Paul Ryan: "We Look Like Fools"


Gold Member
Oct 22, 2016
We watched as the Madison chalk-talk campaign intensified, appearing at first like it was the usual xian campaign, when in fact it was a Trumpan campaign.

Ryan Peaks at Madison, Wisconsin
We watched as the Madison chalk-talk campaign intensified, appearing at first like it was the usual xian campaign, when in fact it was a Trumpan campaign.

Ryan Peaks at Madison, Wisconsin

Ryan is either bought or blackmailed. He should be Pence's running mate
We watched as the Madison chalk-talk campaign intensified, appearing at first like it was the usual xian campaign, when in fact it was a Trumpan campaign.

Ryan Peaks at Madison, Wisconsin
Ryan was a failure as House speaker. I don't find him very credible.
The Republican Party looked foolish when they nominated Ryan and Mitt. One of the most ineffectual campaigns in history, they never laid a finger on B. Hussein O and Sleepy Joe.
Ryan is either bought or blackmailed. He should be Pence's running mate
RINOs gotta RINO.
Ryan was a failure as House speaker. I don't find him very credible.
The Republican Party looked foolish when they nominated Ryan and Mitt. One of the most ineffectual campaigns in history, they never laid a finger on B. Hussein O and Sleepy Joe.

Cult 45 is here

Cult 45 is here

Of course Ryan is a "truly good man." It was truly good that he didn't run again and got the hell out of the way.

More RINO cucks should follow suit and do the same thing.
We watched as the Madison chalk-talk campaign intensified, appearing at first like it was the usual xian campaign, when in fact it was a Trumpan campaign.

Ryan Peaks at Madison, Wisconsin
Ryan is a RINO

He would rather have biden than trump
These clowns like Paul would complain if the Republicans nominated any conservative, really.

What makes him think they only need to disqualify the Trumpsters to satisfy him?
RINOs gotta RINO.
Is any form of dissent in opposition to the orthodoxy of the POT allowed? Why is making an observation about the viability of Trump's candidacy disqualifying to maintain one's status as a conservative Repub in good standing?

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