Paying people off to avoid a scandal is perfectly legal

Unanswered of course is why anyone still supports a whore monger who surrounded himself with felons

That is what we asked ourselves when asshats like you supported the rapist bill clinton and then voted for his wife, the woman who actually led the team that silenced the women he sexually assaulted and raped......

How dare you bring up Bill Clinton the intern abuser accused rapists and his enabling shrill wife.
The intern went to DC to “get her presidential knee pads” and never complained about her treatment.

As for shrill insane trump and his little trumptards are shrill.

Poor trumpkin
Ohh so sexual assault is not that when a Boss coerces an employee to have sex with him. Glad to know it.
Actually, she said she coerced him. That part of her story never changed. It started when she asked him if he wanted to see her thong.
If Willie was the CEO of a private firm, what he did would be considered sexual harassment, and the company would be sued for it.
I'm not sure why, but it seems the Democrats think that paying off a woman to be quiet about a scandal is somehow illegal. Well, it isn't.

Meanwhile, I'm wondering what any of this has to do with collusion with Russia...
It’s not ok when it’s a violation of election law

If Hillary did this you’d be in melt down

Now be quiet. You sound stupid

Its not a violation, legal experts and even the former head of the Federal Election Commission say so. Tissue? lmao!

It’s illegal to pay off women with campaign funds in the middle of the election and NOT REPORT IT.

That’s what he did.
Its not a violation, legal experts and even the former head of the Federal Election Commission say so. Tissue? lmao!
the federal election commission SAID it WAS a crime, and that is why Cohen was able to be charged with a crime for it by the prosecutors....
There is ZERO evidence Trump used campaign funds so NO CRIME.

That is where the problem is, he used non campaign funds for campaign expenses..that is a no no.

nope not according to the law

if he did with any other reason

such as to hide it from the wife


to save embarrassment to the family

then no crime has been committed
Yea but he did it to change the outcome of the election. That's a NO NO. He's on tape.

it does not matter

the law is clear

if there is any other reason no crime has been committed
It’s not ok when it’s a violation of election law

If Hillary did this you’d be in melt down

Now be quiet. You sound stupid

Its not a violation, legal experts and even the former head of the Federal Election Commission say so. Tissue? lmao!
the federal election commission SAID it WAS a crime, and that is why Cohen was able to be charged with a crime for it by the prosecutors....
There is ZERO evidence Trump used campaign funds so NO CRIME.

That is where the problem is, he used non campaign funds for campaign expenses..that is a no no.
Not if he reported it. Candidates can give unlimited money to their own campaigns. Unless the law has changed.
The paper trail shows it was Cohen's money, not Trump's.

The $130,000 Cohen gave to Daniels of his own money far exceeds the legal limit for campaign donations. That's why Cohen pled guilty.
If campaign money was used to pay Daniels, it’s a campaign finance violation and Trump should be fined....

Just like Obama was in 2008 for $375,000 when he violated campaign finance laws.

Where is the Trump/Putin collusion to rig the 2016 POTUS election?

The money trail should be pretty easy to follow.

Did Trump pay $130,000 to Daniels with his own money or with political donations?

I challenge anyone to post what statute Trump violated if he paid Daniels hush money from his own funds that he gave to Cohen.

I’ll even get you started.

Finish the sentence:

When Trump paid hush money to Stormy Daniels, he violated:

Subtitle III - Federal Campaign Finance

(Now, here is the part where you cite the specific statutes he violated.)
TITLE 52. VOTING AND ELECTIONS Chapter 301—Federal Election Campaigns Subchapter 1—Disclosure of Federal Campaign Funds
Page 254
Thing of Value

I explained it in Post 63.

Good Luck.

What you cited is if it related to payment or things of value from Campaign donations.

Cite where it’s a crime to pay a person hush money from privately and legally earned funds.

I thought I made that clear.

Good luck.

Incidentally, I do appreciate the homework and the effort you put into actually going to source statutes, good for you. Most lefties do not. (No sarcasm)

If he paid her with campaign donations, he should face whatever the penalties are for campaign finance I keep saying, just like Obama did in 2008.

We have gone from Trump/Putin rigging the 2016POTUS election to hush money because he nutted on a porn star.

Clinton paid Paula Jones $850,000in hush money.
It wasn't? Oh after several years he just thought that randomly October 2016 was a good time to pay off Stormy Daniels for their affair...10+ years ago?
It occurred then because that's when she started trying to peddle her story to various smear merchants. Why would he try to pay her off when she wasn't talking about it to anyone? Nor was anyone interested in it before he began his campaign.

It's pretty simple, really. Even an idiot could figure it out.

He lied and said he paid her off to save his marriage and had nothing to do with the election. He's lied so much, not only can he not keep his lies straight, you guys forget them.
Prove it, asshole.

Prove it? Holy shit... you're so far up Trump's ass if you don't remember him saying it, you need to come out more often for air. You're brain dead.

