Paul Craig Roberts on the conspiracy to remove Trump from the Presidency

It's not a silly conspiracy. The country wants the orange clown gone. It's important that he and his crazy supporters understand this.
We have a mechanism in place for removing a president: it's called an election. It's important you and the other vermin trying to usurp power in this country understand that, while we will do everything we can to avoid using it, the flame that runs through Marathon and Lexington and Concord still burns.

As usual, you only have part of the information. We have another mechanism for removing a crazy president. It;s called impeachment. Don't worry if you aren't familiar with it yet. You will be hearing a lot more about it in the near future.
Impeachment doesn't remove the president. Impeachment doesn't remove anyone. Bill Clinton was impeached. Eric Holder was impeached. Neither was removed.
Impeachment by the House, then conviction by the Senate. That removes the President. The treasonous fat senile old orange clown has made a lot of enemies in the Senate.

Liberals have to stop this.

It isn't going to happen unless they find something very serious which they haven't thus far.

The investigation has just started.
Paul Craig Roberts On "The Conspiracy To Remove Trump From The Presidency" | Zero Hedge
US intelligence services, the Democratic Party, some Republicans including members of President Trump’s own government, and the presstitute US media are conspiring against American democracy and the President of the United States.

Well the media got the sheep going good , and they believed it all . MSM zombies fall for everything they tell their little sheep herd.

It's not a silly conspiracy. The country wants the orange clown gone. It's important that he and his crazy supporters understand this.
We have a mechanism in place for removing a president: it's called an election. It's important you and the other vermin trying to usurp power in this country understand that, while we will do everything we can to avoid using it, the flame that runs through Marathon and Lexington and Concord still burns.

As usual, you only have part of the information. We have another mechanism for removing a crazy president. It;s called impeachment. Don't worry if you aren't familiar with it yet. You will be hearing a lot more about it in the near future.
Impeachment doesn't remove the president. Impeachment doesn't remove anyone. Bill Clinton was impeached. Eric Holder was impeached. Neither was removed.
Impeachment by the House, then conviction by the Senate. That removes the President. The treasonous fat senile old orange clown has made a lot of enemies in the Senate.

Liberals have to stop this.

It isn't going to happen unless they find something very serious which they haven't thus far.

there hasn't been any real investigation yet. first the FBI head was fired because he apparently got close to something. now the orange one is demeaning his AG trying to humiliate him into resigning so he can install some hack who will fire Mueller.

you don't think him working with Russia is serious? you don't think his finances being tied to Russia is serious? you think a thin-skinned tweeting nut should stay president? don't worry, my friend, mike pence will be just as nice to the financial industry.

you don't think it matters that he's the first president we've had since Nixon who refuses to disclose his financial dealings and whee his income comes from? we have rules about things like that... or at least conventions. but we certainly have an emoluments clause and this orange one with his deflection and underhanded dealings sure seems to be violating it.
Polls! You morons never learn do you?

OK, so you don't believe polls. So what criteria makes you believe the country doesn't want him gone, the voices in your head?

No you immature child, it has to do with the fact that he won the presidency and nothing has changed with his voters since then.

They are not all his voters. He has already lost independents. He may be in a situation where he can win a Republican nomination but not win the general.

That fantasy only exists in you dreams. The foul antics of the left have cost them dearly with independents. All the lies, the stupid and wasteful witch hunt, the desruptive antics and the so called "resistance". That is exactly what put Trump and the GOP IN CHARHED. Nothing has changed.

Everything has changed. Independents are abandoning Trump and they could very well try to give the House to the Democrats to put a check on Republicans.

Wrong. Look these are the EXACT things you people said back in November. You pointed out the things Trump said in the campaign, you dug up dirt on him, you made up lies about him and you said, and it's almost an exact quote here; "Trump has alienated the independants, and he cannot win without them" for those reason you people claimed an easy victory for Hillary.

