Paying people off to avoid a scandal is perfectly legal

So you're talking about possible State crimes. They would be irrelevant to the feds.


No it isn't... they share information when doing investigations. The feds working on this also are smart enough to know that Trump can't pardon someone on state crimes, so those are the ones you can use to squeeze someone for information.

LMAO, the feds have made their deal, nothing the State does will effect that. Once sentenced Cohen can tell the feds to pound sand.

I got a question, how much money can the federal government donate to a campaign?


Deflection. The feds can give a sentencing recommendation to a state judge...

The sentencing recommendation was part of the agreement. Why did you avoid my question?

Because your question has nothing to do with this discussion and you are just going to try and state some conspiracy theory.

1. You folks contend that paying for an NDA to avoid embarrassment before an election, is a campaign expense, right?

2. Any entity that gives a candidate more than $2,700 in an election cycle is violating campaign finance laws, right?

3. It's been proven that sitting congress critter have used taxpayer funds to pay for NDAs far in excess of allowable campaign finance laws, WHY AREN'T YOU DEMANDING THEIR PROSECUTION???????????????

It's been entertaining watching these Leftists lose their MINDS finally and entirely over what is not even a campaign finance violation.

Trump makes them lose their minds.

Entertaining. To say the least.
And you guys were saying back in 1974, "It doesn't matter whether Nixon knew about Watergate." Trump's impeachment charges are going to include violation of campaign finance laws, obstruction of justice, and abuse of power and whatever else Mueller uncovers. Trump's only chance is to fire Mueller before he uncovers more crimes.
Fishing expedition..............Unfettered.............look for a crime anywhere.......anytime...........Using all the resources of the FBI and intel agencies....

Cohen isn't 'any crime' 'any where'. He was a man immediately involved in Trump's campaign. And has relevant information to the Russian Collusion inquiry.

For example.....Trump admitted that his campaign colluded with the Russians trying to get information on Hillary Clinton. His campaign was informed that the information was to come from 'high level sources' as part of the Russian government's efforts to aid Trump. With the woman that his campaign met at Trump tower being an admitted Russian Operative.

Trump lied about the meeting, insisting that was just about adoption. Trump compelled others to lie about the meeting, personally dictating a statement for Don Jr to perpetuate the 'adoption' nonsense. Trump even tried to have the investigation looking into the meeting shut down.

And through it all, Trump insisted that he didn't know about the meeting.

However......Michael Cohen has admitted that Trump was *well* informed on the meeting. And approved of it.

With Michael Cohen's lawyer sharing that Cohen has information for Mueller's investigation on Russian Collusion.

When the original crime was Russia Collusion......Anyone that can't see the abuse of power here from the start and how dirty the players are that are doing it has had a lobadomy..........Do you still have the scar...............

Which Cohen is now sharing very interesting details about now that he's been motivated to be truthful.

Cohen's lawyer said that Cohen has information on 'preknowledge of the hacks' among Trump's campaign.

This is how investigations work. You start with the small fish and you work your way up. Its a classic RICO prosecution. And Mueller is an expert on those.

I can see why your ilk want it shut down. The investigation is working.
No it isn't... they share information when doing investigations. The feds working on this also are smart enough to know that Trump can't pardon someone on state crimes, so those are the ones you can use to squeeze someone for information.

LMAO, the feds have made their deal, nothing the State does will effect that. Once sentenced Cohen can tell the feds to pound sand.

I got a question, how much money can the federal government donate to a campaign?


Deflection. The feds can give a sentencing recommendation to a state judge...

The sentencing recommendation was part of the agreement. Why did you avoid my question?

Because your question has nothing to do with this discussion and you are just going to try and state some conspiracy theory.

1. You folks contend that paying for an NDA to avoid embarrassment before an election, is a campaign expense, right?

Cohen's payment was an illegal campaign contribution. Not a campaign expense.

Contributions and expenses are literal opposites.
No it isn't... they share information when doing investigations. The feds working on this also are smart enough to know that Trump can't pardon someone on state crimes, so those are the ones you can use to squeeze someone for information.

LMAO, the feds have made their deal, nothing the State does will effect that. Once sentenced Cohen can tell the feds to pound sand.

I got a question, how much money can the federal government donate to a campaign?


Deflection. The feds can give a sentencing recommendation to a state judge...

The sentencing recommendation was part of the agreement. Why did you avoid my question?

