PBS Frontline for November 1, 2016

I'm not sure they do it every election year but for at least the last three, the producers at Frontline have reserved the program just before the election for an in depth look at the two candidates who will vie for the Presidency.

Hopefully they do it again this year because I want to see them try to put a serious 30-40 minutes together about Drumpf.
just before the election for an in depth look at the two candidates​

That is their first lie. There are four candidates.
I'm not sure they do it every election year but for at least the last three, the producers at Frontline have reserved the program just before the election for an in depth look at the two candidates who will vie for the Presidency.

Hopefully they do it again this year because I want to see them try to put a serious 30-40 minutes together about Drumpf.
just before the election for an in depth look at the two candidates​

That is their first lie. There are four candidates.

Actually there are something like 60+….Only 2 have a chance.
I'm not sure they do it every election year but for at least the last three, the producers at Frontline have reserved the program just before the election for an in depth look at the two candidates who will vie for the Presidency.

Hopefully they do it again this year because I want to see them try to put a serious 30-40 minutes together about Drumpf.
just before the election for an in depth look at the two candidates​

That is their first lie. There are four candidates.

Actually there are something like 60+….Only 2 have a chance.
Indeed, look at the crooked, corporate media coverage.

Clinton, Trump, Clinton, Trump, Clinton, Trump, Clinton, Trump, Clinton, Trump, Clinton, Trump, Clinton, Trump, Clinton, Trump, Clinton, Trump, Clinton, Trump, Clinton, Trump, Clinton, Trump, Clinton, Trump, Clinton, Trump, Clinton, Trump, Clinton, Trump, Clinton, Trump, Clinton, Trump, Clinton, Trump, Clinton, Trump, Clinton, Trump, Clinton, Trump, Clinton, Trump, Clinton, Trump, Clinton, Trump, Clinton, Trump, Clinton, Trump, Clinton, Trump, Gary Johnson, Clinton, Trump, Clinton, Trump, Clinton, Trump, Clinton, Trump, Clinton, Trump, Clinton, Trump, Clinton, Trump, Clinton, Trump, Clinton, Trump, Clinton, Trump, Clinton, Trump, Clinton, Trump, Clinton, Trump, Clinton, Trump, Clinton, Trump, Clinton, Trump, Clinton, Trump, Clinton, Trump, Clinton, Trump, Jill Stein, Clinton, Trump, Clinton, Trump, Clinton, Trump, Clinton, Trump, Clinton, Trump, Clinton, Trump, Clinton, Trump, Clinton, Trump, Clinton, Trump, Clinton, Trump, Clinton, Trump, Clinton, Trump, Clinton, Trump, Clinton, Trump, Clinton, Trump, Clinton, Trump, Clinton, Trump, Clinton, Trump, Clinton, Trump,.

Looks like fake media coverage pimping the corporate parties.
the producers at Frontline have reserved the program just before the election for an in depth look at the two candidates who will vie for the Presidency.
It won't help their cause. Hillary supporters are in the tank for her, Trump's in his and more leftists smear jobs won't sway anybody. He took it all and is still standing, and standing quite well with the momentum behind his back. It's just a last ditch desperate act by leftists trying to seize more power.

Of course you would. You're a murdering right winger. I thought you had gone to hide in your compound, to never return here. You're nothing more than a little kid running away from home forever-----------or until supper.

HOLY shit but are you ever stupid...if I am not a leftard/ communist then I MUST be a neocon? How fucking stupid are you? I am a constitutionalist that believes in the Bill of Rights and Common Law. I don't buy into the phony "left versus right" paridigm. I have very few peers and that's a sad thing. If I had only one of two choices that was forced upon me which is A: Vote for a Clinton or B: Slitting of the throat ....I am looking for a dull knife. These disgusting POS make me want to puke any time I see them on TV...got a problem with that? Tough shit. Don't like it that I returned after some time away? "Ignore" my comments. It's not like you add anything to the posting experience here.

Hope this helps!!! (snicker)
It’s available online if you missed it tonight. Brilliant documentary describing how both got here….

Informed participants should give it a watch.


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