Patriotic Donald Trump: I'd Tell Syrian Kids To Their Faces 'You Can't Come Here'

This is why I like Trump. He says the right things. Syrians kids will grow up and become rapists and murderers. They don't belong here.

Trump: I'd tell Syrian kids to their faces 'you can't come here'
That really does make America great doesnt it ?
-------------------- Trump is just stating what most Americans want Tommy !!
yea he may be...but its how he is saying it....just think how many might be backing this guy if he had some tact and was able to convey shit with out offending many who actually may agree with him....including many Americans of Mexican doubt many American born muslims too....
--------------------------- so , well he loses those that still think of themselves as muslims , Mexicans or other types of foreigners living in the USA . Course he also gains by his plain spoken words in my opinion .
Muzzies have been slaughtering other muzzies for centuries...... Yawn

They dont even desrve our pity..... Animals
if Trump does does win he will be slapping the fools that voted for Johnson alongside their ears Bruce !!
if trump does win you may be asking why are all those he said he wants out are still here.....just sayin....
In what thesaurus does "Loudmouth bully who gets his rocks off yelling at little kids" become synonymous with "patriotic"? :wtf:
---------------------------------------- he isn't yelling at widdle Syrian type invaders , he is just sending a message to Americans and American politicians . Plus maybe a message to the adult Syrian refugee invaders that they aren't welcome in the USA Arian !!

It was the OP's confusion over the meaning of "patriotic" that I was addressing. It must be hard for you to read from your vantage point cowering under the bed.
This is why I like Trump. He says the right things. Syrians kids will grow up and become rapists and murderers. They don't belong here.

Trump: I'd tell Syrian kids to their faces 'you can't come here'

You really believe the nonsense that used car sales man is selling, right?

Trump is proving the stupidity of the Tea Party right, and I am loving how that charlatan is making you look stupid!

Do you believe the snake oil that Bernie Sanders is selling? One would think the FDA would come down on him. This kind of stuff went out of style with the old medicine peddlers who traveled the backroads in horse and buggy.

I am voting for Gary Johnson and not for Sanders, so his charm does not work on me, but please keep on slurping down what Trump is selling and if he does win it will be funny when you discover he was playing like the charlatan plays his fools!

Well, you're a bigger fool than even I thought. Gary Johnson hasn't a snowball's chance even after Hillary is led off the stage in handcuffs.

It is not about him winning for me but being a protest vote!

You support your candidate and mock me all you want but I am not delusional to believe Johnson will win, but I will never vote for Trump nor Hillary!
or any of those other useless fucks....
I don't mind that a bit. I wouldn't appreciate him just walking up to them and rubbing it in their faces.. but if they asked..
I just appreciate truth more than dishonest PC shit..
I like Mac1958 signature..
Shitting your pants in fear over child refugees who are fleeing terrorists is the exact opposite of courage. It is the epitome of cowardice.
And letting unvetted refugees from war torn countries fighting our enemy is stupidity
You ASSUME they are "unvetted" because that's the buzz word put into your pointy head by your favorite propaganda outlets.
----------------------------- I don't care if they are vetted or unvetted , I just don't want these third worlder in the USA G5000 !!

And I don't want the likes of YOU in the USA. I've met many fine people from Syria, but YOU seem like nothing more than a cowardly, infantile, ignorant fool. As long as we're on the topic of who shouldn't be in the US, why the hell do we need losers like you?
Their kids are just like your kids.
---------------------------- naïve emotion , it'll be the death of ya . If that nicely dressed kid had stayed where he belonged he'd be eating some falafel right now as I type Tom !!
If that helps you deal with how uncomfortable this image makes you feel. The truth is he would have been bombed by the americans or russians or his own government. Do you ever connect pictures like this with the growth of radicalism ?
-------------------------------------- NO Tom , plus I don't care for pandering to muslims or anyone else . Let the enemy get more radical or let the pictures create more radicals that will then have to be dealt with . You guys have lots of muslim on your smallish island if you are English so let me know if and when you start dealing with them . ---------------- how are your muslim grooming gangs doing with Englands white girls Tom ??
This is why I like Trump. He says the right things. Syrians kids will grow up and become rapists and murderers. They don't belong here.

Trump: I'd tell Syrian kids to their faces 'you can't come here'

You really believe the nonsense that used car sales man is selling, right?