I'm still waiting for you to show me the THOUSANDS of murders being committed by illegal Latinos in the U.S.
Prove he lied, asshole.

You really are thick, ya know it?

If you had two brain cells to run together, it would be harder to prove when he tells the truth than when he's lied. He also said he never had an affair with Stormy Daniels. Who pays off a random woman to save their marriage if they didn't cheat? Melania should just believe him right?
I'm not sure why, but it seems the Democrats think that paying off a woman to be quiet about a scandal is somehow illegal. Well, it isn't.

Meanwhile, I'm wondering what any of this has to do with collusion with Russia...
It’s not ok when it’s a violation of election law

If Hillary did this you’d be in melt down

Now be quiet. You sound stupid

Its not a violation, legal experts and even the former head of the Federal Election Commission say so. Tissue? lmao!

It’s illegal to pay off women with campaign funds in the middle of the election and NOT REPORT IT.

That’s what he did.

No fucking liar, that is not what he did.

The NDA was funded by the Trump Corporation.
I'm not sure why, but it seems the Democrats think that paying off a woman to be quiet about a scandal is somehow illegal. Well, it isn't.

Meanwhile, I'm wondering what any of this has to do with collusion with Russia...
It’s not ok when it’s a violation of election law

If Hillary did this you’d be in melt down

Now be quiet. You sound stupid

Its not a violation, legal experts and even the former head of the Federal Election Commission say so. Tissue? lmao!

It’s illegal to pay off women with campaign funds in the middle of the election and NOT REPORT IT.

That’s what he did.

Plus it was for more than $2,700 which is the maximum amount.
Cohen used his own money to pay her. NOT a crime, and ZERO evidence Trump gave him money from the campaign dumb ass.
Trump says it was his money

Get he story straight
Last I checked it is not illegal to pay off a blackmailer. There is ZERO evidence he used campaign funds to do it. Therefore NO crime.

Absent the campaign, would the candidate have incurred the expense? If the answer is yes, Trump is in the clear. If the answer is no, then it is a campaign violation. In this case, we have a billionaire that has spent more time in court than just about anyone. Big CEO's, Billionaires, entertainers and athletes all have been known to make settlements like this one. Michael Jackson and on and on. For many, Trump included, this has probably been normal business for him for years. As the attorney for John Edwards said, its not illegal to be a pig. Trump is very famous and very rich. This is an easy defense for Trump, and is why this will never go anywhere from here.
I'm not sure why, but it seems the Democrats think that paying off a woman to be quiet about a scandal is somehow illegal. Well, it isn't.

Meanwhile, I'm wondering what any of this has to do with collusion with Russia...
It’s not ok when it’s a violation of election law

If Hillary did this you’d be in melt down

Now be quiet. You sound stupid

Its not a violation, legal experts and even the former head of the Federal Election Commission say so. Tissue? lmao!

It’s illegal to pay off women with campaign funds in the middle of the election and NOT REPORT IT.

That’s what he did.

Plus it was for more than $2,700 which is the maximum amount.

Except fucking liar, it wasn't campaign funds.
It occurred then because that's when she started trying to peddle her story to various smear merchants. Why would he try to pay her off when she wasn't talking about it to anyone? Nor was anyone interested in it before he began his campaign.

It's pretty simple, really. Even an idiot could figure it out.

He lied and said he paid her off to save his marriage and had nothing to do with the election. He's lied so much, not only can he not keep his lies straight, you guys forget them.
Prove it, asshole.

Prove it? Holy shit... you're so far up Trump's ass if you don't remember him saying it, you need to come out more often for air. You're brain dead.

I'm still waiting for you to show me the THOUSANDS of murders being committed by illegal Latinos in the U.S.
Prove he lied, asshole.

You really are thick, ya know it?

If you had two brain cells to run together, it would be harder to prove when he tells the truth than when he's lied. He also said he never had an affair with Stormy Daniels. Who pays off a random woman to save their marriage if they didn't cheat? Melania should just believe him right?
You failed to prove a thing, moron. Can you prove he had an affair with Daniels? Billionaires are often harassed and blackmailed by spurned gold diggers. I realize it's not a problem that your ugly ass has never experienced.
The stages of retreat for Trumpies:

First, claim the crime never happened.

Then, "B-b-b-b-b-b-but Hillary!"

Then, "Okay, maybe he did it, but it isn't illegal!"

Then, "So what? I don't care!"


36 months ago they were the party of family values….
Now they are the party of trying to explain why it’s not only okay to pay a whore monger hush money but it’s smart to do so!!!!
He lied and said he paid her off to save his marriage and had nothing to do with the election. He's lied so much, not only can he not keep his lies straight, you guys forget them.
Prove it, asshole.

Prove it? Holy shit... you're so far up Trump's ass if you don't remember him saying it, you need to come out more often for air. You're brain dead.

I'm still waiting for you to show me the THOUSANDS of murders being committed by illegal Latinos in the U.S.
Prove he lied, asshole.

