Paying people off to avoid a scandal is perfectly legal

It is not a campaign violation. You will never see any charges filed against Trump for this action. It is absurd. Trump is in the clear on this one. He might have a slew of other problems, but paying off a porn star isn't one of them.

Michael Cohen plead guilty to a FELONY campaign law violation... which Trump is on tape with him making the arrangements for the payments. That's conspiracy.

A plea deal is not proof of anything, moron. It's a deliberate attempt by Mueller to do an end around proof.

A judge doesn't sign off on a warrant to do a search of someone's lawyer without MASSIVE amounts of information to give them probable cause. Discussing laws with you is like trying to teach a gerbil algebra.
RIght, and we were also told that FISA judges don't sign a warrant unless they have thoroughly reviewed all the evidence.

All you proved is that you're terminally naive.
Unanswered of course is why anyone still supports a whore monger who surrounded himself with felons

You offered us Hillary and Bill, any other stupid questions?

2 years ago...

Why are you still supporting a whoremonger who surrounds himself with felons today?
Whore monger? Obama dropped 100 times more bombs than Trump ever thought of dropping. How many people did the Nobel peace prize winner kill with drones?


More Than 2,400 Dead as Obama’s Drone Campaign Marks Five Years

deflect much?
I'm not sure why, but it seems the Democrats think that paying off a woman to be quiet about a scandal is somehow illegal. Well, it isn't.

Meanwhile, I'm wondering what any of this has to do with collusion with Russia...
Democrats usually murder people to avoid unflattering press coverage.
First, it wasn't reported. Second, it was over the dollar limit for a single contribution. There's two violations right there. Lastly... Trump is on tape with Cohen asking to pay it in cash so it couldn't be traced... which is conspiracy.
Third, it wasn't a campaign contribution, moron.

You claim you aren't a lefty, so why are you always on the left side of every issue?

It wasn't? Oh after several years he just thought that randomly October 2016 was a good time to pay off Stormy Daniels for their affair...10+ years ago?
It occurred then because that's when she started trying to peddle her story to various smear merchants. Why would he try to pay her off when she wasn't talking about it to anyone? Nor was anyone interested in it before he began his campaign.

It's pretty simple, really. Even an idiot could figure it out.

He lied and said he paid her off to save his marriage and had nothing to do with the election. He's lied so much, not only can he not keep his lies straight, you guys forget them.
Prove it, asshole.

Prove it? Holy shit... you're so far up Trump's ass if you don't remember him saying it, you need to come out more often for air. You're brain dead.

I'm still waiting for you to show me the THOUSANDS of murders being committed by illegal Latinos in the U.S.
What election law was violated if Trump used his own money to pay off this woman?

BUT BUT Torquemada coerced Cohen to plead guilty to petting a cat, so petting cats must be a crime! :thup:

The Inquisition crafted an inflammatory and slanderous plea deal to smear the president in pursuit of their treasonous coup. An NDA is part of normal, everyday life.

Mewler is a fucking pig, a traitor and a scumbag. Though nothing from Cohen is admissible in any court, Torquemada intends to spend the next 6 weeks leaking shit in an attempt to rig the midterms.
Mueller just got 16 felony convictions.
The traitor is the racist guy who says the bullsh!t Trump says at his rallies.

Very true.
It’s not ok when it’s a violation of election law

That’s where the argument lies. It has not been established it was a violation yet or not. I’ve basically heard some people say it is and others say it isn’t

First, it wasn't reported. Second, it was over the dollar limit for a single contribution. There's two violations right there. Lastly... Trump is on tape with Cohen asking to pay it in cash so it couldn't be traced... which is conspiracy.

What "contribution" is that, fucking liar?

There was not contribution, fucking liar. Also, if Cohen has PRESIDENT Trump on tape, that is espionage and punishable by death. IF the Inquisition leaks that bullshit, an honest court just might have Cohen strapped down for a needle in short order. Not that Robert Torquemada cares, he'd kill his own mother to take out Trump.
Punishable by death?
Shut up. You have gone off the deep end.

You don't grasp that espionage - which taping the POTUS without his knowledge absolutely is - is punishable by death?

How fucking stupid are you?
Unanswered of course is why anyone still supports a whore monger who surrounded himself with felons

That is what we asked ourselves when asshats like you supported the rapist bill clinton and then voted for his wife, the woman who actually led the team that silenced the women he sexually assaulted and raped......

How dare you bring up Bill Clinton the intern abuser accused rapists and his enabling shrill wife.
The intern went to DC to “get her presidential knee pads” and never complained about her treatment.