You guys get it in your head that the lies you made up are reality. Reality ends up bitch slapping you time and time again.
OK, so you don't believe polls. So what criteria makes you believe the country doesn't want him gone, the voices in your head?

No you immature child, it has to do with the fact that he won the presidency and nothing has changed with his voters since then.

They are not all his voters. He has already lost independents. He may be in a situation where he can win a Republican nomination but not win the general.

That fantasy only exists in you dreams. The foul antics of the left have cost them dearly with independents. All the lies, the stupid and wasteful witch hunt, the desruptive antics and the so called "resistance". That is exactly what put Trump and the GOP IN CHARHED. Nothing has changed.

Everything has changed. Independents are abandoning Trump and they could very well try to give the House to the Democrats to put a check on Republicans.

Wrong. Look these are the EXACT things you people said back in November. You pointed out the things Trump said in the campaign, you dug up dirt on him, you made up lies about him and you said, and it's almost an exact quote here; "Trump has alienated the independants, and he cannot win without them" for those reason you people claimed an easy victory for Hillary.

You guys get it in your head that the lies you made up are reality. Reality ends up bitch slapping you time and time again.

Those were projections for the popular vote. He lost the popular vote by 3 million.
No you immature child, it has to do with the fact that he won the presidency and nothing has changed with his voters since then.

They are not all his voters. He has already lost independents. He may be in a situation where he can win a Republican nomination but not win the general.

That fantasy only exists in you dreams. The foul antics of the left have cost them dearly with independents. All the lies, the stupid and wasteful witch hunt, the desruptive antics and the so called "resistance". That is exactly what put Trump and the GOP IN CHARHED. Nothing has changed.

Everything has changed. Independents are abandoning Trump and they could very well try to give the House to the Democrats to put a check on Republicans.

Wrong. Look these are the EXACT things you people said back in November. You pointed out the things Trump said in the campaign, you dug up dirt on him, you made up lies about him and you said, and it's almost an exact quote here; "Trump has alienated the independants, and he cannot win without them" for those reason you people claimed an easy victory for Hillary.

You guys get it in your head that the lies you made up are reality. Reality ends up bitch slapping you time and time again.

Those were projections for the popular vote. He lost the popular vote by 3 million.

You are even more ignorant than yesterday. I mean really. The stupidity you display proudly. Smh.
They are not all his voters. He has already lost independents. He may be in a situation where he can win a Republican nomination but not win the general.

That fantasy only exists in you dreams. The foul antics of the left have cost them dearly with independents. All the lies, the stupid and wasteful witch hunt, the desruptive antics and the so called "resistance". That is exactly what put Trump and the GOP IN CHARHED. Nothing has changed.

Everything has changed. Independents are abandoning Trump and they could very well try to give the House to the Democrats to put a check on Republicans.

Wrong. Look these are the EXACT things you people said back in November. You pointed out the things Trump said in the campaign, you dug up dirt on him, you made up lies about him and you said, and it's almost an exact quote here; "Trump has alienated the independants, and he cannot win without them" for those reason you people claimed an easy victory for Hillary.

You guys get it in your head that the lies you made up are reality. Reality ends up bitch slapping you time and time again.

Those were projections for the popular vote. He lost the popular vote by 3 million.

You are even more ignorant than yesterday. I mean really. The stupidity you display proudly. Smh.
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I know better than to ask you for proof that my claim is wrong. You never have any. The voices in your head are enough for you.
That fantasy only exists in you dreams. The foul antics of the left have cost them dearly with independents. All the lies, the stupid and wasteful witch hunt, the desruptive antics and the so called "resistance". That is exactly what put Trump and the GOP IN CHARHED. Nothing has changed.

Everything has changed. Independents are abandoning Trump and they could very well try to give the House to the Democrats to put a check on Republicans.

