Paying people off to avoid a scandal is perfectly legal

So you STILL don’t understand what has been explained to you hundreds of times.
Bob Mueller has the authority and latitude to prosecute crimes he uncovers.
Let me explain it so even a deplorable can understand it.
Police are investigating a murder. They go to a murder suspect’s home and notice 3 lbs of heroin sitting next to the suspect.
So you’re staying the police can’t bust him for the heroin?
Maybe now you and your kind will stop asking this stupid ass question as the Fox syncopants do every night.

Also, Cohen wasn't prosecuted by Mueller. This was handled by local federal prosecutors.
Spare us the nauseating weaseling. Mueller provided them with all the ammunition.

Of actual crimes.

Remember, your narrative is that no crimes were committed. Yet prosecuters who didn't work for Mueller's office disagreed and found the evidence so compelling that they accepted Cohen's plea. So did a federal judge.

And you're insisting we ignore them *all*. And instead believe you.

Um, no.
Totally baseless. It's bullshit. We're talking about Dim prosecutors and a Dim judge. That's the reason Herr Mewler delegated the dirty work to the Southern district of New York

Totally baseless....says you. Again, your argument is just naked denial. You don't give us a rational basis for refuting their judgment. You simply insist that you know better than the prosecutors, judge and special investigators. And that we should ignore them and instead believe you.


Is that it, Brit? Just you ignoring all the evidence and pretending to be a legal expert?
Do I know more than them? Maybe not. But I'm not scumbag like they obviously are.
It wasn't a campaign expense, moron.
Uh...yep it was if it was used to pay off a person to prevent her from divulging information that might damage your campaign.
Nope. The "information" would damage him personally.
According to know...Trump's was a campaign-related payment...
“Imagine if that came out on October 15th, 2016, in the middle of the, you know, last debate with Hillary Clinton,” he told Fox News’s “Fox & Friends” about the payment.
Trump paying off hookers or porn stars would have made no difference at all. In October 2016, young kids were asking their parents what's a pussy? Why does Mr Trump grab pussies? Anyone that would vote for Trump after seeing the Access Hollywood tape would certainly not be concerned about him paying off these women.
In 1998 they were asking "what's a hummer?" What's semen? And turds like you defended Clinton to the last man.
As the saying goes, two wrongs don't make a right. What Clinton did 20 years ago was wrong but that is not justification for Trump's lifestyle of infidelity and promiscuous behavior.
Show me the conspiracy charge dumb ass.
BTW I don't click on the puffington hoax.


Ha Ha simpleton don't even know what conspiracy is! Your ignorance is on full display. Stop please....You are embarrassing embarassing yourself....:21::21:

So you got nothing but blather and bullshit. Good job ignorant regressive.


You know they don't need to charge Cohen with the conspiracy charge... because he plead guilty to the crime they conspired on. They charge the co-conspirators with conspiracy because they didn't commit the actual crime that they conspired on.

So you think a member of the bar telling the judge the devil made me do it, automatically implicates the devil in the charges. Grow the fuck up man. :lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao:


No... because they had done an investigation and corroborated his statements. Quit being a moron.

Really, did the investigation show the member of the bar telling his client that they couldn't do it that way because it was against the law? After all Cohen would have been ethically and duty bound as a fiduciary to do exactly that.

Last edited:
Uh...yep it was if it was used to pay off a person to prevent her from divulging information that might damage your campaign.
Nope. The "information" would damage him personally.
According to know...Trump's was a campaign-related payment...
“Imagine if that came out on October 15th, 2016, in the middle of the, you know, last debate with Hillary Clinton,” he told Fox News’s “Fox & Friends” about the payment.
Trump paying off hookers or porn stars would have made no difference at all. In October 2016, young kids were asking their parents what's a pussy? Why does Mr Trump grab pussies? Anyone that would vote for Trump after seeing the Access Hollywood tape would certainly not be concerned about him paying off these women.
In 1998 they were asking "what's a hummer?" What's semen? And turds like you defended Clinton to the last man.
As the saying goes, two wrongs don't make a right. What Clinton did 20 years ago was wrong but that is not justification for Trump's lifestyle of infidelity and promiscuous behavior.
Maybe not, but it does make all the snowflakes in here humongous hypocrites. However, snowflakes are proud to be hypocrites, so that point is wasted on them.
Trump Will Need a Better Defense Than This
His claim that he didn’t know about the Cohen payoffs in advance wouldn’t stand up in court.