As for shrill insane trump and his little trumptards are shrill.

Poor trumpkin
Ohh so sexual assault is not that when a Boss coerces an employee to have sex with him. Glad to know it.
If campaign money was used to pay Daniels, it’s a campaign finance violation and Trump should be fined....

Just like Obama was in 2008 for $375,000 when he violated campaign finance laws.

Where is the Trump/Putin collusion to rig the 2016 POTUS election?

The money trail should be pretty easy to follow.

Did Trump pay $130,000 to Daniels with his own money or with political donations?

I challenge anyone to post what statute Trump violated if he paid Daniels hush money from his own funds that he gave to Cohen.

I’ll even get you started.

Finish the sentence:

When Trump paid hush money to Stormy Daniels, he violated:

Subtitle III - Federal Campaign Finance

(Now, here is the part where you cite the specific statutes he violated.)
TITLE 52. VOTING AND ELECTIONS Chapter 301—Federal Election Campaigns Subchapter 1—Disclosure of Federal Campaign Funds
Page 254
Thing of Value

I explained it in Post 63.

Good Luck.

Sorry, it was post 62.
I'm not sure why, but it seems the Democrats think that paying off a woman to be quiet about a scandal is somehow illegal. Well, it isn't.

The entire Rube Herd has been parroting this bogus meme all fucking day. When will you fools wise up to the fact your propagandists are keeping you credulous morons in the dark?

Cohen pled GUILTY to eight counts. That means what he did was illegal, you fucking moron.

And yet you dumbasses make public fools of yourselves all day with this "it wasn't illegal" bullshit. :lol:

Now...I will use simple words to help catch all of you up to the facts, mm-kay? But I must warn you, it will be longer than a tweet, so do your best to keep up.

1) Cohen paid money to Stormy Daniels in order to affect the outcome of the election. He used his own money. It was not Trump's money. Therefore, that was a campaign contribution from Cohen to the Trump campaign. Most importantly, the amount exceeded the legal limit. And that is why Cohen is guilty.

2) Trump directed Cohen to make the illegal campaign contribution. That makes Trump part of a conspiracy involving an illegal campaign contribution in an attempt to affect the outcome of an election.

3) After he won the rigged election, Trump funneled money to Cohen by fraud.

Is everyone all caught up now?

Or have all of you already gotten back in line to chow down on some fresh bullshit from the people who lie to you every day?

Meanwhile, I'm wondering what any of this has to do with collusion with Russia...
This was a case from the Southern District of New York, idiot.

REPORT: Donald Trump shot and killed a nun on Fifth Avenue today.

TARDS: Duhhhhhh...what does this have to do with Russia?
It actually does't matter whose money it was. It was paid to affect the outcome of the election and wasn't reported. That's the crime.
Actually, it does matter whose money it was. It very much matters.

Not only was it Cohen's money, but it was also the National Enquirer's money, too. And corporations are not allowed to make direct contributions.

And you can't report a contribution that exceeds the legal limit. Cohen wasn't guilty of not reporting. He was guilty of exceeding the legal limit.
Sorry, I have to disagree a little. It doesn't matter when it comes to breaking campaign finance laws. The law only says "a thing of value" which doesn't have to be money. But in this case it is money.
But the NE and Cohen can both say Trump paid them back. Trump can then try to make the case he was using his own money which means no one was paid.
But the truth is, he paid for Stormy's silence. That makes her silence a thing of value. So the money was actually paid "in kind" to his campaign. That's how the law would see it. And that contribution, over a quarter million, would definitely be a campaign law violation.

His lawyer would argue he was merely paying out of his own money to shut a woman up. But her silence would benefit his campaign by affecting the election. That makes it a thing of value.
Your dumbass theory has already been discredited over 1000 times. Please spare us the ordeal of doing it again. The boredom is killing us.

the plan falls square in its face

the law says in such situations if the person did it for any other reason

such as -not embarrassing self or family then no crime has been committed

and it can be any reason what so ever
Look at Asia Argento....Fucking #MeToo whore,
not only does she pay Bennett $400,000 to keep his mouth shut
when he informs her, he's going public but,
blames the payout on Anthony Bourdain, her boyfriend,
who committed suicide, less than 2 months ago.

Karma is a bitch!
Unanswered of course is why anyone still supports a whore monger who surrounded himself with felons

That is what we asked ourselves when asshats like you supported the rapist bill clinton and then voted for his wife, the woman who actually led the team that silenced the women he sexually assaulted and raped......

How dare you bring up Bill Clinton the intern abuser accused rapists and his enabling shrill wife.
The intern went to DC to “get her presidential knee pads” and never complained about her treatment.

