Patriotic to blame a victim?


Feb 14, 2011
Mann-Grandy said she hopes Americans dismiss Marianne Gingrich as a loose cannon. "What I'm hoping is that the Americans who watch this, the patriots who watch this, will look at this and say, 'OK, this is a woman who is angry, seems unstable, a little unhinged,' because that was her rep."

Newt Ally Calls Ex-Wife Unstable, Unhinged - Washington Whispers (

I don't much care for how Fred Grandy's wife invoked the word "patriots" here.

I realize that Marianne Gingrich committed adultery with Newt on Newt's first wife and so I don't feel sorry for Marianne exactly. But I don't think it's patriotic to call a woman unhinged, or to suggest that other Americans should call a woman unhinged.

Just sayin'.
To be specific, her behavior is that of a woman that is mean, petty, vindictive and jealous. Taken to excess as the ex-Mrs has done can be described as being the behavior of someone so mean, petty, vindictive and jealous they are unhinged.
Mann-Grandy said she hopes Americans dismiss Marianne Gingrich as a loose cannon. "What I'm hoping is that the Americans who watch this, the patriots who watch this, will look at this and say, 'OK, this is a woman who is angry, seems unstable, a little unhinged,' because that was her rep."

Newt Ally Calls Ex-Wife Unstable, Unhinged - Washington Whispers (

I don't much care for how Fred Grandy's wife invoked the word "patriots" here.

I realize that Marianne Gingrich committed adultery with Newt on Newt's first wife and so I don't feel sorry for Marianne exactly. But I don't think it's patriotic to call a woman unhinged, or to suggest that other Americans should call a woman unhinged.

Just sayin'.

I wouldn't call her unhinged. I'd call her a bought and paid for ABC whore.
katz, if hillary had come out and said that of bill clinton as the newt ex did of him, would hillary have been ''unhinged'' as you claim of newt's ex?

And what would make Newt marry such an ''unhinged'' woman in the first place? Thinking between his legs instead of above his shoulders?
katz, if hillary had come out and said that of bill clinton as the newt ex did of him, would hillary have been ''unhinged'' as you claim of newt's ex?

And what would make Newt marry such an ''unhinged'' woman in the first place? Thinking between his legs instead of above his shoulders?

If Hilary waited 20 years, and did it as vindictively as this woman did? Yep..
My take on it was that we, as patriots, should not be distracted from focusing on who will best get our nation's economy back on track. Most of us probably know someone who's lost a job and/or home, and that can make people place a higher, or lesser, priority on certain issues. It's sad that we've come to this, but it is what it is...ABO is a real state of mind for many.
katz, if hillary had come out and said that of bill clinton as the newt ex did of him, would hillary have been ''unhinged'' as you claim of newt's ex?

And what would make Newt marry such an ''unhinged'' woman in the first place? Thinking between his legs instead of above his shoulders?

Doesn't that require an assumption that Marianne Gingrich was mean, petty, vindictive and jealous before Newt married her?
Not to even MENTION that patriotism or love of country has any connection to how someone's behavior is judged. Not unless you imagine that Marianne Gingrich is somehow so enwined with the nation that finding her behavior ridiculous is treasonous.
katz, if hillary had come out and said that of bill clinton as the newt ex did of him, would hillary have been ''unhinged'' as you claim of newt's ex?

And what would make Newt marry such an ''unhinged'' woman in the first place? Thinking between his legs instead of above his shoulders?

If Hilary waited 20 years, and did it as vindictively as this woman did? Yep..
has it been 20 years?

Honestly, the woman has no room to condemn...and what did she expect....didn't she have an affair with Newt while he was still married to number 1?

but I still don't think she is necessarily "unhinged", more like a woman who was hurt very badly or scorned....but "unhinged" as if she has some mental disability or is retarded, no, i just don't think so....
katz, if hillary had come out and said that of bill clinton as the newt ex did of him, would hillary have been ''unhinged'' as you claim of newt's ex?

And what would make Newt marry such an ''unhinged'' woman in the first place? Thinking between his legs instead of above his shoulders?

If Hilary waited 20 years, and did it as vindictively as this woman did? Yep..
has it been 20 years?

Honestly, the woman has no room to condemn...and what did she expect....didn't she have an affair with Newt while he was still married to number 1?

but I still don't think she is necessarily "unhinged", more like a woman who was hurt very badly or scorned....but "unhinged" as if she has some mental disability or is retarded, no, i just don't think so....

It's been a long time. They have grown daughters. Her story is one sided too. Newt denies her allegations. Here's how I judge the situation. It wasn't Newt who went public on ABC and bad mouthed his ex wife.. It was the ex wife,,, and i can think of two good reason.. money,,,,and to ruin his chances of becoming the nominee. I'm quite sure her daughters won't look on her as a hero.. I believe they petitioned ABC to not run the story..
If Hilary waited 20 years, and did it as vindictively as this woman did? Yep..
has it been 20 years?

Honestly, the woman has no room to condemn...and what did she expect....didn't she have an affair with Newt while he was still married to number 1?

but I still don't think she is necessarily "unhinged", more like a woman who was hurt very badly or scorned....but "unhinged" as if she has some mental disability or is retarded, no, i just don't think so....

