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Paul Ryan: Rape Is Just Another 'Method Of Conception'

Kind of sad that you guys have to lie about lying in order to avoid the actual topic of the conversation.

you did lie.

you said he WANTS to kill his own kids.

flat out lie.

Except I didnt. Because he supports abortion which is the act of killing your offspring.

you lied just now, again.

he never said he supports abortion.

he supports someone else's right, to support or not support abortion, for themselves in their own life.

big difference, but of course you need to have a brain to see it.

and B: even if he did say "i support" abortion, that STILL doesn't stretch out to your LIE......."you want to kill your own kids"

Try again, Religious liar.
Ryan never said that rape is just another method of conception. He said "the method of conception doesn't change the definition of life". Does anyone disagree with that statement? Ryan also said that it's the Romney administration and Romney makes the policy including abortions in the case of rape? Why don't y'all lefties try thinking instead of salivating every time some lefties rings the abortion dinner gong.

You expect lying libs to tell the truth about this?

And he's right.

I have a sister in law who adopted a baby. We don't know his conception. It could have been a mistake, a rape. We don't know.

It does't change he's alive and he's beautiful.

Liberals want him DEAD before he has a chance to breathe.

And WE are the fanatics? We are the radicals?

It is truly bassackwards.

If the method of conception changes the definition of life, your nephew isn't really alive no matter how many breaths he takes. If the method of conception changes the definition of life, your nephew will never be alive because he never was alive to begin with. That's what makes libs so loony.
what you're doing is lying, because your position is weak.

Supporting someone else's right to have an abortion is not a statement of your own views on abortion, it's supporting someone else's right to to HAVE their own view, despite your own.

Just because you disagree with them, doesn't mean they're fighting to kill their own kids, that's a cowardly and lying position. Seriously, grow a set of fucking balls and argue on the merits and not on stretches and spins so as to try to demonize someone for something they haven't even said and don't even believe. Grow balls.

My position is so weak that you have to avoid it by making false accusations rather than actually dealing with the fact that by supporting abortion you support legally being able to kill your own offspring.

You didnt say "you support being able to legally kill your own offspring"

you told him that he WANTS TO KILL HIS KIDS.

So sorry you're so dumb as to not be able to even see the blatant lie within.
Watching the evolution of liberal beliefs is like watching a slasher movie.

First, the fetus wasn't human. It was something other than human and became human after it was born and was from days to years old.

Now the fetus isn't alive. If a fetus isn't alive, at what point does it become alive? Biologically, something is alive when it possesses bodily functions, which makes "life" instant at the moment of conception.
If conservatives were racist as libtards contend; they'd be pro-abortion. Planned Parenthood has killed thousands more blacks than the KKK ever did.

And the reason abortions are higher among minorities is that rape and unwanted pregnancy is higher among poor and minority women who can't support a child. It has nothing to do with the race of the child per se. Nothing!

Wow! This statement is so mind-blowingly ridiculuous one hardly knows where to begin.

The high rate of abortions among minorities has NOTHING to do with the number of rapes. You have been hearing the "rape and incest" smokescreen for so long you believe they are a significant cause of abortions.

They aren't. Rapes, incest, and threats to the life of the mother make up about 4 percent of all abortions.

Pro-choicers use the victims of rape and incest as human shields to hide that gigantic fact. The second a public figure says they are pro-life, some tool immediately asks "What about in cases of rape and incest?" and up goes the smokescreen. Using such victims in that manner is a vile and disgusting tactic.

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I think he should be forced to have a sex change operation and see what he thinks then!:mad:

"The method of conception doesn't change the definition of life." Huh?!!....what about it changing the life of the woman? What if the woman doesn't want a child conceived in rape or she medically shouldn't have children?

And he passes the buck saying "Remember the president makes policy, however."

But what's to say that YOU, Paul Ryan won't affect Romney's policy? After all, he is wishy washy and often goes where his advisers or his political party leads him. He did that in MA. Couldn't get anything done so he caved to the dems.

