Pat Robertson delays apocalypse, rebukes Trump


Posting From Hunters Laptop
Gold Supporting Member
Jun 23, 2019
Well, this is an about face in the midst of reality. Pat had previously felt God called on Trump to battle the oncoming apocalypse but now sees him as erratic and living in an alternate reality. Newsflash: When Pat Robertson says you’re living in an alternate reality...

On Monday, longtime far-right televangelist Pat Robertson acknowledged President-elect Joe Biden, and called on Donald Trump to admit he lost the election, claiming he is "erratic" and stuck in "an alternate reality."

Robertson's acknowledgement stunned commenters on social media, who expressed their amazement at agreeing with him.
Well, this is an about face in the midst of reality. Pat had previously felt God called on Trump to battle the oncoming apocalypse but now sees him as erratic and living in an alternate reality. Newsflash: When Pat Robertson says you’re living in an alternate reality...

On Monday, longtime far-right televangelist Pat Robertson acknowledged President-elect Joe Biden, and called on Donald Trump to admit he lost the election, claiming he is "erratic" and stuck in "an alternate reality."

Robertson's acknowledgement stunned commenters on social media, who expressed their amazement at agreeing with him.

China probably paid him off also. :D All televangelist are money hungry.
Yea, and Pat also said same sex marriage caused Corona virus. So....:auiqs.jpg:
That was a satire piece as I recall. Sometimes it’s hard to tell satire from reality with the right wing of this nation so I’m not faulting anyone. Just a few weeks ago Pat (not satire) said the Trump reelection would bring out Gods opponents and start the apocalypse. :oops:
Well, this is an about face in the midst of reality. Pat had previously felt God called on Trump to battle the oncoming apocalypse but now sees him as erratic and living in an alternate reality. Newsflash: When Pat Robertson says you’re living in an alternate reality...

On Monday, longtime far-right televangelist Pat Robertson acknowledged President-elect Joe Biden, and called on Donald Trump to admit he lost the election, claiming he is "erratic" and stuck in "an alternate reality."

Robertson's acknowledgement stunned commenters on social media, who expressed their amazement at agreeing with him.

China probably paid him off also. :D All televangelist are money hungry.

Psycho loon. There isn’t any lie trumoscum won’t make up
I don't understand why pat robertson was ever popular to begin with. Does he have some sort of social value?
I don't understand why pat robertson was ever popular to begin with. Does he have some sort of social value?
Social value? Yes, definitely. He and those like him show us clearly just how gullible people can be, in many cases quite willingly. It should serve as a warning.
...called on Donald Trump to admit he lost the election, claiming he is "erratic" and stuck in "an alternate reality."
Even ol' nutty Pat can see the alternate universe.

It becomes more obvious by the day.
The Apollo Moon Project was a manly man project. But the only part that came back was the small manned capsule and what they put into it from the moon. A massive Rocket with a Lunar Lander, a service module and a command module with only the command module returning to earth. Well as these people spew their verbal sputum, they are the parts that are thrown away. This is why people question those we follow over the years and decades. Robinson has made a good living off of his profession. Prog Socialists are not for religion. So pat is against himself if he is not a shill. But hey, we buy those great Korean and Japanese designed and owned vehicles and so much more from Asia don't we? All of that quota hiring are really improving the brand as we were promised...NOT!. .But we will continue to be fooled by the propagandists for many more years until it does not matter.
I remember seeinghthis monkey back in the early 1990s. He had a black friend on his show. They debated on whether tithing to him meant 10% of gross or net. Of course, the answer was gross. Then he went on to telling everybody that LGBT folks caused hurricanes and tornados. Maybe feminism causes climate change and Covid-19 is caused by Black folks. Or Martians. Or maybe those nasty Belgians.

How did a simple religion based on the teachings of Jesus of Nazareth end up fueling this sort of absolute shit?

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