Pedophile Pay Too Good To Give Back

The problem with being an honest person is that you never think that other Americans are working with the Russians, because no decent person would ever do such a thing.

True...who would have thought Hillary would stoop to paying a Trump-hating foreign spy for Russian-authored Counter-Intel Propaganda in an attempt to affect the 2016 election / win?!

Who would have thought Barry would perpetrate the biggest scandal in US history by protecting Hillary from prison and attempt a failed coup in an attempt to ensure Hillary won and preserved his 'fundamental Chang's of the United States?

I never thought I would live to see such a thing in this country...
The problem with being an honest person is that you never think that other Americans are working with the Russians, because no decent person would ever do such a thing.

True...who would have thought Hillary would stoop to paying a Trump-hating foreign spy for Russian-authored Counter-Intel Propaganda in an attempt to affect the 2016 election / win?!

Who would have thought Barry would perpetrate the biggest scandal in US history by protecting Hillary from prison and attempt a failed coup in an attempt to ensure Hillary won and preserved his 'fundamental Chang's of the United States?

I never thought I would live to see such a thing in this country...

Who would have thought that you would deflect to Hillary with another bullshit post?

Trump caved on the census battle today. Called a press conference to say that he was putting the citizenship question back in the census. Procrastinated all day on the presser, and then came out to the rose garden and folded like a cheap tent.

I wonder if the SDNY is going to interveiw that girl who filed suit to say that Trump and Epstein took turns raping her at his apartment when she was 13. Stories are coming out about what good friends Epstein and Trump were back in the day. The stuff they got up to together.
"Rep. Stacey Plaskett is a Democrat from the U.S. Virgin Islands. She has a financial connection to accused pedophile Jeffrey Epstein and she has no plans to sever that tie, despite his recent arrest."

Money from pedophiles spends like money from anyone else, huh, Dems?


Democrat lawmaker won't return Epstein's campaign donations


I thought the whole "give Harvey Weinstein his money back" was a ridiculous thing to do too.

I mean Donald Trump accepted help from Vladimir Putin to get elected so it really doesn't matter who Democrats get their help from. Mass murders, despots and people out to destroy America are just fine and dandy helpers when you're trying to get elected.

Why do you lie? Is it a sickness or do you just enjoy making other people think you are a classless moron?
"Rep. Stacey Plaskett is a Democrat from the U.S. Virgin Islands. She has a financial connection to accused pedophile Jeffrey Epstein and she has no plans to sever that tie, despite his recent arrest."

Money from pedophiles spends like money from anyone else, huh, Dems?


Democrat lawmaker won't return Epstein's campaign donations


I wouldn't either, why would she give the money back?? And why in the hell would the Clintons give his donations back.

Is tramp refusing money from all his crooks, pedophiles, nope, he hires them. He also takes whatever money all the crooked people give to him. Where do you think his money comes from??

Do you ever get dizzy? What with the needle of your moral compass constantly spinning at high speed like that? Sooner or later your camp will have no choice but to relent; relent and admit the cry "anyone but Trump" has twisted you into beings who have opened the door and invited in the end of our American Civilization. Basic tenets of a sane upbringing: two wrongs do not make a right. However, in the camp of "anyone but Trump" even a thousand-thousand wrongs still make right so long as they take down the man in the Oval Office. Seems to me your camp has far exceeded the point of no return . . .

No I never get dizzy. Tramp is crooked and along with an assaulter of females.

That was how it all started; Caputi said Rothstein called it the "game" and said playing it was the only route to success.

"He said, 'Listen, Trump operates the same way, the politicians operate the same way, when there's a problem you fix it," he said. "Sometimes you go outside the rules. Everybody does it, that's how it's done. That's how you get to the top."

And Caputi rode along as Rothstein's meteoric rise began, until both of them were hobnobbing with Donald Trump at his Mar-A-Lago estate. He said Trump was one of Rothstein's idols and Trump returned the respect in a big way one night at an event at the lavish Palm Beach spread.

"Donald Trump puts his arm around Scott and says, 'You know, people you're looking at probably the next United States Attorney General,'" Caputi said. "And Scott's trying to look all modest, and Arlen Specter chirps in and says, 'Maybe someday a president of the United States.' And the whole room explodes with applause like the floor of a convention."
Convicted partner of Ponzi schemer Scott Rothstein tells his story

what is that they say about birds of feather flock together. You might even see Edwards nominated for a supreme court justice if an opening opens.

Who are you talking about? No one has ever heard of either of those people.
“I don’t feel tarnished in any way by my relationship with Jeffrey; I feel raised by it.” -- Arizona State University professor Lawrence Krauss (who recently retired from ASU after allegations of sexual misconduct)
Who would have thought that you would deflect to Hillary with another bullshit post?

Hillary enabled her sexually deviant, woman harassed / assaulted / raper, pedophile husband for years and never received money she ever returned. Years ago one of her big-time donors was found to have embezzled / gotten money from a Ponzi scheme ... But she wasn't the only one to take money from him. She was, however, the only one who refused to give the money back...


Who would have thought that you would deflect to Hillary with another bullshit post?

