Pay attention to what they say

The Irish Ram

Apr 10, 2011
diagonally parked in a parallel universe
If we give the Democrats the opportunity to take control, they will never lose it again. They have been temporarily stymied by a call for a wall, and the inability to flood our country with foreign voters. They misjudged, and it was costly and they mean for it to never happen again.

Consider a mere two year period with no borders and no ICE. How many plane loads, bus loads, gathering of people will start flooding in and buying up our country, planting their flags in every state? And all the Democrats will ask for in return is their loyalty in the voting booth.

How many people do you think the Democrats can rush into our country if given the opportunity? All they need is the power to accomplish that one goal and they will insure their success from then on, and our country's demise.
Pay attention to what they say and vote like your freedoms depend on keeping the left out of power.

^ That "unavailable" video above was Deep State Obama telling the UN that we small minded people can't govern ourselves.


Vote like your grandchildren's lives depend on it...
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If we give the Democrats the opportunity to take control, they will never lose it again. They have been temporarily stymied by a call for a wall, and the inability to flood our country with foreign voters. They misjudged, and it was costly and they mean for it to never happen again.

Consider a mere two year period with no borders and no ICE. How many plane loads, bus loads, gathering of people will start flooding in and buying up our country, planting their flags in every state? And all the Democrats will ask for in return is their loyalty in the voting booth.

How many people do you think the Democrats can rush into our country if given the opportunity? All they need is the power to accomplish that one goal and they will insure their success from then on, and our country's demise.
Pay attention to what they say and vote like your freedoms depend on keeping the left out of power.

^ That "unavailable" video above was Deep State Obama telling the UN that we small minded people can't govern ourselves.


Vote like your grandchildren's lives depend on it...
I think you nailed it. I think you are right just from the events covered by the limited media, and post that I read on various media we are in a fight for our rights and future.
This is what happens when you take God out and put Democrats in these are NUTS we can not ever allow DEMONUTS to take control ever again.

So terrifying. Thank you for coming out from under the bed long enough to warn us!

What if citizens were at the border, ready to shoot any and all illegal crossers?

Who's terrified now, cupcake?
Shooting asylum seeking refugees is illegal.

It will probably get you sent to hell after prison if you believe in that sorta thing.

Roboturrets are a real thing, faggot.

I don't recall you mentioning anything about this in the post I responded to. It's directly above this, why don't you check and see Ma'am.
What if citizens were at the border, ready to shoot any and all illegal crossers?
Who's terrified now, cupcake?

So you're in favor of murder? Good to know.

So you are in favor of rape, right? ( See how stupid you sound? )
Back in the realm of reality, name a country (other than France) that has been invaded that didn't defend itself.
If we give the Democrats the opportunity to take control, they will never lose it again. They have been temporarily stymied by a call for a wall, and the inability to flood our country with foreign voters. They misjudged, and it was costly and they mean for it to never happen again.

Consider a mere two year period with no borders and no ICE. How many plane loads, bus loads, gathering of people will start flooding in and buying up our country, planting their flags in every state? And all the Democrats will ask for in return is their loyalty in the voting booth.

How many people do you think the Democrats can rush into our country if given the opportunity? All they need is the power to accomplish that one goal and they will insure their success from then on, and our country's demise.
Pay attention to what they say and vote like your freedoms depend on keeping the left out of power.

^ That "unavailable" video above was Deep State Obama telling the UN that we small minded people can't govern ourselves.


Vote like your grandchildren's lives depend on it...

That's horrible! ^^^^:confused::mad:

that's why.....

If we give the Democrats the opportunity to take control, they will never lose it again. They have been temporarily stymied by a call for a wall, and the inability to flood our country with foreign voters. They misjudged, and it was costly and they mean for it to never happen again.

Consider a mere two year period with no borders and no ICE. How many plane loads, bus loads, gathering of people will start flooding in and buying up our country, planting their flags in every state? And all the Democrats will ask for in return is their loyalty in the voting booth.

How many people do you think the Democrats can rush into our country if given the opportunity? All they need is the power to accomplish that one goal and they will insure their success from then on, and our country's demise.
Pay attention to what they say and vote like your freedoms depend on keeping the left out of power.

^ That "unavailable" video above was Deep State Obama telling the UN that we small minded people can't govern ourselves.


Vote like your grandchildren's lives depend on it...

That's horrible! ^^^^:confused::mad:

that's why.....


That's it for this time, next time we put the screws to who isn't voting for their constituents.

Maybe a rope or some tar n feathers.
This is what happens when you take God out and put Democrats in these are NUTS we can not ever allow DEMONUTS to take control ever again.

Good pix of a crack head or pot smoker.

Did you see the video of this loon? They put it in rubber room.

That's like Freddy Kruger, I want to eat your face off creepy. I would be un-concealing my carry at that shit.:ack-1:

I know omg the video was a trip when he started doing that. These leftist are surely losing it mentally.
What if citizens were at the border, ready to shoot any and all illegal crossers?
Who's terrified now, cupcake?

So you're in favor of murder? Good to know.

So you are in favor of rape, right? ( See how stupid you sound? )
Back in the realm of reality, name a country (other than France) that has been invaded that didn't defend itself.

I usually clean up quoted posts, but I'll leave the stuff that you responded to in place, in order to demonstrate conservative "logic." Guy 1 apparently wants armed citizens at the border, willing to kill people who try to cross. People of course = women, children, grandparents, parents, etc. Gal 2 asks Guy 1 if he's in favor of murder, which he was espousing. Guy/gal 3 warps that into rape.

Seems to me if Guy/gal 3 is not in favor of rape, he would be an advocate for the #MeToo movement. Something tells me that instead he laments how men are the victims.

So how did I do on changing the subject? I know you will mentor me, Sensei.
Let girl #3 help you out with an understanding of hyperbole. Guy #1 is for protecting our borders even if we have to do it ourselves. Braindead #2 twists that to mean he enjoys murder. Girl # 3 saw an opportunity to expose Braindead's hyperbole. Rapes, and crimes in general increase with the increase of foreigners blowing past our borders. You want foreigners. Therefore you condone rape.
Do you get how stupid you sound yet? No?
IN that case:
Oh no. Girl #3 is promoting violence against Braindead #2 :slap:


point out granny, braindead :tomato:

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