Patrick Stewart: new star trek show a response to Brexit and Trump

Why do they have to mess up a great franchise like Star Trek with their piddly little political opinions?
Why do they have to mess up a great franchise like Star Trek with their piddly little political opinions?
Because their brain is in their butts, and every once in a while they have to fart in public. And apparently, Patrick Stewart is of an age where he can't tell whether it's a fart or a turd.

:9: :cranky:
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Patrick Stewart: New Star Trek Show a ‘Response to Brexit and Trump’
Actor Patrick Stewart announced he would reprise the role of Jean-Luc Picard in a revival of Star Trek , and he’s doing so as a rebuke to President Trump and Brexit.

Oh can you see the buzz going on around all these people on either side........... left or right.

I'm looking forward to it. I'm interested to see how they present this new world against the backdrop of what's going on in our world today. The Next Generation was a mostly positive future that Gene Roddenberry envisioned. Deep Space Nine explored a darker part of that vision with grittier storylines and a war backdrop. It didn't get nearly the critical praise it deserved.

If you want to see a more in depth article without being bombarded with constant ads for supplements and other stuff peddled to the weak minded, here you go.

‘Star Trek: Picard’: Patrick Stewart on Why He Returned to the Final Frontier
It seems Patrick Stewart is the old lady witness in the movie 12 Angry Men. He wants to remain relevant again, get approval and attention from others in his old age of insignificance.

It's sadly where many of us will probably be at some point, but he didn't need to do this as he had enough nerd cred' to make it on his own and not get embroiled in politics. Alas, some can't turn down a payday...
Patrick Stewart: New Star Trek Show a ‘Response to Brexit and Trump’
Actor Patrick Stewart announced he would reprise the role of Jean-Luc Picard in a revival of Star Trek , and he’s doing so as a rebuke to President Trump and Brexit.

Oh can you see the buzz going on around all these people on either side........... left or right.

I'm looking forward to it. I'm interested to see how they present this new world against the backdrop of what's going on in our world today. The Next Generation was a mostly positive future that Gene Roddenberry envisioned. Deep Space Nine explored a darker part of that vision with grittier storylines and a war backdrop. It didn't get nearly the critical praise it deserved.

If you want to see a more in depth article without being bombarded with constant ads for supplements and other stuff peddled to the weak minded, here you go.

‘Star Trek: Picard’: Patrick Stewart on Why He Returned to the Final Frontier

He stands and paces when a subject such as Brexit or Donald Trump aggravates him. All the while, he touches the binder over and over again — tapping it, thumbing through it, waving it around.

“This is just stupid, doing something like this,” Stewart says, sitting forward in a midcentury lounge chair, holding the binder up in one hand as if it were Exhibit A. “It’s so insane. I could have found other things to do that were not so enormous as this. But I chose it. Sixteen years have passed, and the world is a different place from when I last did it. F—, it’s different.”
lol...before these elites had their world ripped out from under them, they were ripping America out from under other folks who were just as mad as the elites of today, and they would never fail to point out how mean, nasty and vulgar those others were for speaking just the way Patrick is...this really is so sweet for me.
What is so abhorrent to him about people having a say in how they are governed?

In all honesty, it's the level of consistent attacks against one side. Why not some actor come out and say "we made a show and it was based on addressing systematic abuses of the Communist China government and the loss of jobs from the UK. We also do an episode tat reflects on the success of the America First movement, which has helped fight off these communists".

Can you, I, or anyone on this board imagine such a narrative from ANY movie, TV shows, or actor? Why is it constantly always one sided?

Big money funds much of this. At what point is it no longer entertainment, and something else. Something maybe even nefarious?
It's going to be on CBS pay for streaming so it's not like anyone will see it.

I have to say that I'm about as big a Star Trek fan as they come. But Star Trek was Gene Roddenberry and he died during The Next Generation. Everything after that was running on fumes of just trying to copy the Star Trek format, but it all lacked Roddenberry's formula of vision. The 2nd TNG movie was pretty good, the rest sucked. Voyager has its moments but DS9 was the pits. I have ZERO interest in all the other spinoff crap they keep trying to create online. It is all about making money off the name. Gene was fastidious about the QUALITY of the show. To be sure, the only REAL "Star Trek" was the first season of TOS, and maybe the first half of season 2 when Coon left for John Meredyth Lucas.

When 'Discovery' came out a few years ago, I watched the Teaser on TV. IT STANK. It was not Star Trek. I would never pay to see it on CBS All Access, even if it was good. I simply won't be manipulated like that. THE ORVILLE came out the same time and I grew to love it. Hilarious and creative. Much closer to Star Trek. I have both seasons recorded on HD. Now I understand they are moving that too over to Hulu for the 3rd season! Fox can go suck my ass. I will not be manipulated like that. There is nothing on this earth so important that I need to pay $45.00 a month just to watch one TV show that I used to watch for free. I hope the show bombs on Hulu. I already get 45 channels for free.

Stewart should stay home in retirement. He is too old for the roll now. And the very fact that his main spiel about the show revolves around politics tells me all I need to know. Save your money. I don't need to PAY to have people try to use soft psych-ops to fuck with my brain.

It's a sad statement that TV networks now consider television too poor to use any longer for their "premium broadcasts!" There could be legal challenges here. Can there ever be a better sign of the impending death of TV? All I know is that everyone has a TV, not every has or wants internet service hooked up to their TV and a pay per view streaming service. For one thing, streaming broadcasts always suck--- --- poor quality, hang ups, glitches and freezing.

Let the streaming industry be an OPTION, not a necessity. These shows should be broadcast on TV with the CHOICE to stream them, not be forced. I won't allow myself to be forced again to pay for television that already still has commercials in it as well. I saw this coming years ago and have about 3,000 movies and shows archived in HD, most for free. I love Star Trek but this crap is not it. It may have cool new special effects, but the quality is not there.
Did the new generation turn on the good old Tribbles????!!!!!
What is so abhorrent to him about people having a say in how they are governed?

In all honesty, it's the level of consistent attacks against one side. Why not some actor come out and say "we made a show and it was based on addressing systematic abuses of the Communist China government and the loss of jobs from the UK. We also do an episode tat reflects on the success of the America First movement, which has helped fight off these communists".

Can you, I, or anyone on this board imagine such a narrative from ANY movie, TV shows, or actor? Why is it constantly always one sided?

Big money funds much of this. At what point is it no longer entertainment, and something else. Something maybe even nefarious?
Thought The Federation was all about self determination.....
Patrick Stewart: New Star Trek Show a ‘Response to Brexit and Trump’
Actor Patrick Stewart announced he would reprise the role of Jean-Luc Picard in a revival of Star Trek , and he’s doing so as a rebuke to President Trump and Brexit.

Oh can you see the buzz going on around all these people on either side........... left or right.

I'm looking forward to it. I'm interested to see how they present this new world against the backdrop of what's going on in our world today. The Next Generation was a mostly positive future that Gene Roddenberry envisioned. Deep Space Nine explored a darker part of that vision with grittier storylines and a war backdrop. It didn't get nearly the critical praise it deserved.

If you want to see a more in depth article without being bombarded with constant ads for supplements and other stuff peddled to the weak minded, here you go.

‘Star Trek: Picard’: Patrick Stewart on Why He Returned to the Final Frontier
He returned to the final frontier because it pays better than Family Guy.

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