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Paul Ryan: Rape Is Just Another 'Method Of Conception'

The title of this thread is misleading. It intentionally gives the impression that Ryan is validating rape and he is not.

I know. Why aren't the mods stopping this.

I'm really getting tired of lying thread titles by the libs.

I can do Clinton raped Broderick.

I can do Axelrod got sucked off by Jarrett.

I can do a lot of thread titles. But I won't. What's going on here?

The thread title is an exact quote that was given to the video not by me. On another forum I belong to, we are required to put the author's thread title on the title line. I think it's a good idea and then people can agree or disagree with it as far as the content and accuracy goes.

Ryan did say that the method of conception doesn't change the definition of life. And since he and some other republicans think life begins at conception, it necessarily follows that it doesn't matter if the pregnancy was due to rape or not. It should still be illegal. Take it up with Youtube or whoever authored the title!

Paul Ryan did not say "Rape is just another method of contraception." The reason I know this is I actually listened to the video you posted, so I know you are a lying sack of burning dog shit.
Because he purposefully denies the legitimacy of a rape victim's decision to terminate or continue her own pregnancy. He would strip her of the autonomy to make her own choices.

Akin had the courtesy of deluding himself into believing such a scenario can never happen to justify his position. Ryan has no such excuse. I find that rather more sinister.

And how does being the victim of an atrocity justify committing one yourself?

Who the fuck are you to think a woman should be forced to carry that baby to term? Who the fuck are you to take a woman's choice away? You talk a lot of shit about the government staying out of people's lives and people being allowed to make their own decisions for someone who wants to control the body of every woman in the country.

How the fuck do you think that baby is responsible for the sins of his father?
And how does being the victim of an atrocity justify committing one yourself?

Who the fuck are you to think a woman should be forced to carry that baby to term? Who the fuck are you to take a woman's choice away? You talk a lot of shit about the government staying out of people's lives and people being allowed to make their own decisions for someone who wants to control the body of every woman in the country.

How the fuck do you think that baby is responsible for the sins of his father?

I don't. I don't care how the baby was conceived or what reason a woman has for terminating a pregnancy. It is her choice and she doesn't owe you an explanation or justification. It is her Constitutional right, Constitutional conservative.

Pipe, smoke it.
Because he purposefully denies the legitimacy of a rape victim's decision to terminate or continue her own pregnancy. He would strip her of the autonomy to make her own choices.

Akin had the courtesy of deluding himself into believing such a scenario can never happen to justify his position. Ryan has no such excuse. I find that rather more sinister.

And how does being the victim of an atrocity justify committing one yourself?

Who the fuck are you to think a woman should be forced to carry that baby to term? Who the fuck are you to take a woman's choice away? You talk a lot of shit about the government staying out of people's lives and people being allowed to make their own decisions for someone who wants to control the body of every woman in the country.

Palin did me proud when she said she was in that hotel room and the results came back and she realiised she was carrying a downs baby and she said I understand. She said her soul hurt so much.

Now she chose to carry but that moment hurt her so desperately and she understood "others". I'm proud of her for that. Not just for carrying, but for understanding finally those that don't.
I don't. I don't care how the baby was conceived or what reason a woman has for terminating a pregnancy. It is her choice and she doesn't owe you an explanation or justification. It is her Constitutional right, Constitutional conservative.

Pipe, smoke it.

Lying to yourselves about what's in and not in the Constitution doesn't make abortion Constitutional.
Who the fuck are you to think a woman should be forced to carry that baby to term? Who the fuck are you to take a woman's choice away? You talk a lot of shit about the government staying out of people's lives and people being allowed to make their own decisions for someone who wants to control the body of every woman in the country.

How the fuck do you think that baby is responsible for the sins of his father?

I don't. I don't care how the baby was conceived or what reason a woman has for terminating a pregnancy. It is her choice and she doesn't owe you an explanation or justification. It is her Constitutional right, Constitutional conservative.

Pipe, smoke it.

I just wish we wouldn't put it in these terms. These are desperate decisions. Horrible moments. No woman goes into this lightly. One good friend of mine, her husband beat her daily. He was furious that she was pregnant again. Dear lord she had no option but to abort or he would have killed her and her other children.

What do I do as a Christian? I cannot condemn this woman. I don't know what to do. But how do I condemn this decision when for true he would have killed her and the children. I'm going to be asking a lot of questions of the big guy when I get there but holy hannah how can I condemn this woman for her abortion?

You left wingers like to think of us as heartless souls. We are not. We bleed too.
Who the fuck are you to think a woman should be forced to carry that baby to term? Who the fuck are you to take a woman's choice away? You talk a lot of shit about the government staying out of people's lives and people being allowed to make their own decisions for someone who wants to control the body of every woman in the country.
Who the fuck are you to murder a child..

