Paul Craig Roberts on the conspiracy to remove Trump from the Presidency

It is a silly conspiracy.

The country does not want him gone.

His supporters know not to believe crazy retards like you who lie to yourself and everyone else.

42% want Trump impeached, but his approval rating is just 36%

Polls! You morons never learn do you?

OK, so you don't believe polls. So what criteria makes you believe the country doesn't want him gone, the voices in your head?

No you immature child, it has to do with the fact that he won the presidency and nothing has changed with his voters since then.

They are not all his voters. He has already lost independents. He may be in a situation where he can win a Republican nomination but not win the general.
"He has already lost independents. He may be in a situation where he can win a Republican nomination but not win the general." Luckily, someone scheduled an election in just 3 1/2 years and we'll be able to put your theory to the test. That is, of course, if the treasonous Jews who control the media don't derail our democracy before then just to maintain their grip on power like some grasping old bloodsuckers.
42% want Trump impeached, but his approval rating is just 36%

Polls! You morons never learn do you?

OK, so you don't believe polls. So what criteria makes you believe the country doesn't want him gone, the voices in your head?

No you immature child, it has to do with the fact that he won the presidency and nothing has changed with his voters since then.

They are not all his voters. He has already lost independents. He may be in a situation where he can win a Republican nomination but not win the general.

That fantasy only exists in you dreams. The foul antics of the left have cost them dearly with independents. All the lies, the stupid and wasteful witch hunt, the desruptive antics and the so called "resistance". That is exactly what put Trump and the GOP IN CHARHED. Nothing has changed.

So do you have any verifiable reason to believe that, or are you just going by what the voices in your head told you, like usual?
It is a silly conspiracy.

The country does not want him gone.

His supporters know not to believe crazy retards like you who lie to yourself and everyone else.
A trumpanzee talking about other people being stupid! :rofl: Priceless! :rofl:

You can't argue with my facts so that's your lame ass response. No wonder you are a liberal.
You have yet to present facts.....and that makes me laugh at you even more....:rofl: :rofl: Please continue.

A liar and an out of touch with reality lefty laughs at me? Means I'm correct.

So facts and corroborating evidence are too much to ask for?
How come every time I read one of your posts it feels like I already read it dozens of times before? Not a very fertile intellect you bring to the table, is it?
I read just fine. How do you know the country doesn't want him gone? Hannity tell you that?
How do I know the country doesn't want him gone?

I don't know how familiar you are with the US political process, but every four years we have what we call a "presidential election" following the strict rules as laid out in the foundation for our rule of law, called "The Constitution". This is how, for 240 years, the American people have decided who we want to be our leader. The winner of the most recent presidential election, a Mr Donald Trump, of New York City, was not the favored candidate of a very powerful fake news outfit called the Washington Post, which likes to imagine itself the nation's king-maker. They wanted another candidate to win on account of Mr. Trump's views on pussy-grabbing (yes, the Washington Post is run by adults). When Mr Trump was chosen to be president in the most recent election, the Washington Post, and other members of their fellow tribesmen The New York Times, et al, threw a tantrum, and have been threatening to hold Russia's breath until Siberia turns blue ever since (yes, I promise, they are all old adult men and women there). Clear?
Asshole, we have clear rules for impeachment of the President, and we also have the 25th amendment. Both look to be applicable in the case of the treasonous fat senile old orange clown.

And when the bastard is finally removed, you will cry, whine, snivel, mewl, and puke, and do nothing else. The majority of the people in this nation will breathe a sigh of relief.
You are the treasonous old pig twat. You and your tribe began the effort to oust him before he was even inaugurated. That's not the democratic process under the rule of law, that's abuse of process in the service of treason. If you had a soul and an ounce of love for this country, you'd shoot yourself in shame.

You certainly don't love this country. You make false accusations and falsely accuse people of treason. You are the animal that needs to be put down.
Great argument, lightweight. I'm not the one trying to effect a coup. You people are.

Shut up Nazi.
A trumpanzee talking about other people being stupid! :rofl: Priceless! :rofl:

You can't argue with my facts so that's your lame ass response. No wonder you are a liberal.
You have yet to present facts.....and that makes me laugh at you even more....:rofl: :rofl: Please continue.