Wrong. Look these are the EXACT things you people said back in November. You pointed out the things Trump said in the campaign, you dug up dirt on him, you made up lies about him and you said, and it's almost an exact quote here; "Trump has alienated the independants, and he cannot win without them" for those reason you people claimed an easy victory for Hillary.

You guys get it in your head that the lies you made up are reality. Reality ends up bitch slapping you time and time again.

Those were projections for the popular vote. He lost the popular vote by 3 million.

You are even more ignorant than yesterday. I mean really. The stupidity you display proudly. Smh.
View attachment 140758

I know better than to ask you for proof that my claim is wrong. You never have any. The voices in your head are enough for you.

I cannot prove a negative, you profound ignoramus. Every post you proudly proclaim your ignorance. At first it was amusing, now its pathetic and boring.

No one anywhere, in any media at any time stated that the polls, some of which were 90+ percent positive that Hillary would win, meant popular vote only. It's a claim born only of your ignorance and butthurt. I cannot prove the non-existence if something. So your idiotic cries for proof only show more of your ignorance.

I'm not having another day of bothering with your childish stupidity. You are dismissed.
Everything has changed. Independents are abandoning Trump and they could very well try to give the House to the Democrats to put a check on Republicans.

Wrong. Look these are the EXACT things you people said back in November. You pointed out the things Trump said in the campaign, you dug up dirt on him, you made up lies about him and you said, and it's almost an exact quote here; "Trump has alienated the independants, and he cannot win without them" for those reason you people claimed an easy victory for Hillary.

You guys get it in your head that the lies you made up are reality. Reality ends up bitch slapping you time and time again.

Those were projections for the popular vote. He lost the popular vote by 3 million.

You are even more ignorant than yesterday. I mean really. The stupidity you display proudly. Smh.
View attachment 140758

I know better than to ask you for proof that my claim is wrong. You never have any. The voices in your head are enough for you.

I cannot prove a negative, you profound ignoramus. Every post you proudly proclaim your ignorance. At first it was amusing, now its pathetic and boring.

No one anywhere, in any media at any time stated that the polls, some of which were 90+ percent positive that Hillary would win, meant popular vote only. It's a claim born only of your ignorance and butthurt. I cannot prove the non-existence if something. So your idiotic cries for proof only show more of your ignorance.

I'm not having another day of bothering with your childish stupidity. You are dismissed.

I have yet to see you even try to prove anything, so this is no surprise.
We have a mechanism in place for removing a president: it's called an election. It's important you and the other vermin trying to usurp power in this country understand that, while we will do everything we can to avoid using it, the flame that runs through Marathon and Lexington and Concord still burns.

As usual, you only have part of the information. We have another mechanism for removing a crazy president. It;s called impeachment. Don't worry if you aren't familiar with it yet. You will be hearing a lot more about it in the near future.
Impeachment doesn't remove the president. Impeachment doesn't remove anyone. Bill Clinton was impeached. Eric Holder was impeached. Neither was removed.
Impeachment by the House, then conviction by the Senate. That removes the President. The treasonous fat senile old orange clown has made a lot of enemies in the Senate.

Liberals have to stop this.

It isn't going to happen unless they find something very serious which they haven't thus far.

The investigation has just started.
"The investigation has just started."

By this statement you admit two things:

1) The totalitarians running this reckless and self-serving assault on our system of self-governance have no justification for doing so at the present time, yet they continue on, indifferent to the damage it may be inflicting on the country

2) You and said totalitarians are willing to continue this outrageous and unprecedented circus until the "investigation" turns something up, which is to say, indefinitely

Both positions render you and Cryin' Chuck Schumer and Al Franken and the Washington Post and the New York Times not only contemptible, but in direct opposition to the good of the country. That makes you worthy objects of hatred. When I point out that ya'll are members of a certain universally hated, bloodthirsty tribe of Levantine origins, you call me a Nazi. I shrug. It doesn't hurt the country, it's no hair off my balls, I don't care what you think of me, and you don't change anyone's view of me. You do, however, make people reassess their views of Nazis. LOL
As usual, you only have part of the information. We have another mechanism for removing a crazy president. It;s called impeachment. Don't worry if you aren't familiar with it yet. You will be hearing a lot more about it in the near future.
Impeachment doesn't remove the president. Impeachment doesn't remove anyone. Bill Clinton was impeached. Eric Holder was impeached. Neither was removed.
Impeachment by the House, then conviction by the Senate. That removes the President. The treasonous fat senile old orange clown has made a lot of enemies in the Senate.