Because your question has nothing to do with this discussion and you are just going to try and state some conspiracy theory.

1. You folks contend that paying for an NDA to avoid embarrassment before an election, is a campaign expense, right?

2. Any entity that gives a candidate more than $2,700 in an election cycle is violating campaign finance laws, right?

3. It's been proven that sitting congress critter have used taxpayer funds to pay for NDAs far in excess of allowable campaign finance laws, WHY AREN'T YOU DEMANDING THEIR PROSECUTION???????????????


You mean like Republican Blake Farenthold?
Uh...yep it was if it was used to pay off a person to prevent her from divulging information that might damage your campaign.
Nope. The "information" would damage him personally.
According to know...Trump's was a campaign-related payment...
“Imagine if that came out on October 15th, 2016, in the middle of the, you know, last debate with Hillary Clinton,” he told Fox News’s “Fox & Friends” about the payment.
Trump paying off hookers or porn stars would have made no difference at all. In October 2016, young kids were asking their parents what's a pussy? Why does Mr Trump grab pussies? Anyone that would vote for Trump after seeing the Access Hollywood tape would certainly not be concerned about him paying off these women.
In 1998 they were asking "what's a hummer?" What's semen? And turds like you defended Clinton to the last man.
As the saying goes, two wrongs don't make a right. What Clinton did 20 years ago was wrong but that is not justification for Trump's lifestyle of infidelity and promiscuous behavior.
It's not a crime when 2 consenting adults screw each other..............Ethically........pretty shitty thing to do to your wife..........but it's not a crime.........

They had sex for future cashing in on doing so with Clinton's case they accused him of sexual abuse............Not hardly the same......Stormy bragged about it............didn't say he FORCED ME as was with Clinton............Big difference..........

You can say.........ehtically is it wrong .............yeah......I'd never cheat on my wife.........but legally...........your full of shit......

Now you judge me..........I see what I see...........I see an establishment fucking the entire country..........getting away with massive abuse of power........Obama was one of the dirtiest dang jerks I've seen in my lifetime..........You can try to say I KNOW NOTHING........about what happened with Federal Agencies then and I could care less .............too dang much went on for that excuse............

IRS targeting costing citizens millions in defense when they committed no crimes.............These same people were also targeted by the FBI, ATF and intel agencies..............because they disagree...............Those doing this are TRAITORS to the Republic............and these leftover assholes are the same ones that took part in it............

Same ones who gave Hillary a pass before she even testified..........same ones who got financial gain from the lobbies of the dirty political gang of Democraps.........

Tired of me saying this.........I don't will continue to see these posts.
View attachment 212793 Guess who’s enjoying all the convictions and arrests of T’s finest people.
A special place in Hell awaits her for her sins on earth..................They have reserved seating for her................She will probably try to take over from the devil there.

So in addition to your imagination on 'Hillary's crimes', you pretend to speak for her immortal soul.

I mean, once you've committed to basing your entire argument in imagination, why not just run with it? Its not like you can win a debate on the weight of evidence.
LMAO, the feds have made their deal, nothing the State does will effect that. Once sentenced Cohen can tell the feds to pound sand.

I got a question, how much money can the federal government donate to a campaign?


Deflection. The feds can give a sentencing recommendation to a state judge...

The sentencing recommendation was part of the agreement. Why did you avoid my question?

Because your question has nothing to do with this discussion and you are just going to try and state some conspiracy theory.

1. You folks contend that paying for an NDA to avoid embarrassment before an election, is a campaign expense, right?

Cohen's payment was an illegal campaign contribution. Not a campaign expense.

Contributions and expenses are literal opposites.

So you're saying the NDA wasn't a campaign expense? And a personal loan, not used for a campaign expense, is still a campaign contribution. Did I get your sentiment correct there?

LMAO, the feds have made their deal, nothing the State does will effect that. Once sentenced Cohen can tell the feds to pound sand.

I got a question, how much money can the federal government donate to a campaign?


Deflection. The feds can give a sentencing recommendation to a state judge...

The sentencing recommendation was part of the agreement. Why did you avoid my question?

Because your question has nothing to do with this discussion and you are just going to try and state some conspiracy theory.

1. You folks contend that paying for an NDA to avoid embarrassment before an election, is a campaign expense, right?

2. Any entity that gives a candidate more than $2,700 in an election cycle is violating campaign finance laws, right?

3. It's been proven that sitting congress critter have used taxpayer funds to pay for NDAs far in excess of allowable campaign finance laws, WHY AREN'T YOU DEMANDING THEIR PROSECUTION???????????????


