Pearl Harbor. 911. Katrina. NYC Corona

Pearl Harbor- 2400 confirmed dead.

911- 2996 confirmed dead.

Katrina 1833 confirmed.

NYC under Diblasio and Fredo's brother who were around the last to shut it down......., as of 5/13/20.

To be fair. Halve these deaths, especially 65 and older, who had one foot in the grave and another on a banana peel. Or didn't even know their name.

0-17.............9 deaths

Total is...15,230 as of 5/13/20. Add 10 days and God who knows.

Halving this is 7600. Quarter it and you have near 4,000. 10% is 1500

About comorbidity. Remember. If a 50 yr old person dies from Corona, and has controlled hypertension. They are considered comorbid. Just like an 85 yr old with 5 comorbids.

Just comparing numbers of terrible events in cities, less Pearl Harbor. They lost them at a naval base.

Note. I am a qualified Life, Health, and disability underwriter.
....Pearl Harbor and 9-11 lasted only a few hours--and a lot of YOUNG, healthy died
Tokyo bombing -80,000 dead in a few hours

'''less PH''--but it's in your title and OP....???!!!!
nonsensical analogy
you are not a qualified historian
This is not a historical post. It is really a medical post showing most disasters could have been heeded with less or no damage.

Pearl Harbor....Warnings went unheeded.



NYC handling pandemic.....................A total F disaster unheeded.

I bet if NYC was Repub run, you'd be totally different Wanna bet a c-note on it?
totally wrong.......
hahahahh---you messed up on that..I'm not a Democratic or liberal
I'm definitely not Democrat!!!!!! hahahahhahahaha

godamn--then there shouldn't be ANY deaths from anything????!!!!

..I'm a lot more Republican than Dem--I'm American ...I'm pro-Trump/etc --
..go look at my posts...that's a RIDICULOUS remark about being Republican

-In NYC, C19 was probably there long before any one knew anything about it !!!!!
..C19 is unprecedented ---= hard to figure out a response IN TIME

......Pearl Harbor --big negative on that...even if they put fighters up etc, it wouldn't have changed much..the PH thing has been gone over a million times don't want to go there with me on that

....NYC has A LOT OF PEOPLE DENSELY PACKED...with 60 million tourists per year and business trips....

..Mother FUCK!!!!!! I guess the Dems PURPOSELY got fat just for C19?????

I've put out the links before--NYC not only has a larger population--but their ELDERLY population is larger by a percentage of IT'S population--
Florida..................Florida.................Florida. It would be the same down there according to your theory. More elderly in Fla. How are their nursing homes?? Bigger tourist population. Disney...etc. Miami Dade HUGE out of country visitors

Roosevelt and his cabinet were warned for awhile something was going to happen. What are you talking about fighter pilots?

Sorry about the liberal or whatever. I never read you before. There are a lot of people on here. I can't even remember seeing you before. Can't remember any post you ever made..sorry
Pearl Harbor- 2400 confirmed dead.

911- 2996 confirmed dead.

Katrina 1833 confirmed.

NYC under Diblasio and Fredo's brother who were around the last to shut it down......., as of 5/13/20.

To be fair. Halve these deaths, especially 65 and older, who had one foot in the grave and another on a banana peel. Or didn't even know their name.

0-17.............9 deaths

Total is...15,230 as of 5/13/20. Add 10 days and God who knows.

Halving this is 7600. Quarter it and you have near 4,000. 10% is 1500

About comorbidity. Remember. If a 50 yr old person dies from Corona, and has controlled hypertension. They are considered comorbid. Just like an 85 yr old with 5 comorbids.

Just comparing numbers of terrible events in cities, less Pearl Harbor. They lost them at a naval base.

Note. I am a qualified Life, Health, and disability underwriter.
....Pearl Harbor and 9-11 lasted only a few hours--and a lot of YOUNG, healthy died
Tokyo bombing -80,000 dead in a few hours

'''less PH''--but it's in your title and OP....???!!!!
nonsensical analogy
you are not a qualified historian
This is not a historical post. It is really a medical post showing most disasters could have been heeded with less or no damage.

Pearl Harbor....Warnings went unheeded.



NYC handling pandemic.....................A total F disaster unheeded.

I bet if NYC was Repub run, you'd be totally different Wanna bet a c-note on it?
totally wrong.......
hahahahh---you messed up on that..I'm not a Democratic or liberal
I'm definitely not Democrat!!!!!! hahahahhahahaha

godamn--then there shouldn't be ANY deaths from anything????!!!!