Liberals have to stop this.

It isn't going to happen unless they find something very serious which they haven't thus far.

The investigation has just started.
"The investigation has just started."

By this statement you admit two things:

1) The totalitarians running this reckless and self-serving assault on our system of self-governance have no justification for doing so at the present time, yet they continue on, indifferent to the damage it may be inflicting on the country

2) You and said totalitarians are willing to continue this outrageous and unprecedented circus until the "investigation" turns something up, which is to say, indefinitely

Both positions render you and Cryin' Chuck Schumer and Al Franken and the Washington Post and the New York Times not only contemptible, but in direct opposition to the good of the country. That makes you worthy objects of hatred. When I point out that ya'll are members of a certain universally hated, bloodthirsty tribe of Levantine origins, you call me a Nazi. I shrug. It doesn't hurt the country, it's no hair off my balls, I don't care what you think of me, and you don't change anyone's view of me. You do, however, make people reassess their views of Nazis. LOL

Neither is true. Shut up Nazi.
Impeachment doesn't remove the president. Impeachment doesn't remove anyone. Bill Clinton was impeached. Eric Holder was impeached. Neither was removed.
Impeachment by the House, then conviction by the Senate. That removes the President. The treasonous fat senile old orange clown has made a lot of enemies in the Senate.

Liberals have to stop this.

It isn't going to happen unless they find something very serious which they haven't thus far.

The investigation has just started.
"The investigation has just started."

By this statement you admit two things:

1) The totalitarians running this reckless and self-serving assault on our system of self-governance have no justification for doing so at the present time, yet they continue on, indifferent to the damage it may be inflicting on the country

2) You and said totalitarians are willing to continue this outrageous and unprecedented circus until the "investigation" turns something up, which is to say, indefinitely

Both positions render you and Cryin' Chuck Schumer and Al Franken and the Washington Post and the New York Times not only contemptible, but in direct opposition to the good of the country. That makes you worthy objects of hatred. When I point out that ya'll are members of a certain universally hated, bloodthirsty tribe of Levantine origins, you call me a Nazi. I shrug. It doesn't hurt the country, it's no hair off my balls, I don't care what you think of me, and you don't change anyone's view of me. You do, however, make people reassess their views of Nazis. LOL

Neither is true. Shut up Nazi.
OK, then refute them, Yidwitch. Even a little kid can say "uh-uh". If you've got the intellectual fire power, make an argument.
Impeachment by the House, then conviction by the Senate. That removes the President. The treasonous fat senile old orange clown has made a lot of enemies in the Senate.

Liberals have to stop this.

It isn't going to happen unless they find something very serious which they haven't thus far.

The investigation has just started.
"The investigation has just started."

By this statement you admit two things:

1) The totalitarians running this reckless and self-serving assault on our system of self-governance have no justification for doing so at the present time, yet they continue on, indifferent to the damage it may be inflicting on the country

2) You and said totalitarians are willing to continue this outrageous and unprecedented circus until the "investigation" turns something up, which is to say, indefinitely

Both positions render you and Cryin' Chuck Schumer and Al Franken and the Washington Post and the New York Times not only contemptible, but in direct opposition to the good of the country. That makes you worthy objects of hatred. When I point out that ya'll are members of a certain universally hated, bloodthirsty tribe of Levantine origins, you call me a Nazi. I shrug. It doesn't hurt the country, it's no hair off my balls, I don't care what you think of me, and you don't change anyone's view of me. You do, however, make people reassess their views of Nazis. LOL

Neither is true. Shut up Nazi.
OK, then refute them, Yidwitch. Even a little kid can say "uh-uh". If you've got the intellectual fire power, make an argument.