You mean like Republican Blake Farenthold?

I mean anyone of either party. Should they be prosecuted for campaign finance violations? They accepted money far beyond the donation limits to pay for what you and your ilk say is a campaign expense.

Nope. The "information" would damage him personally.
According to know...Trump's was a campaign-related payment...
“Imagine if that came out on October 15th, 2016, in the middle of the, you know, last debate with Hillary Clinton,” he told Fox News’s “Fox & Friends” about the payment.
Trump paying off hookers or porn stars would have made no difference at all. In October 2016, young kids were asking their parents what's a pussy? Why does Mr Trump grab pussies? Anyone that would vote for Trump after seeing the Access Hollywood tape would certainly not be concerned about him paying off these women.
In 1998 they were asking "what's a hummer?" What's semen? And turds like you defended Clinton to the last man.
As the saying goes, two wrongs don't make a right. What Clinton did 20 years ago was wrong but that is not justification for Trump's lifestyle of infidelity and promiscuous behavior.
It's not a crime when 2 consenting adults screw each other..............Ethically........pretty shitty thing to do to your wife..........but it's not a crime.........

They had sex for future cashing in on doing so with Clinton's case they accused him of sexual abuse............Not hardly the same......Stormy bragged about it............didn't say he FORCED ME as was with Clinton............Big difference..........

You can say.........ehtically is it wrong .............yeah......I'd never cheat on my wife.........but legally...........your full of shit......

Now you judge me..........I see what I see...........I see an establishment fucking the entire country..........getting away with massive abuse of power........Obama was one of the dirtiest dang jerks I've seen in my lifetime..........You can try to say I KNOW NOTHING........about what happened with Federal Agencies then and I could care less .............too dang much went on for that excuse............

IRS targeting costing citizens millions in defense when they committed no crimes.............These same people were also targeted by the FBI, ATF and intel agencies..............because they disagree...............Those doing this are TRAITORS to the Republic............and these leftover assholes are the same ones that took part in it............

Same ones who gave Hillary a pass before she even testified..........same ones who got financial gain from the lobbies of the dirty political gang of Democraps.........

Tired of me saying this.........I don't will continue to see these posts.
Deflection. The feds can give a sentencing recommendation to a state judge...

The sentencing recommendation was part of the agreement. Why did you avoid my question?

Because your question has nothing to do with this discussion and you are just going to try and state some conspiracy theory.

1. You folks contend that paying for an NDA to avoid embarrassment before an election, is a campaign expense, right?

Cohen's payment was an illegal campaign contribution. Not a campaign expense.

Contributions and expenses are literal opposites.

So you're saying the NDA wasn't a campaign expense? And a personal loan, not used for a campaign expense, is still a campaign contribution. Did I get your sentiment correct there?

Contributions are monies paid into the campaign. Cohen paid hundreds of thousands of dollars to benefit the campaign. The was is gross excess of the federal contribution limits. The funds didn't come out of the campaign coffers. But from Cohen personally, at Trumps personal direction. Making your description of Cohen's payments as a campaign expense simply wrong.

Trump reimembursed Cohen AFTER the election. And it being Trump, of course it was done through fraud. Faked time lines, fraudulent invoices, faked work descriptions. And obviously without reporting any of it to the FEC.

All of which has been turned over to federal prosecutors and submitted to the court.
According to know...Trump's was a campaign-related payment...
“Imagine if that came out on October 15th, 2016, in the middle of the, you know, last debate with Hillary Clinton,” he told Fox News’s “Fox & Friends” about the payment.
Trump paying off hookers or porn stars would have made no difference at all. In October 2016, young kids were asking their parents what's a pussy? Why does Mr Trump grab pussies? Anyone that would vote for Trump after seeing the Access Hollywood tape would certainly not be concerned about him paying off these women.
In 1998 they were asking "what's a hummer?" What's semen? And turds like you defended Clinton to the last man.
As the saying goes, two wrongs don't make a right. What Clinton did 20 years ago was wrong but that is not justification for Trump's lifestyle of infidelity and promiscuous behavior.
It's not a crime when 2 consenting adults screw each other..............Ethically........pretty shitty thing to do to your wife..........but it's not a crime.........

They had sex for future cashing in on doing so with Clinton's case they accused him of sexual abuse............Not hardly the same......Stormy bragged about it............didn't say he FORCED ME as was with Clinton............Big difference..........