Trump is proving the stupidity of the Tea Party right, and I am loving how that charlatan is making you look stupid!
Steve_McRacist doesn't need someone to help him look stupid
I don't mind that a bit. I wouldn't appreciate him just walking up to them and rubbing it in their faces.. but if they asked..
I just appreciate truth more than dishonest PC shit..
I like Mac1958 signature..
Shitting your pants in fear over child refugees who are fleeing terrorists is the exact opposite of courage. It is the epitome of cowardice.
And letting unvetted refugees from war torn countries fighting our enemy is stupidity
You ASSUME they are "unvetted" because that's the buzz word put into your pointy head by your favorite propaganda outlets.
----------------------------- I don't care if they are vetted or unvetted , I just don't want these third worlder in the USA G5000 !!
because they're smarter than you no doubt
"Patriotic Donald Trump: I'd Tell Syrian Kids To Their Faces 'You Can't Come Here'"

Coward Donald Trump

Bigot Donald Trump

Hateful Donald Trump
says the pussy to scared to back up ANYTHING he posts....when your 1 ball drops jones come and join us,and i know you read this stuff ....until then go fuck yourself....
Their kids are just like your kids.
---------------------------- naïve emotion , it'll be the death of ya . If that nicely dressed kid had stayed where he belonged he'd be eating some falafel right now as I type Tom !!
If that helps you deal with how uncomfortable this image makes you feel. The truth is he would have been bombed by the americans or russians or his own government. Do you ever connect pictures like this with the growth of radicalism ?
-------------------------------------- NO Tom , plus I don't care for pandering to muslims or anyone else . Let the enemy get more radical or let the pictures create more radicals that will then have to be dealt with . You guys have lots of muslim on your smallish island if you are English so let me know if and when you start dealing with them . ---------------- how are your muslim grooming gangs doing with Englands white girls Tom ??
I think that you are just posturing now. Nobody is that lacking in humanity.
if Trump does does win he will be slapping the fools that voted for Johnson alongside their ears Bruce !!
if trump does win you may be asking why are all those he said he wants out are still here.....just sayin....
----------------------------------- maybe HarryD. My view is that this muslim problem is really a problem for those younger or not yet born Americans and other Westerners . I really expect to slide through unscathed . I live in the USA , a pretty big country , huge actually and there are no problems in my huge area that I circulate and I stay away from big cities . Plus I am an older guy that's just interested in the damage CURRENTLY being done to the West , England and Europe especially at this time . USA is still pretty much muslim free I think , maybe 1 percent of about 300 million !!
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Their kids are just like your kids.
---------------------------- naïve emotion , it'll be the death of ya . If that nicely dressed kid had stayed where he belonged he'd be eating some falafel right now as I type Tom !!
If that helps you deal with how uncomfortable this image makes you feel. The truth is he would have been bombed by the americans or russians or his own government. Do you ever connect pictures like this with the growth of radicalism ?
-------------------------------------- NO Tom , plus I don't care for pandering to muslims or anyone else . Let the enemy get more radical or let the pictures create more radicals that will then have to be dealt with . You guys have lots of muslim on your smallish island if you are English so let me know if and when you start dealing with them . ---------------- how are your muslim grooming gangs doing with Englands white girls Tom ??
I think that you are just posturing now. Nobody is that lacking in humanity.
------------------------------------- and maybe you are a Welshman , just saying , doesn't matter , just a guess !!
Someone should tell these rapefugees that they can't come here. Trump is kind a simple "fuck off" should be good enough.
you dont have to worry....there aint no one gonna rape you....
Fuck no. I enjoy inflicting pain too much. I think they can sense it.

Oh, you're 'tough.'


I don't know how tough it is. I do believe that people have a kind of 6th sense about avoiding those who enjoy inflicting pain. It doesn't matter what kind, physical pain, emotional pain, just pain. Hurt feelings or real blood. It doesn't matter.
This is why I like Trump. He says the right things. Syrians kids will grow up and become rapists and murderers. They don't belong here.

Trump: I'd tell Syrian kids to their faces 'you can't come here'
That really does make America great doesnt it ?
-------------------- Trump is just stating what most Americans want Tommy !!
yea he may be...but its how he is saying it....just think how many might be backing this guy if he had some tact and was able to convey shit with out offending many who actually may agree with him....including many Americans of Mexican doubt many American born muslims too....
--------------------------- so , well he loses those that still think of themselves as muslims , Mexicans or other types of foreigners living in the USA . Course he also gains by his plain spoken words in my opinion .
you apparently aint no different.....i said American born ones and you call them foreigners......nothing like dividing people up because....they aint like you or look like they must be "foreigners" or illegals.....what else can they be?.....
well , to me anyone that is offended by Trumps words on Mexicans thinks of himself as being different than a plain old American like me . And I know where I come from but a mex American , af American ain't no American in my opinion HarryD !!

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