***Paul Krugman admits DEATH PANELS***

I have already consulted with my "death panel". The panel consists of my wife and my nurse sister.
I have already decided that, in the event of a terminal illness, I am not going to bankrupt my family to keep my ass hanging around in a hospital bed for week and weeks hooked up to machines.

To formalize my requests, their are a few forms (wills, health care POA, etc.) that you can complete, that the hospitals and doctors will respect, that will allow you to die with some dignity. Without bankrupting anyone.

Yes, there needs to be death panels. Why good does it do to keep someone in a vegative state for weeks........just because you can.........and so that the hospital can bill Medicare or private insurance for thousands and thousand of dollars of care that will not change the ultimate outcome.

Everybody is gonna die. No use breaking the bank for the inevitable.
So conservatives want the government to fund every medical procedure/treatment/option available to keep anyone alive for as long as possible, for any reason, if that's what the person wants?


Don't make us laugh.

(hint stupid: what conservatives actually want is for government to get the fuck out of the medical industry)

I'd like to see insurance companies out of the medical industry. When the government has "death panels", it's to save your tax money. When the insurance companies do it, it's to make a profit. Which is more moral?

nether they are the same,try again.

So let me get this straight - even though Paul Krugman just admitted it, you're still going to go with the narrative that it is a "myth" :lmao:

And even though every nation who has implemented state run healthcare has them, you're still going to go with the narrative that it is a "myth" :lmao:

Just curious g-string, what else is a "myth" in your world? Lions? The world being round? Gum? Oxygen? :lmao:

Nobody is going to be denied care because they have Down's Syndrome and therefore aren't worth saving.

That is what the death panel is, according to conservatives.

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