Paul Ryan warns Repubs about dedlication to an individual over principle

Aaaaand now Paul Ryan is a deep-state-commie-Maoist-Nazi-fag.
That is about right.
Yup. You guys turn on anyone who goes against Trump.
I never turned on him. I never liked him. He was phony and is a phony. Going against Trump is going against America First. What part of that don't you get?

This illegitimate administration is shitting all over the citizen. Their policies will destroy this country. Their policies are intended to destroy this country.

The GOP has been stolen by a man who will soon be indicted. The. GQP has chosen their fate.
Oh they will con-demn Ryan for sure now. He's not toeing the trump fluffer line.
Not much of a damning indictment.

Ryan, who clashed repeatedly with Trump when both were in office, told USA TODAY that the volatile ex-president is an "enormous force" in American politics and in the Republican Party, but "I think our party will find its greatest success by rallying around principles rather specific people."

He'll be on the Presidential ticket one day; he's being very careful. Pulling a real Susan Collins with his comments. He's going to steer away from Trump but not full on ram him.
Please run Trump again. :laugh:
Okay. Happy now?

Were you thinking the Dem would win by 90%, or 96% like you all predicted Hillary would win?
The difference between 2016 and 2020 was Russian misinformation. Social media figured out that Putin had his thugs posting things about child molestation and other lies to hurt Hillary in 2016. They came down on the trump supporters in 2020.

Plus Manafort was not in the 2020 campaign to coordinate Russian efforts by sharing campaign data....LIKE HE DID IN 2016.
Please run Trump again. :laugh:
Okay. Happy now?

Were you thinking the Dem would win by 90%, or 96% like you all predicted Hillary would win?
The difference between 2016 and 2020 was Russian misinformation. Social media figured out that Putin had his thugs posting things about child molestation and other lies to hurt Hillary in 2016. They came down on the trump supporters in 2020.

Plus Manafort was not in the 2020 campaign to coordinate Russian efforts by sharing campaign data....LIKE HE DID IN 2016.
:auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:

The GOP has been stolen by a man who will soon be indicted. The. GQP has chosen their fate.

Paul Ryan was ostracized for being a smarmy **** talking about fiscal responsibility while his family made their money on government contracts

I'll take a republcian party dedicated to trump as opposed to capital, thanks for the shitty advice Jim

Everyone but Republicans should be happy about this

Your choice is Trump, Ayn Rand, or Republican's interpretation of Jesus.

Easy choice. Trump every time
The Grand Trump Party could care less what Paul Ryan opines...
Boy, I'll say. What is WRONG with these awful RINOs? Ryan, Hogan, the RINOs are pretty awful, though that Romney character will hold the prize for RINO-in-Chief for a hundred years, I suppose.
Well... they are in a bit of a jam these days. They're still struggling with the realization that the Bad Orange Man has effectively stolen their party from them and they aren't sure what it will take to get it back ;) People like Cheney and Ryan are the canaries in the coal mine. Others will follow until they finally realize that it is THEY who are in trouble and not Trump or his followers. Of the signs and symptoms we've seen lately, the real indication is found in Texas where George "P" is sucking up to Trump. He seems brighter than his dad or uncle BUT, Trump will be a fool to ever trust any Bush, ever again.
The future of the GQP is dependent on a man who is under multiple investigations and will probably be indicted within weeks. Will the MAGA nuts take orders from him when he is in a cell with Rudy?
Yep, any day now. Trump been arrested yet? You peons kept telling us he’d be in jail by the end of January.
The lefts Trump obsession is never ending.
Yea. It’s not like the right ever mentioned Hillary after she lost.
I never said they didn’t but it was usually after Hillary gave an interview or said something to put herself back in the spotlight. Trump is still banned from social media Facebook and Twitter has done little to no interviews since leaving office and the left is still obsessed with him. It’s so bad they have to now obsess over what other people say about Trump.
Please run Trump again. :laugh:
Okay. Happy now?

Were you thinking the Dem would win by 90%, or 96% like you all predicted Hillary would win?
They're whistling past the graveyard. If they weren't worried about Trump, they wouldn't be spending the amount of effort to take him down, legally. They also wouldn't be bothered to defend their theft. They are losing their MIIINDS over the investigations into the steal. They'll never admit anything but their opinion doesn't really matter once the puzzle pieces are on display. The methods they used will be exposed and it will be MUCH more difficult to steal again without the country being set aflame.

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