A liar and an out of touch with reality lefty laughs at me? Means I'm correct.

So facts and corroborating evidence are too much to ask for?
How come every time I read one of your posts it feels like I already read it dozens of times before? Not a very fertile intellect you bring to the table, is it?
Shut up Nazi.
Paul Craig Roberts On "The Conspiracy To Remove Trump From The Presidency" | Zero Hedge
US intelligence services, the Democratic Party, some Republicans including members of President Trump’s own government, and the presstitute US media are conspiring against American democracy and the President of the United States.

Well the media got the sheep going good , and they believed it all . MSM zombies fall for everything they tell their little sheep herd.

Pure Trump Derangement Syndrome. Causes normally intelligent people to say stupid things in support of Trump. The only crazy conspiracy is the ones that Trump and his supporters come up with.

Yeah that's what you are anyone normal sees it, it's just you rejects that can't. So far from the forest you can't see through the trees such a shame. The mirror tells all. The only reason it doesn't reflect the bs back to you is because it's easier to deny what stares back at your when you look in it. Denial of truth to yourself is real easy.
Paul Craig Roberts On "The Conspiracy To Remove Trump From The Presidency" | Zero Hedge
US intelligence services, the Democratic Party, some Republicans including members of President Trump’s own government, and the presstitute US media are conspiring against American democracy and the President of the United States.

Well the media got the sheep going good , and they believed it all . MSM zombies fall for everything they tell their little sheep herd.

Trump is kind of kinky.
42% want Trump impeached, but his approval rating is just 36%

Polls! You morons never learn do you?

OK, so you don't believe polls. So what criteria makes you believe the country doesn't want him gone, the voices in your head?

No you immature child, it has to do with the fact that he won the presidency and nothing has changed with his voters since then.

They are not all his voters. He has already lost independents. He may be in a situation where he can win a Republican nomination but not win the general.

That fantasy only exists in you dreams. The foul antics of the left have cost them dearly with independents. All the lies, the stupid and wasteful witch hunt, the desruptive antics and the so called "resistance". That is exactly what put Trump and the GOP IN CHARHED. Nothing has changed.

Everything has changed. Independents are abandoning Trump and they could very well try to give the House to the Democrats to put a check on Republicans.
42% want Trump impeached, but his approval rating is just 36%

Polls! You morons never learn do you?

OK, so you don't believe polls. So what criteria makes you believe the country doesn't want him gone, the voices in your head?

No you immature child, it has to do with the fact that he won the presidency and nothing has changed with his voters since then.

They are not all his voters. He has already lost independents. He may be in a situation where he can win a Republican nomination but not win the general.
"He has already lost independents. He may be in a situation where he can win a Republican nomination but not win the general." Luckily, someone scheduled an election in just 3 1/2 years and we'll be able to put your theory to the test. That is, of course, if the treasonous Jews who control the media don't derail our democracy before then just to maintain their grip on power like some grasping old bloodsuckers.

I don't know why bigots like you are tolerated. You have nothing worth reading except bigotry.
Polls! You morons never learn do you?

OK, so you don't believe polls. So what criteria makes you believe the country doesn't want him gone, the voices in your head?

No you immature child, it has to do with the fact that he won the presidency and nothing has changed with his voters since then.

They are not all his voters. He has already lost independents. He may be in a situation where he can win a Republican nomination but not win the general.
"He has already lost independents. He may be in a situation where he can win a Republican nomination but not win the general." Luckily, someone scheduled an election in just 3 1/2 years and we'll be able to put your theory to the test. That is, of course, if the treasonous Jews who control the media don't derail our democracy before then just to maintain their grip on power like some grasping old bloodsuckers.

I don't know why bigots like you are tolerated. You have nothing worth reading except bigotry.

OK, so you don't believe polls. So what criteria makes you believe the country doesn't want him gone, the voices in your head?

No you immature child, it has to do with the fact that he won the presidency and nothing has changed with his voters since then.

They are not all his voters. He has already lost independents. He may be in a situation where he can win a Republican nomination but not win the general.
"He has already lost independents. He may be in a situation where he can win a Republican nomination but not win the general." Luckily, someone scheduled an election in just 3 1/2 years and we'll be able to put your theory to the test. That is, of course, if the treasonous Jews who control the media don't derail our democracy before then just to maintain their grip on power like some grasping old bloodsuckers.