Paul Ryan is simply being consistent. I know that is such a rare quality that it may be difficult for you to fathom.

If one believes that life begins at conception, as Ryan seems to, then it would be contradictory to sanction the murder of that life solely due to the cause of that life's existence, would it not?

To someone like Ryan, sanctioning the murder of a human zygote because of rape is no different than killing a four year old who was the result of rape. Understand?

Jackasses like you think you are being so clever because of the way he phrases his argument. That betrays a total lack of depth and also betrays no desire whatsoever to understand where your opponent is coming from.

Of course he has compassion for the mother. But if he believes a zygote is as significant as a four year old, the mother's anguish does not justify the extinguishing of that life. You would not kill a four year old just because her mother is in emotional pain, would you?

The debate should be about when life begins, not some stupid shit over semantics because someone did not use the right words to your satisfaction.

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Ryan never said that rape is just another method of conception. He said "the method of conception doesn't change the definition of life". Does anyone disagree with that statement? Ryan also said that it's the Romney administration and Romney makes the policy including abortions in the case of rape? Why don't y'all lefties try thinking instead of salivating every time some lefties rings the abortion dinner gong.

You expect lying libs to tell the truth about this?

And he's right.

I have a sister in law who adopted a baby. We don't know his conception. It could have been a mistake, a rape. We don't know.

It does't change he's alive and he's beautiful.

Liberals want him DEAD before he has a chance to breathe.

And WE are the fanatics? We are the radicals?

It is truly bassackwards.

I know. It makes no sense really. It's radical to support the life of an unborn child, but "normal" to advocate for it's death.

I am very glad your sister in law recieved her son. I think we need to praise God for every life that survives to be born.
I'm not surprised to see you agreeing with another liar.
If conservatives were racist as libtards contend; they'd be pro-abortion. Planned Parenthood has killed thousands more blacks than the KKK ever did.

And the reason abortions are higher among minorities is that rape and unwanted pregnancy is higher among poor and minority women who can't support a child. It has nothing to do with the race of the child per se. Nothing!

Wow! This statement is so mind-blowingly ridiculuous one hardly knows where to begin.

The high rate of abortions among minorities has NOTHING to do with the number of rapes. You have been hearing the "rape and incest" smokescreen for so long you believe they are a significant cause of abortions.

They aren't. Rapes, incest, and threats to the life of the mother make up about 4 percent of all abortions.

Pro-choicers use the victims of rape and incest as human shields to hide that gigantic fact. The second a public figure says they are pro-life, some tool immediately asks "What about in cases of rape and incest?" and up goes the smokescreen. Using such victims in that manner is a vile and disgusting tactic.


excellent call....liberals make it about red herring issues like rape, ok lets allow it for rape, they still wont agree...because like you know, it's not about rape for those sickos
Who the fuck are you to think a woman should be forced to carry that baby to term? Who the fuck are you to take a woman's choice away? You talk a lot of shit about the government staying out of people's lives and people being allowed to make their own decisions for someone who wants to control the body of every woman in the country.

How the fuck do you think that baby is responsible for the sins of his father?

I don't. I don't care how the baby was conceived or what reason a woman has for terminating a pregnancy. It is her choice and she doesn't owe you an explanation or justification. It is her Constitutional right, Constitutional conservative.

Pipe, smoke it.

The guy that shot up the theater in Aurora, Colorado doesn't owe me an explanation either, what's your point?

By the way, it is a legal right, not a constitutional one. You should learn the difference.
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what you're doing is lying, because your position is weak.

Supporting someone else's right to have an abortion is not a statement of your own views on abortion, it's supporting someone else's right to to HAVE their own view, despite your own.

Just because you disagree with them, doesn't mean they're fighting to kill their own kids, that's a cowardly and lying position. Seriously, grow a set of fucking balls and argue on the merits and not on stretches and spins so as to try to demonize someone for something they haven't even said and don't even believe. Grow balls.

My position is so weak that you have to avoid it by making false accusations rather than actually dealing with the fact that by supporting abortion you support legally being able to kill your own offspring.