See I can do it too............

"Murdering" that "child" is legal, Constitutionally protected, and nobody's business but a woman and her doctor.

Pipe, put it in there and smoke it, conservative.

Oh I get it. Because something legal, that means it's not right and we have no obligation to speak out against it. Maybe someone should have said something to those abolitionists who protested slavery when it was legal. Or maybe someone should have told MLK to shut up for fighting agains racist laws in the South. But for some reason, I dont think you actually believe that bullcrap. You just cant morally justify abortion so you are trying to shut down the argument with your sophistry.

Guess what. It doesnt work. People are going to continue protesting abortion because it's morally wrong. And It doesnt matter if you actually pass a Constitutional Amendment legalizing it, it would still be morally wrong. And all good and honest people throughout the world are morally obligated to stand against it and to do everything in their power to peacefully pass laws, to persuade, to encourage, and provide a way for this abomination to end in this nation and throughout the world.

Pipe, Smoke it you freakin hypocrite.
Who the fuck are you to think a woman should be forced to carry that baby to term? Who the fuck are you to take a woman's choice away? You talk a lot of shit about the government staying out of people's lives and people being allowed to make their own decisions for someone who wants to control the body of every woman in the country.

Just someone looking out for the rights of the innocent. Not willing to kill them for convenience.

You want government to run our health care, but somehow protecting life is an evil use of government resources?

And no. I have no desire to control the bodies of women. I want to protect the bodies of the unborn baby from brutal killing. It's truly horrific that you want to kill your offspring.
Who the fuck are you to think a woman should be forced to carry that baby to term? Who the fuck are you to take a woman's choice away? You talk a lot of shit about the government staying out of people's lives and people being allowed to make their own decisions for someone who wants to control the body of every woman in the country.

Just someone looking out for the rights of the innocent. Not willing to kill them for convenience.

You want government to run our health care, but somehow protecting life is an evil use of government resources?

And no. I have no desire to control the bodies of women. I want to protect the bodies of the unborn baby from brutal killing. It's truly horrific that you want to kill your offspring.

You absolutely want to control women's bodies. Those unborn babies are no business of yours. Worry about your own shit and what you have the legal right to control, rugged individualist. SCOTUS has told you that a woman's right to choose isnt on that list, Constitutional conservative.
On religious grounds is what most people who are pro-choice hang their hats but there are those of us who are not believers (I'm agnostic) and there has been opinion after opinion throughout the eons regarding this subject. Some religions have assingned their own ideas and restrictions to abortion and many are vary greatly. But assuming that I were a believer, shouldn't believers follow what is in the Bible regarding abrotion--that is nothing is mentioned about it so it is a choice God gave to a woman--free will that so many believe in.

The Bible never specifically mentions abortion. This is significant, because herbal abortifacients--most notably pennyroyal and silphium--were in common use at the time that the New Testament was written. Jesus, Paul, and the other major figures of the New Testament were surrounded by cultures that practiced abortion, but no specific condemnation of the practice can be found in the Bible.

Likewise, Exodus 21 draws a clear demarcation between the killing of a person and the killing of a fetus. Exodus 21:12, for example, reads:
Whoever strikes a person mortally shall be put to death. If it was not premeditated, but came about by an act of God, then I will appoint for you a place to which the killer may flee.
But Exodus 21:22 reads:

When people who are fighting injure a pregnant woman so that there is a miscarriage, and yet no further harm follows, the one responsible shall be fined what the woman's husband demands, paying as much as the judges determine.

In other words: Killing a person outside of the womb warrants the death penalty or exile, but killing a fetus is punishable only by a fine--and that's in a circumstance where the killing of a fetus takes place against the woman's will. Exodus describes no penalty of any kind for women who choose to terminate their own pregnancies, nor does any other passage in the Bible.

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Because he purposefully denies the legitimacy of a rape victim's decision to terminate or continue her own pregnancy. He would strip her of the autonomy to make her own choices.

Akin had the courtesy of deluding himself into believing such a scenario can never happen to justify his position. Ryan has no such excuse. I find that rather more sinister.

And how does being the victim of an atrocity justify committing one yourself?

Who the fuck are you to think a woman should be forced to carry that baby to term? Who the fuck are you to take a woman's choice away? You talk a lot of shit about the government staying out of people's lives and people being allowed to make their own decisions for someone who wants to control the body of every woman in the country.

omg shut up with the hysterical drama
he has a opinion
no ones calling for taking away your all precious (choice) of killing your own childeren
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Ask yourself a simple question and be truly honest when you do it. If you believed that, what you would refer to as a non-viable tissue mass, were an unborn child. Not a fetus but a baby that just happened not to be born yet. If you believed that would you still believe that it should be put to death because it was conceived under terrible circumstances.

