Paying less to use a Gallon


Aug 14, 2012
My old car got 21 miles to the gallon @3.00 dollars a gallon.
My Current car gets 42 miles to the gallon @ $4.00 dollars a gallon.
My USE cost for gas has gone down @ $4.00 dollars a gallon compared to when I PAID a Dollar less per gallon.

Well, many of us can't afford a newer, more economic car, because we don't make the money to make those payment. So.....good for you that you're saving money. Many of us aren't and CAN'T.
Many people cannot afford a new car right now, I hardly could so I bought a Used Car....but thats where we are going. (In other words, the right direction.)

BTW, the savings I get in fuel costs helped me to afford the same payment on my new used car.

Again, Arithmatic.
I see all these TRUCK-SMART guys bombing around town in trucks bigger than some of my first apartments, and wonder if they completely crazy or if they OWN an oil company.

Understand now, I'm not talking about working trucks, I'm talking about the sorts who use their gigantic -- usually new and very creature-comfort equipped -- trucks for nothing other than getting from point A to point B.
obama's answer is, if you can't afford gas, then get a new car and make payments on it. It's a clever use of If the peasants can't afford bread, let them eat cake." obama responds to the cost of gasoline by blaming the victims of his feckless policies telling them it's their fault because they won't buy a new car.
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Well, many of us can't afford a newer, more economic car, because we don't make the money to make those payment. So.....good for you that you're saving money. Many of us aren't and CAN'T.

It does not have to be newer just more efficient.
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If you examine the math, at $5.00 a gallon, it would take you 26 years to see any benefit from buying a new car that's more fuel efficient.

Is the Chevy Volt’s payback period really 26 years? | Midwest Energy News

Most people do not keep a car for 26 years, even if we were guaranteed a 30 year lifespan of a fuel efficient car. That's why these cars are pretty much a waste of money. They really are more expensive to own and operate than a conventional car.
In the 80s, Repubs in conjunction with oil and detroit fought higher cafe standards tooth and nail. They still do.
They also fought alternative energy like ethenol while corn was being subsidized to rot in silos.

Big whoop? Thats what you come up with? BIG WHOOP?

Wow...thats deep.
In the 80s, Repubs in conjunction with oil and detroit fought higher cafe standards tooth and nail. They still do.
They also fought alternative energy like ethenol while corn was being subsidized to rot in silos.

Big whoop? Thats what you come up with? BIG WHOOP?

Wow...thats deep.

Ethanol is damaging to major components in engines large and small and is a dumb idea in a world with burgeoning populations. Additionally it requires more energy to produce than is recovered by using it.

Engineering and not politics should be the guide.
I don't get it. Because someone buys a car that gets better gas mileage they're content paying $4.00 for a gallon that used to cost them $3.00 a gallon?

And we all know just a few short years ago it was in the $1.90 range.
So by using arithmetic, if gas were cheaper you would be saving even more money right? okay
My old car got 21 miles to the gallon @3.00 dollars a gallon.
My Current car gets 42 miles to the gallon @ $4.00 dollars a gallon.
My USE cost for gas has gone down @ $4.00 dollars a gallon compared to when I PAID a Dollar less per gallon.


If gas were still $3.00 per gallon, you'd be paying still less per mile. More efficient auto engines do not in any way mitigate Obama's mishandling of the economy.
Many people cannot afford a new car right now, I hardly could so I bought a Used Car....but thats where we are going. (In other words, the right direction.)

BTW, the savings I get in fuel costs helped me to afford the same payment on my new used car.

Again, Arithmatic.

More efficient auto engines is a move in the right direction. Obama's higher gas prices is a move in the wrong direction.
If you examine the math, at $5.00 a gallon, it would take you 26 years to see any benefit from buying a new car that's more fuel efficient.

Is the Chevy Volt’s payback period really 26 years? | Midwest Energy News

Most people do not keep a car for 26 years, even if we were guaranteed a 30 year lifespan of a fuel efficient car. That's why these cars are pretty much a waste of money. They really are more expensive to own and operate than a conventional car.

It would take even longer than that to recover all of your tax dollars that provided the subsidies for these electric cars and for all the companies manufacturing green fantasies for Obama to waste taxpayer dollars on. Billions and billions and billions of taxpayer dollars flushed down the tubes and all we have to show for it is a few Obama one liners.
I see all these TRUCK-SMART guys bombing around town in trucks bigger than some of my first apartments, and wonder if they completely crazy or if they OWN an oil company.

Understand now, I'm not talking about working trucks, I'm talking about the sorts who use their gigantic -- usually new and very creature-comfort equipped -- trucks for nothing other than getting from point A to point B.

I cant imagine why anyone would choose to drive a truck if they didnt have to.
My old car got 21 miles to the gallon @3.00 dollars a gallon.
My Current car gets 42 miles to the gallon @ $4.00 dollars a gallon.
My USE cost for gas has gone down @ $4.00 dollars a gallon compared to when I PAID a Dollar less per gallon.


And I support your right to drive the car of your choice. However, I think the market should decide what mileage is optimal for vehicles in a free country; if someone else decides that, even at $4 a gallon, they want to drive a gas guzzler, why should the government should have a say in that? People make poor economic decisions all the time; sometimes there are other considerations, personal or utilitarian, that come into play. I don’t think it’s the government’s place to decide that a national automaker should reach a certain “cafe” mileage standard; if the price of gas is too high, the market will ultimately react by buying cars that get better mileage. In your own words, if it makes sense, the “arithmatic” will convince buyers to demand more fuel efficiency. Otherwise you end up with car companies making vehicles like the one illustrated below:

My old car got 21 miles to the gallon @3.00 dollars a gallon.
My Current car gets 42 miles to the gallon @ $4.00 dollars a gallon.
My USE cost for gas has gone down @ $4.00 dollars a gallon compared to when I PAID a Dollar less per gallon.


If the economy keeps improving under Obama gas prices will go up more and you will lose your bad arithmetic.

Just as an endeavor to educate you in how math really works, if you divide the 21 mpg by $3 you get 7 miles per dollar, you are now getting about 10.5 miles per dollar. If, on the other hand, gas was still $3 you would be getting 14 miles per dollar.

How far do you want your dollar to go?

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