You really are thick, ya know it?

If you had two brain cells to run together, it would be harder to prove when he tells the truth than when he's lied. He also said he never had an affair with Stormy Daniels. Who pays off a random woman to save their marriage if they didn't cheat? Melania should just believe him right?
You failed to prove a thing, moron. Can you prove he had an affair with Daniels? Billionaires are often harassed and blackmailed by spurned gold diggers. I realize it's not a problem that your ugly ass has never experienced.

If he didn't cheat, there is nothing to be blackmailed for. He would just tell Melania, "I didn't cheat." Billionaires don't get rich by paying out $150,000 and $130,000 every time a woman accuses them of an affair.
Prove it, asshole.

Prove it? Holy shit... you're so far up Trump's ass if you don't remember him saying it, you need to come out more often for air. You're brain dead.

I'm still waiting for you to show me the THOUSANDS of murders being committed by illegal Latinos in the U.S.
Prove he lied, asshole.

You really are thick, ya know it?

If you had two brain cells to run together, it would be harder to prove when he tells the truth than when he's lied. He also said he never had an affair with Stormy Daniels. Who pays off a random woman to save their marriage if they didn't cheat? Melania should just believe him right?
You failed to prove a thing, moron. Can you prove he had an affair with Daniels? Billionaires are often harassed and blackmailed by spurned gold diggers. I realize it's not a problem that your ugly ass has never experienced.

If he didn't cheat, there is nothing to be blackmailed for. He would just tell Melania, "I didn't cheat." Billionaires don't get rich by paying out $150,000 and $130,000 every time a woman accuses them of an affair.

Sure they do, that is why no one thinks they cheat.
I'm not sure why, but it seems the Democrats think that paying off a woman to be quiet about a scandal is somehow illegal. Well, it isn't.

Meanwhile, I'm wondering what any of this has to do with collusion with Russia...
It’s not ok when it’s a violation of election law

If Hillary did this you’d be in melt down

Now be quiet. You sound stupid

Its not a violation, legal experts and even the former head of the Federal Election Commission say so. Tissue? lmao!

It’s illegal to pay off women with campaign funds in the middle of the election and NOT REPORT IT.

That’s what he did.

Plus it was for more than $2,700 which is the maximum amount.

Except fucking liar, it wasn't campaign funds.

So Cohen plead guilty to something that didn’t happen?
Prove it? Holy shit... you're so far up Trump's ass if you don't remember him saying it, you need to come out more often for air. You're brain dead.

I'm still waiting for you to show me the THOUSANDS of murders being committed by illegal Latinos in the U.S.
Prove he lied, asshole.

You really are thick, ya know it?

If you had two brain cells to run together, it would be harder to prove when he tells the truth than when he's lied. He also said he never had an affair with Stormy Daniels. Who pays off a random woman to save their marriage if they didn't cheat? Melania should just believe him right?
You failed to prove a thing, moron. Can you prove he had an affair with Daniels? Billionaires are often harassed and blackmailed by spurned gold diggers. I realize it's not a problem that your ugly ass has never experienced.

If he didn't cheat, there is nothing to be blackmailed for. He would just tell Melania, "I didn't cheat." Billionaires don't get rich by paying out $150,000 and $130,000 every time a woman accuses them of an affair.

Sure they do, that is why no one thinks they cheat.

There is someone left in the nation who thinks Trump didn’t bang Stormy?
Prove it? Holy shit... you're so far up Trump's ass if you don't remember him saying it, you need to come out more often for air. You're brain dead.

I'm still waiting for you to show me the THOUSANDS of murders being committed by illegal Latinos in the U.S.
Prove he lied, asshole.

You really are thick, ya know it?

If you had two brain cells to run together, it would be harder to prove when he tells the truth than when he's lied. He also said he never had an affair with Stormy Daniels. Who pays off a random woman to save their marriage if they didn't cheat? Melania should just believe him right?
You failed to prove a thing, moron. Can you prove he had an affair with Daniels? Billionaires are often harassed and blackmailed by spurned gold diggers. I realize it's not a problem that your ugly ass has never experienced.

If he didn't cheat, there is nothing to be blackmailed for. He would just tell Melania, "I didn't cheat." Billionaires don't get rich by paying out $150,000 and $130,000 every time a woman accuses them of an affair.

Sure they do, that is why no one thinks they cheat.

Trump said he NEVER settles lawsuits because then everyone will file suits against him. That would mean he'd also never pay off women for blackmail... because if he did nothing wrong, women would be accusing him and getting paid off all the time. If he was an honest man, him telling his wife he didn't do it would be enough.
What prosecutors charge someone with is not always found to be a crime. That is why defendants win cases. In Cohens situation, he made a plea deal to avoid a much more severe sentence for tax evasion. Cohen will say whatever he has to get the best deal he can. 3 years in jail for a bogus charge is a lot better than life for the real one.

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