You can say.........ehtically is it wrong .............yeah......I'd never cheat on my wife.........but legally...........your full of shit......

Now you judge me..........I see what I see...........I see an establishment fucking the entire country..........getting away with massive abuse of power........Obama was one of the dirtiest dang jerks I've seen in my lifetime..........You can try to say I KNOW NOTHING........about what happened with Federal Agencies then and I could care less .............too dang much went on for that excuse............

IRS targeting costing citizens millions in defense when they committed no crimes.............These same people were also targeted by the FBI, ATF and intel agencies..............because they disagree...............Those doing this are TRAITORS to the Republic............and these leftover assholes are the same ones that took part in it............

Same ones who gave Hillary a pass before she even testified..........same ones who got financial gain from the lobbies of the dirty political gang of Democraps.........

Tired of me saying this.........I don't will continue to see these posts.
The sentencing recommendation was part of the agreement. Why did you avoid my question?

Because your question has nothing to do with this discussion and you are just going to try and state some conspiracy theory.

1. You folks contend that paying for an NDA to avoid embarrassment before an election, is a campaign expense, right?

Cohen's payment was an illegal campaign contribution. Not a campaign expense.

Contributions and expenses are literal opposites.

So you're saying the NDA wasn't a campaign expense? And a personal loan, not used for a campaign expense, is still a campaign contribution. Did I get your sentiment correct there?

Contributions are monies paid into the campaign. Cohen paid hundreds of thousands of dollars to benefit the campaign. The was is gross excess of the federal contribution limits. The funds didn't come out of the campaign coffers. But from Cohen personally, at Trumps personal direction. Making your description of Cohen's payments as a campaign expense simply wrong.

Trump reimembursed Cohen AFTER the election. And it being Trump, of course it was done through fraud. Faked time lines, fraudulent invoices, faked work descriptions. And obviously without reporting any of it to the FEC.

All of which has been turned over to federal prosecutors and submitted to the court.

Cohen's money didn't go to Trump or the campaign, it went to finance the NDA. Trump, not the campaign reimbursed Cohen, so how could Cohen's outlay been a contribution to the campaign, when the purpose it was used for wasn't a campaign expenditure? It was basically just a short term personal loan to Trump.

Trump paying off hookers or porn stars would have made no difference at all. In October 2016, young kids were asking their parents what's a pussy? Why does Mr Trump grab pussies? Anyone that would vote for Trump after seeing the Access Hollywood tape would certainly not be concerned about him paying off these women.
In 1998 they were asking "what's a hummer?" What's semen? And turds like you defended Clinton to the last man.
As the saying goes, two wrongs don't make a right. What Clinton did 20 years ago was wrong but that is not justification for Trump's lifestyle of infidelity and promiscuous behavior.
It's not a crime when 2 consenting adults screw each other..............Ethically........pretty shitty thing to do to your wife..........but it's not a crime.........

They had sex for future cashing in on doing so with Clinton's case they accused him of sexual abuse............Not hardly the same......Stormy bragged about it............didn't say he FORCED ME as was with Clinton............Big difference..........

You can say.........ehtically is it wrong .............yeah......I'd never cheat on my wife.........but legally...........your full of shit......

Now you judge me..........I see what I see...........I see an establishment fucking the entire country..........getting away with massive abuse of power........Obama was one of the dirtiest dang jerks I've seen in my lifetime..........You can try to say I KNOW NOTHING........about what happened with Federal Agencies then and I could care less .............too dang much went on for that excuse............

IRS targeting costing citizens millions in defense when they committed no crimes.............These same people were also targeted by the FBI, ATF and intel agencies..............because they disagree...............Those doing this are TRAITORS to the Republic............and these leftover assholes are the same ones that took part in it............

Same ones who gave Hillary a pass before she even testified..........same ones who got financial gain from the lobbies of the dirty political gang of Democraps.........

Tired of me saying this.........I don't will continue to see these posts.
Because your question has nothing to do with this discussion and you are just going to try and state some conspiracy theory.

1. You folks contend that paying for an NDA to avoid embarrassment before an election, is a campaign expense, right?

Cohen's payment was an illegal campaign contribution. Not a campaign expense.

Contributions and expenses are literal opposites.

So you're saying the NDA wasn't a campaign expense? And a personal loan, not used for a campaign expense, is still a campaign contribution. Did I get your sentiment correct there?

