Peaceful protester lights another peaceful protestor on fire with a peacful molotov

Wonder why Andy Ngo is always at the right place at the right time???
Not funny! :(
Throwing it at the police is then........huh...........

Oh well...............could care less..........police get put on fire versus terrorists throwing it.........

Did Andy know, the Molotov Cocktail was going to be thrown? Or all the other footage of similar incidences that he always has video on??? All these videos seem to come from him? Does he get paid for his videos?
Did Andy know, the Molotov Cocktail was going to be thrown? Or all the other footage of similar incidences that he always has video on??? All these videos seem to come from him? Does he get paid for his videos?

He is in the middle of the riots.....and he knows the joe biden voters from having been in the middle of the riots......he sees the violence right where it is happening.......are you really this stupid?
Did Andy know, the Molotov Cocktail was going to be thrown? Or all the other footage of similar incidences that he always has video on??? All these videos seem to come from him? Does he get paid for his videos?

He is in the middle of the riots.....and he knows the joe biden voters from having been in the middle of the riots......he sees the violence right where it is happening.......are you really this stupid?
Every night? Every riot??? Okee Dokee
Not funny! :(
Throwing it at the police is then........huh...........

Oh well...............could care less..........police get put on fire versus terrorists throwing it.........

Throwing the cocktail at the police or anyone was not funny! And that bystander, burning alive, was definitely not funny!!!! Not funny AT ALL!!!!
Then why am I laughing..............Social Justice BS Warriors getting Karma........I DON'T CARE........I've already said I'd send in thousands of National Guardsmen.........and end this BS...........looters will be shot...........

They should stay home......too dang bad as they have been killing people and burning businesses down....

Fuck him.
Did Andy know, the Molotov Cocktail was going to be thrown? Or all the other footage of similar incidences that he always has video on??? All these videos seem to come from him? Does he get paid for his videos?

He is in the middle of the riots.....and he knows the joe biden voters from having been in the middle of the riots......he sees the violence right where it is happening.......are you really this stupid?
Every night? Every riot??? Okee Dokee

The riots he is in the middle dumb twit......
Not funny! :(
It is very funny.
It is called consequence.
You want to be out there with a bunch of idiots playing with fire and letting off professional grade fireworks within feet of crowds.... and you come back for more?
This is what happens.
What is tragic... is your total lack of outrage that people are carrying around and using lethal weapons that result in injury and death.
Ahhhhhhhhh.....some twin of his, shot this video, not him, he's just retweeting this one....
Not funny! :(
It is very funny.
It is called consequence.
You want to be out there with a bunch of idiots playing with fire and letting off professional grade fireworks within feet of crowds.... and you come back for more?
This is what happens.
What is tragic... is your total lack of outrage that people are carrying around and using lethal weapons that result in injury and death.
Really? Wow and Sad
Not funny! :(
It is very funny.
It is called consequence.
You want to be out there with a bunch of idiots playing with fire and letting off professional grade fireworks within feet of crowds.... and you come back for more?
This is what happens.
What is tragic... is your total lack of outrage that people are carrying around and using lethal weapons that result in injury and death.
Really? Wow and Sad
Indeed. It is very sad that you don;t care about the welfare of mainly teenagers endangered by others.
It is also sad you don't recognize the difference between anarchy, lawlessness and protesting. As well as weak-minded politicians who don't have the care for their city and it's citizens to stop a group of thugs and feral children from holding the city hostage.
Sad it is.
And you know what Care4none?.... the vast majority of people agree with me.

Cops need to yell smother it to the highly educated peaceful brainwashed idiots

In order to protect the public from further harm, the disturbed person who threw the incendiary device on a crowded Street needs to spend several decades confined to a cell.

My question is, who is raising and socializing apparent seriously acrazed people lacking empathy and respect for others?

Child brain development MD, PhD Educates A Female Billionaire:



Cops need to yell smother it to the highly educated peaceful brainwashed idiots

In order to protect the public from further harm, the disturbed person who threw the incendiary device on a crowded Street needs to spend several decades confined to a cell.

My question is, who is raising and socializing apparent seriously acrazed people lacking empathy and respect for others?

Child brain development MD, PhD Educates A Female Billionaire:

View attachment 385133View attachment 385134

Avery more than likely it was another dopey noodle armed white boy who threw it.
"Fighting for Justice " On the road to utopia ........God help us all ....uh boy

Stay safe out there in Brooklyn brother

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