's the problem with pumping him up with pain meds.

We can't put him on trial while he's on mind-altering substances like morphine, dilaudid, avenza, demerol, percocet, etc etc.

He (or his lovely criminal lawyer, per Barry's view this is a criminal mater, not an act of war) will claim the medications make him unfit to understand the charges against him, unable to defend himself and unfit to stand trial.

Hence, I say we withhold pain meds, but provide other palliative relief as necessary (ie, applying silvadene cream, topical viscous lidocaine, as well as wound debridement, etc).

Silvadene Cream 1% is applied directly to the skin. The cream is used along with other medications to prevent and treat wound infections in people with second- and third-degree burns. It is effective against a variety of bacteria as well as yeast.

Lidocaine is a local anesthetic (numbing medication). It works by blocking nerve signals in your body.

Lidocaine viscous is used to treat sores inside the mouth, during dental procedures to numb the gums, and to numb the skin for a medical procedure (such as getting stitches).

Lidocaine viscous may also be used for other purposes not listed in this medication guide.

This way the man is clear-headed and free to defend himself.

And we're not monsters. :D
Well, when people committ crimes against us, we have jurisdiction to try them. As for the money, well, let them overturn the Rockefeller drug laws and get non-violent criminals out of jail and there's plenty of money to try them.

Since when does the cost of a trial determine whether we try someone? And how much money did they just spend trying Jr Gotti for the FOURTH time? Terrible, terrible reason for not trying this little creep.

And he's only what you call a "foreign combatant" because someone in the Bush white house decided that was a good way to deny them the rights a fighter is entitled to under the Geneva Code and also deny them the rights they'd be entitled to under our criminal laws. They can't have it both ways... and it sure isn't written anywhere that I know of that we have to be bound by anything the bush admin did.... other than continue to clean up its messes.

I don't see any reason to turn him over to the military. We've never done it before. We shouldn't do it now. And there isn't any reason to...

What part of the Geneva convention guarantees foreign enemy combatants the right to our civilian courts and the Constitutional rights of U.S. citizens??? :eusa_eh:

These people didn't commit mere "crimes" against us. They committed ACTS OF WAR against us. What part of that do you people not understand? We are at war.

And yes... asking the U.S. Taxpayer to fund extraordinary expense for the sake of Barack Obama making political points with his moonbat base goes far beyond what should be expected of us in a wartime situation. You can't have it both ways. Either we're at war or we're not. So, if we're not... why the fuck do we have soldiers in combat situations as we speak? :eusa_eh:

Clinton tried the "criminal" route. Bush tried to have it both ways. So far, Obama seems to think he can have it both ways as well. But "more of the same" just get us the SAME results.

I, for one among many, RESENT paying out my good tax dollars so that Richard Reid can live in comfort in American prison, suing us with our own money for "Constitutional Rights" he is undeserving of. I RESENT spending our hard-earned cash for the circus Democrats have planned in New York, trying high-profile terrorists... terrorists who were already planning on pleading 'guilty' in military court before this platform for propaganda was offered on a silver platter to them. And I RESENT the expense of paying for skin grafts and likely, reconstruction of the "winky" and a lifetime of care, for this foreign enemy who tried to viciously slaughter hundreds of our civilians right here on our own soil.

We ARE legally justified to use our military system under the current circumstances. The fact that this administration willfully CHOOSES not to... tells us that their choice is a political one. It's done for their sake, not for ours. And if you think for even a minute that they won't pay with their seats for the temerity of putting themselves before us... you'd do well to have another think.
The "shoe bomber" Reid was tried in court and is now in a maximum security prison, from which no one has ever escaped. The Cons, including Ashcroft, praised the carrying out of his trial at the time. Of course, that was under Bush Jr.
Bush Waited Six Days To Discuss Shoe Bomber With No GOP Complaints

Bush Waited Six Days To Discuss Shoe Bomber With No GOP Complaints
I would like to see this in context

I am not for withholding pain meds against an injured person... I am just for getting him on trial ASAP, obtaining the conviction, and putting him out of his misery permanently

Well, here's the problem with pumping him up with pain meds.

We can't put him on trial while he's on mind-altering substances like morphine, dilaudid, avenza, demerol, percocet, etc etc.

He (or his lovely criminal lawyer, per Barry's view this is a criminal mater, not an act of war) will claim the medications make him unfit to understand the charges against him, unable to defend himself and unfit to stand trial.

