‘Peaceful protesters’ threaten to burn down DC...Will Democrats talk about this threat of “insurrection”?

When Dem Senate minority leader Schumer incited a riot outside the SCOTUS Dems and the news media supported it. The double standard could not be more obvious. If Trump supporters had threatened to burn down DC it would be 24/7 news and Dems would freak out.
here is what the Dems say
View attachment 454228
Desperado has been fact-checked:
Now tell me when Schumer, Pelosi , Waters and Pressley condemned the riot and stopped bailing out the rioters?
When useless malcontents are involved then all is well with that in libbie and MSM land
This link will embarass you:
Shame based motivation attempts were passed down upon you and you adopted them like a good snowflake libbie but thinkers like me know better and reject it
Sorry bout that,

1. At this point, I would buy the first gallon of gas.
2. Lets hope they don't get what they want and then go mid-evil!
3. Then watch the libnuts bail them out of jail for arson.

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