Paula Deen Won't Have Contract Renewed

It's not that difficult. One of her black employees sued her when she got a little money. Food Network is afraid it will cost them money too!

What exactly don't you get? It is easier than one of her pies.

I knew I had heard this before but, not surprisingly, could not find the same reference in the current slug fest over Paula Deen.

Jackson, who is white, was hired at the restaurant in February 2005 and within months was promoted to general manager.

Paula Deen denies claims by employee who says she was sexually harassed | Fox News

From the article:

She has made baseless, inflammatory allegations, threatening to go to the press and ruin Paula Deen's reputation and the reputation of her businesses unless we paid her a large sum of money," the firm's statement said. "We refused to bow to that kind of pressure and refused to pay money to address false claims."

Read more: Paula Deen denies claims by employee who says she was sexually harassed | Fox News

Sounds like extortion to me. I hope the woman suing ends up in prison.
She is full of hokey. First she was hiding her disease while teaching others how to get it with her disgusting recipes ...

Do you really think the idea was for everyone watching to eat like that all day everyday?

"...I can't eat half that stuff..."
Who can?

But that crumbcake topping on her apple pie IS to die for... :eusa_angel:

I already had most of her recipes because we use them here in KY. But we don't sit down to big meals like that every day. As I stated earlier, those recipes are far more time consuming than the show makes it seem. They are for special occasions, holidays, picnics, church dinners, etc. They are not your everyday fare by any stretch. Anyone who tried to make it everyday fare would figure that out pretty soon.

I really consider here recipes to be 'heirloom' recipes, and you have to realize that they are from the deep south. Think about it. The European diet was very bland. It was blacks who taught us how to eat in the south with their flavorful, well seasoned foods. I love pot lucks where blacks are bringing food. It is ALL so good. They know how to cook a lot of things that whites still don't have down pat, like greens! And their cakes are to die for.
Republicans always apologize. Once they got caught. The only time I've ever seen a sincere Republican apology was to BP.

Apologize for what????

So, I'm listening to my fav R& B station, 107.5...WBLS (Black Liberation Station) this morn, and DJ Buggsy Buggs discusses the Paula Deen racial slur, and he says..'which of us has never used a politically incorrect word or phrase...especially in a private conversation among friends? Whoever is suing her is just looking for money.' Amen, brother.

Buggsy's not a dope like you.

Paula's going to come out on top with this. She's a winner!

The South has risen again. God Bless the South! (And NYC, too, cuz they luv, luv, luv my accent up there!)

They gonna love my Brooklyn accent down there, too?

This censorship that the Left imposes has gotten so very old.

This the way Coulter put it in "Mugged:"

'Liberals took blacks as their pets, and then tried to kill them off by patronizing them to death. Thrilled with their role as ‘white friend-of-the-blacks,’ many found that they could actually make a living at it! The part requires sneering at nonexistent racists, and memorizing one line:
“Goddam it, this may cost me my career but I’m going to speak up for racial equality and let the chips fall where they may!”'
CaféAuLait;7419187 said:
Yes, she never got around to changing her registration to republican. I guarantee she votes a straight republican ticket. I have an older relative in the South who is the same.

If that is the case why did Paula Deen campaign for Obama?

The Food Network star campaigned for Obama back in 2008,

Read more: Celebrities' Political Affiliations Pictures - Paula Deen (Democrat) -


Case closed.
Apologize for what????

So, I'm listening to my fav R& B station, 107.5...WBLS (Black Liberation Station) this morn, and DJ Buggsy Buggs discusses the Paula Deen racial slur, and he says..'which of us has never used a politically incorrect word or phrase...especially in a private conversation among friends? Whoever is suing her is just looking for money.' Amen, brother.

Buggsy's not a dope like you.

Paula's going to come out on top with this. She's a winner!

The South has risen again. God Bless the South! (And NYC, too, cuz they luv, luv, luv my accent up there!)

They gonna love my Brooklyn accent down there, too?

This censorship that the Left imposes has gotten so very old.