Terms of Service Violation

The idiotic thing is DT is on tape clearly admitting he knew and took part in the payoff to Stormy but continues to change his story on it.
“ I didn’t know until much later.”
What a dildo!
Also, Cohen wasn't prosecuted by Mueller. This was handled by local federal prosecutors.
Spare us the nauseating weaseling. Mueller provided them with all the ammunition.

Of actual crimes.

Remember, your narrative is that no crimes were committed. Yet prosecuters who didn't work for Mueller's office disagreed and found the evidence so compelling that they accepted Cohen's plea. So did a federal judge.

And you're insisting we ignore them *all*. And instead believe you.

Um, no.
Totally baseless. It's bullshit. We're talking about Dim prosecutors and a Dim judge. That's the reason Herr Mewler delegated the dirty work to the Southern district of New York

Totally baseless....says you. Again, your argument is just naked denial. You don't give us a rational basis for refuting their judgment. You simply insist that you know better than the prosecutors, judge and special investigators. And that we should ignore them and instead believe you.


Is that it, Brit? Just you ignoring all the evidence and pretending to be a legal expert?
Do I know more than them? Maybe not. But I'm not scumbag like they obviously are.

With your evidence that they are scumbags being that they disagree with you. Again, Brit....its circular nonsense.

Back in reality, these are professional prosecutors, professional judges. And they found more than enough evidence to support the charges against Cohen. With Cohen admitting to the crimes.

And despite a legal plea with the defendant admitting to the very crime in question, you pretend you still know more and everyone should be ignored.

Trump Will Need a Better Defense Than This
His claim that he didn’t know about the Cohen payoffs in advance wouldn’t stand up in court.

Terms of Service Violation

The idiotic thing is DT is on tape clearly admitting he knew and took part in the payoff to Stormy but continues to change his story on it.
“ I didn’t know until much later.”
What a dildo!
You don't know what Trump is agreeing to on the tape. Stormy's name is never mentioned.
Trump Will Need a Better Defense Than This
His claim that he didn’t know about the Cohen payoffs in advance wouldn’t stand up in court.

Terms of Service Violation

The idiotic thing is DT is on tape clearly admitting he knew and took part in the payoff to Stormy but continues to change his story on it.
“ I didn’t know until much later.”
What a dildo!

Again, looking to Trump for truth is like looking at a broken clock for the time.

You're basically hoping to get lucky with the law of large numbers.
Spare us the nauseating weaseling. Mueller provided them with all the ammunition.

Of actual crimes.

Remember, your narrative is that no crimes were committed. Yet prosecuters who didn't work for Mueller's office disagreed and found the evidence so compelling that they accepted Cohen's plea. So did a federal judge.

And you're insisting we ignore them *all*. And instead believe you.

Um, no.
Totally baseless. It's bullshit. We're talking about Dim prosecutors and a Dim judge. That's the reason Herr Mewler delegated the dirty work to the Southern district of New York

Totally baseless....says you. Again, your argument is just naked denial. You don't give us a rational basis for refuting their judgment. You simply insist that you know better than the prosecutors, judge and special investigators. And that we should ignore them and instead believe you.


Is that it, Brit? Just you ignoring all the evidence and pretending to be a legal expert?
Do I know more than them? Maybe not. But I'm not scumbag like they obviously are.

With your evidence that they are scumbags being that they disagree with you. Again, Brit....its circular nonsense.

Back in reality, these are professional prosecutors, professional judges. And they found more than enough evidence to support the charges against Cohen. With Cohen admitting to the crimes.

And despite a legal plea with the defendant admitting to the very crime in question, you pretend you still know more and everyone should be ignored.

You're asking me to believe that prosecutors and judges never do anything that isn't strictly according to the book. Not even a moron like you would accept such a proposition. Dims certainly didn't when Ken Starr was investigating Whitewater.
I'm not sure why, but it seems the Democrats think that paying off a woman to be quiet about a scandal is somehow illegal. Well, it isn't.

