Paul Ryan Says That Without Foreign Workers Taking American Jobs, Businesses Would Collapse


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
This is the kind of cuckservative we need to purge from the GOP.

Paul Ryan's Christmas Warning: American Companies Will Shut Down Without More Foreign Workers - Breitbart

In a Tuesday morning interview with radio host Bill Bennett, Rep. Paul Ryan defended his omnibus bill’s controversial expansion in the H-2B visa program, which would allow foreign workers to fill blue-collar American jobs, by arguing that if the provision were not included, American companies would be forced to shut their doors.

Bennett pressed Ryan on the details of the H-2B visa expansion, slipped 700-pages into Ryan’s 2,009-page omnibus spending bill—asking Ryan directly, “Do you believe there are not enough Americans to fill these jobs?”

In response, Ryan described the H-2B visa expansion as “a very small, discrete provision.”

Despite the nation’s high levels of unemployment and stagnating wages, Ryan continued on to assert, without offering evidence in support of his claim, that corporations are facing a shortage of labor, which rendered the provision necessary.

This piece of shit needs to go, and he will.
Hmmm I imagine he could be arguing that a) American's don't have the education to fill those positions and/or b) American's want more pay than said companies can afford to pay.
Hmmm I imagine he could be arguing that a) American's don't have the education to fill those positions and/or b) American's want more pay than said companies can afford to pay.
If he had any integrity, perhaps.

But in reality we know that the corporations ahve him on a short leash if he thinks that Americans, who used to do those jobs, cannot be enticed to do them today.

Ryan is the kind of cuckservative that sits around all day joking about how all the unemployed Americans like to scam off welfare.
Survey: GOP business executives want immigrant workers, not voters

Like Obama says, companies aren't going to turn over a million dollar piece of equipment to something without any education.

Clearly, Obama is correct.

Santorum defends calling Obama a 'snob' for saying Americans should be able to get an education.

Republicans don't want a smart and educated base. They want ignorant white lemmings. And they got them. Only they have trained the lemmings too well. And now the lemmings hate every thing and every body. Oops.
We need to reform education. This and trade reform should be number one and two issues this elections.
You won't reform education until you wrest control of it away from the Democrats.
Without Foreign Workers Taking American Jobs...

... Uncle Ferd says American workers would be takin' American jobs.
It's pathetic...yet they still wonder WHY TRUMP.....They are fucking brain dead!

h-2b visas are for non agricultural temporary workers....this IS THE Repub plan....the increase in low wage temp workers....meanwhile unemployment for teens and unskilled workers is at a record high, and minimum wage hasn't been increased for a decade.
h-2b visas are for non agricultural temporary workers....this IS THE Repub plan....the increase in low wage temp workers....meanwhile unemployment for teens and unskilled workers is at a record high, and minimum wage hasn't been increased for a decade.

Sounds like a DemoRAT problem, is it not?
h-2b visas are for non agricultural temporary workers....this IS THE Repub plan....the increase in low wage temp workers....meanwhile unemployment for teens and unskilled workers is at a record high, and minimum wage hasn't been increased for a decade.

Sounds like a DemoRAT problem, is it not?
Honestly, I don't know what to think of the republican plan to increase the number of h2b temporary visas to an unlimited amount of workers, which is the Republican Immigration Reform plan...even Briebart had an article on it about a year ago.

They say, they want to ship all the illegals home, but then let them all back in here via this low skilled worker visas.

People on these kind of Visas are not eligible for citizenship, if I understand it correctly.

Repubs say, the reason we have so many undocumented workers from Mexico and elsewhere, is because we have limited Visas for workers to skilled workers, HB1 visas, I believe they are called....we have only let skilled foreign workers to be eligible for citizenship, or visas for relatives living here...

This shut out the low wage workers from coming here legally....there IS NO LEGAL MEANS for low wage workers to come here other than a visa for Migrant workers............. and Repubs say, THIS IS WHY we have so MANY undocumented/illegal immigrants.

So, their solution, that would keep their big Donors like the Small Business association, and Chamber of Commerce happy happy, is to allow these low end workers come here via these temporary many as they need, as many as all those that want to come here, as long as these people can never become citizens.

The HELL with all of the American low end workers that can't find a job....

I am torn, because they are right in one sense, and that is that we do have all of these illegal immigrants because businesses are hiring them and because there is no legal means, like this Temp h2b Visa program that has been extremely limited in numbers in the past, which is causing and forcing them, to come here illegally.

Now if businesses would just raise the starting salary, Americans WOULD fill the jobs gladly....

and bringing in these workers will hold incomes down in this Nation...

so there are many negatives to a program like this as well...
h-2b visas are for non agricultural temporary workers....this IS THE Repub plan....the increase in low wage temp workers....meanwhile unemployment for teens and unskilled workers is at a record high, and minimum wage hasn't been increased for a decade.

Sounds like a DemoRAT problem, is it not?
Honestly, I don't know what to think of the republican plan to increase the number of h2b temporary visas to an unlimited amount of workers, which is the Republican Immigration Reform plan...even Briebart had an article on it about a year ago.

They say, they want to ship all the illegals home, but then let them all back in here via this low skilled worker visas.

People on these kind of Visas are not eligible for citizenship, if I understand it correctly.

Repubs say, the reason we have so many undocumented workers from Mexico and elsewhere, is because we have limited Visas for workers to skilled workers, HB1 visas, I believe they are called....we have only let skilled foreign workers to be eligible for citizenship, or visas for relatives living here...