It's been a long time. They have grown daughters. Her story is one sided too. Newt denies her allegations. Here's how I judge the situation. It wasn't Newt who went public on ABC and bad mouthed his ex wife.. It was the ex wife,,, and i can think of two good reason.. money,,,,and to ruin his chances of becoming the nominee. I'm quite sure her daughters won't look on her as a hero.. I believe they petitioned ABC to not run the story..

It's REVENGE! What sweet revenge to destroy that ex-husband's presidential aspirations
has it been 20 years?

Honestly, the woman has no room to condemn...and what did she expect....didn't she have an affair with Newt while he was still married to number 1?

but I still don't think she is necessarily "unhinged", more like a woman who was hurt very badly or scorned....but "unhinged" as if she has some mental disability or is retarded, no, i just don't think so....

It's been a long time. They have grown daughters. Her story is one sided too. Newt denies her allegations. Here's how I judge the situation. It wasn't Newt who went public on ABC and bad mouthed his ex wife.. It was the ex wife,,, and i can think of two good reason.. money,,,,and to ruin his chances of becoming the nominee. I'm quite sure her daughters won't look on her as a hero.. I believe they petitioned ABC to not run the story..

It's REVENGE! What sweet revenge to destroy that ex-husband's presidential aspirations

Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned.
katz, if hillary had come out and said that of bill clinton as the newt ex did of him, would hillary have been ''unhinged'' as you claim of newt's ex?

And what would make Newt marry such an ''unhinged'' woman in the first place? Thinking between his legs instead of above his shoulders?

I saw Hillary on a talk show after 'it' was all over with. She said, 'there's love there.' As an explanation of why she didn't kick Bill to the curb. I think she meant it. She loves the man. And she was her own person when they met and married. She didn't have to marry Bill to 'be somebody.' All the difference in the world!

How would the daughters know what kind of sexual matters Newt and Marianne discussed? If the reason they "know" it is because he told them there was no discussion of that ... well ... we know that Newt has a problem with honesty so why would we believe that?

They simply wouldn't know.

Why would Newt have his daughters speak about that? Seems to me that Newt is using his family as a sort of shield. More so than usual for candidates. So what if he is a wonderful grandfather now? We're not voting for America's Granddad.

All those people who love him maintain that he has changed? Well, it's great that he has built satisfying family ties. But all this recent feel-good stuff happened in a different setting, away from the Washington stress factory. What will he be like when he gets back into a position of 24/7 political responsibility? Is he stable enough to be president?

Invoking the word "patriots" with that insulting language about Marianne just struck a wrong note for me. As if there were two choices: either believe that so-and-so Marianne or do the patriotic thing and embrace Newt.

His experience from the 1990's is part of his resume. And dismissing Marianne is too easy.

How would the daughters know what kind of sexual matters Newt and Marianne discussed? If the reason they "know" it is because he told them there was no discussion of that ... well ... we know that Newt has a problem with honesty so why would we believe that?

They simply wouldn't know.

Why would Newt have his daughters speak about that? Seems to me that Newt is using his family as a sort of shield. More so than usual for candidates. So what if he is a wonderful grandfather now? We're not voting for America's Granddad.

All those people who love him maintain that he has changed? Well, it's great that he has built satisfying family ties. But all this recent feel-good stuff happened in a different setting, away from the Washington stress factory. What will he be like when he gets back into a position of 24/7 political responsibility? Is he stable enough to be president?

Invoking the word "patriots" with that insulting language about Marianne just struck a wrong note for me. As if there were two choices: either believe that so-and-so Marianne or do the patriotic thing and embrace Newt.

His experience from the 1990's is part of his resume. And dismissing Marianne is too easy.

to my knowledge he didn't "have them" do anything. Prove that if you can. They are adults and it's probably been a good number of years since they did what he told them to do..

I never mentioned patriotism. so you lie.

Marianne got what she wanted money and revenge.. if that's patriotic to ewe then so be it. I can't argue with your taste buds now can I?
Mann-Grandy said she hopes Americans dismiss Marianne Gingrich as a loose cannon. "What I'm hoping is that the Americans who watch this, the patriots who watch this, will look at this and say, 'OK, this is a woman who is angry, seems unstable, a little unhinged,' because that was her rep."
Newt Ally Calls Ex-Wife Unstable, Unhinged - Washington Whispers (

I don't much care for how Fred Grandy's wife invoked the word "patriots" here.

I realize that Marianne Gingrich committed adultery with Newt on Newt's first wife and so I don't feel sorry for Marianne exactly. But I don't think it's patriotic to call a woman unhinged, or to suggest that other Americans should call a woman unhinged.

Just sayin'.
Looks like Snooty Newtie, the Clinton wannabe, has gone as far as copying the "nuts and sluts" defense.
IF and it is a huge IF, liberals had not been so insistent and vehement about telling us to keep our noses out of other people's bedrooms maybe this incident would mean more. Liberals are the same people who said Barney Frank running a gay whorehouse out of his own home was just peachy keen. Even mentioning it was too intrusive so some phony outrage over who Newt slept with and when is more phonyness than we should be expected to tolerate in one day.

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