PC Alert! New term we're not supposed to use


"Master bedroom" - slave connotations. It's now "owners' suite".

It's still not as funny as the liberals who called Africans, "African American Africans." But it's up there.

So does that mean doing the job yourself is ownerbating?
I too, am getting tired of the "f" word. It's not funny, it's not even shocking anymore. It's just vulgar and boring, a clear sign of an uneducated mind.

The situation demanded the word, in that case.

Yes, it did. They were making a valid point, then they decided to take it Partisan. Liberals don't know when to put a period on the sentence and stop talking.
why the hell is this so upsetting to you?
It's a strong indication of a troublesome political trend. While it might seem rather trivial it is in fact an example of tampering with our thought processes -- aka mind control, which eventually has the effect commonly known as brainwash and is easily expanded upon.

This obnoxious little bit of patronage by the real estate industry is one more example of the influence money has on our obsessively capitalistic culture.

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