This shut out the low wage workers from coming here legally....there IS NO LEGAL MEANS for low wage workers to come here other than a visa for Migrant workers............. and Repubs say, THIS IS WHY we have so MANY undocumented/illegal immigrants.

So, their solution, that would keep their big Donors like the Small Business association, and Chamber of Commerce happy happy, is to allow these low end workers come here via these temporary many as they need, as many as all those that want to come here, as long as these people can never become citizens.

The HELL with all of the American low end workers that can't find a job....

I am torn, because they are right in one sense, and that is that we do have all of these illegal immigrants because businesses are hiring them and because there is no legal means, like this Temp h2b Visa program that has been extremely limited in numbers in the past, which is causing and forcing them, to come here illegally.

Now if businesses would just raise the starting salary, Americans WOULD fill the jobs gladly....

and bringing in these workers will hold incomes down in this Nation...

so there are many negatives to a program like this as well...

Now WHY DO YOU THINK MILLIONS OF US WANT STOP the foolish shit that the RINO'S have forced on us!
h-2b visas are for non agricultural temporary workers....this IS THE Repub plan....the increase in low wage temp workers....meanwhile unemployment for teens and unskilled workers is at a record high, and minimum wage hasn't been increased for a decade.

Sounds like a DemoRAT problem, is it not?
Honestly, I don't know what to think of the republican plan to increase the number of h2b temporary visas to an unlimited amount of workers, which is the Republican Immigration Reform plan...even Briebart had an article on it about a year ago.

They say, they want to ship all the illegals home, but then let them all back in here via this low skilled worker visas.

People on these kind of Visas are not eligible for citizenship, if I understand it correctly.

Repubs say, the reason we have so many undocumented workers from Mexico and elsewhere, is because we have limited Visas for workers to skilled workers, HB1 visas, I believe they are called....we have only let skilled foreign workers to be eligible for citizenship, or visas for relatives living here...

This shut out the low wage workers from coming here legally....there IS NO LEGAL MEANS for low wage workers to come here other than a visa for Migrant workers............. and Repubs say, THIS IS WHY we have so MANY undocumented/illegal immigrants.

So, their solution, that would keep their big Donors like the Small Business association, and Chamber of Commerce happy happy, is to allow these low end workers come here via these temporary many as they need, as many as all those that want to come here, as long as these people can never become citizens.

The HELL with all of the American low end workers that can't find a job....

I am torn, because they are right in one sense, and that is that we do have all of these illegal immigrants because businesses are hiring them and because there is no legal means, like this Temp h2b Visa program that has been extremely limited in numbers in the past, which is causing and forcing them, to come here illegally.

Now if businesses would just raise the starting salary, Americans WOULD fill the jobs gladly....

and bringing in these workers will hold incomes down in this Nation...

so there are many negatives to a program like this as well...

Now WHY DO YOU THINK MILLIONS OF US WANT STOP the foolish shit that the RINO'S have forced on us!
He won't be able to do anything as President to stop it....Repubs and Dems would join together to over ride his veto....mark my words....

so the positive of a Trump Presidency, could be Kumbaya between Dems and Repubs..... hahahahaha.... that actually could be frightening! :lol:
h-2b visas are for non agricultural temporary workers....this IS THE Repub plan....the increase in low wage temp workers....meanwhile unemployment for teens and unskilled workers is at a record high, and minimum wage hasn't been increased for a decade.

Sounds like a DemoRAT problem, is it not?
Honestly, I don't know what to think of the republican plan to increase the number of h2b temporary visas to an unlimited amount of workers, which is the Republican Immigration Reform plan...even Briebart had an article on it about a year ago.

They say, they want to ship all the illegals home, but then let them all back in here via this low skilled worker visas.

People on these kind of Visas are not eligible for citizenship, if I understand it correctly.

Repubs say, the reason we have so many undocumented workers from Mexico and elsewhere, is because we have limited Visas for workers to skilled workers, HB1 visas, I believe they are called....we have only let skilled foreign workers to be eligible for citizenship, or visas for relatives living here...

This shut out the low wage workers from coming here legally....there IS NO LEGAL MEANS for low wage workers to come here other than a visa for Migrant workers............. and Repubs say, THIS IS WHY we have so MANY undocumented/illegal immigrants.

So, their solution, that would keep their big Donors like the Small Business association, and Chamber of Commerce happy happy, is to allow these low end workers come here via these temporary many as they need, as many as all those that want to come here, as long as these people can never become citizens.

The HELL with all of the American low end workers that can't find a job....

I am torn, because they are right in one sense, and that is that we do have all of these illegal immigrants because businesses are hiring them and because there is no legal means, like this Temp h2b Visa program that has been extremely limited in numbers in the past, which is causing and forcing them, to come here illegally.

Now if businesses would just raise the starting salary, Americans WOULD fill the jobs gladly....

and bringing in these workers will hold incomes down in this Nation...

so there are many negatives to a program like this as well...

Now WHY DO YOU THINK MILLIONS OF US WANT STOP the foolish shit that the RINO'S have forced on us!
He won't be able to do anything as President to stop it....Repubs and Dems would join together to over ride his veto....mark my words....

so the positive of a Trump Presidency, could be Kumbaya between Dems and Repubs..... hahahahaha.... that actually could be frightening! :lol:

If they did that, the midterm would be devastating to the Establishment Republicans, even they are smart enough to know that with a person like Trump, who KNOWS the publicity game better than any of them, Trump would roast their asses, and would actually have a TRANSPARENT administration. His EGO and his bombasity would insure that!

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