Paul Ryan warns Repubs about dedlication to an individual over principle

The GOP has been stolen by a man who will soon be indicted. The. GQP has chosen their fate.
Paul Ryan is certainly no Paul Revere.

Ryan knew what Trump was about years ago, and he chose to say nothing for what reason? The reason was the pursuit of power.

Now, years later, he's going to offer a warning AFTER the damage has been done?

Frankly, I'm not impressed.
i am sick of letting Republicans mangle the narrative of how their party became a clear and present danger to American democracy. I am tired of the media lauding the few Republicans (or “former” Republicans) who belatedly speak out against the Trumpist cult of bigotry and lies that they themselves helped construct. Liz Cheney, Mitt Romney, John Boehner—these people are not iconoclasts; they’re complicit. Long before Donald Trump, they greedily made a deal with the devil and are now miffed that the bill has come due. Republicans who speak out against the threat that other Republicans pose to democracy are just dog-whistle salesmen trying to claw back market share from the ascendant bullhorn industry.

Before he debased himself into retirement, Ryan was an Ayn Rand sock puppet on a personal crusade to starve the government of resources so it could not deliver services. And the glory days he’s hoping to resurrect are nothing more than that: a return to the days where Republicans expressed their cruelty through charts and graphs instead of tweets and slurs. Ryan just wants the cult of tax cuts to reassert its dominance over the cult of Trump.
appearing as clean-cut, hardworking and family-oriented men who epitomise conservative values, right-wing public figures can appear benign and likeable. the ultimate wolf in sheep's clothing
Ryan is irrelevant.
That's true --- he hasn't had a political career in years. If THAT's all they can find to carry on against Trump, huh ---- maybe he will come back and win in 2024!

The leftists sure seem worried about that -- it's all they can talk about.
Please run Trump again. :laugh:
I imagine Trump will run if the dems don’t discover enough in their ongoing witch hunt to convict him of a serious crime.

Ryan is irrelevant.
That's true --- he hasn't had a political career in years. If THAT's all they can find to carry on against Trump, huh ---- maybe he will come back and win in 2024!

The leftists sure seem worried about that -- it's all they can talk about.
Please run Trump again. :laugh:
I imagine Trump will run if the dems don’t discover enough in their ongoing witch hunt to convict him of a serious crime.

A washed up loser trying to tell the party he lost how to run shit....TFF.
Speaking of washed up losers.

The future of the GQP is dependent on a man who is under multiple investigations and will probably be indicted within weeks. Will the MAGA nuts take orders from him when he is in a cell with Rudy?
Yep, any day now. Trump been arrested yet? You peons kept telling us he’d be in jail by the end of January.
You're a fucking liar.
No, that would be you. Trump been arrested yet? You know, like you peons keep claiming was supposed to have already happened?
Paul Ryan's principals involve robbing the middle class and enriching the establishment elitists. He's a trickle down, neocon lowlife. Disregard
I imagine Trump will run if the dems don’t discover enough in their ongoing witch hunt to convict him of a serious crime.
Yeah, the Dems are into Show Trials like Stalin did ---- and constantly, never-ending Show Trials.
The biggest trial in history will be when Dotard & his crime family are indicted under RICO statutes. We'll have popcorn at the ready when right wing goons who defended that lowlife all squirm.
The biggest trial in history will be when Dotard & his crime family are indicted under RICO statutes. We'll have popcorn at the ready when right wing goons who defended that lowlife all squirm.
Who is "Dotard & his crime family"? I wish people would write in normal terms so readers can figure out what they are talking about. There are some thread titles this morning that are completely incoherent. I suppose people are posting drunk, but so early in the morning??
The biggest trial in history will be when Dotard & his crime family are indicted under RICO statutes. We'll have popcorn at the ready when right wing goons who defended that lowlife all squirm.
Who is "Dotard & his crime family"? I wish people would write in normal terms so readers can figure out what they are talking about. There are some thread titles this morning that are completely incoherent. I suppose people are posting drunk, but so early in the morning??
Well dotard is defined as “a person exhibiting a decline in mental faculties, especially as a result of aging.”

Joe Biden fits that description far better than Trump. However I suspect the poster was referring to Trump as he refers to criminal indictment. Joe and his family are high level democrats and therefore just like Hillary the law does not apply to them.
The biggest trial in history will be when Dotard & his crime family are indicted under RICO statutes. We'll have popcorn at the ready when right wing goons who defended that lowlife all squirm.
Who is "Dotard & his crime family"? I wish people would write in normal terms so readers can figure out what they are talking about. There are some thread titles this morning that are completely incoherent. I suppose people are posting drunk, but so early in the morning??
If you are this ignorant you shouldn't be wasting our time.
What principles is Ryan referring to? Paying off big money donors? Killing people in the middle east like biden does?
If you are this ignorant you shouldn't be wasting our time.
If you are too ignorant to know how to write standard English you should not be posting on a public forum and bothering everyone with your incoherence.

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