Meanwhile, I'm wondering what any of this has to do with collusion with Russia...
It’s not ok when it’s a violation of election law

If Hillary did this you’d be in melt down

Now be quiet. You sound stupid
Trump & Co. is throwing everything they can get their hands on against the wall hoping that something will stick. Trump has a massive problem, but the Congress will give him enough shade to survive. After the mid-terms, without the Congress, he will at least be hamstrung and reduced to executive orders. In 2020, he is dead. BTW, he and his supporters are mirror images of each other. Sleaze is as sleaze does!!! Bigly.

Trump's response to Michael Cohen's plea deal, dissected - CNNPolitics
The walls are closing in on Crooked Donnie.
He’s now an unindicted co- conspirator in a felony and would be prosecuted if not president.
He very likely will have to sit for a deposition in the Stormy case.
Plus all of his other lawsuits and scandals.
This is without the most corrupt presidency ever.

Totally agree with you there. I don't how the Christian right got behind Trump in the first place. He's been all over the Howard Stern program, talking and bragging about his extra martial affairs, his sexcapades, making tons of vile vulgar comments. He also did in magazines. They watched the Hollywood access tape, and still stood behind him.

Now all Holy hell has come to play. They should be ashamed of themselves. He has made a mockery of the teachings of Jesus Christ, and the entire Republican party.


So much for the Republican "family values" platform--:auiqs.jpg: If they have any decency left they'll vote for Democrats this coming November just to get rid of this Ass Clown.
Republicans warn Trump could be impeached if Democrats win the midterm elections
Trump Will Need a Better Defense Than This
His claim that he didn’t know about the Cohen payoffs in advance wouldn’t stand up in court.

Terms of Service Violation

The idiotic thing is DT is on tape clearly admitting he knew and took part in the payoff to Stormy but continues to change his story on it.
“ I didn’t know until much later.”
What a dildo!

Again, looking to Trump for truth is like looking at a broken clock for the time.

You're basically hoping to get lucky with the law of large numbers.
DONT forget” Truth isn’t truth “ which just may be the quote that sums up this entire crooked presidency in the years to come.
Of actual crimes.

Remember, your narrative is that no crimes were committed. Yet prosecuters who didn't work for Mueller's office disagreed and found the evidence so compelling that they accepted Cohen's plea. So did a federal judge.

And you're insisting we ignore them *all*. And instead believe you.

Um, no.
Totally baseless. It's bullshit. We're talking about Dim prosecutors and a Dim judge. That's the reason Herr Mewler delegated the dirty work to the Southern district of New York

Totally baseless....says you. Again, your argument is just naked denial. You don't give us a rational basis for refuting their judgment. You simply insist that you know better than the prosecutors, judge and special investigators. And that we should ignore them and instead believe you.


Is that it, Brit? Just you ignoring all the evidence and pretending to be a legal expert?
Do I know more than them? Maybe not. But I'm not scumbag like they obviously are.

With your evidence that they are scumbags being that they disagree with you. Again, Brit....its circular nonsense.

Back in reality, these are professional prosecutors, professional judges. And they found more than enough evidence to support the charges against Cohen. With Cohen admitting to the crimes.

And despite a legal plea with the defendant admitting to the very crime in question, you pretend you still know more and everyone should be ignored.

You're asking me to believe that prosecutors and judges never do anything that isn't strictly according to the book.

I'm saying that these judges and prosecutors know more about the law than you do. And by any rational measure, comparing their decades of legal knowledge with your personal opinion has the same winner every time:

Not you.

Especially when you don't have any rational basis for your opinion. You just dismiss all charges as baseless....because. You're even insisting that a guilty plea shouldn't be taken as evidence of actual guilt.

Your only standard of credibility is agreement with you. And you don't know what you're talking about.
I'm not sure why, but it seems the Democrats think that paying off a woman to be quiet about a scandal is somehow illegal. Well, it isn't.

Meanwhile, I'm wondering what any of this has to do with collusion with Russia...
It’s not ok when it’s a violation of election law

If Hillary did this you’d be in melt down

Now be quiet. You sound stupid
Trump & Co. is throwing everything they can get their hands on against the wall hoping that something will stick. Trump has a massive problem, but the Congress will give him enough shade to survive. After the mid-terms, without the Congress, he will at least be hamstrung and reduced to executive orders. In 2020, he is dead. BTW, he and his supporters are mirror images of each other. Sleaze is as sleaze does!!! Bigly.