Not wasting fire power of any kind on a Nazi--------------- Shut up Nazi.
Liberals have to stop this.

It isn't going to happen unless they find something very serious which they haven't thus far.

The investigation has just started.
"The investigation has just started."

By this statement you admit two things:

1) The totalitarians running this reckless and self-serving assault on our system of self-governance have no justification for doing so at the present time, yet they continue on, indifferent to the damage it may be inflicting on the country

2) You and said totalitarians are willing to continue this outrageous and unprecedented circus until the "investigation" turns something up, which is to say, indefinitely

Both positions render you and Cryin' Chuck Schumer and Al Franken and the Washington Post and the New York Times not only contemptible, but in direct opposition to the good of the country. That makes you worthy objects of hatred. When I point out that ya'll are members of a certain universally hated, bloodthirsty tribe of Levantine origins, you call me a Nazi. I shrug. It doesn't hurt the country, it's no hair off my balls, I don't care what you think of me, and you don't change anyone's view of me. You do, however, make people reassess their views of Nazis. LOL

Neither is true. Shut up Nazi.
OK, then refute them, Yidwitch. Even a little kid can say "uh-uh". If you've got the intellectual fire power, make an argument.

Not wasting fire power of any kind on a Nazi--------------- Shut up Nazi.
I would imagine, with your exceedingly limited resources, you'd have to be super-duper stingy with your fire-"power"
this orange one with his deflection and underhanded dealings sure seems to be violating it.
Well, then, take down the Republic, for sure. Some hyperventilating bigot bitch has announced her infantile suspicions.

"underhanded dealings"? hahaha You better call the Washington Post and get Shlomo right on that.
The investigation has just started.
"The investigation has just started."

By this statement you admit two things:

1) The totalitarians running this reckless and self-serving assault on our system of self-governance have no justification for doing so at the present time, yet they continue on, indifferent to the damage it may be inflicting on the country

2) You and said totalitarians are willing to continue this outrageous and unprecedented circus until the "investigation" turns something up, which is to say, indefinitely

Both positions render you and Cryin' Chuck Schumer and Al Franken and the Washington Post and the New York Times not only contemptible, but in direct opposition to the good of the country. That makes you worthy objects of hatred. When I point out that ya'll are members of a certain universally hated, bloodthirsty tribe of Levantine origins, you call me a Nazi. I shrug. It doesn't hurt the country, it's no hair off my balls, I don't care what you think of me, and you don't change anyone's view of me. You do, however, make people reassess their views of Nazis. LOL

Neither is true. Shut up Nazi.
OK, then refute them, Yidwitch. Even a little kid can say "uh-uh". If you've got the intellectual fire power, make an argument.

Not wasting fire power of any kind on a Nazi--------------- Shut up Nazi.
I would imagine, with your exceedingly limited resources, you'd have to be super-duper stingy with your fire-"power"

Shut up Nazi.
OK, so you don't believe polls. So what criteria makes you believe the country doesn't want him gone, the voices in your head?

No you immature child, it has to do with the fact that he won the presidency and nothing has changed with his voters since then.

They are not all his voters. He has already lost independents. He may be in a situation where he can win a Republican nomination but not win the general.
"He has already lost independents. He may be in a situation where he can win a Republican nomination but not win the general." Luckily, someone scheduled an election in just 3 1/2 years and we'll be able to put your theory to the test. That is, of course, if the treasonous Jews who control the media don't derail our democracy before then just to maintain their grip on power like some grasping old bloodsuckers.

I don't know why bigots like you are tolerated. You have nothing worth reading except bigotry.

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