Peace Dove Scholz´ peace plan for Ukraine allegedly includes territorial cessions


Nov 14, 2012
We remember a funny internet clown who put a video online that went viral: "The destruction of the CDU". It didn´t work out, all the bullshit, all the violence and rallying calls for the raped and beaten are forgotten as the fools rushed to cast their predicted votes in favor of the very same party. Now it becomes more realistic as Scholz´ "destruction of the SPD" seems to work.
But why would Scholz need to do anything? The monkeys will punish him and his party by voting for a party running identical agendas: in another four years, the rodents will vote for his party again.

But something is different this time. New, rebellious parties celebrate new records. They claim to have fundamentally different policies.
Similar to Ukraine, Germany´s east is pro-Russian and that means the government can explain and explain its policy to them, they still oppose it.

Scholz drawing the Russian joker will probably not change anything in the east but maybe in the west. So is his latest move, a push for peace under conditions reflecting reality, a counter-CDU measure that is still in full war mood? Or for personal gain? Is it his decision at all, remember that his own allies say he couldn´t take a breath without the US role model.

However, it is in the news that Scholz prepares a new peace plan or Ukraine that includes giving up on the territories that Russia has annexed. And he openly said that he now wants to end the war quickly.

Scholz´ plan, no details offered, is not supported by Ukraine. Zelensky prepares another one.

It is also worth to consult the Ukrainian view that doesn´t paint Scholz in too bright lights:

"Today, Germany is Ukraine's key ally in Europe and the main sponsor of the Ukrainian resistance. However, Germany prefers to pay for everything, while the issue of providing weapons is still avoided in every possible way.

We remember well the only "5000 helmets" from Germany at the beginning of the invasion and the blocking of the provision of artillery and tanks, for which some received the ironic nickname "offended liver sausage" for the rest of their lives, and the already somewhat forgotten "Taurus". All this is true, but there are billions of euros in aid, dozens of IRIS-Ts and tens of thousands of Ukrainian soldiers trained in Germany. All of this strangely coexists together in Scholz and makes him who he is."


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