Trump's response to Michael Cohen's plea deal, dissected - CNNPolitics
The walls are closing in on Crooked Donnie.
He’s now an unindicted co- conspirator in a felony and would be prosecuted if not president.
He very likely will have to sit for a deposition in the Stormy case.
Plus all of his other lawsuits and scandals.
This is without the most corrupt presidency ever.

Totally agree with you there. I don't how the Christian right got behind Trump in the first place. He's been all over the Howard Stern program, talking and bragging about his extra martial affairs, his sexcapades, making tons of vile vulgar comments. He also did in magazines. They watched the Hollywood access tape, and still stood behind him.

Yet they fully supported and voted for him, and now all Holy hell has come to play. They should be ashamed of themselves. He has made a mockery of the teachings of Jesus Christ, and the entire Republican party.


So much for the Republican "family values" platform--:auiqs.jpg:

History won’t be kind to the Evangelicals and GOP who blindly supported this totally, dishonest immoral scumbag president.
I'm not sure why, but it seems the Democrats think that paying off a woman to be quiet about a scandal is somehow illegal. Well, it isn't.

Meanwhile, I'm wondering what any of this has to do with collusion with Russia...
It’s not ok when it’s a violation of election law

If Hillary did this you’d be in melt down

Now be quiet. You sound stupid
Trump & Co. is throwing everything they can get their hands on against the wall hoping that something will stick. Trump has a massive problem, but the Congress will give him enough shade to survive. After the mid-terms, without the Congress, he will at least be hamstrung and reduced to executive orders. In 2020, he is dead. BTW, he and his supporters are mirror images of each other. Sleaze is as sleaze does!!! Bigly.

Trump's response to Michael Cohen's plea deal, dissected - CNNPolitics
The walls are closing in on Crooked Donnie.
He’s now an unindicted co- conspirator in a felony and would be prosecuted if not president.
He very likely will have to sit for a deposition in the Stormy case.
Plus all of his other lawsuits and scandals.
This is without the most corrupt presidency ever.

Totally agree with you there. I don't how the Christian right got behind Trump in the first place. He's been all over the Howard Stern program, talking and bragging about his extra martial affairs, his sexcapades, making tons of vile vulgar comments. He also did in magazines. They watched the Hollywood access tape, and still stood behind him.

Yet they fully supported and voted for him, and now all Holy hell has come to play. They should be ashamed of themselves. He has made a mockery of the teachings of Jesus Christ, and the entire Republican party.


So much for the Republican "family values" platform--:auiqs.jpg: If they have any decency left they'll vote for Democrats this coming November just to get rid of this Ass Clown.
Republicans warn Trump could be impeached if Democrats win the midterm elections
I'm not sure why, but it seems the Democrats think that paying off a woman to be quiet about a scandal is somehow illegal. Well, it isn't.

Meanwhile, I'm wondering what any of this has to do with collusion with Russia...
It’s not ok when it’s a violation of election law

If Hillary did this you’d be in melt down

Now be quiet. You sound stupid
Trump & Co. is throwing everything they can get their hands on against the wall hoping that something will stick. Trump has a massive problem, but the Congress will give him enough shade to survive. After the mid-terms, without the Congress, he will at least be hamstrung and reduced to executive orders. In 2020, he is dead. BTW, he and his supporters are mirror images of each other. Sleaze is as sleaze does!!! Bigly.

Trump's response to Michael Cohen's plea deal, dissected - CNNPolitics
The walls are closing in on Crooked Donnie.
He’s now an unindicted co- conspirator in a felony and would be prosecuted if not president.
He very likely will have to sit for a deposition in the Stormy case.
Plus all of his other lawsuits and scandals.
This is without the most corrupt presidency ever.

Totally agree with you there. I don't how the Christian right got behind Trump in the first place. He's been all over the Howard Stern program, talking and bragging about his extra martial affairs, his sexcapades, making tons of vile vulgar comments. He also did in magazines. They watched the Hollywood access tape, and still stood behind him.

Yet they fully supported and voted for him, and now all Holy hell has come to play. They should be ashamed of themselves. He has made a mockery of the teachings of Jesus Christ, and the entire Republican party.


So much for the Republican "family values" platform--:auiqs.jpg:

History won’t be kind to the Evangelicals and GOP who blindly supported this totally, dishonest immoral scumbag president.

The present isn't being particularly kind either. Evangelicals have revealed what they really are.

And they'll gladly support any degree of immorality....for power.

