Paula Deen Won't Have Contract Renewed

Going to buy as much Paula Deen stuff as I can tomorrow and will be calling cable company and asking them to drop the food network from my tv package. I am only 1 person but I support people I like. I LOVE her food true southern cook...

lol@anyone thinking she is a true southern cook.....
You news sheeple are so naive. FN has been pushing their older talent out for years. This was nothing more than an opportunity for them to make room for the newest gluten free I gots IBS trend. In a few years when it is cool to be allergic to celery they will push those people out too.
A lot of people used that term many years ago.
Has she used it within the last 10-15 years.
Is she on trial now for something she said 20-30 years ago.

Personally I don't care for her but now her career is destroyed over something she did many years ago.

The coverage on this is a bit unclear...If this is a recent thing then she's toast.
If this is part of her past then she got treated unfairly.
A lot of people used that term many years ago.
Has she used it within the last 10-15 years.
Is she on trial now for something she said 20-30 years ago.

Personally I don't care for her but now her career is destroyed over something she did many years ago.

The coverage on this is a bit unclear...If this is a recent thing then she's toast.
If this is part of her past then she got treated unfairly.

if being rude to someone was grounds for a lawsuit there would not be enough court rooms to handle the cases.

This is just a shakedown of a successful person with money.
She is full of hokey. First she was hiding her disease while teaching others how to get it with her disgusting recipes she was highly paid for, and then she says she is sorry for using the N, as if. She is a redneck con artist, in my opinion.

I cannot agree with you, there, Gracie. Paula Deen is one of my most admired people as I posted earlier. If you know what how bad her mental illness was, you would know that most people never really recover enough to be functional. She pulled herself up out of the depths of it and became a success.

I also admire the fact that she was able to take something ordinary and make an extraordinary fortune from it. Not many people can do that.

As to her having diabetes, well, so what? Do you expect those NFL guys who had AIDs to stop screwing? I can assure you they don't. No one is forced to eat the things she cooks, and the responsibility for Diabetes II is largely at the door of the person who has it. I may bake it but the person eating it plates it. I am from the south, and we eat most of the things she cooks. We just don't eat them every day. Most of those menus are picnics, special occasions, and Sunday dinners. Getting that all done in half an hour belies the time needed to prepare those meals. No one, not even a housewife has time to cook like that every day, and I won't even mention the expense of it.

I don't think she is a racist. White people of the south have been living and working with blacks for generations. She hired blacks to work in her restaurant for years, and they didn't get the idea to accuse her of something and sue until she got a lot of money. Opportunists. She isn't the first, and she won't be the last.

Paula Deen is not ruined by any stretch, and Food Network is the big loser letting her go.
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I think the Food Network had every right to not renew her contract. She has become a liability for the company and companies need to look out for the shareholders, profit margins and feasibility to keep workers employed. That being said, it's a shame that using the N-word 20 years ago is fireable. There is not a single politician or person on this very site that would have passed that test.

I beg to differ. I never used the N world but once. When I did, my other slapped me down verbally for it. I was taught that the N word was coarse and vulgar and that people of good breeding didn't say it.
If the people who watch her and like her would boycott the food Network, I think that they would rethink their position and maybe renew her contract.
It's absurd to punish someone for something that did many, many years ago.
Going to buy as much Paula Deen stuff as I can tomorrow and will be calling cable company and asking them to drop the food network from my tv package. I am only 1 person but I support people I like. I LOVE her food true southern cook...

lol@anyone thinking she is a true southern cook.....

