PC Alert! New term we're not supposed to use


"Master bedroom" - slave connotations. It's now "owners' suite".

I'm not kidding: In residential real estate, bid farewell to the 'master bedroom' - Washington Business Journal

Fuckin' madness. I wonder if Master Lock™ will need to change its name.

Please add this term to your list, or you're a racist.


No more "walk-in" closets, either, because of the handicapped.
"Extra large" closets

"Extra large" closets would probably offend fat people.

"Master bedroom" - slave connotations. It's now "owners' suite".

I'm not kidding: In residential real estate, bid farewell to the 'master bedroom' - Washington Business Journal

Fuckin' madness. I wonder if Master Lock™ will need to change its name.

Please add this term to your list, or you're a racist.


No more "walk-in" closets, either, because of the handicapped.
"Extra large" closets

"Extra large" closets would probably offend fat people.

When we moved here the lady that showed the apartment told us she wasn't allowed to call them "walk-in" closets.

Orwell would be impressed with the new-speak
Yea,well they better sure as shit change Cracker to soda biscuit also.The outrage ,racist bastards.....:eusa_whistle::eusa_whistle:
Wow.....that bar that you have set for humor wouldn't trip a cockroach.

The method that your comedians just used is probably the way that most of your fictional PC terms were developed. A snarky nutter imagining ways that innocuous words might be used to insult someone.....and then pretending that people got outraged.
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The fact that some of you are taking this issue seriously is truly hilarious.

Hey, we all have our hot buttons.

For me personally, the First Amendment, freedom of expression and intellectual honesty are right at the top of the list. Can't tell you why, it's just the way my little brain is wired. It is what it is.

For partisan ideologues (who utilize spin, denial, deflection, hyperbole, straw men, distortion and outright lies to push their agenda) and the PC Police (who try to control the conversation by putting their targets on the defensive over mere words), those things aren't a really high priority. Fair enough, that's up to them.

Hot buttons are good! They get the blood flowing!


I think the whole "anti-PC" thing is just a manifestation of a need to be a victim.

Oh, you poor conservatives, being persecuted and "banned" from saying words.

I feel bad for you guys, it's so unfair. How dare other people take offense at things you say!

If you don't want to be politically correct, then don't. Simple as that.

I am certainly NOT "anti-PC".

I am very fond of my Pressure Cooker and use my Personal Computer every day.
Can you actually breathe while you post on this forum? Or do you have a sticky note on your monitor reminding you to do it?
Free entertainment.
I would REALLY like to see what kind of people TM hangs out with.
My biggest fear is SHE could be the smartest one in her circle of friends.
How is THAT for a frightening vision?

I'm betting she never leaves her mom's basement where she spends her days eating cheetos and getting paid a penny a post by liberal causes.

TM is an old bitter hippie that routinely has 3 martini breakfasts.

Can't you tell?
yeah yeah yeah we all know you will say master has nothing to do with racism.

watermelon isnt racist.

pickaninny isnt racist

even calling a big rock on your property ****** head rock isnt racist.

its the kind of things racist have said for 100s of years

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