Contributions are monies paid into the campaign. Cohen paid hundreds of thousands of dollars to benefit the campaign. The was is gross excess of the federal contribution limits. The funds didn't come out of the campaign coffers. But from Cohen personally, at Trumps personal direction. Making your description of Cohen's payments as a campaign expense simply wrong.

Trump reimembursed Cohen AFTER the election. And it being Trump, of course it was done through fraud. Faked time lines, fraudulent invoices, faked work descriptions. And obviously without reporting any of it to the FEC.

All of which has been turned over to federal prosecutors and submitted to the court.

Cohen's money didn't go to Trump or the campaign, it went to finance the NDA.

IT went to immediately benefit the campaign. But came out of Cohen's pocket. Not the campaign's.

Thus, a campaign contribution. Not a campaign expense. You've literally got opposites confused with each other. You probably want to stop polishing that turd and just accept the fact that you used the wrong term.

Trump, not the campaign reimbursed Cohen, so how could Cohen's outlay been a contribution to the campaign, when the purpose it was used for wasn't a campaign expenditure? It was basically just a short term personal loan to Trump.

Trump reimbursed him after the election.....under fraudulent circumstances, as its Trump. So of course it involved fraud, lies, faked time lines, and false invoices.

Now for your 'short term loan' theory. Even by that logic, the short term loan was for the purpose of aiding his presidential campaign. And loans are subject to campaign contribution limits too. Says who? Says the FEC.

If any person, including a relative or friend of the candidate, gives or loans the candidate money “for the purpose of influencing any election for federal office,” the funds are not considered personal funds of the candidate even if they are given to the candidate directly. Instead, the gift or loan is considered a contribution from the donor to the campaign, subject to the per-election limit and reportable by the campaign. This is true even if the candidate uses the funds for personal living expenses while campaigning.

Personal loans from the candidate -

And of course, because its Trump none of this sizable transaction was reported to the FEC. It was all done through shell companies, using fake invoices and fraudulent time lines. With Trump trying backdate the reason for the payment from 2016, when the illegal campaign contribution was made to 2017.

And there's a paper trail for all of it. With Trump's own CFO now having an immunity deal. So we're likely to learn even more of the fraudulent and corrupt criminal practices within the Trump organization.
I'm not sure why, but it seems the Democrats think that paying off a woman to be quiet about a scandal is somehow illegal. Well, it isn't.

Meanwhile, I'm wondering what any of this has to do with collusion with Russia...

Paying somebody off to avert a scandal is not a crime.

Unless, by doing so, you violate Federal campaign election laws.

The Democrats, and much of the rest of the country, want your boy's scalp; now that they know what he is.

Your boy, on the other hand, was stupid enough to give them the tomahawk.

Let the games begin.
Deflection. The feds can give a sentencing recommendation to a state judge...

The sentencing recommendation was part of the agreement. Why did you avoid my question?

Because your question has nothing to do with this discussion and you are just going to try and state some conspiracy theory.

1. You folks contend that paying for an NDA to avoid embarrassment before an election, is a campaign expense, right?

2. Any entity that gives a candidate more than $2,700 in an election cycle is violating campaign finance laws, right?

3. It's been proven that sitting congress critter have used taxpayer funds to pay for NDAs far in excess of allowable campaign finance laws, WHY AREN'T YOU DEMANDING THEIR PROSECUTION???????????????


You mean like Republican Blake Farenthold?

I mean anyone of either party. Should they be prosecuted for campaign finance violations? They accepted money far beyond the donation limits to pay for what you and your ilk say is a campaign expense.


That money comes out of a fund for Congress, just like if a company has legal funds for settling cases of wrongdoing. I think it is ridiculous that any party should be getting their sexual harassment suits or whatever liability suit paid for with tax dollars. They rip off citizens enough already. The money should come out of their paychecks.
I'm not sure why, but it seems the Democrats think that paying off a woman to be quiet about a scandal is somehow illegal. Well, it isn't.

Meanwhile, I'm wondering what any of this has to do with collusion with Russia...

Paying somebody off to avert a scandal is not a crime.

Unless, by doing so, you violate Federal campaign election laws.

The Democrats, and much of the rest of the country, want your boy's scalp; now that they know what he is.

Your boy, on the other hand, was stupid enough to give them the tomahawk.

Let the games begin.
He's a Russian agent.............LOL

We know what your side has done................the feelings are mutual.........We want your scalps.........

