Paul Ryan warns Repubs about dedlication to an individual over principle

The GOP has been stolen by a man who will soon be indicted. The. GQP has chosen their fate.
Oh they will con-demn Ryan for sure now. He's not toeing the trump fluffer line.
Not much of a damning indictment.

Ryan, who clashed repeatedly with Trump when both were in office, told USA TODAY that the volatile ex-president is an "enormous force" in American politics and in the Republican Party, but "I think our party will find its greatest success by rallying around principles rather specific people."

He'll be on the Presidential ticket one day; he's being very careful. Pulling a real Susan Collins with his comments. He's going to steer away from Trump but not full on ram him.
I think Ryan was already on a presidential ticket one time, IIRC. He's over, done, in my opinion. Nobody has heard from him in years. A lot of people are jockeying for position in the GOP now, but I do not believe Ryan has any chance. No one does who is anti-Trump. It's just not the smart way to go, as Lynn Cheney by now may have figured out.
They're whistling past the graveyard. If they weren't worried about Trump, they wouldn't be spending the amount of effort to take him down, legally. They also wouldn't be bothered to defend their theft. They are losing their MIIINDS over the investigations into the steal. They'll never admit anything but their opinion doesn't really matter once the puzzle pieces are on display. The methods they used will be exposed and it will be MUCH more difficult to steal again without the country being set aflame.Yeah ---- I think you are right. I think they are TERRIFIED of Trump, that he can make a come-back. He IS following the Andrew Jackson script and Jackson sure came back and won the presidency.

Biden will have to be very careful not to alienate more people than he already has. No war, for instance, unless we are just plain bombed. Presumably he'd be holding the office for Harris, if Biden runs again, but the point is to hold it for a Dem, I suppose, whatever Dem is far enough Left.
The lefts Trump obsession is never ending.
Yea. It’s not like the right ever mentioned Hillary after she lost.
I never said they didn’t but it was usually after Hillary gave an interview or said something to put herself back in the spotlight. Trump is still banned from social media Facebook and Twitter has done little to no interviews since leaving office and the left is still obsessed with him. It’s so bad they have to now obsess over what other people say about Trump.
Trump is still very much in the spotlight as well. Just not on Facebook or Twitter.

The lefts Trump obsession is never ending.
Yea. It’s not like the right ever mentioned Hillary after she lost.
I never said they didn’t but it was usually after Hillary gave an interview or said something to put herself back in the spotlight. Trump is still banned from social media Facebook and Twitter has done little to no interviews since leaving office and the left is still obsessed with him. It’s so bad they have to now obsess over what other people say about Trump.
Trump is still very much in the spotlight as well. Just not on Facebook or Twitter.

That was three weeks ago and it doesn’t get anywhere even close to the attention his tweets did.
That was three weeks ago and it doesn’t get anywhere even close to the attention his tweets did.
He needs to give everyone a rest; don't start up three years in advance! Trump is a great pol --- he knows what he's doing.
The reason Ryan should get nothing from Republicans is because he's in no position to criticize Trump. He and Romney played in the big game and lost, therefore all their whining is more like sour grapes than legitimate criticism, same as that tool McCain before he died. Had similar criticism come from a legitimate conservative without a losing past, it might be taken with a grain of salt.
The lefts Trump obsession is never ending.
Yea. It’s not like the right ever mentioned Hillary after she lost.
I never said they didn’t but it was usually after Hillary gave an interview or said something to put herself back in the spotlight. Trump is still banned from social media Facebook and Twitter has done little to no interviews since leaving office and the left is still obsessed with him. It’s so bad they have to now obsess over what other people say about Trump.
Trump is still very much in the spotlight as well. Just not on Facebook or Twitter.

That was three weeks ago and it doesn’t get anywhere even close to the attention his tweets did.
Still puts him in the spotlight. Not to mention the whole January 6th thing that Trump did to himself. Kind of got him some attention as well.

Paul Ryan warns Repubs about dedlication to an individual over principle​

I'm very careful about who I am dedlicated to. Fortunately, Trump wins on both principles and individuality! Two things democrats entirely lack.


They're whistling past the graveyard. If they weren't worried about Trump, they wouldn't be spending the amount of effort to take him down, legally. They also wouldn't be bothered to defend their theft. They are losing their MIIINDS over the investigations into the steal. They'll never admit anything but their opinion doesn't really matter once the puzzle pieces are on display. The methods they used will be exposed and it will be MUCH more difficult to steal again without the country being set aflame.Yeah ---- I think you are right. I think they are TERRIFIED of Trump, that he can make a come-back. He IS following the Andrew Jackson script and Jackson sure came back and won the presidency.

Biden will have to be very careful not to alienate more people than he already has. No war, for instance, unless we are just plain bombed. Presumably he'd be holding the office for Harris, if Biden runs again, but the point is to hold it for a Dem, I suppose, whatever Dem is far enough Left.
They've proven that they don't need to actually win the election to win the election, so I don't think anyone is too worried about dumdum alienating more people. Anybody who watched his "campaign" knew he thought he had it in the bag regardless.

The GOP has been stolen by a man who will soon be indicted. The. GQP has chosen their fate.

Look who's running for president in 2024


The GOP has been stolen by a man who will soon be indicted. The. GQP has chosen their fate.
I'm sorry to say it, but Ryan's GOP is dead. He just doesn't realize it or even understand what happened.
I sure hope not. It's like the 1930's all over again

The German People's Party (DVP) continued to haemorrhage seats, losing 15 and only attaining 4.51% of the popular vote, ceasing to be a notable political force after the July 1932 elections.
“Ronald Reagan would not be happy to see that the Reagan Library is run by the head of the Washington Post, Fred Ryan,” Trump wrote in response. “How the hell did that happen? No wonder they consistently have RINO speakers like Karl Rove and Paul Ryan. They do nothing for our forward-surging Republican Party!”
Trump is still backseat driving the Republican Party at every turn. And every sign suggests that the GOP is still with Trump...and has little interest in the kind of introspection that Ryan and traditionalists like him are begging for.
The lefts Trump obsession is never ending.
Yea. It’s not like the right ever mentioned Hillary after she lost.
I never said they didn’t but it was usually after Hillary gave an interview or said something to put herself back in the spotlight. Trump is still banned from social media Facebook and Twitter has done little to no interviews since leaving office and the left is still obsessed with him. It’s so bad they have to now obsess over what other people say about Trump.

As long as Trump is the head of the GOP, as long as Republican candidates and office holders kowtow to Trump, and as long as Congressional Republicans do Trump’s bidding (the ouster of Cheney, the scuttling of the 1/6 commission), it’s perfectly appropriate and warranted to make Trump the topic of political discussion.

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