Paula Deen Won't Have Contract Renewed

This is just unbelievable. A comment she made over 30 years ago, that was an innocent comment at the time, is being used to persecute her now? We better start tracking down the descendants of everyone who appeared in Gone With The Wind and start persecuting them too.
I gotta admit I don't know what to make of this controversy (?), it used to be whites used the N word as a pejorative, there were lots worse terms than that, now blacks use it for all sort of reasons. Ride the Broad Street subway sometime with the young blacks and you have to marvel at its broad usage. I am a **** on dad's side and I love when kindly people tell me how the spics are ruining some small part of their world. Paula is from a different world time, but how much it has changed is too obvious. Today instead of muggar (see link) black people have magically changed into Kenyans or whatever new descriptive word you can find, but please stop saying muggar. :lol:

"You start out in 1954 by saying, “******, ******, ******.” By 1968 you can’t say “******” — that hurts you. Backfires. So you say stuff like forced busing, states’ rights and all that stuff. You’re getting so abstract now you’re talking about cutting taxes, and all these things you’re talking about are totally economic things and a by-product of them is blacks get hurt worse than whites. And subconsciously maybe that is part of it. I’m not saying that. But I’m saying that if it is getting that abstract, and that coded, that we are doing away with the racial problem one way or the other. You follow me — because obviously sitting around saying, “We want to cut this,” is much more abstract than even the busing thing, and a hell of a lot more abstract than “******, ******.” Lee Atwater, Republican strategist, 1981, describing the Southern Strategy

'Kevin Phillips, who popularized the right’s 'Southern Strategy,' was quoted in The New York Times Magazine in May 1970 as saying that "the more Negroes who register as Democrats in the South, the sooner the Negrophobe whites will quit the Democrats and become Republicans.""

"I am sorry, we have reached a point of conflict between your prejudices and mine, and if one or other or both of these prejudices are unchangeable, as so many are, then we can proceed no further." Horace Barlow

It's not that difficult. One of her black employees sued her when she got a little money. Food Network is afraid it will cost them money too!

What exactly don't you get? It is easier than one of her pies.
I can't stand Paula Deen. I find her annoying, her sexual innuendos to male guests blatantly icky, her southern accent drives me batty (no offense to anyone from the south), her recipes that drown everything in butter leave me nauseated. However, all this hullabuloo over her use of the word ****** some 30 years ago? Give me a break. Yeah, yeah ... food network can do as they please, yadda, yadda, yadda. I find the whole thing ridiculous. Should we all be held to what we said 30 years ago? It was a different world then. Let's all chastize Archie Bunker while we're at it. :rolleyes: As for hiring blacks to act as slaves at an event? So??? Did someone hold a gun to their heads? Were they not paid for their services? Did the blacks who portrayed slaves in Django and Roots, etc. sue the studios that employed them?
Republicans always apologize. Once they got caught. The only time I've ever seen a sincere Republican apology was to BP.

Republicans ( in general ) will say they are sorry. Democrats ( in general ) will coverup the truth with a lie. They are not gracious losers...
Republicans always apologize. Once they got caught. The only time I've ever seen a sincere Republican apology was to BP.

Paula Deen has had one President on her show and it was Jimmy Carter. I don't think that makes her a republican.

Deen is a democrat and Obama supporter.
Yeah she was a racist and they had to go back over 30 years to find some evidence of it too. They had to dig up a statement that was perfectly innocent and accepted at the time.
I can't stand Paula Deen. I find her annoying, her sexual innuendos to male guests blatantly icky, her southern accent drives me batty (no offense to anyone from the south), her recipes that drown everything in butter leave me nauseated. However, all this hullabuloo over her use of the word ****** some 30 years ago? Give me a break. Yeah, yeah ... food network can do as they please, yadda, yadda, yadda. I find the whole thing ridiculous. Should we all be held to what we said 30 years ago? It was a different world then. Let's all chastize Archie Bunker while we're at it. :rolleyes: As for hiring blacks to act as slaves at an event? So??? Did someone hold a gun to their heads? Were they not paid for their services? Did the blacks who portrayed slaves in Django and Roots, etc. sue the studios that employed them?

I used to like food network because it was the one station that wasn't political but then it got political and that ruined it for me. Haven't watched it in years.
If I had a dollar for every time that I've heard White Folk use the N-word, I'd have round-trip jet-fare from Chicago to Honolulu for the wife and I...

If I had a dollar for every time that I've heard Black Folk use the N-word, I'd have enough to BUY Honolulu...

Black Folk compound the problem a hundredfold by perpetuating the N-Word in their Rap Music, which reaches younger generations of White Folk as well as Black...

Paula's just another high-cholesterol example of White Folk using it and getting caught and having the misfortune of others turning it into a Media Circus Act...

If Martha Stewart can survive, Paula Poundcake can survive...

I DO love her Apple Pie Crumbcake Crust, and will forgive her, if she keeps making that...
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Republicans always apologize. Once they got caught. The only time I've ever seen a sincere Republican apology was to BP.

Apologize for what????

So, I'm listening to my fav R& B station, 107.5...WBLS (Black Liberation Station) this morn, and DJ Buggsy Buggs discusses the Paula Deen racial slur, and he says..'which of us has never used a politically incorrect word or phrase...especially in a private conversation among friends? Whoever is suing her is just looking for money.' Amen, brother.

Buggsy's not a dope like you.
Doncha love Republican values? The way they can justify their racist behaviour with "See? They do it to". Republicans always live down to expectation. They aspire to nothing but tearing things down, hate, and blowing things up. When you point that out, they scream liar, but can't seem to identify the lie.
Doncha love Republican values? The way they can justify their racist behaviour with "See? They do it to". Republicans always live down to expectation. They aspire to nothing but tearing things down, hate, and blowing things up. When you point that out, they scream liar, but can't seem to identify the lie.

meanwhile your racist president sits in a hate whitey church for 20 years and has made more than one condescending comment about white people.

Doncha love Democrat values?

Do as I say, not as I do
This is like when democrats say that people should be punished because 200 or 300 years ago, some people owned slaves.

Paula Deen did nothing wrong. Not under any circumstances or excuses.
If every person was fired for every bad thought they ever had or every bad thing they ever said we would have no one working in this country. We have all done and said similar things. People should not be throwing rocks unless they are without sin.
Doncha love Republican values? The way they can justify their racist behaviour with "See? They do it to". Republicans always live down to expectation. They aspire to nothing but tearing things down, hate, and blowing things up. When you point that out, they scream liar, but can't seem to identify the lie.
Did somebody justify their racist behavior with "See? They do it to (sic)"?

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