This the way Coulter put it in "Mugged:"

'Liberals took blacks as their pets, and then tried to kill them off by patronizing them to death. Thrilled with their role as ‘white friend-of-the-blacks,’ many found that they could actually make a living at it! The part requires sneering at nonexistent racists, and memorizing one line:
“Goddam it, this may cost me my career but I’m going to speak up for racial equality and let the chips fall where they may!”'

If they don't like your accent, they will never mention it to you! We have a lot of Yankees living amongst us who sound nothing like the ones who were raised here.
The lawsuit alleges that, while discussing with Jackson plans for Hiers' 2007 wedding, Deen said she wanted a "true southern plantation-style wedding."
"Well, what I would really like is a bunch of little ******* to wear long-sleeve white shirts, black shorts and black bow ties, you know in the Shirley Temple days, they used to tap dance around," Deen said, according to the lawsuit.

Ok. It is official. I am GLAD the Food Network dumped her ass.

And I'm glad that millions of fed up viewers will dump the Food Networks ass.
The lawsuit alleges that, while discussing with Jackson plans for Hiers' 2007 wedding, Deen said she wanted a "true southern plantation-style wedding."
"Well, what I would really like is a bunch of little ******* to wear long-sleeve white shirts, black shorts and black bow ties, you know in the Shirley Temple days, they used to tap dance around," Deen said, according to the lawsuit.

Ok. It is official. I am GLAD the Food Network dumped her ass.

And I'm glad that millions of fed up viewers will dump the Food Networks ass.

I haven't looked at this chat due to how long it is, but after hearing about everything that this woman has lost due to her choice of words, her show, endorsements, etc., I think that too much has been taken from her when she most definitely did not go as far as she could have gone. Words are one thing, but actions are a whole other level, a level that she never once went to.

Also I think that the fate of her TV show should have been in the hands of those who have been watching it all of this time instead of those who went ahead and pulled the plug on it. With that being done, those who have been watching the show will not have the ability to show her what it is that they think of what she decided to say recently and to me, walking away from watching her show any further would have been the perfect way for her viewers to let her know how they feel about what she said and if enough people had decided to quit tuning in for her show...then the plug could have been pulled on her show, but since it has already been given the boot by those who decided to do such a thing to it, those who watched it will never have the freedom to let their feelings about her word choice be known the way that their feelings should have been known about her word choice.

God bless you and her and those who watched her show always!!!

I haven't looked at this chat due to how long it is, but after hearing about everything that this woman has lost due to her choice of words, her show, endorsements, etc., I think that too much has been taken from her when she most definitely did not go as far as she could have gone. Words are one thing, but actions are a whole other level, a level that she never once went to.

Also I think that the fate of her TV show should have been in the hands of those who have been watching it all of this time instead of those who went ahead and pulled the plug on it. With that being done, those who have been watching the show will not have the ability to show her what it is that they think of what she decided to say recently and to me, walking away from watching her show any further would have been the perfect way for her viewers to let her know how they feel about what she said and if enough people had decided to quit tuning in for her show...then the plug could have been pulled on her show, but since it has already been given the boot by those who decided to do such a thing to it, those who watched it will never have the freedom to let their feelings about her word choice be known the way that their feelings should have been known about her word choice.

God bless you and her and those who watched her show always!!!


I think I want more fyi about the lawsuit. Beyond what she may/may not have said---'The N word'--did she actually discriminate and create a hostile work environment? Her brother's restaurant and his behavior seems to be the central issue. It seems like he should be the person to face censure --of course he is not internationally recognized. So many things about this seem contrived.

It bothered me that excerpts of her deposition were used to launch this 'whatever it is'.

I am a Caucasian woman around her age--a native Georgian. Children knew by the time they were 5/6 that it was wrong to say the 'N' word. South GA---might have been different.

She said some other things--things that I would have thought a consultant might have advised her not to say.

A senseless mess. jmo.


Democrats welcome Liberals and Conservatives.


Conservative only club.

The party that chose McCain and Romney? :cool:

Really? How many pro-life Democrats in Congress? I guess one or two, maybe three

The Media calls conservative democrats "conservative", while calls liberal Republicans "moderate". Both groups are losing power in their parties.

Only 14 Blue Dogs in the 113th Congress

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