Paul Ryan gets to Debate that idiot Biden

If they can't make it I recommend these two. You'll get the same quality of information and likely more truth.
Is long as they put "lady" GagGag up in a corner square you assholes wouldn't even notice the difference.


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See ?


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That’s just what he did, Government reform is what we need, and that’s what we'll get from Romney/Ryan. Joe Biden was just a stuffed suit, Obama’s attempt at creditably in 08. Funny you don't speak against. Biden, a man who has gotten rich off his forty year government "career" Ryan Works four days and is out of there for 3. He sleeps in his office

You're right, I don't put a lot of faith in pointless symbolic gestures.

Ryan wants to hand over medicare to the Insurance Companies so that he give more fat tax cuts to rich douchebags.

I like him. I know I'm conservative and I know he's somewhere out there in left field, but I really believe his heart is good. I'd have a beer and bbq with him.

Not in the right place, not at the right time because he's a Dem but he's a Dem I can relate to from the old days.

A decent human being. Not a punk from Chicago who thinks his balls should be enshrined at the Smithsonian.

ETA: Ryan will smoke him.
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Is that with or without the teleprompter?

But the two then sing the praises of the device in keeping a candidate from saying something he might regret.

"It does make some sense though" to use a teleprompter, Romney tells Hannity. "I do understand."

He adds: "It keeps you from saying something you don't mean, you get the message out precisely the way you want to get the message out." Romney says he has used a TelePrompter "maybe five times" in the campaign. Romney in recent months has tended to use a teleprompter for most major speeches.
Mitt Romney: It makes sense to use a TelePrompter - Political Hotsheet - CBS News

Just sayin'....

We get people use them, but OBama has taken it to an extreme...he cant give a speech without it.

First press conference in Canada was pathetic beyond belief. While Harper was fielding questions in both french and english languages, Obama couldn't answer one from his own press in english. :lol:

He's an empty suit for true and day by day we are learning that Valerie is running the country.

Pretty scary.

Biden's and Ryan's styles are very different, and I don't think the Dems are terribly worried here.

As I so brilliantly pointed out in another thread (I sometimes scare myself with my brilliance), Ryan's in trouble if he approaches economic issues like a wonk with a calculator. While he's trying to explain the debt and the deficit and why his plan does what it does -- all in debate sound bites, good luck with that -- Biden will be emoting, talking about people losing their Medicare and the poor getting shafted to pay for new palaces for the rich.

On foreign policy Biden will be able to paint Ryan as the naive kid who doesn't know shit.

I dunno, should be interesting, but the Dems aren't quaking in their boots here.

You're right, I don't put a lot of faith in pointless symbolic gestures.

Ryan wants to hand over medicare to the Insurance Companies so that he give more fat tax cuts to rich douchebags.

and ultimately, that is what will be indefensible for him and romney.

as long as people understand what it is he wants to do.

i look forward to them having to answer the question "on what planet and in what alternate reality, do you think senior citizens can purchase health insurance for $7,000 a year?"

now *that* should be amusing.
Am I the only one that misses the Republican Primaries?

That was the funnest thing on telly.
The genius wrote that series should win an Oscar or Emmy or car or something.
Ryan will have to be careful that he doesn't go pitbull on Joe.

Heck I'm pretty right wing, but Biden is just so darn likeable. Every one talks about "likeability factors" .

Joe's got "it".
You're right, I don't put a lot of faith in pointless symbolic gestures.

Ryan wants to hand over medicare to the Insurance Companies so that he give more fat tax cuts to rich douchebags.

and ultimately, that is what will be indefensible for him and romney.

as long as people understand what it is he wants to do.

i look forward to them having to answer the question "on what planet and in what alternate reality, do you think senior citizens can purchase health insurance for $7,000 a year?"

now *that* should be amusing.

Oh the health care debates should be hysterical.

If everyone in America wants to be taxed to death right across the board you can get free health care too.

Just think, the government being allowed to tax you right at the source of your income for your "free health care".