Where did I say I believe any fetus "should be put to death"? I don't feel the need to make any such decision on behalf of a woman who's been raped.

Crap, I thought I might have found one person to have an honest discussion with but I guess you're just another gomer who spouts platitudes but when asked to think can't back up his position. Why do you come to a site specifically designed to discuss issues if you don't want to actually discuss anything. Nevermind your answer to that would probably be as ridiculous as your last one.

Bullshit. You, like most anti-choicers, imply that taking the position that a woman can and should be allowed to make her own choices is somehow "really" an expression of support for abortion ("you still believe that it should be put to death") or an assertion that the "right" choice is to have the abortion.

It's not. It's an admission that I don't know what the right choice for anyone in that situation, particularly one carrying a child conceived by rape, is. The choice position makes no statements on what a woman's choice should be or the merits of any particular course of action. All it asks is that she maintain autonomy over her body and be allowed to draw on her own experiences, faith, counsel, and judgment to make her own decisions.

Spare me the indignation if your game is simply to distort what others' positions are.
Paul Ryan is telling the rapists of the world to choose their baby mama. Did you know that in 31 states the rapist has child visitation rights?
Who the fuck are you to think a woman should be forced to carry that baby to term? Who the fuck are you to take a woman's choice away? You talk a lot of shit about the government staying out of people's lives and people being allowed to make their own decisions for someone who wants to control the body of every woman in the country.

Just someone looking out for the rights of the innocent. Not willing to kill them for convenience.

You want government to run our health care, but somehow protecting life is an evil use of government resources?

And no. I have no desire to control the bodies of women. I want to protect the bodies of the unborn baby from brutal killing. It's truly horrific that you want to kill your offspring.
I'm thinking of starting up a national registry for both men and women who are not pro-choice. Women who are willing to carry someone else's fetus to term may sign up, and men who are willing to pay for the care and feeding of the woman and unborn child may also sign up.

Who the fuck are you to think a woman should be forced to carry that baby to term? Who the fuck are you to take a woman's choice away? You talk a lot of shit about the government staying out of people's lives and people being allowed to make their own decisions for someone who wants to control the body of every woman in the country.

Just someone looking out for the rights of the innocent. Not willing to kill them for convenience.

You want government to run our health care, but somehow protecting life is an evil use of government resources?

And no. I have no desire to control the bodies of women. I want to protect the bodies of the unborn baby from brutal killing. It's truly horrific that you want to kill your offspring.

Dishonesty from the "Religious" right.
Even the conservatives should be afraid of him. This guy is a nutcase.

What the fuck do you care Australian newbie? This is our country not yours.

Us Aussies know that you Yanks don't give a hoot about our elections, but we are always interested in yours. Because your choice of POTUS has the potential to affect US, too. Not that you would know that. Guess its an American thing, not realising that the person you elect has an effect on most of the world...

Then you know that America is the greatest country in the world and Obama is turning it to shit and that he has to go.
You absolutely want to control women's bodies. Those unborn babies are no business of yours. Worry about your own shit and what you have the legal right to control, rugged individualist. SCOTUS has told you that a woman's right to choose isnt on that list, Constitutional conservative.

Of course those babies are my business. They are human beings. They are entitled to the same protection I am entitled to under the law. They have the same rights to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness that I do. If the government can sanction their death, it can sanction mine as well. We are all connected. We are our brothers keeper.

Also, The Supreme Court doesnt determine what the Constitution says. The Founders and the people did that when they passed it. When the Supreme Court makes up bad law, like finding segregation constitutional, Constitutional Conservatives are obliged to continue fighting for the Constitution as it really is.
Who the fuck are you to think a woman should be forced to carry that baby to term? Who the fuck are you to take a woman's choice away? You talk a lot of shit about the government staying out of people's lives and people being allowed to make their own decisions for someone who wants to control the body of every woman in the country.

Just someone looking out for the rights of the innocent. Not willing to kill them for convenience.

You want government to run our health care, but somehow protecting life is an evil use of government resources?

And no. I have no desire to control the bodies of women. I want to protect the bodies of the unborn baby from brutal killing. It's truly horrific that you want to kill your offspring.
I'm thinking of starting up a national registry for both men and women who are not pro-choice. Women who are willing to carry someone else's fetus to term may sign up, and men who are willing to pay for the care and feeding of the woman and unborn child may also sign up.


Once again, you've failed to understand the concept of personal responsibility and accountability. Killing your child at your convenience is not being responsible. It's quite the opposite.

And tell me something, do we have the medical technology to transfer a child alive from one uterus to another? Otherwise, your whole plan is destined to fail from the beginning.

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