Patriot Woman shot by DC Police - Video

When you storm the capital, and commit these acts of treason and sedition, you get shot.

It is the DC version of "Play stupid games, win stupid prizes".
She wasn't playing. She was protesting a stolen election of a wrongfully accused President Trump, who had been harassed by the very nastiest people on the planet--the Rodham/Clinton warroom narcissists for five years.

Storming the capitol building, and trying to use force to gain access to the House, which was barricaded, is not "protesting". The police were there trying to hold the insurrectionists out.
When you storm the capital, and commit these acts of treason and sedition, you get shot.

It is the DC version of "Play stupid games, win stupid prizes".
She wasn't playing. She was protesting a stolen election of a wrongfully accused President Trump, who had been harassed by the very nastiest people on the planet--the Rodham/Clinton warroom narcissists for five years.

Storming the capitol building, and trying to use force to gain access to the House, which was barricaded, is not "protesting". The police were there trying to hold the insurrectionists out.
The protester shot was unarmed. Oh, wait! She wasn't black, and worst of all, she was a Trump supporter. Oh, the irony!!!! :rolleyes-41:
See post 300

You didn’t answer it there either.

You claimed “there was no vandalism or looting aka destruction of property that we know of”

I just showed you a video of the destruction of property.

Was there or was there not destruction of property?

You going to keep dodging you disingenuous piece of shit?

Don’t think for a second that I’ve forgotten that you support the murder of innocent people either. Scumbag.
See post #300

And dont call me names

I have been respectful to you and I expect the same
See post #300

And dont call me names

I have been respectful to you and I expect the same
I have zero respect for anyone who wants innocent people to be murdered. Pieces of shit like you are the problem.

Furthermore, you’re not answering the question anyway which is also very low on my gauge for respect. You claimed that there was no destruction and I just showed you that there was destruction.

You’re stuck. We both know that you can’t address what I said because you know you’ve been proven wrong and you refuse to admit that you’re wrong because you’re disingenuous.

“Post #300”, as already explained, does not address what I spelled out for you. It’s just your way of trying to weasel out of the response because of the reasons provided above. You’re not hard to read.
I dont support murder

That’s another lie. Evidence suggests otherwise.

There’s also evidence that destruction occurred during this riot.

In both cases, there is direct evidence that shows you like the idea of murdering innocent people and that there was in fact destruction during this riot. You can deny these all you want, but the evidence is perfectly clear.
I dont support murder

That’s another lie. Evidence suggests otherwise.

There’s also evidence that destruction occurred during this riot.

In both cases, there is direct evidence that shows you like the idea of murdering innocent people and that there was in fact destruction during this riot. You can deny these all you want, but the evidence is perfectly clear.
That post is too crazy to even begin answering

Needless to say its all wrong
That post is too crazy to even begin answering

Needless to say its all wrong

So you admit that you haven’t answered it and that your “See Post #300” responses don’t actually address what I said. Good.

And no, it’s not wrong at all. This was your comment:

“there was no vandalism or looting aka destruction of property that we know of”

As I’ve demonstrated to you, there was clearly destruction. You’re playing stupid in denying this obvious fact.

See, I provide evidence for what I claim. You can deny it all you want, but the evidence shows that you’re wrong. That’s why you choose not to address it.

Furthermore, I’m not the one who supports brutally murdering people because they have different beliefs from me. That, to me, is crazy. I would hope you would agree with that, but you don’t.

Because you’re a piece of shit.
That post is too crazy to even begin answering

Needless to say its all wrong

So you admit that you haven’t answered it and that your “See Post #300” responses don’t actually address what I said. Good.

And no, it’s not wrong at all. This was your comment:

“there was no vandalism or looting aka destruction of property that we know of”

As I’ve demonstrated to you, there was clearly destruction. You’re playing stupid in denying this obvious fact.

See, I provide evidence for what I claim. You can deny it all you want, but the evidence shows that you’re wrong. That’s why you choose not to address it.

Furthermore, I’m not the one who supports brutally murdering people because they have different beliefs from me. That, to me, is crazy. I would hope you would agree with that, but you don’t.

Because you’re a piece of shit.
The destruction was minor and we dont yet know the identity of the perps

But you have no standing after liberals ignored widespread destruction in cities across America

including wash dc just steps from the capitol building by leftwing crazies

when we called for them to be shot down like dogs libs wouldnt hear of it
The destruction was minor

Good. Let’s take a look at your two statements side by side.

“there was no vandalism or looting aka destruction of property that we know of”

“The destruction was minor”

Notice that you now claim that there was destruction, which contradicts your earlier statement that there was no destruction.

Do you know why that is? It’s because you were wrong and I had to spell it out for you like you’re a retarded child.
The woman who was shot has died. This is how we are ushering in a Biden presidency, with the spilled blood of patriots in the house of the American people.

You people who voted for Joe Biden should be forced to wear this around your necks, like a dead, stinking albatross. Because this is the legacy you're leaving for this country.

Enjoy your win.

Unbelievable. You idiot Trump supporters do something stupid and then blame Biden for the consequences.

Her blood is on Trump's hands.

He's the one pushing this idiotic narrative of election fraud that inspired this stupid woman to do something as ridiculous as breaking into the capitol. What did you retards think would happen?!?!
Funny how the mob pushed into the building during the Kavanaugh vetting, and the capital Police had to deal with that bullcrap, but barely a word.

The left are special priveledged big time, and the double standards are unbelievable.

Leftist priveledged needs to END.... It's TIME.
This cop better have his affairs in order. He’s looking at life for murder. Caught on tape. But leftists don’t care because it was a white Trump supporter. Make it a black woman and imagine the reaction then.
Blaming Trump for what happened is yet another leftist ploy or tactic. Trump has done nothing wrong, but never let a good crisis go to waste eh ??? Trump doesn't advocate for mob's rushing the capital building, and anyone who thinks he would is an evil human being. Trump isn't stupid enough to incite a riot, and especially one that wouldn't net absolutely any reasonable or applicable gains from it.

What we may have seen in all of this mess, is the complete roster of leftist, and all of it's allies who want Trump destroyed at any cost, and want it for political and domestic reasoning. They figure that when Trump goes, then everything he stood for goes with him, and even his positive achievements in which the American's saw as good.

What a mess.
Funny how the mob pushed into the building during the Kavanaugh vetting

Wow, swing and a miss.

Not even comparable. Not even close.
The size of the incidents aren't the issue, but the significance of them are. Now I'm hearing on NTD that Antifa were possibly the ones alledgedly breaking windows, and storming the building. Investigation on going.

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