Embrace it jillian. It's on your horizon.
You're right, I don't put a lot of faith in pointless symbolic gestures.

Ryan wants to hand over medicare to the Insurance Companies so that he give more fat tax cuts to rich douchebags.

and ultimately, that is what will be indefensible for him and romney.

as long as people understand what it is he wants to do.

i look forward to them having to answer the question "on what planet and in what alternate reality, do you think senior citizens can purchase health insurance for $7,000 a year?"

now *that* should be amusing.

Could you please correct the quoting? You make it sound like Jroc said what I said...

But exactly right. I couldn't buy health insurance for $7,000 at 50. A little high blood pressure, a little problem with a knee I destroyed in an accident..

The only saving grace I have is my company provides it in a group plan, and I'm sure between my co-pays and what they contribute, it comes in a little south of 7 K.
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and ultimately, that is what will be indefensible for him and romney.

as long as people understand what it is he wants to do.

i look forward to them having to answer the question "on what planet and in what alternate reality, do you think senior citizens can purchase health insurance for $7,000 a year?"

now *that* should be amusing.

Oh the health care debates should be hysterical.

If everyone in America wants to be taxed to death right across the board you can get free health care too.

Just think, the government being allowed to tax you right at the source of your income for your "free health care".

Embrace it jillian. It's on your horizon.

Except the rest of the industrialized world ALREADY does it that way... So let's look at some other G-7 countries, shall we? Spending per person...

Spending per person statistics - countries compared - Nationmaster

#1 US - 4271
#7 Germany: 2,697
# 8 France: 2,288
# 9 Japan: 2,243
#14 Canada: 1,939
# 17 Italy: 1,676
# 18 United Kingdom: 1,675

Ooops, they are all paying a lot less than we are, aren't they...

Okay, but they can't be getting as good of results as we do, right?

# 1 Japan: 82.08 years
# 8 Italy: 80.33 years
# 10 France: 80.21 years
# 11 Canada: 80.18 years
= 25 United Kingdom: 78.95 years
# 27 Germany: 78.93 years
# 35 United States: 77.71 years

Um, yeah. Number one in spending, number 35 in life expectency...

Oh we'll get the usual Right wing apologetics about how we're fatter and more inclined to shoot each other. But we spend half per person what the Japanese spend and they live four years longer on average.
Well from what I see, they think Biden is going to kick someones ass in the woodshed..

good grief.
Oh the health care debates should be hysterical.

If everyone in America wants to be taxed to death right across the board you can get free health care too.

Just think, the government being allowed to tax you right at the source of your income for your "free health care".

Embrace it jillian. It's on your horizon.

you understand that most normal people aren't so stupid that they think ryan's "plan" is good for anyone but the ryan's and romney's of the world, right?

but then again, you've never had to buy health coverage, have you?

because that would explain your lack of understanding about the realities.
You're right, I don't put a lot of faith in pointless symbolic gestures.

Ryan wants to hand over medicare to the Insurance Companies so that he give more fat tax cuts to rich douchebags.

and ultimately, that is what will be indefensible for him and romney.

as long as people understand what it is he wants to do.

i look forward to them having to answer the question "on what planet and in what alternate reality, do you think senior citizens can purchase health insurance for $7,000 a year?"

now *that* should be amusing.

wife just got us health insurance...for the family. AUS$3600 a year...;o)
Oh the health care debates should be hysterical.

If everyone in America wants to be taxed to death right across the board you can get free health care too.

Just think, the government being allowed to tax you right at the source of your income for your "free health care".

Embrace it jillian. It's on your horizon.

you understand that most normal people aren't so stupid that they think ryan's "plan" is good for anyone but the ryan's and romney's of the world, right?

but then again, you've never had to buy health coverage, have you?

because that would explain your lack of understanding about the realities.

I guess the people will decide if the plan is good for them..
You sure didn't have problems with ObamaCare and what it does to the "normal" people if they don't buy it

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