Paying Vehicle Bills


Diamond Member
Jun 15, 2019
Gold Coast
Two of my paid-for vehicles have the annual California registration fees due in September. Both are required to have the tailpipe sniffed bi-annually, and this is the year for those two. Only $490.00.
I paid the annual insurance on both of those vehicles this month, also. That amounts to $1632.00.
I have two motorcycles. I pay $185.00 per month for a storage locker for them. One has tags due this month also, so I paid $15.00 for a Non-Op reg. The other is due in March, but I plan on selling it soon.
I also acquired a $469.00 "red light" camera ticket, which is due by October 10th. If not paid by the 10th, the fine jumps to $630.00. The option is Traffic School for $529.00 plus the school fee, which I have no idea how much extra that is. Yes, I'm guilty, but I say screw them and I'll take the point on my license. That is why I'm paying both insurance premiums now.

So much for all that. Now if I owned a Tesla (or two) I could be paying a boatload more in fees. Screw that.

Haha, you still have to do that emissions bullshit.
Ventura repealed that shit when he was Governor here years ago. It hurt the working poor the most.

The MN Supreme Court also ruled traffic ticket cameras Unconstitutional.
They will put your careless law abiding taxpaying ass in jail for failure to have your tailpipe sniffed but they let shoplifters go free in the people's republic of Ca. Priorities are priorities.

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