You defended Obama's abuse of power against the people.......weaponizing federal agencies..........and you didn't care when caught........and none of those doing it went to jail...............

Up yours bro.
I'm not sure why, but it seems the Democrats think that paying off a woman to be quiet about a scandal is somehow illegal. Well, it isn't.

Meanwhile, I'm wondering what any of this has to do with collusion with Russia...

Paying somebody off to avert a scandal is not a crime.

Unless, by doing so, you violate Federal campaign election laws.

The Democrats, and much of the rest of the country, want your boy's scalp; now that they know what he is.

Your boy, on the other hand, was stupid enough to give them the tomahawk.

Let the games begin.
He's a Russian agent.............LOL

We know what your side has done................the feelings are mutual.........We want your scalps.........

You defended Obama's abuse of power against the people.......weaponizing federal agencies..........and you didn't care when caught........and none of those doing it went to jail...............

Up yours bro.
You have me confused with somebody else.

I railed against the Clintons over the AG-Bubba Tarmac ChinWag and against the Dems a hundred-and-one times, before and after 2016.

I want Illegal Aliens gone, and I want a great many other GOP-centric agenda items.

It's just that I thought the Ghost of Benito Mussolini was too high a price for what I wanted; prizing Country and People above Party.

You misconstrue contempt for your Executive A$$hat as an indicator of substantive ideological differences. You are wrong.

Serve-up most of his agenda items, but with a sane, persuasive, effective leader at the helm, and I'm right there alongside you.

Your boy measures so low on the Person of Good Character scale that he's damned near invisible.

He is unfit for his high office.

One of these days, in the not too distant future, you will have little choice but to reconsider, and come around to a different perspective.

The Creature's own behaviors will back him (and you) into a corner and leave you with no choice but to walk away from him.

You guys have gotta be getting damned tired, defending that scumbag 24x7 all year long, year after year, as he continues to implode.

The ironic thing is, it's virtually all self-inflicted.

You've backed an Obsessive-Compulsive Narcissist... you (collectively) know it... the rest of us know it... you just can't admit it... publicly.

But we all know, don't we, and, the way things are going, Walk-Away Day may be closer than you're presently able to admit.
Last edited:
I'm not sure why, but it seems the Democrats think that paying off a woman to be quiet about a scandal is somehow illegal. Well, it isn't.

Meanwhile, I'm wondering what any of this has to do with collusion with Russia...

Paying somebody off to avert a scandal is not a crime.

Unless, by doing so, you violate Federal campaign election laws.

The Democrats, and much of the rest of the country, want your boy's scalp; now that they know what he is.

Your boy, on the other hand, was stupid enough to give them the tomahawk.

Let the games begin.
He's a Russian agent.............LOL

We know what your side has done................the feelings are mutual.........We want your scalps.........

You defended Obama's abuse of power against the people.......weaponizing federal agencies..........and you didn't care when caught........and none of those doing it went to jail...............

Up yours bro.
You have me confused with somebody else.

I railed against the Clintons over the AG-Bubba Tarmac ChinWag and against the Dems a hundred-and-one times, before and after 2016.

I want Illegal Aliens gone, and I want a great many other GOP-centric agenda items.

It's just that I thought the Ghost of Benito Mussolini was too high a price for what I wanted; prizing Country and People above Party.

You misconstrue contempt for your Executive A$$hat as an indicator of substantive ideological differences. You are wrong.

Serve-up most of his agenda items, but with a sane, persuasive, effective leader at the helm, and I'm right there alongside you.

Your boy measures so low on the Person of Good Character scale that he's damned near invisible on the meter.
If you think a person who plays by the rules will take down the establishment who would sell their mother for a buck.............then I have Ocean Front Property to sell you in Arizona.................

They are corrupt to the core............The very ones attacking Trump are corrupt..............proven Liars.......attackers of American citizens for their views............and they weaponized Federal agencies.........

I have never stated that Trump was a good role model............LOL.............but he is taking them on and for once a candidate is trying to fulfill his campaign promises...............even with everyone attacking him it is getting done.................

The Good old boys club in Washington are pissed..........they have a good gig going and are being exposed.........and it's a mud slinging contest..........Trump knows how to fight in the's not moral's a a dirty fight.............mud going all over the place..........

Do you agree his policies are working..........are you happy that the left didn't get the Supreme court picks.......

Which policies do you disagree with.........Not talking morals...........talking results.

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