Peaceful protester lights another peaceful protestor on fire with a peacful molotov

Did Andy know, the Molotov Cocktail was going to be thrown? Or all the other footage of similar incidences that he always has video on??? All these videos seem to come from him? Does he get paid for his videos?

He is in the middle of the riots.....and he knows the joe biden voters from having been in the middle of the riots......he sees the violence right where it is happening.......are you really this stupid?
Every night? Every riot??? Okee Dokee

Not every night, not every riot, just riots his sources tell him will be happening.
Wonder why Andy Ngo is always at the right place at the right time???

because he's a journalist actually doing his fucking job?

He obviously has sources inside the groups starting this shit, or at least sources among the people getting the directives from said amorphous leadership.
He's a journalist.....?? As in a Journalist, with a degree in Journalism???

Cops need to yell smother it to the highly educated peaceful brainwashed idiots

In order to protect the public from further harm, the disturbed person who threw the incendiary device on a crowded Street needs to spend several decades confined to a cell.

My question is, who is raising and socializing apparent seriously acrazed people lacking empathy and respect for others?

Child brain development MD, PhD Educates A Female Billionaire:

View attachment 385133View attachment 385134

Avery more than likely it was another dopey noodle armed white boy who threw it.
"Fighting for Justice " On the road to utopia ........God help us all ....uh boy

Stay safe out there in Brooklyn brother

Hello, DY.

It appears emotionally or mentally ill, hate embracing Antifa terrorists have joined BLM movement terrorists in terrorizing and harming their peaceful American neighbors.

DY, due to concerns for protecting my emotional well-being, as well as physical safety, many years ago I left Brooklyn and have no intentions returning to that crime and violence plagued NYC Boro.

Stay safe as well, DY.


Some dipshit decides to go to the latest hotspot after months of nightly rioting, arson, looting, etc., accidentally becomes a victim of the violence, and I’m supposed to give a shit about him?

Actions are just like elections. They’ve got those pesky consequences.
Wonder why Andy Ngo is always at the right place at the right time???

because he's a journalist actually doing his fucking job?

He obviously has sources inside the groups starting this shit, or at least sources among the people getting the directives from said amorphous leadership.
He's a journalist.....?? As in a Journalist, with a degree in Journalism???

Since when does being a journalist require a degree in journalism?

Before WWII my grandfather worked as a journalist with a high school diploma before being hired by the War Department for staff work and then eventually being drafted.

Cops need to yell smother it to the highly educated peaceful brainwashed idiots

In order to protect the public from further harm, the disturbed person who threw the incendiary device on a crowded Street needs to spend several decades confined to a cell.

My question is, who is raising and socializing apparent seriously acrazed people lacking empathy and respect for others?

Child brain development MD, PhD Educates A Female Billionaire:

View attachment 385133View attachment 385134

Avery more than likely it was another dopey noodle armed white boy who threw it.
"Fighting for Justice " On the road to utopia ........God help us all ....uh boy

Stay safe out there in Brooklyn brother

Hello, DY.

It appears emotionally or mentally ill, hate embracing Antifa terrorists have joined BLM movement terrorists in terrorizing and harming their peaceful American neighbors.

DY, due to concerns for protecting my emotional well-being, as well as physical safety, many years ago I left Brooklyn and have no intentions returning to that crime and violence plagued NYC Boro.

Stay safe as well, DY.

View attachment 385544

I thought you were still in Brooklyn...I left 2 weeks after the historic 2016 ass kickin of bag lady Clinton

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