Same could be said for many southern oriented recipes in magazines. Our food was very simple and good. When I see a recipe that starts off with 25 ingredients, then has a sauce of some kind with 10 ingredients, I just shake my head. We didn't have air conditioning when I was a girl, and no one in the blazing hot south cooked like that, it was too much work. It was all just special occasions, etc. and when the weather was cool or cold.
Talk about living in the past...this whole thing is ridiculous. I feel bad for her.
Although I don't keep track of her or her shows, I still see her as a person who has grown far away from what they have pinned her for.
She's apologized for using the "N" word. < My comment

Food Network to drop Paula Deen amid racial slur controversy

(Warning: contains graphic language in sixth paragraph)
By Alex Dobuzinskis
LOS ANGELES (Reuters) - The Food Network said on Friday it will drop celebrity chef Paula Deen after the Southern food doyenne was sued for racial discrimination and admitted in a legal deposition to using a racial slur in the past.
"Food Network will not renew Paula Deen's contract when it expires at the end of this month," the network said in a statement.
The network's decision was announced within hours of Deen apologizing on video for "the wrong that I've done" and begging for forgiveness.
Deen, who has two popular shows on The Food Network featuring Southern cooking, appeared in at least two videos released after she failed to make a scheduled appearance on the NBC morning TV show "Today" on Friday to discuss the issue.
"I want to apologize to everybody for the wrong that I've done. I want to learn and grow from this," Deen said in one video posted on YouTube and other sites.
Deen, a white native of Georgia, was asked in a deposition released in transcript form this week if she had used the "N-word," and responded, "Yes, of course." The "N-word" is a euphemism for "******," an epithet for black people.

The Food Network is right to drop Paula. She has changed since she got sick and had to address her diabetes. She used to be fun and cute about her high fat and sugary dishes but now she is just kind of blah and almost senile.

They have a lot of really good cooks to choose from. She has to watch what she says, they all do.


Democrats welcome Liberals and Conservatives.


Conservative only club.

No they don't Sallow.
I was a Conservative Democrat for over 40 years and have been fighting to get Conservative representation within the party for over 20 years.
In the early 90's the Liberal Dem's got in front of the cameras and said that there was no more conservative Dem's. That made Conservative Dem's angry and we fought them to get more Conservatives into the party. Even though they had been elected the Liberals would not allow their voices and votes to be herd. They were bullied into voting for their bills.
Liberals have taken over the Dem's and they will not allow Conservative voices to be herd. The liberals have bullied them into voting for their policies and agendas and in 2009 they attacked the moderates of the party and did the same thing to them.
Especially over the Health Care Bill.
I finally had enough of it and dropped them. I have become an independent and it seems that over 800,000 other Dem's have agreed with me.
Progressives (Liberals) have taken over both parties

What you are seeing with the Republicans is a fight against the Progressives in both parties and Conservatives.
I gotta admit I don't know what to make of this controversy (?), it used to be whites used the N word as a pejorative, there were lots worse terms than that, now blacks use it for all sort of reasons. Ride the Broad Street subway sometime with the young blacks and you have to marvel at its broad usage. I am a **** on dad's side and I love when kindly people tell me how the spics are ruining some small part of their world. Paula is from a different world time, but how much it has changed is too obvious. Today instead of muggar (see link) black people have magically changed into Kenyans or whatever new descriptive word you can find, but please stop saying muggar. :lol:

"You start out in 1954 by saying, &#8220;******, ******, ******.&#8221; By 1968 you can&#8217;t say &#8220;******&#8221; &#8212; that hurts you. Backfires. So you say stuff like forced busing, states&#8217; rights and all that stuff. You&#8217;re getting so abstract now you&#8217;re talking about cutting taxes, and all these things you&#8217;re talking about are totally economic things and a by-product of them is blacks get hurt worse than whites. And subconsciously maybe that is part of it. I&#8217;m not saying that. But I&#8217;m saying that if it is getting that abstract, and that coded, that we are doing away with the racial problem one way or the other. You follow me &#8212; because obviously sitting around saying, &#8220;We want to cut this,&#8221; is much more abstract than even the busing thing, and a hell of a lot more abstract than &#8220;******, ******.&#8221; Lee Atwater, Republican strategist, 1981, describing the Southern Strategy

'Kevin Phillips, who popularized the right&#8217;s 'Southern Strategy,' was quoted in The New York Times Magazine in May 1970 as saying that "the more Negroes who register as Democrats in the South, the sooner the Negrophobe whites will quit the Democrats and become Republicans.""

"I am sorry, we have reached a point of conflict between your prejudices and mine, and if one or other or both of these prejudices are unchangeable, as so many are, then we can proceed no further." Horace Barlow
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