WWJD indeed.
Ha Ha simpleton don't even know what conspiracy is! Your ignorance is on full display. Stop please....You are embarrassing embarassing yourself....:21::21:

So you got nothing but blather and bullshit. Good job ignorant regressive.


You know they don't need to charge Cohen with the conspiracy charge... because he plead guilty to the crime they conspired on. They charge the co-conspirators with conspiracy because they didn't commit the actual crime that they conspired on.

So you think a member of the bar telling the judge the devil made me do it, automatically implicates the devil in the charges. Grow the fuck up man. :lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao:


No... because they had done an investigation and corroborated his statements. Quit being a moron.

Really, did the investigation show the member of the bar telling his client that they couldn't do it that way because it was against the law? After all Cohen would have ethically and duty bound as a fiduciary to do exactly that.


You have no clue what went on... and the judge accepted his plea bargain. He hasn't even officially flipped and made a deal to get a lighter sentence.
Totally baseless. It's bullshit. We're talking about Dim prosecutors and a Dim judge. That's the reason Herr Mewler delegated the dirty work to the Southern district of New York

Totally baseless....says you. Again, your argument is just naked denial. You don't give us a rational basis for refuting their judgment. You simply insist that you know better than the prosecutors, judge and special investigators. And that we should ignore them and instead believe you.


Is that it, Brit? Just you ignoring all the evidence and pretending to be a legal expert?
Do I know more than them? Maybe not. But I'm not scumbag like they obviously are.

With your evidence that they are scumbags being that they disagree with you. Again, Brit....its circular nonsense.

Back in reality, these are professional prosecutors, professional judges. And they found more than enough evidence to support the charges against Cohen. With Cohen admitting to the crimes.

And despite a legal plea with the defendant admitting to the very crime in question, you pretend you still know more and everyone should be ignored.

You're asking me to believe that prosecutors and judges never do anything that isn't strictly according to the book.

I'm saying that these judges and prosecutors know more about the law than you do. And by any rational measure, comparing their decades of legal knowledge with your personal opinion has the same winner every time:

Not you.

Especially when you don't have any rational basis for your opinion. You just dismiss all charges as baseless....because. You're even insisting that a guilty plea shouldn't be taken as evidence of actual guilt.

Your only standard of credibility is agreement with you. And you don't know what you're talking about.
We know the charge that paying off Stormy was a campaign contribution is baseless. Plenty of distinguished lawyers plus the chairman of the FEC have said so.
It’s not ok when it’s a violation of election law

If Hillary did this you’d be in melt down

Now be quiet. You sound stupid
Trump & Co. is throwing everything they can get their hands on against the wall hoping that something will stick. Trump has a massive problem, but the Congress will give him enough shade to survive. After the mid-terms, without the Congress, he will at least be hamstrung and reduced to executive orders. In 2020, he is dead. BTW, he and his supporters are mirror images of each other. Sleaze is as sleaze does!!! Bigly.

Trump's response to Michael Cohen's plea deal, dissected - CNNPolitics
The walls are closing in on Crooked Donnie.
He’s now an unindicted co- conspirator in a felony and would be prosecuted if not president.
He very likely will have to sit for a deposition in the Stormy case.
Plus all of his other lawsuits and scandals.
This is without the most corrupt presidency ever.

Totally agree with you there. I don't how the Christian right got behind Trump in the first place. He's been all over the Howard Stern program, talking and bragging about his extra martial affairs, his sexcapades, making tons of vile vulgar comments. He also did in magazines. They watched the Hollywood access tape, and still stood behind him.

Yet they fully supported and voted for him, and now all Holy hell has come to play. They should be ashamed of themselves. He has made a mockery of the teachings of Jesus Christ, and the entire Republican party.


So much for the Republican "family values" platform--:auiqs.jpg:

History won’t be kind to the Evangelicals and GOP who blindly supported this totally, dishonest immoral scumbag president.

The present isn't being particularly kind either. Evangelicals have revealed what they really are.

And they'll gladly support any degree of immorality....for power.

WWJD indeed.

Evangelicals sure did it with Trump. They kicked 16 other GOP candidates to the curb and landed on the most vulgar, vile cow turd. They really couldn't have picked a worse President than Trump if they had gone out on a midnight scavenger hunt in search of one.


A whopping 83% of Evangelicals in this country voted for Trump
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