Hence, I say we withhold pain meds, but provide other palliative relief as necessary (ie, applying silvadene cream, topical viscous lidocaine, as well as wound debridement, etc).

Silvadene Cream 1% is applied directly to the skin. The cream is used along with other medications to prevent and treat wound infections in people with second- and third-degree burns. It is effective against a variety of bacteria as well as yeast.

Lidocaine is a local anesthetic (numbing medication). It works by blocking nerve signals in your body.

Lidocaine viscous is used to treat sores inside the mouth, during dental procedures to numb the gums, and to numb the skin for a medical procedure (such as getting stitches).

Lidocaine viscous may also be used for other purposes not listed in this medication guide.

This way the man is clear-headed and free to defend himself.

And we're not monsters. :D

Are you under the impression that there is going to be a trial in a couple of days or something????????
The "shoe bomber" Reid was tried in court and is now in a maximum security prison, from which no one has ever escaped. The Cons, including Ashcroft, praised the carrying out of his trial at the time. Of course, that was under Bush Jr.
Bush Waited Six Days To Discuss Shoe Bomber With No GOP Complaints

Bush Waited Six Days To Discuss Shoe Bomber With No GOP Complaints

Personally, I wouldn't give a crap if Barack Obama NEVER addressed the "Underwear Bomber" incident. It would suit me just fine if he STAYED on vacation. He's just gonna fuck it up anyhow. He's more useful to the nation while he's playing with his golf clubs in Hawaii.

But that's neither here nor there. I still don't see what is gained by repeating Bush's mistake of trying foreign enemy combatants in civilian courts. Richard Reid might be in a SuperMax prison and unlikely to escape, but WE are paying for his VERY expensive room and board while he amuses himself by suing us for his "Constitutional Rights". :rolleyes:

What we should've done is given him a short military trial and then stood him in front of a firing squad. THAT's the appropriate method of dealing with enemies in wartime.

Bottom line... If Obama doesn't have the will to prosecute this war, then he should reach for a pair and SAY SO... pull our troops out of combat and then go about the Clintonian method of treating terrorists like random criminals. But he won't. Because when you get right down to it... his pants are as empty as the "Underwear Bomber's". He's a political eunuch, without the stones to stand for his convictions. And that's not surprising, considering that his "convictions" vary from day to day based on polling data.
The "shoe bomber" Reid was tried in court and is now in a maximum security prison, from which no one has ever escaped. The Cons, including Ashcroft, praised the carrying out of his trial at the time. Of course, that was under Bush Jr.
Bush Waited Six Days To Discuss Shoe Bomber With No GOP Complaints

Bush Waited Six Days To Discuss Shoe Bomber With No GOP Complaints

Personally, I wouldn't give a crap if Barack Obama NEVER addressed the "Underwear Bomber" incident. It would suit me just fine if he STAYED on vacation. He's just gonna fuck it up anyhow. He's more useful to the nation while he's playing with his golf clubs in Hawaii.

You do realize that death sentences are carried out MUCH LESS FREQUENTLY in military tribunals than they are in civilian courts.
But that's neither here nor there. I still don't see what is gained by repeating Bush's mistake of trying foreign enemy combatants in civilian courts. Richard Reid might be in a SuperMax prison and unlikely to escape, but WE are paying for his VERY expensive room and board while he amuses himself by suing us for his "Constitutional Rights". :rolleyes:

What we should've done is given him a short military trial and then stood him in front of a firing squad. THAT's the appropriate method of dealing with enemies in wartime.

Bottom line... If Obama doesn't have the will to prosecute this war, then he should reach for a pair and SAY SO... pull our troops out of combat and then go about the Clintonian method of treating terrorists like random criminals. But he won't. Because when you get right down to it... his pants are as empty as the "Underwear Bomber's". He's a political eunuch, without the stones to stand for his convictions. And that's not surprising, considering that his "convictions" vary from day to day based on polling data.

You do realize that death sentences are carried out MUCH LESS FREQUENTLY in military tribunals than they are in civilian courts.

Or do you just never let facts get in the way of a "good" rant?
You do realize that death sentences are carried out MUCH LESS FREQUENTLY in military tribunals than they are in civilian courts.

Maybe in TEXAS. :lol:

But even if you allow for sentences of 'life in prison'.. it's still a damn sight cheaper and less emotionally exhausting when we don't have to put up with the non-stop appeals and insane propaganda.

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