'Payback': House Republicans led by Jim Jordan considering subpoenaing Cheney and Kinzinger after they're out of office

Are they all still in high school? GOP are THE most childish group of chronological adults I've ever witnessed

They are not about running the country, they are about anger and payback for imaginary wrongs.....
They are doing a remarkable job of putting the events of that day into the permanent public record. I have never had any expectation that anyone involved in the planning will ever face justice for the simple reason that the rich and connected are practically immune from prosecution in this country.
The "permanent public record" of a "kangaroo court" is meaningless.
In 2023 when the GOP takes the House back, a real Committee will set the "permanent public record" straight.
The "permanent public record" of a "kangaroo court" is meaningless.
In 2023 when the GOP takes the House back, a real Committee will set the "permanent public record" straight.
They are not about running the country, they are about anger and payback for imaginary wrongs.....
The "permanent public record" of a "kangaroo court" is meaningless.
In 2023 when the GOP takes the House back, a real Committee will set the "permanent public record" straight.
If that happens no one willing to defend Trump will want to testify under oath. It's far more likely republicans will make every effort to make it all disappear and pretend none of it ever happened at all.
Speaking of the Show Trial.....
Did you catch AOC's rant exposing the fact that there was no insurrection, no attack on the Capitol????
How can the Democrat fabrications about Jan 6, and those "insurrectionists" who "attacked" the Capitol, hold any water after Democrat leader, admits that the doors were held open for the American citizens who were later 'charged as rioters'?????????????????????
Yep, I'm sure that the new GOP J6 committee in 2023 will set the record straight as to:
1. FBI involvement.
2. Pelosi's refusal to protect the Capitol with the National Guard after many requests, enabling the "rioters"
3. Prosecute the DC jailers for mistreating DC political prisoners
4. Was there a basis for the J6 "protest"? Was there proven "voter fraud" in the 2020 election?
Yep, I'm sure that the new GOP J6 committee in 2023 will set the record straight as to:
1. FBI involvement.
2. Pelosi's refusal to protect the Capitol with the National Guard after many requests, enabling the "rioters"
3. Prosecute the DC jailers for mistreating DC political prisoners
4. Was there a basis for the J6 "protest"? Was there proven "voter fraud" in the 2020 election?
Today's Republican Party is not about running the country, it is about anger and payback for imaginary wrongs.....like white males becoming a political minority.
They are not about running the country, they are about anger and payback for imaginary wrongs.....
What "imaginary wrongs"? The GOP impeachment articles will be actual crimes, unlike the democrat's.
You'll see who knows how to run the country better. The democrats are total failures, with the "wrong track" number being 88%.
If that happens no one willing to defend Trump will want to testify under oath. It's far more likely republicans will make every effort to make it all disappear and pretend none of it ever happened at all.
The entire point is that Trump had nothing to do with the Capitol riot. Trump won't be the focus.
Today's Republican Party is not about running the country, it is about anger and payback for imaginary wrongs.....like white males becoming a political minority.
Identity politics? That's all the dems are pushing. Good luck with the democrat's policy list. As I said, 88% of Americans say the dems are on the wrong track.
Yep, I'm sure that the new GOP J6 committee in 2023 will set the record straight as to:
1. FBI involvement.
2. Pelosi's refusal to protect the Capitol with the National Guard after many requests, enabling the "rioters"
3. Prosecute the DC jailers for mistreating DC political prisoners
4. Was there a basis for the J6 "protest"? Was there proven "voter fraud" in the 2020 election?

One would hope....but I'm not counting on the GOP showing some testosteone.
What "imaginary wrongs"? The GOP impeachment articles will be actual crimes, unlike the democrat's.
You'll see who knows how to run the country better. The democrats are total failures, with the "wrong track" number being 88%.
And those "actual crimes" are...................? :heehee: Hurting the Dear Orange Leader's fee fees isn't a crime.
Today's Republican Party is not about running the country, it is about anger and payback for imaginary wrongs.....like white males becoming a political minority.

Was there ever a time that you spoke the truth???


The lefts fear of being exposed is palpable. Deal with Pelosi and her gross dereliction of duties. Deal with the traitor Biden by impeachment, DO the same for Hariss. Nuke the democrap operatives in every branch of government. Expose them and throw them away like the trash they are.
The entire point is that Trump had nothing to do with the Capitol riot. Trump won't be the focus.
The entire point is that republicans don't want to talk about any of it. They have tried in the past to manufacture an alternate reality with congressional hearings but it never works. Even the most zealous right winger will hesitate to tell tales under oath. You have to accept that your world view cannot persist in a situation where perjury is enforced. That was demonstrated clearly when Rudy went into court over the election and flatly refused to say there was any provable election fraud. There are not going to be any revenge hearings.
And those "actual crimes" are...................? :heehee: Hurting the Dear Orange Leader's fee fees isn't a crime.
1. Open Borders
2. Hunter's laptop has a treasure trove of crimes, and a real whistle-blower to testify.
3. Withdrawal from AFG
The new GOP House needs to do a few things to set the record straight in 2023
1. Form a new J6 Committee to do a real investigation. Subpoena Pelosi as to why didn't she authorize the National Guard to protect the Capitol on J6?
2. Impeach Biden for: Open Borders, etc.
3. I wouldn't waste House time on Cheney or Kinzinger.
Pelosi is not in control of security at the Capitol when the Senate chamber is violated that would be McConnell or the turtle.
Pelosi is not in control of security at the Capitol when the Senate chamber is violated that would be McConnell or the turtle.
Pelosi, by virtue of being third in line to the presidency, is responsible for the security of the Capitol Hill Complex. ITs a chain of command thing. I don't expect morons to understand this.. All requests to POTUS must go through her. This includes requests for supplemental troops to maintain proper securities posture.
The entire point is that republicans don't want to talk about any of it. They have tried in the past to manufacture an alternate reality with congressional hearings but it never works. Even the most zealous right winger will hesitate to tell tales under oath. You have to accept that your world view cannot persist in a situation where perjury is enforced. That was demonstrated clearly when Rudy went into court over the election and flatly refused to say there was any provable election fraud. There are not going to be any revenge hearings.
We'll see. The House Republicans have several issues to focus on, not the least of which is Pelosi's refusal to use the National Guard to protect the Capitol on J6 after several requests. (Trump, Irving, Sund, et.al.)

Even if there is no GOP J6 hearing, you can bet that we'll have an Impeachment.
Pelosi is not in control of security at the Capitol when the Senate chamber is violated that would be McConnell or the turtle.
Wrong. Pelosi is House Sgt. at Arms Irving's supervisor, the Speaker is more responsible for security of the Capitol than anyone. Got a link to the contrary?

"Due to the rules of the United States Capitol, the power structure of the Capitol, Nancy Pelosi, the speaker of the House, has more control and authority and responsibility over the leadership of the Capitol police than anyone else in the United States Capitol," Banks said. "So she doesn’t want us to ask these questions because at the end of the day, she's ultimately responsible for the breakdown of security at the Capitol that happened on Jan. 6."

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