Hillary enabled her sexually deviant, woman harassed / assaulted / raper, pedophile husband for years and never received money she ever returned. Years ago one of her big-time donors was found to have embezzled / gotten money from a Ponzi scheme ... But she wasn't the only one to take money from him. She was, however, the only one who refused to give the money back...



Bill Clinton was hardly a "sexual deviant". Unlike Trump, he asks first, and when told "No" he has stopped. There are three credible allegations of rape by Donald Trump, including a 13 year old girl who filed court papers in a lawsuit. Bill Clinton is a hound dog and a lousy husband, but he is not a "deviant" or a rapist. Trump is both.

Trump talks about "grabbing women by the pussy", walking into a dressing room where young girls were dressing, and likes to tell women he fucks that they "remind him of his daughter". His behaviour around Ivanka is best described as "creepy".
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"Rep. Stacey Plaskett is a Democrat from the U.S. Virgin Islands. She has a financial connection to accused pedophile Jeffrey Epstein and she has no plans to sever that tie, despite his recent arrest."

Money from pedophiles spends like money from anyone else, huh, Dems?


Democrat lawmaker won't return Epstein's campaign donations


I wouldn't either, why would she give the money back?? And why in the hell would the Clintons give his donations back.

Is tramp refusing money from all his crooks, pedophiles, nope, he hires them. He also takes whatever money all the crooked people give to him. Where do you think his money comes from??

Hell his campaign team had to literally stick bamboo shoots under his fingernails to get him to say he rebukes David Duke's endorsement.
Raping and assaulting women is a Trump speciality/habit.
Pathetic...once again, having been defeated with documented facts, YOU LIE ONCE AGAIN!


Trump banned Epstein from his resorts a decade ago when he tried to force a young girl to give him a massage at one of Trump's clubs....

And liars like you falsely accuse Trump while records show Bill Clinton flew on board Epstein's 'Pedophile Plane' 26 times in 2 years and visited his Pedophile Island numerous times...while his wife was a Senator.

This is the same sick SOB who was caught sticking cigars up a young intern's private parts in the WH...

Good grief, get some professional help...


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"Rep. Stacey Plaskett is a Democrat from the U.S. Virgin Islands. She has a financial connection to accused pedophile Jeffrey Epstein and she has no plans to sever that tie, despite his recent arrest."

Money from pedophiles spends like money from anyone else, huh, Dems?


Democrat lawmaker won't return Epstein's campaign donations


I wouldn't either, why would she give the money back?? And why in the hell would the Clintons give his donations back.

Is tramp refusing money from all his crooks, pedophiles, nope, he hires them. He also takes whatever money all the crooked people give to him. Where do you think his money comes from??

Hell his campaign team had to literally stick bamboo shoots under his fingernails to get him to say he rebukes David Duke's endorsement.
Hillary never publicly stated that she rejected the endorsement she got from a KKK leader, either...


Just because some dumbass declares he likes you for whatever reason does not mean you have to acknowledge them...

On the other hand, when the authorities tell you that you took illegal money & you refuse to give it back you are benefiting from a crime by intentionally accepting and keeping money, which is what Hillary did.

Testimony from State Dept members revealed how Hillary used the State Dept as a branch of the Clinton Foundation, engaging in Influence Peddling from the State Dept as Sect of State...
"Rep. Stacey Plaskett is a Democrat from the U.S. Virgin Islands. She has a financial connection to accused pedophile Jeffrey Epstein and she has no plans to sever that tie, despite his recent arrest."

Money from pedophiles spends like money from anyone else, huh, Dems?


Democrat lawmaker won't return Epstein's campaign donations


I wouldn't either, why would she give the money back?? And why in the hell would the Clintons give his donations back.

Is tramp refusing money from all his crooks, pedophiles, nope, he hires them. He also takes whatever money all the crooked people give to him. Where do you think his money comes from??

Hell his campaign team had to literally stick bamboo shoots under his fingernails to get him to say he rebukes David Duke's endorsement.
Hillary never publicly stated that she rejected the endorsement she got from a KKK leader, either...


Just because some dumbass declares he likes you for whatever reason does not mean you have to acknowledge them...

On the other hand, when the authorities tell you that you took illegal money & you refuse to give it back you are benefiting from a crime by intentionally accepting and keeping money, which is what Hillary did.

Testimony from State Dept members revealed how Hillary used the State Dept as a branch of the Clinton Foundation, engaging in Influence Peddling from the State Dept as Sect of State...

Epstein's money is not illegal money. His money did not come from being a pedophile.

So you are only going to point out Hillary? Trump used foundation money for a lot of things that were not for a charity. He also took money from Russians for his inauguration party. Seems like you are skipping some details.
Epstein's money is not illegal money. His money did not come from being a pedophile.

You don't know that. Some now believe he had / has. Blackmail tapes / photos he made a lot of money with....

Epstein's money is not illegal money. His money did not come from being a pedophile.

You don't know that. Some now believe he had / has. Blackmail tapes / photos he made a lot of money with....


He has made A LOT of money through legal deals. Supposedly Trump quit being friends with him because Epstein beat out Trump on a deal. He just offered to put for bail like a $77 million penthouse in NY. He owns an island. He didn't pay for those things through blackmail.

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