You didnt say "you support being able to legally kill your own offspring"

you told him that he WANTS TO KILL HIS KIDS.

So sorry you're so dumb as to not be able to even see the blatant lie within.

The fact that he supports killing children through abortion doesn't change the fact that he supports killing children.
If conservatives were racist as libtards contend; they'd be pro-abortion. Planned Parenthood has killed thousands more blacks than the KKK ever did.

And the reason abortions are higher among minorities is that rape and unwanted pregnancy is higher among poor and minority women who can't support a child. It has nothing to do with the race of the child per se. Nothing!

Imagine the outrage if a Republican said that.
The rw Fundies will eventually become a permanent minority the way they want to legislate over women's bodies.
How the fuck do you think that baby is responsible for the sins of his father?

I don't. I don't care how the baby was conceived or what reason a woman has for terminating a pregnancy. It is her choice and she doesn't owe you an explanation or justification. It is her Constitutional right, Constitutional conservative.

Pipe, smoke it.

The guy that shot up the theater in Aurora, Colorado doesn't owe me an explanation either, what's your point?

Yet you have an OP on the main page stating that "Rape doesn't justify abortion"

Funny that, huh

Seems like you think abortion needs to be justified otherwise you wouldn't be making bullshit claims like I "think the baby is responsible for the sins of his father".

I don't care what reason a woman has for terminating her pregnancy. It's not mine or your business.

By the way, it is a legal right, not a constitutional one. You should learn the difference.

Roe v. Wade went all the way to SCOTUS and they ruled it Constitutional. As far as I'm concerned it's a Constitutionally protected right.

So again, stop trying to control women's bodies bodies and worry about yourself, conservative rugged individualist.
Ryan is only marginally better than Palin; actually he could be worse. He isn't slow witted, he really is as cruel, and selfish as he appears. As one individual I know that dislikes President Obama said of Romney's pick: "That was STUPID". My thoughts are still WHY? WHY?WHY?! If Romney can't sew up the rabid right without lowering himself, and choosing something like Ryan as VP, is he bright enough to BE President?
I don't. I don't care how the baby was conceived or what reason a woman has for terminating a pregnancy. It is her choice and she doesn't owe you an explanation or justification. It is her Constitutional right, Constitutional conservative.

Pipe, smoke it.

The guy that shot up the theater in Aurora, Colorado doesn't owe me an explanation either, what's your point?

Yet you have an OP on the main page stating that "Rape doesn't justify abortion"

Funny that, huh

Seems like you think abortion needs to be justified otherwise you wouldn't be making bullshit claims like I "think the baby is responsible for the sins of his father".

I don't care what reason a woman has for terminating her pregnancy. It's not mine or your business.

By the way, it is a legal right, not a constitutional one. You should learn the difference.
Roe v. Wade went all the way to SCOTUS and they ruled it Constitutional. As far as I'm concerned it's a Constitutionally protected right.

So again, stop trying to control women's bodies bodies and worry about yourself, conservative rugged individualist.

Actually, I oppose abortions on principle. That means I think they are only permissible, not justified, if the mother's life is in danger.

According to SCOTUS it is constitutional for the police to use a dog to search your car. That does not make it a constitutionally protected right.

Another pretension to cleverness that betrays ignorance of the fact that even FBI statistics have a "Forcible Rape" category.


parsing words now are we?

Who in this thread is posting-while-Catholic? Those that are need to recuse themselves as everyone knows their stance on the issue and it doesn't have to do w/ rationality.
how is Akin dropping out a plus "for the sake of the conservative movement" when his views match Ryan's :eusa_eh: I know a BS'er when I hear one :bsflag:

And, now we learn that a child born "out of wedlock" is the same as a baby born of rape.

Betcha none of the r MEN have ever gave birth to a baby.

They want to control women but they don't take responsibility for the babies born of their control. Cut assistance to single mothers, force women to bear unwanted babies that they are responsible enough to know they can't support but they do not believe MEN are equally responsible for the babies that are born.

How do we know this? Because endorse dead beat dads.

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