Paula Deen Won't Have Contract Renewed

Republicans always apologize. Once they got caught. The only time I've ever seen a sincere Republican apology was to BP.

democrats use the N word waaaaaaay far more than any Republican and that's the truth, 95% of black people vote democrat and they call each other the N word at the drop of a hat so cry us a fucking river why don't ewe?
Republicans always apologize. Once they got caught. The only time I've ever seen a sincere Republican apology was to BP.

democrats use the N word waaaaaaay far more than any Republican and that's the truth, 95% of black people vote democrat and they call each other the N word at the drop of a hat so cry us a fucking river why don't ewe?


If every person was fired for every bad thought they ever had or every bad thing they ever said we would have no one working in this country. We have all done and said similar things. People should not be throwing rocks unless they are without sin.

Well, after watching Idiocracy last night, I realized what the problem with libs is. They are too stupid to drum up a sin, and when one weasels in like Clinton who IS smart enough to drum up a sin, they are too stupid to figure out how to keep it under wraps. (The sin, not the cigar.)
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Republicans always apologize. Once they got caught. The only time I've ever seen a sincere Republican apology was to BP.

Apologize for what????

So, I'm listening to my fav R& B station, 107.5...WBLS (Black Liberation Station) this morn, and DJ Buggsy Buggs discusses the Paula Deen racial slur, and he says..'which of us has never used a politically incorrect word or phrase...especially in a private conversation among friends? Whoever is suing her is just looking for money.' Amen, brother.

Buggsy's not a dope like you.

Paula's going to come out on top with this. She's a winner!

The South has risen again. God Bless the South! (And NYC, too, cuz they luv, luv, luv my accent up there!)
Doncha love Republican values? The way they can justify their racist behaviour with "See? They do it to". Republicans always live down to expectation. They aspire to nothing but tearing things down, hate, and blowing things up. When you point that out, they scream liar, but can't seem to identify the lie.

Oh stfu. Obama loves the new black panthers ... you know, the ones who want to kill cracker babies in the nursery? Don't see you whining about that. What a jackass you are.
Yes, she never got around to changing her registration to republican. I guarantee she votes a straight republican ticket. I have an older relative in the South who is the same.

If that is the case why did Paula Deen campaign for Obama?

The Food Network star campaigned for Obama back in 2008,

Read more: Celebrities' Political Affiliations Pictures - Paula Deen (Democrat) -
Doncha love Republican values? The way they can justify their racist behaviour with "See? They do it to". Republicans always live down to expectation. They aspire to nothing but tearing things down, hate, and blowing things up. When you point that out, they scream liar, but can't seem to identify the lie.

meanwhile your racist president sits in a hate whitey church for 20 years and has made more than one condescending comment about white people.

Doncha love Democrat values?

Do as I say, not as I do

See above, Mr. Dont get it guy.

Oh and seriously, it was a hate whitey church? Come on.
Doncha love Republican values? The way they can justify their racist behaviour with "See? They do it to". Republicans always live down to expectation. They aspire to nothing but tearing things down, hate, and blowing things up. When you point that out, they scream liar, but can't seem to identify the lie.

meanwhile your racist president sits in a hate whitey church for 20 years and has made more than one condescending comment about white people.

Doncha love Democrat values?

Do as I say, not as I do

See above, Mr. Dont get it guy.

Oh and seriously, it was a hate whitey church? Come on.

Tell me if you think this is weird but whenever you post all I think about is plywood

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It's not that difficult. One of her black employees sued her when she got a little money. Food Network is afraid it will cost them money too!

What exactly don't you get? It is easier than one of her pies.

I knew I had heard this before but, not surprisingly, could not find the same reference in the current slug fest over Paula Deen.

Jackson, who is white, was hired at the restaurant in February 2005 and within months was promoted to general manager.

Paula Deen denies claims by employee who says she was sexually harassed | Fox News
Jeezis H. Christ on a bicycle, some of y'all need to get a freaking grip....

Yes, she never got around to changing her registration to republican. I guarantee she votes a straight republican ticket. I have an older relative in the South who is the same.

democrats use the N word waaaaaaay far more than any Republican and that's the truth, 95% of black people vote democrat and they call each other the N word at the drop of a hat so cry us a fucking river why don't ewe?

It's a fucking TV COOK.
Stretching a freaking television cook all the way out to what her party registration is just to make political points on a message board?? Really? Really??

S M H...
The lawsuit alleges that, while discussing with Jackson plans for Hiers' 2007 wedding, Deen said she wanted a "true southern plantation-style wedding."
"Well, what I would really like is a bunch of little ******* to wear long-sleeve white shirts, black shorts and black bow ties, you know in the Shirley Temple days, they used to tap dance around," Deen said, according to the lawsuit.

Ok. It is official. I am GLAD the Food Network dumped her ass.
She is full of hokey. First she was hiding her disease while teaching others how to get it with her disgusting recipes ...

Do you really think the idea was for everyone watching to eat like that all day everyday?
She is full of hokey. First she was hiding her disease while teaching others how to get it with her disgusting recipes ...

Do you really think the idea was for everyone watching to eat like that all day everyday?

Hell if I know!! I'm betting quite a few did. Maybe. Dunno. Made me sick just watching all those recipes being made. :eek:
Then again, I can't eat half that stuff and maybe that's why seeing it made me literally nauseous.
And so you watched the show because............?

I watched a few but it was not a "I MUST see her show" thang. I flip with my remote. Sometimes I stayed and watched. Sometimes I kept clicking.
And..I usually eyeballed her hair trying to figure out how I could get mine cut like that. :lol:

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