As for shrill insane trump and his little trumptards are shrill.

Poor trumpkin
Ohh so sexual assault is not that when a Boss coerces an employee to have sex with him. Glad to know it.
Actually, she said she coerced him. That part of her story never changed. It started when she asked him if he wanted to see her thong.
one thing is certain


" we really REALLY REALLY got him the time" fail

is going to cause much more emotional outbursts

I'm not sure why, but it seems the Democrats think that paying off a woman to be quiet about a scandal is somehow illegal. Well, it isn't.

Meanwhile, I'm wondering what any of this has to do with collusion with Russia...
It’s not ok when it’s a violation of election law

If Hillary did this you’d be in melt down

Now be quiet. You sound stupid

Its not a violation, legal experts and even the former head of the Federal Election Commission say so. Tissue? lmao!
the federal election commission SAID it WAS a crime, and that is why Cohen was able to be charged with a crime for it by the prosecutors....
There is ZERO evidence Trump used campaign funds so NO CRIME.

That is where the problem is, he used non campaign funds for campaign expenses..that is a no no.
The stages of retreat for Trumpies:

First, claim the crime never happened.

Then, "B-b-b-b-b-b-but Hillary!"

Then, "Okay, maybe he did it, but it isn't illegal!"

Then, "So what? I don't care!"

Third, it wasn't a campaign contribution, moron.

You claim you aren't a lefty, so why are you always on the left side of every issue?

It wasn't? Oh after several years he just thought that randomly October 2016 was a good time to pay off Stormy Daniels for their affair...10+ years ago?
It occurred then because that's when she started trying to peddle her story to various smear merchants. Why would he try to pay her off when she wasn't talking about it to anyone? Nor was anyone interested in it before he began his campaign.

It's pretty simple, really. Even an idiot could figure it out.

He lied and said he paid her off to save his marriage and had nothing to do with the election. He's lied so much, not only can he not keep his lies straight, you guys forget them.
Prove it, asshole.

Prove it? Holy shit... you're so far up Trump's ass if you don't remember him saying it, you need to come out more often for air. You're brain dead.

I'm still waiting for you to show me the THOUSANDS of murders being committed by illegal Latinos in the U.S.
Prove he lied, asshole.

You really are thick, ya know it?
I'm not sure why, but it seems the Democrats think that paying off a woman to be quiet about a scandal is somehow illegal. Well, it isn't.

Meanwhile, I'm wondering what any of this has to do with collusion with Russia...
It’s not ok when it’s a violation of election law

If Hillary did this you’d be in melt down

Now be quiet. You sound stupid

Its not a violation, legal experts and even the former head of the Federal Election Commission say so. Tissue? lmao!
the federal election commission SAID it WAS a crime, and that is why Cohen was able to be charged with a crime for it by the prosecutors....
There is ZERO evidence Trump used campaign funds so NO CRIME.

That is where the problem is, he used non campaign funds for campaign expenses..that is a no no.

nope not according to the law

if he did with any other reason

such as to hide it from the wife


to save embarrassment to the family

then no crime has been committed
I'm not sure why, but it seems the Democrats think that paying off a woman to be quiet about a scandal is somehow illegal. Well, it isn't.

Meanwhile, I'm wondering what any of this has to do with collusion with Russia...
It’s not ok when it’s a violation of election law

If Hillary did this you’d be in melt down

Now be quiet. You sound stupid

Its not a violation, legal experts and even the former head of the Federal Election Commission say so. Tissue? lmao!
the federal election commission SAID it WAS a crime, and that is why Cohen was able to be charged with a crime for it by the prosecutors....
There is ZERO evidence Trump used campaign funds so NO CRIME.

That is where the problem is, he used non campaign funds for campaign expenses..that is a no no.
Not if he reported it. Candidates can give unlimited money to their own campaigns. Unless the law has changed.
It’s not ok when it’s a violation of election law

If Hillary did this you’d be in melt down

Now be quiet. You sound stupid

Its not a violation, legal experts and even the former head of the Federal Election Commission say so. Tissue? lmao!
the federal election commission SAID it WAS a crime, and that is why Cohen was able to be charged with a crime for it by the prosecutors....
There is ZERO evidence Trump used campaign funds so NO CRIME.

That is where the problem is, he used non campaign funds for campaign expenses..that is a no no.

nope not according to the law

if he did with any other reason

such as to hide it from the wife


to save embarrassment to the family

then no crime has been committed
Yea but he did it to change the outcome of the election. That's a NO NO. He's on tape.

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