..I'm a lot more Republican than Dem--I'm American ...I'm pro-Trump/etc --
..go look at my posts...that's a RIDICULOUS remark about being Republican

-In NYC, C19 was probably there long before any one knew anything about it !!!!!
..C19 is unprecedented ---= hard to figure out a response IN TIME

......Pearl Harbor --big negative on that...even if they put fighters up etc, it wouldn't have changed much..the PH thing has been gone over a million times don't want to go there with me on that

....NYC has A LOT OF PEOPLE DENSELY PACKED...with 60 million tourists per year and business trips....

..Mother FUCK!!!!!! I guess the Dems PURPOSELY got fat just for C19?????

I've put out the links before--NYC not only has a larger population--but their ELDERLY population is larger by a percentage of IT'S population--
Florida..................Florida.................Florida. It would be the same down there according to your theory. More elderly in Fla. How are their nursing homes?? Bigger tourist population. Disney...etc. Miami Dade HUGE out of country visitors

Roosevelt and his cabinet were warned for awhile something was going to happen. What are you talking about fighter pilots?

Sorry about the liberal or whatever. I never read you before. There are a lot of people on here. I can't even remember seeing you before. Can't remember any post you ever made..sorry
I've been over this before with someone--Also Tokyo Japan
biggest city in Florida--Jacksonville
Jack population 1 million....NYC ...over 8 million
--Jack density 1000 psm ..NYC 27,000 psm
--Jack 65 years and over PERCENTAGE 13% of 1 million = 130,00 elderly
--NYC 65 years and older PERCENTAGE 14%--that's 14% of 8 million =over 1 MILLION elderly
NYC has ten times the elderly than Jack---more densely packed and ''probably'' poorer

C19 is not like murders/crime/statistics---C19 is contagious---exponentially
Pearl Harbor- 2400 confirmed dead.

911- 2996 confirmed dead.

Katrina 1833 confirmed.

NYC under Diblasio and Fredo's brother who were around the last to shut it down......., as of 5/13/20.

To be fair. Halve these deaths, especially 65 and older, who had one foot in the grave and another on a banana peel. Or didn't even know their name.

0-17.............9 deaths

Total is...15,230 as of 5/13/20. Add 10 days and God who knows.

Halving this is 7600. Quarter it and you have near 4,000. 10% is 1500

About comorbidity. Remember. If a 50 yr old person dies from Corona, and has controlled hypertension. They are considered comorbid. Just like an 85 yr old with 5 comorbids.

Just comparing numbers of terrible events in cities, less Pearl Harbor. They lost them at a naval base.

Note. I am a qualified Life, Health, and disability underwriter.
....Pearl Harbor and 9-11 lasted only a few hours--and a lot of YOUNG, healthy died
Tokyo bombing -80,000 dead in a few hours

'''less PH''--but it's in your title and OP....???!!!!
nonsensical analogy
you are not a qualified historian
This is not a historical post. It is really a medical post showing most disasters could have been heeded with less or no damage.

Pearl Harbor....Warnings went unheeded.



NYC handling pandemic.....................A total F disaster unheeded.

I bet if NYC was Repub run, you'd be totally different Wanna bet a c-note on it?
totally wrong.......
hahahahh---you messed up on that..I'm not a Democratic or liberal
I'm definitely not Democrat!!!!!! hahahahhahahaha

godamn--then there shouldn't be ANY deaths from anything????!!!!

..I'm a lot more Republican than Dem--I'm American ...I'm pro-Trump/etc --
..go look at my posts...that's a RIDICULOUS remark about being Republican

-In NYC, C19 was probably there long before any one knew anything about it !!!!!
..C19 is unprecedented ---= hard to figure out a response IN TIME

......Pearl Harbor --big negative on that...even if they put fighters up etc, it wouldn't have changed much..the PH thing has been gone over a million times don't want to go there with me on that

....NYC has A LOT OF PEOPLE DENSELY PACKED...with 60 million tourists per year and business trips....

..Mother FUCK!!!!!! I guess the Dems PURPOSELY got fat just for C19?????

I've put out the links before--NYC not only has a larger population--but their ELDERLY population is larger by a percentage of IT'S population--
Florida..................Florida.................Florida. It would be the same down there according to your theory. More elderly in Fla. How are their nursing homes?? Bigger tourist population. Disney...etc. Miami Dade HUGE out of country visitors

Roosevelt and his cabinet were warned for awhile something was going to happen. What are you talking about fighter pilots?

Sorry about the liberal or whatever. I never read you before. There are a lot of people on here. I can't even remember seeing you before. Can't remember any post you ever made..sorry
NYC has more elderly than Jacksonville's TOTAL population!!!!
and the elderly are the ones dying from C19
and isn't there a lot more dense mass transit in NYC?

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