I don't know why bigots like you are tolerated. You have nothing worth reading except bigotry.

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It's not a silly conspiracy. The country wants the orange clown gone. It's important that he and his crazy supporters understand this.

It is a silly conspiracy.

The country does not want him gone.

His supporters know not to believe crazy retards like you who lie to yourself and everyone else.

42% want Trump impeached, but his approval rating is just 36%

He will never be impeached and removed from office. There's no way two-thirds of the Senate will vote to impeach him.

Unless they find he's done something very illegal or unethical, i.e. Russiagate
It's not a silly conspiracy. The country wants the orange clown gone. It's important that he and his crazy supporters understand this.
We have a mechanism in place for removing a president: it's called an election. It's important you and the other vermin trying to usurp power in this country understand that, while we will do everything we can to avoid using it, the flame that runs through Marathon and Lexington and Concord still burns.

As usual, you only have part of the information. We have another mechanism for removing a crazy president. It;s called impeachment. Don't worry if you aren't familiar with it yet. You will be hearing a lot more about it in the near future.
Impeachment doesn't remove the president. Impeachment doesn't remove anyone. Bill Clinton was impeached. Eric Holder was impeached. Neither was removed.
Impeachment by the House, then conviction by the Senate. That removes the President. The treasonous fat senile old orange clown has made a lot of enemies in the Senate.
Then I suggest the public executions begin on the steps of the Capitol.

Trump doesn't need to be shot, cnazi.
It's not a silly conspiracy. The country wants the orange clown gone. It's important that he and his crazy supporters understand this.
We have a mechanism in place for removing a president: it's called an election. It's important you and the other vermin trying to usurp power in this country understand that, while we will do everything we can to avoid using it, the flame that runs through Marathon and Lexington and Concord still burns.

As usual, you only have part of the information. We have another mechanism for removing a crazy president. It;s called impeachment. Don't worry if you aren't familiar with it yet. You will be hearing a lot more about it in the near future.
Impeachment doesn't remove the president. Impeachment doesn't remove anyone. Bill Clinton was impeached. Eric Holder was impeached. Neither was removed.
Impeachment by the House, then conviction by the Senate. That removes the President. The treasonous fat senile old orange clown has made a lot of enemies in the Senate.

Liberals have to stop this.

It isn't going to happen unless they find something very serious which they haven't thus far.
It's not a silly conspiracy. The country wants the orange clown gone. It's important that he and his crazy supporters understand this.
We have a mechanism in place for removing a president: it's called an election. It's important you and the other vermin trying to usurp power in this country understand that, while we will do everything we can to avoid using it, the flame that runs through Marathon and Lexington and Concord still burns.

As usual, you only have part of the information. We have another mechanism for removing a crazy president. It;s called impeachment. Don't worry if you aren't familiar with it yet. You will be hearing a lot more about it in the near future.
Impeachment doesn't remove the president. Impeachment doesn't remove anyone. Bill Clinton was impeached. Eric Holder was impeached. Neither was removed.
Impeachment by the House, then conviction by the Senate. That removes the President. The treasonous fat senile old orange clown has made a lot of enemies in the Senate.

Liberals have to stop this.

It isn't going to happen unless they find something very serious which they haven't thus far.

Commiecrats have their panties in a wad because last Wednesday Trump banned transgenders from the military
It's not a silly conspiracy. The country wants the orange clown gone. It's important that he and his crazy supporters understand this.

It is a silly conspiracy.

The country does not want him gone.

His supporters know not to believe crazy retards like you who lie to yourself and everyone else.

42% want Trump impeached, but his approval rating is just 36%

He will never be impeached and removed from office. There's no way two-thirds of the Senate will vote to impeach him.

Unless they find he's done something very illegal or unethical, i.e. Russiagate

He's been there a few months and already half the country wants him impeached. Those aren't just people who don't support him. They think it is worthwhile to put the country through an impeachment to get rid of him. I don't expect him to be able to change anything and he will lose more people every day. There will be a point where the republicans reach a cliff, and either fall off with him, or step back away from him.

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